Rancho Bulletin Volume 1 Edition 12
Rancho High School Key Club 1900 Searles Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89101
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3 - December Calendar 4 - From Your Officers 7 - RTC Committee Announcements 8 - MDR Committee Announcements 9 - SP Committee Announcements 10 - KFR Committee Announcements 12 - Articles and Visuals 15 - Contacts 16 - Social Media
February 2021 Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. 1
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2/8 - 2021-2022 Elections 2/11 - Club Board Meeting 2/24 - Executive Board Meeting
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From Your President
Happy Hearts month Key Clubbers! Time is going by so fast, I can’t believe that we already have our officer-elects. Thank you so much for attending our elections meeting and my utmost congratulations to our elects. It seems like yesterday, I became our club’s president-elect. I want to wish the elects the very best of luck in the upcoming term, and I hope all of you continue to support the next board as much as you supported us this year. With that said, we are a few short months away from the end of our term, and typing this makes me very nostalgic as I reflect on my time as your President. This specific key club year has helped me achieve my full potential as a leader. Representing such respectable members has been a pleasure and an honor of mine. But remember, we are not at the end quite yet. I ask that each and every single one of you to continue with your active participation in our club. Please remember to pay your club dues, currently there is a membership crisis in our district due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Let us do our part to support our district by paying our dues. I hope all of you are staying safe, remember to stay informed and as always thank you for serving our home school and community Inspired to Serve Serving to Inspire,
Vincent Esconde
From Your Vice President We start this year off on a happy note as we proudly announce our new officers for the 2021-2022 term! Election season was a very stressful time for all of our elects, as well as the executive board. But now that we are able to sit back and relax after a smooth transition, the executive board and I can gladly say that we have a great amount of confidence in our successors as they proved to us and our members of their skills and values of what being a leader truly is. With that said, we can only imagine the great heights in which they’ll lead our club towards. To have overlooked an election brought me to reflect on my current position and how grateful I am to have been chosen to serve such an astonishing and renowned club, such as Key Club. And now that our term is slowly coming to an end, it would, in all honesty, be difficult to say goodbye. But despite time ticking away as I type, I am more than proud to still serve you as your Vice President and overlook our hive of dedicated and hardworking members as you all grow into confident and selfless individuals. Speaking of hardworking, I hope you all are still striving to be the best version of yourself possible. I understand the difficulties we may all be facing at the moment but I’m here to tell you that I am beyond proud of you for getting up everyday and having to tackle online learning as well as any personal duties. Make sure to drink plenty of water, eat, catch some Zs, and take necessary time to cater to your own needs. Remember to be kind to yourself all day err’ day.
Serving Magically Alongside You,
Jazelle Morales
From Your Secretary
Wow, where should I even start.. I guess a good place to start would be announcing that we finally have our new elects !!It’s always a bittersweet feeling for us officers. We love that our group is expanding and there will be another set of amazing people ready to take our spot and make this club just as great, if not even better. However, this means that our term is slowly coming to an end which I’m not ready for and I’ll miss serving as your Secretary very much once our term officially comes to an end. It’s been such an amazing journey being apart of the E-board for the very first time and it’s been one of my proudest accomplishments. Anyways I’ll save the tears and reflection for later when we actually are at the end of our term. As always make sure you keep updated with our events and such routinely as we are still working hard to leave you guys with a banger. Now that Valentine’s day is right around the corner you can check out our insta for the details on how to send a gram to a loved one. I hope all is well with you guys and you keep pushing through this unexpected year, we’re almost there! Once again congratulations to the elects and to all of you for sticking around so long, y'all are gonna be amazing next year.
Serving with Love and Passion,
From Your Treasurer
Hey beautiful key clubbers! It is crazy to think that this term is almost over :( but I am happy to announce that we officially have our new elects for the 2021-2022 school year! So congratulations y'all! The board and I are so proud of you all and we know that this is election season was quite hard and stressful, but you did it:) We trust that these elects will do such an amazing job and further expand this exceptional club. Now that the end of this term is starting to seem more and more real everyday, I am truly going to miss serving as Rancho Key Club’s Treasurer! You all seriously made this term even more fantastic than I would have ever imagined! This year has been hard but the spirit that the club has expressed truly made it the best year ever. However, the term is coming to an end, but it's not over yet! We still have so much we want to do before we end this term, so make sure you all follow along in the rest of our journey. As of right now, you all should send a valentine’s gram to your loved ones or anyone you care about! Make sure to fill out the form that is in your email or on instagram as soon as possible! The last day we are accepting these is on February 19th and make sure you donate in the Rancho Webstore, so that we can fund for PTP and Senior Recognition! Also, you can send a Valentine’s day card to a St. Jude child. This will warm their hearts and mean so much to them! Elects I would like to congratulate once more, you will do such a great job! I want each and every one of you guys all to remember to be safe and stay well, you are all so amazing! Also remember to always look at the positive sides of things! Love you all <3 Serving For the World,
Elizabeth Godfrey
From Your Historian
