Rancho Bulletin Volume 1 Edition 10

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Rancho Bulletin Volume 1 Edition 10

Rancho High School Key Club 1900 Searles Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89101

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3 - December Calendar 4 - From Your Officers 7 - SP Committee Announcements 8 - RTC Committee Announcements 9 - KFR Committee Announcements 10 - MDR Committee Announcements 11 - Articles and Visuals 14 - Contacts 15 - Social Media

December 2020


Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. 2 3 4 1





























12/7 - Release of Officer Applications

12/11 - Winter Banquet 12/19 - Sweetness of Self-Service


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From Your President

Happy Holidays everybody! By the time this issue is released we have two more days till Winter Break and I am sure we are all excited for it. You all deserve a break, between school, extracurriculars and home life all of you have accomplished a whole lot. To those who attended our winter banquet I hope that you guys enjoyed our simple yet festive celebrations of our accomplishments. I can’t say this enough but you guys are the reason why our club shines. I extended my congratulations to all of our awardees, thank you for your hard work and remember to just keep serving! Remember that election season is fast approaching, I encourage all of you to think about running for an officer position. I have full confidence that all of you have the potential to lead this club to success. Now more than ever, we need servant leaders like you to lead this club. Please make sure that all of you are staying safe during this holiday season and remember to wear a mask and practice social distancing. On behalf of the Club Board I would like to wish all of you and your families a Happy Holidays and a prosperous New Year! Thank you for serving our home, school and community! Inspired to Serve Serving to Inspire,

Vincent Esconde

From Your Vice President

After what seemed like an eternity, it is finally time to relax and enjoy the last few weeks of December and the end of 2020! Over the past four months, the executive board, Committee Leadership Teams, and I have watched you guys work hard in serving your home, school, and community, and not to mention, yourselves! Within a short span of our first semester, we were able to see every outstanding service bee and your unique ray of light you have all shone us. Because of your drive, our winter banquet was a special treat from us to you as it acknowledged our club’s success for this year. Speaking of the winter banquet, I would like to congratulate, for the 50th time, our awardees (you know you are) for showing us your radiating key club spirit during a time shrouded with uncertainty and challenges. And the same goes to all our standing members; I am jubilant to see you all continue to work and show off your club spirit, which I hope will only evolve into something bigger and better next year. As the year is coming to a sad yet beatific end, we must get ready to pass the torch to our new board of executives. Next year, as we may hope, will be the beginning of a new chapter which will involve recovery and growth, and with that, our key club will need the appreciating evolution for the new term with the passionate and devoted leaders of tomorrow. That is why, I and the board heavily encourage YOU to escape your comfort zone and run for a position worth having. I know deep down, that all of you are able to lead this club to greater heights and continue the lead key club mission of service and leadership, but to the second power. I would like to close off by wishing everyone a safe and joyous holiday and New Year, and remember to keep your head up high and take on any challenges with perseverance and confidence! I know we got this!

Serving Magically Alongside You,

Jazelle Morales


From Your Secretary

Wow, can you believe it?? We’re officially half way through this school year, that’s so crazy !! Let's reflect a little bit shall we ? So many service projects, so many meetings, so many special events and it was all amazing. I can honestly say that this club has kept me going and uplifted me to do better and accomplish more. With almost 900 hours we are already so close to our goal of 1,000 which is beyond incredible. On top of that we have also raised more than $600 donated towards UNICEF. Now you may be looking at this information as just simple numbers with no meaning, but you were behind them. YOU helped us reach our goal and YOU accomplished that so for that you should give yourself a round of applause. With this week also being Mental Health week I just wanted to express the importance of that real quick. You are all intelligent and hard working individuals and I’ve seen it first handed and it’s okay if you want to take a little time for yourself this upcoming break, you all deserve it. Don’t overwork yourselves and never stop spreading your light with the world. I am glad I got to experience these past few months with all of you and although it wasn’t what we expected we sure did make it work. I look forward to these upcoming months with you and watching us grow even bigger and better.

Serving with Love and Passion,


From Your Treasurer

Hey my ram family! I would like to say Happy Holidays to each and every one of you! It is officially almost winter break and I hope you all are so ready and excited for it because I know I am. Let's be real right now, this semester has been truly so stressful and difficult. You all definitely deserve a break from the school and extracurriculars, you have all achieved so much this semester, from adjusting to distance education to serving your community during a pandemic. Shifting to the subject of our Key Club, I would like to thank each and everyone of you, on behalf of the board and I, for your efforts and participation this term. We truly appreciate all of the effort, spirit, and service that you all provide. To those who attended the winter banquet, I would like to say thank you, it truly was so much fun and honestly it was for sure one of my favorite events we have hosted, by far. The board and the CLT’s could not have done it without our amazing members! Also, I would like to give one more shoutout to all the awardees, Congratulations you all deserved it! The board wants to make sure that you all know and remember that election season is just around the corner and we really do encourage you to run for an office. Trust me when I say this, you will not regret it! Now lets end this year off and start 2021 right this time :) Please stay safe everyone. We love and miss you all! Happy Holiday and Happy New Year! And don’t forget to look on the positive side of things :)

Serving For the World,

Elizabeth Godfrey


From Your Historian

Happy holidays Rams! We made it! It's the end of the semester and this first huge chapter is coming to an end. We've accomplished so much this first semester and there's no other way it could have happened if not for all the hard work you guys do. Please take care of yourself as finals are about to end and take these next couple weeks to relax and recharge, you deserve it! We've come so far and I'm so proud of all you for staying for the ride. I really can't wait to see what next year has in store for all of us. There's so many limits, goals, and milestones waiting for us and even though it feels like it's coming to an end with elections coming up, our legacy as a club has just begun, so make the most of it! On that note, I encourage you to at least consider running for office. Becoming an officer was such a life changing experience and I wouldn't take it back for the world. I've gotten so many amazing opportunities that I think everyone should experience at least once in their life, so just think about it! :) With that being said, I wish you all a wonderful winter break and to my reluctance, see you all next year! Serving to Infinity and Beyond,

