Rancho Review Volume 3 Edition 9

Page 5


January 2023


January Calendar

From Your Officers

Articles & Visuals


Social Media

01/06 - Executive Board Meeting 01/18- Informational Mee 29 15 Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Fri. 22 23 2 Sat. 1 5 8 13 14 16 28 27 19 4 9 12 20 21 31 3 7 10 17 24 01/11- January DCM 01/25- General Meeting 01/26- Interview 01/30- Elections JANUARY JANUARY

Fromyour President VFromyouricePresident Fromyour Secretary

Welcome back party people!

It’s finally 2023 which holds so much potential for amazing new memories and friendships. Around this time of year are new beginnings especially for the new officers in the next term! It’s currently election season so by the end of this month, you will have your new officer-elects. I’m really proud of everyone for what you guys have done last year and I hope to keep this momentum from ending this term to the next. If running for an officer sounds like something you’d like to do, let us know soon! Other than that, I hope you guys enjoy the volunteers this month both offered at Rancho. Next month, we plan to have a fundraiser like last year and of course more volunteer opportunities. Enjoy this month while it lasts as the next few ones will fly right by us Hope you all are starting things off with the right foot and we’ll hopefully see you at elections. Have fun and especially be safe while living life to the fullest!!

Serving to Bring Melodies Together, Melyka Tanyag

Happy 2023 Key clubbers.

We are slowly winding down for our first time hosting a DCM. Hope everyone helped out! Look forward to our love themed meetings in February and elections coming up soon Make sure you run to replace our lovely seniors who are graduating and participate in our valentines fundraisers and ideas. We love your input so feel free to reach out with your stellar ideas

Serving Magically Alongside You, Katia Gutierrez Perez


Graduation is incoming for us seniors, and as such, I would like to tell everyone that you have all done such a great job in your efforts, and I cannot believe that four years flew by this fast. While celebration is inbound and the winter draws to a close, I would just like to say that serving my community from the beginning of this year to the present has brought me joy. What about you? Have you been serving your community joyfully and as best as you can! Hours are still available to submit, and I want everyone to feel fulfilled and happy during their service hours. Stay safe everyone! Have a happy January and continue to stay on top of your stuff!

Planting the Seeds for Growth, Jean Guenivere Reyes

Fromyour Treasurer Fromyour Historian WFromyour ebmaster

Welcome to 2023!

Who would have thought that the year runs so fast… Already halfway through the academic year!! You guys got this!! This January, we are opening a BUNCH of volunteering opportunities. I definitely look forward to working for that cord of fifty community service hours. I believe I have about twenty so far, so another thirty sounds pretty fun. I can’t wait to start serving my community again, it’s been a while considering the huge winter break we had. Make sure to focus on your mental health, create productive habits, and take care of yourself! Have a wonderful month full of volunteering opportunities!! These opportunities also look good for scholarships, so please take advantage of them!! Most importantly, have fun :).

With Care and Compassion, Jose Vasquez

Hey bee-uties!

I hope everyone enjoys this three-day weekend and gets plenty of rest! I look forward to what we have planned for the month of January; including the election and fundraising ideas. If you have hours to submit, comments, questions, or concerns about key club or matters concerning out club feel free to reach out to the officers. Also.. elections are coming up! If you’re thinking of aiming high but don’t think you’ll be able to; you’ll never know until you take your chance. At least you would have known you tried and can learn from experience :) until next month key clubbers!!

Serving for Love and Change All Around, Fernanda Cruz

Hello Key Clubbers!

It is a new year and that means another year for success. If last year went well or didn’t go as planned, now is the time to do what you want, reach your goals. Have you made any new year's resolutions? If so, you've done a better job than me. 2023 will be your year, only you have the ability to make the most of the year. If you want to do something, do it, if you want something, get it. It’s all up to you to put in the work, put in the hours, and take what's yours. January is the time of a new leaf for key club. It's election season!! Hopefully most of you beeuties will take interest in becoming an officer for the next term. So many of you would make wonderful candidates and lead the next term into success. We also have many wonderful volunteering opportunities coming up and I am excited to participate in some of them and to hopefully see you at some! Hope you have a grrrreat start to this year and make sure to make it yours!

Serving from Infinity to Beyond, Honarata


Articles&Visuals Articles&Visuals Articles&Visuals


Last General Meeting of 2022

December 7th, 2022

Thismeetingwasourfinaloneof2022.Atthismeetingwe hadrecollectedthememorieswithourclubandwhatwe wereabletoaccomplishsofarwithintheyear.Alsoatthis meetingmembersweregiventheircertificates,membership cards,andkeyclubpins.Afterthemeetingwasover memberscouldstaytowatchamovieandenjoysomepizza. 2022wasagreatyearforRanchoandwewillmake2023an evenbetterone!



ThisDCMwasthelastoneof2022.Asusualwe wereinformedabouttheplansthedistricthas comingupandgotcaughtuponallthenewsthat theyhadtogive.ThisDCMwasheldatClarkand itwasaspecialonebecauseallofregion5was invited.Manyofourdistrict'sclubsattendedand wegotacquaintedwithotherclubswithinregion5!



Thefirstmeetingof2023wasveryexciting.Wegottosee mostofourmembersbackfromthebreakandcatchup witheachother.Thismeetingwas,“MyNeighbor Totoro”themedandmemberswereencouragedtodress uptothetheme.Withinthismeetingwehadan cebreaker:Soulmate.Anactivityinwhichaselected rsoncouldfindtheir“Soulmate."Inthismeetingwe opreparedfortheupcomingDCMwhichisgoingto beheldatRanchoHighSchool!

Contacts Contacts

Club Officers Club Officers

President: Melyka Tanyag d28n.rancho.pres@gmail.com (702)666-3866

Secretary: Jean Reyes .rancho.secretary@gmail.com (702)378-6007

Historian: Fernanda Cruz d28n.rancho.historian@gmail.com (702)981-7681

Vice President: Katia Gutierrez-Perez d28n.rancho.vp@gmail.com (702)572-9875

Treasurer: Jose Vasquez d28n.rancho.treasurer@gmail.co (702)596-8710

Webmaster: Honarata Esperanza-Drink d28n.rancho.webmaster@gmail


Club Leadership Team Club Leadership Team

Service Project Chair: Jiromi Pena d28n.rancho.spchair@gmail.com (702) 666-3226

RTC Chair: Jehann Alcantara d28n.rancho.rtccomchair@gmail.com

(702) 964-7808

Member Development and Relations Chair: Marielle Oasay d28n.rancho.mdrchair@gmail.com (702) 538-4862

Kiwanis Family and Relations Chair: Lubnaa Omer d28n.rancho.kfrchair@gmail.com (702) 910-9224

Advisors Advisors

y: d Dudo csd.net 00;3703 Region: Ms. Hanna Santee wagnehl@nv.ccsd.net

Kiwanis: Mr. Pete Falger pfalger2000@cox.net (702)286-8303



Rancho Key Club
@rancho.kc.lv @rhs-kc
@rhskc2023 ranchokeyclub.wi xsite.com/ranchokeyclub-lv
Thank you Thank you for reading! for reading! REVIEW

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