Happy February Rams! We're already one month into the new year, can you believe it? It seems like just yesterday when we were preparing for RTC and here we are now, already having our newly announced elects. If you haven't already, please congratulate them as they took a lot of dedication and effort to run and prepare for elections. I mean one way to give them a personal thanks is to send a Valentine's gram *nudge nudge* and if you do decide to send one to whoever you want, make sure to do it by the 19th as submissions are closing then. Donations are also greatly appreciated but not required! On that topic, I have to thank you all once again for the continuous stream of support and I want to let you know that it is definitely not going unnoticed. Showing up at our meetings, participating in events, and signing up for service projects means so much to us and it wouldn't be the same without you. Please go forward into this month knowing that you are worth so much and that you simply existing is already a gift to this world. On a final note, I just want you all to know to stay tuned for some amazing things we have in store for these last few months of the term. Until next month! Serving to Infinity and Beyond,
Ellanae Manera
From Your Webmaster
Hey Key Clubbers! Can you believe it’s already February, this new year is flying by. These past few weeks have been a little crazy for the board, trying our hardest to make the elections run as smoothly as possible and making sure we were prepared for anything. Then the time had actually come to our meeting we’re each elect was given a time to speak out on why people should vote for them. We wanted to ensure that everyone had a fair chance, giving them a short amount of time presenting themselves. And by the end of the meeting we had voted and started congratulating everyone on their hard work. We know electriction are stressful on both sides, the board and elects. So we had to make sure everyone was feeling the love. Which brings me to the Valentines Gram!! February isn’t just about Valentine’s Day it’s about sharing our love to the people we care about. So this month we managed to create a form where you can send any loved one or someone you care about a card with a personal message. We all need some joy either by give or receiving and this is the perfect opportunity to share some joy. So make sure you send a card to anyone you want. Go share some positive thoughts and spread some joy!! Soaring with Service,
Chrystal Ortega
Articles Articles and and Visuals Visuals By Webmaster Chrystal Ortega
General Meeting, January 25th We started off the year with another themed meeting of course, and for this month we chose Spongebob! For months we considered the theme to be Spongebob and it was finally the time to use it. We started off this meeting just like we always do by introducing the theme which was Service under the Sea, and our pledges. After doing our usual business we discussed what events were coming up, such as our Valentines Gram, which is currently taking place and you can find the link in our Instagram bio. After discussing the new business we went to introducing our District Governor, Daniel Min. Daniel gave a presentation on time management and how you can improve on it. After his amazing presentation, we did a new ice breaker called finish the lyric. Each member of the board had to come prepared with at least two songs ready to sing a snippet of the song and stop suddenly, then a general member had to come off mute and finish the lyric. Whoever had the most points at the end will win a gift card from our lovely President. After we finished the ice breaker we said farewell to our members.
Always Advocacy, January 31st
Our Service Project Chair, Melika Cummings, can always make a grand service event. In “Always Advocacy” she taught us what Advocacy means and how there are different types of advocacy, such as Self- Advocacy. After she told us all about advocacy, she presented a video of people being advocates in their community and how it could truly start from the littlest thing. Afterward, she wanted us to start our own advocacy by creating a poster with an organization that we support and post it on a padlet so others can read it and get an understanding of the various non-profit organizations. She showed us an example and gave us about 15 to 20 minutes to work on it. Also, on her website she gave us some organizations in our community that we could advocate for and show our support. After everyone finished their poster we were able to read each other and show our support. Since our President wasn’t able to speak, our Webmaster, Chrystal Ortega, was able to say thank you on behalf of the board for coming and taking time out of their day to learn of the power of advocacy.
Elections, February 8th
Election season has come to an end as it was time to vote for the new Executive Board for the 2021-2022 term. The big day started off with addressing the parliamentary rules and how elections were going to play out. Our KFR chair, Jervi Angeline Figueroa, then introduced each candidate that was running for each position. The candidates running for historian, secretary, and treasurer were allowed two minutes for their speech and a two minute section for coccus questions to be asked. The Vice President and President candidates were allowed 3 minutes on the other hand. When there were two candidates running for the same position we would have one give their speech at a time where the other was stepped out into a breakout room. This allows them to have their own time to share why the member should vote for them. After each position was presented, candidates gave their speech and answered personal questions asked by our general members. After caucus questions, members were allowed a oneminute voting section in order to vote between two candidates or in confidence for the only candidate running for a specific position. After the votes came in, the executive board discussed the election results in a spectate breakout room and motioned to pass each candidate with the most votes/confidence from our voters. We are happy to announce the following winners for the 2021-2022 term:
President Elect - Nuhamine Morges Vice President Elect - Joseline Samaniego Secretary Elect - Lubnaa Omer Treasurer Elect - Nathalia Melendez Historian Elect - Melyka Tanyag Webmaster Elect - Vicente Chavez As we end a stressful season with a happy ending, we hope the best for our new elects who will soon take charge in continuing Key Club’s legacy.
Club Officers: President: Vincent Esconde d28n.rancho.pres@gmail.com (714)494-3708
Vice President: Jazelle Morales d28n.rancho.vp@gmail.com (702)326-1054
Secretary: Lina Abushanab
Treasurer: Elizabeth Godfrey
Historian: Ellanae Manera
Webmaster: Chrystal Ortega
Club Leadership Team: Service Project Chair: Melika Cummings
RTC Chair: Matthew Flores
Member Development & Relations Chair:
Kiwanis Family & Relations Chair:
Nevaeh Selner
Hoda Abushanab (702)807-2697
Faculty: Ms. Ellen Brownridge browne7@nv.ccsd.net (702)799-1000
Region: Ms. Hanna Santee wagnehl@nv.ccsd.net (702)799-0950
Kiwanis: Mr. Pete Falger pfalger2000@cox.net (702)286-8303
Social media: Twitter: @rhs-kc
Facebook: Rancho Key Club
Instagram: @rancho.kc.lv Website: ranchokeyclub.wixsite.com/ran cho-keyclub-lv
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