Rancho Bulletin Volume 1 Edition 11

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Rancho Bulletin Volume 1 Edition 11

Rancho High School Key Club 1900 Searles Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89101

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3 - December Calendar 4 - From Your Officers 7 - Meeting Announcement 8 - KFR Committee Announcements 10 - MDR Committee Announcements 11 - RTC Committee Announcements 12 - SP Committee Announcements 13 - Articles and Visuals 15 - Contacts 16 - Social Media

December 2020 Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri.




































1/7 - Club Board Meeting

1/18 - Officer Applications Due 1/25 - Service Under the Sea

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From Your President

Happy New Year Key Clubbers! After a tiring year, I think most of us are stoked to have a fresh start and enter 2021 with optimism. For seniors, we are now at the final stretch of our high school year and soon we will be set loose and start our never ending journey as adults. Now, I am asking all of you to set your focus to the end of our term. The committee chairs are hard at work coming up with new projects, events and programs that will make our club shine brighter. The focus of the Executive Board now turns to making sure that elections are held and there is an orderly transition from this term to the next term. Speaking of elections, officer application will be due on Monday, January 18th. I encourage all of you to apply for an officer position and to not be afraid to apply. I’m sure that most of you are having second thoughts, as you should, just know that the current officers are here to answer any questions that you may have and we are here to put you at ease. I am calling on all of our members to end this term strong, now more than ever our home, school and community needs us to serve them. As COVID-19 surges throughout our community please make sure you are staying safe by staying home, and wearing a mask and practicing social distancing in public. As always, thank you for serving our home school and community! Inspired to Serve Serving to Inspire,

Vincent Esconde

From Your Vice President It’s the new year and you know what that means...”NEW YEAR, NEW ME!” (I thought I might bring back a fan favorite quote) On a more serious note, it’s finally 2021 and why not start this year off on a highly anticipated and positive note? This year is going to mark many of our club’s milestones and be a time, a rather emotional one, for transitioning the power we’ve upheld for months to our newly found leaders. With elections coming underway, it is highly encouraged that you (yes you!) take upon this opportunity of a lifetime and show your fellow key club members the true leader you can be-I know each and every one of you has this special trait so why not present it? With that being said, take note that Monday, January 18th is the due date for all officer applications which is right around the corner so act on this opportunity when you have the chance! I promise, as intimidating as leadership positions may be, it is an unforgettable and educational experience NOBODY ever regrets doing and I happen to be one of the many who will always cherish the little time I have left with my members. The Executive board and our Committee Leadership Teams are working endlessly to cater to your interests in order to get you involved in all things shining with service. Which reminds me that we as a whole, we must work together and become closer than ever before to invigorate our club’s spirit and impact on our home, school, and community, no matter how small or big of an influence it is. With the world’s current state, the board and I highly advise that you are courteous of others by protecting yourself by means of properly wearing a mask out in public (I should not see any noses sticking out of those masks ladies and gentlemen!) staying home, washing your hands, and following social distancing guidelines. We can’t emphasize this enough that your safety and other peoples’ safety is important. As always, keep on being the busiest bees we’ve seen and be prepared for the show to come!

Serving Magically Alongside You,

Jazelle Morales


From Your Secretary

Look !! You finally made it to the new year! I can’t believe it's been so long since we first started engaging and participating in this club at the beginning of the year. We have so many upcoming events this term and we’re excited to finally get to do them. Right now the board has been working hard and diligently to end this year with a banger so stay tuned because you won’t want to miss it. Just make sure as a club member you are also doing your duty and paying your dues and racking up those service hours as much as possible before the end of the year. This term will go by faster than you think so be sure to delegate your time wisely and set aside hours for you to keep your participation up. Now with the end of the year coming up, Election day will be coming even sooner! I hope we can build a legacy in this club and even pass it on to you guys and keep this club strong. If you are interested make sure you keep up to date with any updates and consider applying for an officer position. I want to end this off by showing my appreciation to you guys for all the hard work you accomplished and the 900+ hours that we attained as a club. This number was beyond what we expected so keep making us proud and remember to stay safe and healthy. As always if you need anything you can always contact us through remind, social media, E-mail, etc. Have a great week!

Serving with Love and Passion,


From Your Treasurer

It is finally the time we have been waiting for...THE NEW YEAR! After a long and horrific year of 2020, we all managed to make it to 2021! I am so proud of you all for making it this far and I hope you all continue to do such an amazing job and make the best out of this year. We are coming to the final stretch of this term and the board and I are so excited. We have so many fun and engaging events this term that will end the term with a BANG, so get ready and pay attention to upcoming dates! The board and I are asking for all members to try to pay your dues! Dues are only $12.00 and you must pay through the Rancho Webstore and make sure you email me your proof of payment so that I can add you into the Membership Update Center! As of right now, there are only 34 of 70 members paid, so lets try our best and meet our goal as soon as possible. Seniors you must remember that in order to get a chord you need to be a paid member! As I said before, the end of the term is coming right around the corner, which means that elections are coming! Freshmans, Sophomores, and Juniors please run for an office, trust me when I say this you will not regret it :) I know that the upcoming officers will be so great and that this club will continue to go on strong. I want you all to know that we thank you for continuing to inspire and make the board so proud! Thank you for continuing to work along with the board and committees to make this club stronger. As always, please stay safe, healthy, and make the best out of every moment! Oh and remember to always look on the positive side of things! Serving For the World,

