Rancho Review Volume 3 Edition 10

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REVIEW cho Rancho High School Key Club 1900 Searles Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89101


January Calendar

From Your Officers

Articles & Visuals


Social Media

15 Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Fri. 22 23 2 Sat. 1 5 8 16 28 19 4 9 12 20 21 3 7 10 17 24 FEBRUARY FEBRUARY 6 18 25 02/11 Conclave 02/13 General Meeting 02/14 St. Valentine's Day 02/26 Executive Board Meeting 02/27 General Meeting

Fromyour President Fromyour Vice President Fromyour Secretary

Hello my bee-uities!

Love is in the air… but so is service! You busy bees get to have a few fun volunteer service opportunities like Lvl Up Expo and Rock ‘n’ Roll Running series. Other than that, we finally have our Officer Elects for next term which I know they will do amazing at Congratulations to those who ran in the elections and the Officer Elects who will take our place during May! In the meantime, they will get trained and our Key Club will continue to grow with them in office A year ago, this reminds me of our current officers in the same position as them which warms my heart. Additionally, Region 5 now has new LTGs in training from their elections during Conclave! Congrats to all the LTG-Elects and our D28N LTGElect, Charlette Cameron. For now, look forward to meetings, more service opportunities, social events, and the possibility of a fundraiser next month Hmm… I feel like I’m missing something... Oh wait, I know!

You guys have the key to my heart! Haha sorry I just had to add a Valentines Day pun. Anyways, enjoy the reset of term as much as you can (we have about 2 months left till the Officer Elects take over!). I hope you all stay safe and hydrated so I’ll see you guys soon. Buzz out! <3

Serving to Bring Melodies Together,


Happy Valentine's day Key-uties!

February is not only the month of love but of our finalized elections. Welcome your new E board at our final February meeting and look forward to seeing them in training come March and April. We hope you are as excited for a new key club era as we are. In February we will be having our Rock n Roll service event as well as the bubble run. Make sure to head over for a unique service experience as you help runners through a tough race In march we hope your ready for the annual pirate festival, we will be working along side organizers at craig ranch to bring pirate cheer to all. See you then!

Serving Magically Alongside You, Katia

Gutierrez Perez

Hello! Happy Valentine’s Day!

Ooh, I’m so excited to tell you everything that’s been going on! Service opportunities for Level Up Expo, Rock n’ Roll run, Bubble Run, and a lot more have opened up! I hope to hear from every one of you and see each of your smiling faces when you submit your hours! Elections have ended congrats to the new elects! I can’t wait to see how they’ll transform Key Club into something greater. Reminder that hours can be submitted BEFORE the month ends! Please, make sure you give me hours for this month, and make sure you’ve paid! These hours are valid if you paid the club fees, so be sure to do that! Seniors, I hope you’re getting your hours in, because those cords and stoles are almost within your reach! Work hard, and stay safe!

Planting The Seeds For Growth, Jean Guenivere


Fromyour Treasurer Fromyour Historian WFromyour ebmaster

Hello everyone!

I am happy to say that we have officially elected our eboard for the next Key Club term. It was really interesting watching our candidates present their speech. I was smiling and super content because it reminded me that I was in their exact position last year. It will definitely be an interesting experience training our new Treasurer for the next year. The flaws and issues we encountered this year will definitely serve as experience for our future Treasurer. I look forward to training our next Key Club Board Treasurer to the best of my ability to create a stronger Key Club Board next year!

With Care and Compassion, Jose Vasquez

Happy St. Valentine’s Day!!

I wish your month is all well and Valentine’s is over so look forward now to no school Monday >:) My month has been well so far and I hope that you guys are having a wonderful month. As for out final elections for E-Board next year the results are in and their training will begin come April We have two months left until the new officer elects take in their official positions :) We have a wonderful volunteer opportunity so please don’t be shy to come and encourage more of your friends to join in on helping runners!! We will also be doing a pirate festival so look forward for more service, meets, and fun!

Serving for Love and Change All Around, Fernanda Cruz


I hope that your year is going well so far. A month and a half into this new year already. What have you done or accomplished so far? My year is going pretty well and I hope that yours is as well! This month is going to have some pretty fun volunteering opportunities and I hope you take advantage of them I hope you enjoy the rest of your month and stay safe!

Serving from Infinity to Beyond,

Honarata Esperanza -Drinks

Articles&Visuals Articles&Visuals Articles&Visuals


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Contacts Contacts

Club Officers Club Officers

President: Melyka Tanyag



Secretary: Jean Reyes



Historian: Fernanda Cruz



Vice President: Katia Gutierrez-Perez



Treasurer: Jose Vasquez



Webmaster: Honarata Esperanza-Drinks



Club Leadership Team Club Leadership Team

Service Project Chair: Jiromi Pena


(702) 666-3226

RTC Chair: Jehann Alcantara


(702) 964-7808

Faculty: Mr. Raymond Dudo


(702) 799-7000;3703

Member Development and Relations Chair: Marielle Oasay


(702) 538-4862

Kiwanis Family and Relations Chair: Lubnaa Omer


(702) 910-9224

Advisors Advisors

Kiwanis: Mr. Pete Falger



Region: Ms. Hanna Santee




@rancho.kc.lv @rhs-kc Rancho Key Club @rhskc2023 ranchokeyclub.wi xsite.com/ranchokeyclub-lv
MEDIA Thank you Thank you for reading! for reading! REVIEW Rancho

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