Rancho Review Volume 2 Edition 4

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TABLE OF CONTENTS August Calendar From Your Officers Boba Fundraiser Articles & Visuals Contacts Social Media








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29 30 31 08/03- Executive Board Meeting 08/14 - North DCM 08/17- Executive Board Meeting 08/23- General Meeting 08/28 - Boba Fundraiser

Hello Key Clubbers! It is about to be the second week of school already! I hope you all had a great beginning. For my seniors out there, let's make this year count! Having our first inperson DCM on the 14th . I’m excited to finally get to see them all in person and even see you all as well! Please make sure to stay safe, bee an active member, and join our new remind: rhskc-2022.

Reaching for Service All Around,

Nuhamine Moges Fellow key club member, I can’t believe summer is already over! I hope you guys have been at your best ever since school started. Soon enough, we’ll all get to meet each other and grow an amazing bond. I’m honestly so excited for not only that but to get to hear what everyone has been up to. Although not much may be going on currently, I’m sure once things get going, so many opportunities will start coming up. Also just thinking about what we will be doing to recruit freshmen and anyone else, seems so exciting. We’ll get to share our excitement and love for our club with others! I hope you all enjoyed the first week back to school just like I am and wish each and every single one of you the best.

Serving Magically Alongside You,

Joseline Samaniego Hey Key Club-eez! School is in session! I hope that the beginning of your school year was great. Since school has started we will also begin to have meetings, so be prepared! Make sure to participate in our upcoming events and fundraisers and keep up with our club. Again I want to remind you that we need all of our members and more in order to make this term a good one. Don’t forget our members are the foundation of the club! Remember to check our instagram page for any new information or events being held. Prepare for the amazing year ahead of us and enjoy the rest of your August! Make sure to stay safe and I hope we can stay in person this year.

Serving for Peace and Love on the Planet Earth,

Lubnaa Omer

Hey bee-uties! Hello bee-uties! Hope that everyone had a great beginning of the school year. With school starting our club will be more active and we’re waiting for everyone to participate. This month we will have our first fundraiser of the term. We are working with No. 1 boba, I contacted and closed all the details with the owner, Amy. The fundraiser will take place at the No. 1 boba in Chinatown on the 28th of August. We have already started promoting it with our families and friends, but we will officially advertise it the week of the fundraiser. As of now, I’m waiting on flyers to be printed out so I can take them to the Chinatown location so they can help us advertise the fundraiser even more. Wishing everyone a good start to school!

Serving for the World,

Aloha Key Clubbers!

Nathalia Melendez

School has finally started and I get to see every one of your beautiful faces once we start having meetings. Speaking of them, we have one on the 23rd so please make it if you can! We are trying to have this in person that will take place in Room 703 after school. Other than that, we have an upcoming boba fundraiser and a DMC happened in person recently! After beginning school, I hope you guys are balancing all your classes and doing the best that you can. Coming to key club would be very beneficial since you can start many great friendships with each other! I am thankful you everyone has made it through last year and hope you all the best. Don't forget to stay hydrated, wear sunscreen, and take care of your self every day. :) Serving to Bring Melodies Together,

Melyka Tanyag Hey Key Club-eez! I am wishing you all the best in our first month back to school and I hope you are enjoying all your classes! As we move forward I hope you find ways to balance some time to help with your school schedule and personal life! Going into the school year, I am very excited to be able to help make differences in all of our communities and I cannot wait to see what we can accomplish together. On the note of this year, this month I turned in the articles and visuals but they were not very long due to the lack of events. I plan to change that this month, having a lot more events and opportunities to go over in the A&V! I am very excited to see you all soon in our first in person meeting this year and I hope we have a great term! I am extremely proud of our E-Board for all they have done this summer to prepare us for this year and I hope you are all excited to jump back into helping those around us! I hope everyone is happy, healthy, and safe this month and remember to always be safe-key!

Serving for Hope and Love Around the World,

Vicente Chavez

& s V e i l s c uals i t r A By: Webmaster Vicente Chavez Key Club 101, July 24 On July 24th of 2021, our club had our first information meeting with new members which we called Key Club 101! Some important parts of this meeting discussed what Key Club was and how we helped serve in our communities. Our club board made amazing slides on Canva which displayed a lot of important information about Key Club and what it really means to serve. We discussed many of the committees our club has and we even had workshops for the few that came. The workshops we made went over leadership, service, and more but unfortunately with the turnout we had we ended up only doing one breakout room. Though it was not the best turn out, we expect to do this meeting again once the school year gets started! We made the meeting as interactive as possible by having games in the workshops and even a chance for service hours using FreeRice. I think once we get the word out at our school about our key club and have more advertisements with flyers and a video on the daily announcements we will have a way better turn out! Overall, the meeting was good practice and it helped us realize that not everything will workout perfectly and there is always room for improvement!

CONTACTS President: Nuhamine Moges d28n.rancho.pres@gmail.com (702)513-4903

Vice President: Joseline Samaniego d28n.rancho.vp@gmail.com (951)505-0139



Lubnaa Omer d28n.rancho.secretary@gmail.com

Nathalia Melendez d28n.rancho.treasurer@gmail.com



Historian: Melyka Tanyag

Webmaster: Vicente Chavez





Faculty: Ms. Ellen Brownridge browne7@nv.ccsd.net (702)799-1000

Region: Ms. Hanna Santee wagnehl@nv.ccsd.net (702)799-0950

Kiwanis: Mr. Pete Falger pfalger2000@cox.net (702)286-8303

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