Ellanae Manera

From Your Webmaster

Hey Key Clubbers! We’re already halfway through December, this year is about to come to end. This year wasn’t necessarily the best and it didn’t go as planned, but all we can do is keep moving forward. We’ve all worked hard this year and we deserve to take a little break. But before we start that break lets take some time to reflect everything we’ve done. For me, this year started off so nice and learned so many things about myself over the quarantine, which was a plus from all the bad. At the beginning of the term I struggled with the responsibilities of being Webmaster because I was not used to the workload and our previous years webmaster had done much for our club and I had to start on my own with not much of a reference. It was tough, especially since this was when we started hearing about the pandemic. But I got through with the help of my President and Vice President. They showed me that I had help and that it was okay to be struggling. I am so thankful that they helped me because now I have become better at my job and I can help the next Webmaster not be as overwhelmed. Key Club is an amazing club and that has made me learn so much about myself and my peers. Our club has made this year so fun and with there always being something to be involved in such as service events or committees. All we want is for everyone to feel welcomed because this is a safe place to be yourself and to be open. I hope the rest of my term continues to be as amazing as these past months have been. Let's all remember to stay positive and keep going!

Soaring with Service,

Chrystal Ortega





Articles and Visuals Service Down Sesame Street, November 16th

To continue on the ever so growing trend of themed general meetings, we decided on a childhood classic we all grew up with: Sesame Street. And as always, we dressed to the best of our abilities of the characters we chose. In this meeting, we went over old business concerning the member application and dues while also promoting the free rice app and encouraging our members to stay on top of their free rice games. Aside from old business, Kiwanis scholarships were mentioned as our Kiwanis family relations committee chairwomen, Nevaeh Selner, revealed the news of three open scholarships via November’s newsletter. The winter banquet was introduced as well as the upcoming elections for the 20212022 term . To add on to our extensive involvement with charity apps, we presented the Charity Miles app, where we will be able to donate to a Key Club preferred charity known as March of Dimes by means of running or walking a certain amount of miles. In the end, we proceeded to our team bonding exercise which involved us playing pictionary with our artistically talented member, Taren Wilson, drawing for us. All in all, the day went by smoothly and we can not wait to see what the next general .


Candidate Training Meeting, November 30th As midterm highlights yet another monumental chapter of leadership, it also marks the time for passing the torch to the next board of executives. Our Candidate Training Meeting was held in hopes of gaining new and curious individuals who wish to take on a leadership role. With that in mind, eight attendees were present at the meeting who have now gained insight on each of our positions and duties associated with our position, as presented through a slideshow. We also shared our personal stories and experiences with our current position and overall involvement with the club to put emphasis on how an executive role prepares you for various skills that one is able to utilize in the future. To our surprise, no one showed interest in the highest power of the board, that being the President position, which resulted in our efforts to highlight every position’s significance and the overall worth . With our board’s educative and persuasive efforts, we were able to have our members engaged and prepared for the upcoming election.


Serv-ice in Wonderland, December 10th To celebrate our club’s accomplishments and acknowledge our hardworking service bees, we held a winter banquet dedicated to all things wondrous about service. Our Member Development and Relations committee and chairwoman, Hoda Abushanab, worked tirelessly to bring our members a day packed with fun and excitement . As hard as we all worked to perfect this special day, we came across an issue that hindered the event by means of technical difficulties. But despite the sudden issue, we rescheduled the event on the Friday of the same week of the original date. With our members’ patience and dedication, we were able to carry out out our long awaited event and honored the following awardees: Most Spirit Award- Vicente Chavez Service Bee of the Month Award- Julissa Araiza-Contreras December Member of the Month- Nuhamine Moges Outstanding Member Award- Alva Yukee Distinguished Member Award- Lizeth Sandoval E-board Shoutout Award- Jehann Alcantara Winner of the Free Rice competition- Caleb Hone After the awards, we inducted our new members by renewing their key club pledge, and proceeded to enjoy the rest of the event by playing games. We thank and congratulate our outstanding members, for they are the backbone that hold our club to such a high regard! And to the Member development and Relations committee, we are more than grateful to have you work alongside the board in putting together a fantastic video featuring former key club members, our Lieutenant Governor Mari, and shocking us with messages from our CNH District Governor, Secretary, and Treasurer. We thank you all and we hope to carry on our selfless drive for service in the upcoming year. May the new year bring prosperity and happiness for all!



COntacts: Club Officers:

President: Vincent Esconde d28n.rancho.pres@gmail.com (714)494-3708

Vice President: Jazelle Morales d28n.rancho.vp@gmail.com (702)326-1054

Secretary: Lina Abushanab

Treasurer: Elizabeth Godfrey



Historian: Ellanae Manera

Webmaster: Chrystal Ortega







Club Leadership Team: Service Project Chair: Melika Cummings

RTC Chair: Matthew Flores



Member Development & Relations Chair:

Kiwanis Family & Relations Chair:





Nevaeh Selner

Hoda Abushanab (702)807-2697

Faculty: Ms. Ellen Brownridge browne7@nv.ccsd.net (702)799-1000



Region: Ms. Hanna Santee wagnehl@nv.ccsd.net (702)799-0950

Kiwanis: Mr. Pete Falger pfalger2000@cox.net (702)286-8303

Social media: Twitter: @rhs-kc

Facebook: Rancho Key Club

Instagram: @rancho.kc.lv Website: ranchokeyclub.wixsite.com/ran cho-keyclub-lv

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