Elizabeth Godfrey


From Your Historian

Happy New Year, Rams!! We did it, we made it through 2020 and we're starting this year off with a bang! Fellow Seniors, it's the final stretch for us and I can't express how proud I am of all of you for making it this far, we got this! As we start the second semester of the year and the end of our current term, the Club Board has been working on getting some pretty exciting events lined up. One of these being the upcoming elections! If you haven't applied, I strongly urge you to consider it as becoming an officer grants you so many wonderful opportunities to become more involved with the club and KCI in general. Even if you don't think you can do it, I assure you that every person in this club is capable of doing amazing things. Plus, it doesn't hurt to try, right? I really can't wait to see who becomes the next generations of leaders for our Key Club! Also, on one last note, I advise all of you to pay your dues and get your hours in as soon as possible. Thank you all for sticking with us this past year, let's make the most of 2021! Serving to Infinity and Beyond,

Ellanae Manera

From Your Webmaster

Finally 2020 is over, it’s time for a fresh start. I’m so happy that it's the new year and I can only hope that this year goes better than the last. We all deserve to have this be year amazing, while being safe of course. I hope everyone enjoyed the break and got time to relax and distress. I know I definitely did. On the other hand, let’s start this year off right by getting ready for elections and some new and exciting things. The board has been panning and getting things ready to end our term off right. We want to end our senior year off with a bang and leave our mark on this club. But in order to do that we need to ensure we are leaving our club with new and diligent officers. I can’t wait to see who is running for what position so we can guide them to do such an amazing job. So please sign up if you have an interest in becoming an officer, it’s not that hard if a process. I know all of you can do it! I wish the best of luck to everyone who is running and do your best! Soaring with Service,

Chrystal Ortega


Join us for our monthly meeting:


JANUARY 25, 2021 • 2:30 PM Sign up at Tinyurl.com/ranchokcmeeting







Service Project Committee Chair Melika Cummings | d28n.rancho.spchair@gmail.com

Articles and Visuals By Webmaster Chrystal Ortega

The Sweetness of Self Service, December 19th

As 2020 slowly came to an end, our Service Project Committee wrapped up a glorious year of service with a project dedicated to the interpersonal attributes of service and self-reflection. With that in mind, the Service Project Committee’s chairwoman, Melika Cummings, presented a webinar explaining the hierarchy of self service while also presenting positive affirmations for our everyday use, to even provide a scientific overview of our brain’s functions and emotional processes. Members engaged with the webinar through mini activities like a game of “This or That?” where members chose between two options they personally favored over the other. For example, swimming or hiking?, dancing or singing?- you get the jist of it. Members also participated in a collaborative meditation session for the second half of the webinar, with a purpose to promote its effective use in training your mind to focus and redirect your thoughts in a peaceful and balanced way. By the end of the event, Chairwoman Melika provided attendees with a link to a personalized website used for a scavenger hunt styled Google form, where members were able to learn the purpose/importance of self care, learn from an array of self care practices, learn how to manage stress and burn-out, and so forth. By the end of the webinar, members were left to ponder and create a plan involving our newly declared goals and aspirations as a way of guidance for the new year. To end a difficult year on a happy note allowed our members to become hopeful and buoyant of the year to come, and not to mention, better equipped with knowledge of their own physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.


Election Season, January 18th Elections are right around the corner And it’s your time to show your leadership skills and what you’re capable of. Being a Key Club officer is a once in a lifetime opportunity you should never pass, so we encourage anyone to apply as a way to try something new. If you’re up for the challenge, all you have to do is be a paid member and ask our current officers about the position you're interested in and submit the officer application. Once you’ve done that, all you have to do is go through the interview process then prepare a speech for the anticipated election day. We know each and every one of you can do this so please don’t be scared to ask if you have questions.




Club Officers: President: Vincent Esconde d28n.rancho.pres@gmail.com (714)494-3708

Vice President: Jazelle Morales d28n.rancho.vp@gmail.com (702)326-1054

Secretary: Lina Abushanab

Treasurer: Elizabeth Godfrey



Historian: Ellanae Manera

Webmaster: Chrystal Ortega







Club Leadership Team: Service Project Chair: Melika Cummings

RTC Chair: Matthew Flores



Member Development & Relations Chair:

Kiwanis Family & Relations Chair:





Nevaeh Selner

Hoda Abushanab (702)807-2697

Faculty: Ms. Ellen Brownridge browne7@nv.ccsd.net (702)799-1000



Region: Ms. Hanna Santee wagnehl@nv.ccsd.net (702)799-0950

Kiwanis: Mr. Pete Falger pfalger2000@cox.net (702)286-8303


Social media: Twitter: @rhs-kc

Facebook: Rancho Key Club

Instagram: @rancho.kc.lv Website: ranchokeyclub.wixsite.com/ran cho-keyclub-lv

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