Rancho Review Volume 2 Edition 9

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TABLE OF CONTENTS January Calendar From Your Officers Articals & Visuals

Contacts Social Media


Mon Tues





01 02 03 04 05 07 08 09 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 31 01/06 - Executive Board Meeting 01/10 - General Meeting 01/21 - Executive Board Meeting 01/24 - Social Potluck 01/25 - North DCM

Welcome back Key-Clubiezz! This month has been a bit terrifying as the COVID cases have dramatically risen and we’ve had the fiveday pause from school. I hope you and your families are all safe and recovered if you happen to have got sick. After the five-day pause, however, the cases have seemed to settle down and we're back to everything progressively becoming “normal” again. We were able to hold our first Social this month to appreciate our members and gain some new ones as well. I hope you all enjoyed the movie and the snacks provided as it was all well deserved. Rolling into February, the month of love, we have partnered with our school FCCLA for some fundraising activities such as selling roses, so make sure to keep an eye out to see how to get involved. I wish you all the best with this new semester and I hope we can work together to make our club thrive!

Reaching for Service All Around,

Hello bee-uties! Hopefully everyone had a great break and happy holidays. I'm excited to be back at school and ready for this new semester to start. This month has been a little crazy with the covid cases rising but we're doing pretty good considering all that's happening. This month I've been working on our next fundraiser, we will be selling wooden roses as Valentine grams. We're partnering with FCCLA once again, they’ll be selling heart clips along with candy. I’m also working on the club's budget. As of now, I created a document that contains all of the fundraisers that we have done in the year and how much money we have raised, preparing it for the future officers. Enjoy the rest of your return to school!

Serving for the World,

Nathalia Melendez

Nuhamine Moges

Hiya Key-uties! I hope your break from school has been very restful like mine. Also, happy new year! I'm so excited to start the new year with new projects we have for you guys. The five day pause from the rising COVID has given us the opportunity to catch up on work and plan on future events. Other than that, I hope all of you are safe and are staying healthy during this time. When cases clear up and we are back at school, we would like to recruit more members by having some get together so we can get to know each other even more! But for now, I'll see you all next meeting and please wear your masks and stay safe at this time.

Serving to Bring Melodies Together,

Melyka Tanyag

Hey Bee-uties! I hope you are all excited to start this term after having our long break to rest. I am so excited for the fundraisers, service projects, and meetings we have in store for you all coming up these next few months! With all the chaos of last semester I was set back a bit with my Articles and Visuals but I am working hard to get them all finished to keep us updated on what has happened in our club this year. I hope you are all being safekey in this new year, and let's keep up our great work this term!

Serving for hope and love around the world,

Vicente Chavez

Articles & Visuals Social Potlock, January 24 The Executive Board of our club wanted to get to know our members even more while recruiting even more members to expand our club further throughout the year so our club hosted a social event! Us officers brought in food for everyone so that we can all munch on something while talking to each other and watching a movie. The movie that most members decided to watch was Kung Fu Panda which we finished to the last minute before everyone had to go. This overall was a success for everyone because us officers got to interact one-on-one with our members while we all had many topics to talk about like what was happening in the movie and how good the snacks were.

North DCM, January 25

For this month’s North DCM, most officers could attend due to the meeting being held online instead of it being held at Legacy High School which was originally the plan. During it, our LTG Joshua Placido took role call for each club (as seen in picture to the left) and let every club give a report on what they are doing for the month. Additionally, he went over other important information we should know and awards to the clubs that went above and beyond .

CONTACTS President: Nuhamine Moges d28n.rancho.pres@gmail.com (702)513-4903

Vice President: Joseline Samaniego d28n.rancho.vp@gmail.com (951)505-0139



Lubnaa Omer d28n.rancho.secretary@gmail.com

Nathalia Melendez d28n.rancho.treasurer@gmail.com

Historian: Melyka Tanyag

Webmaster: Vicente Chavez







Faculty: Ms. Ellen Brownridge browne7@nv.ccsd.net (702)799-1000

Region: Ms. Hanna Santee wagnehl@nv.ccsd.net (702)799-0950

Kiwanis: Mr. Pete Falger pfalger2000@cox.net (702)286-8303

Thank you! for reading the


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Rancho Key Club

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