Rancho Bulletin Volume 1 Edition 13

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MARCH 2021

Rancho Bulletin Volume 1 Edition 13

Rancho High School Key Club 1900 Searles Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89101

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3 - March Calendar 4 - From Your Officers 7 - SP Committee Announcements 8 - MDR Committee Announcements 9 - RTC Committee Announcements 10 - KFR Committee Announcements 12 - Articles and Visuals 13 - Contacts 14 - Social Media

march 2021 Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri.

































c a l e n d

3/1 to 3/14 - Kiwanis Games SP 3/8 - Club Board Meeting 3/10 - North DCM 3/31 - Club Dues Deadline

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From Your President

Hello Key Club! As of March 16th, 2021 we are officially one month and seven days away from the end of our term. I would just like to say that it has been a true honor of mine to have served as your President especially during these unique times. As we look back on our year of service together, I hope all of you have learned that community service is never about the hours you get, but instead a wholesome feeling that you put a smile in someone’s face. I promise to all of you that the Club Board will remain hard at work to serve you until the end of our term. As we begin our transition to the next term, I hope that all of you show your utmost support to the next Executive Board the way you all have supported us. We hope to celebrate our accomplishments together during our end of term banquet. Please keep an eye out on our instagram and remind messaging system for more information. I’ll be saving all the tears for next month’s newsletter, but I hope that all of you have enjoyed Key Club as much as I have enjoyed serving all of you as your President. Till then, stay safe and thank you for serving our home school and community. Inspired to Serve Serving to Inspire,

Vincent Esconde

From Your Vice President Good day, key clubbers! We are one month away from ending our term and let me just say that it has been a joyride, seeing you grow and flourish into selfless and compassionate leaders! And to think I had doubts of my own ability to lead an institution that has so greatly changed and influenced my perception on service and teamwork. I can ramble on and on about how honored I am to have been a part of Key Club but I will save that for another special time. With our term almost coming to a close, the school year is also coming to an end in just two months! And taking into consideration that I’m a senior and won’t be able to share another year with you all, I can only hope that you busy bees are setting our club to a high standard and accomplish record-setting goals that will lead you down the golden path of success! Also, I would like to encourage each and everyone of you to finish the school year out strong! Especially for all you hardworking seniors who’ve made it this far. With that being said, make sure to participate in the Service Project committee’s Kiwanis Game challenge to see us do some wacky dares for your entertainment! And most importantly, remember to stay safe and be kind to yourself and those around you.

Serving Magically Alongside You,

Jazelle Morales


From Your Secretary

Whenever the time of the month comes around where I get a reminder to update my bio, it’s always such a bittersweet feeling. It’s bitter because I know each time I update it, the closer it gets to the end of the year. However, it is also a sweet feeling because it’s the only time I really get to interact with you guys and write down a recap of each month which is comforting at times. I know this club will continue to be led by amazing individuals with just as much spirit and pride as our current board, and there’s no greater feeling than that. We have roughly two months until a lot of us, including myself, depart from this high school journey and begin our college careers. But I do want to point out the endless and unforgettable memories I will carry with me even if I’m not physically here. Alright, enough with the reflection and sad talk. I still have a lot to say but that will come later on. For now I just want to congratulate everyone that stepped up and have become the new leaders of this club and those that accomplished many triumphs, your hard work will not go unrecognized and I can't wait to acknowledge them at the end of term banquet. Until then, I look forward to talking to you guys later, Bye!

Serving with Love and Passion,


From Your Treasurer Hey my fellow Key Clubbers :) I was recently reminded that the end of the term is one month away and I did not realize that the end is so near :( time goes by so fast when you are doing something that you love and care about. Keep in mind that even though our term is coming to an end, you should all be excited for the new beginnings and experiences with the new board! I know that you all are in great hands with the new elects and that this club will continue to inspire and serve our community.

Serving For the World,

Elizabeth Godfrey


From Your Historian Hey Rams! Can you already believe that it's March? It's been almost exactly a year since this term started, and look how far we've come! We as a club have been able to overcome so many obstacles throughout this past year and as a result, have done some of the most creative events and challenges I've ever encountered. Don't fret, there is still a lot more to do before this term ends, so please make sure to keep your eye out for these last few amazing plans we have in store! Speaking of which, the Kiwanis Games has an extended timeline, so as this last final stretch, I highly encourage you to participate (and even earn some hours)!! Let's finish this term with a bang and continue this spirit as the next term begins with the amazing officer elects. Without further ado, I wish you all a very wonderful rest of the month and see you soon!

Serving to Infinity and Beyond,

Ellanae Manera

From Your Webmaster Time goes by so fast when you’re kept busy. This year had a rough start but we all pushed through and made it work. It's crazy that we have only one month left till our term ends. I can still remember the struggle we went through in the beginning trying to make this year work, trying to make it feel like a normal year for our members. And now that this term is ending I truly believe we did just that. You could see more member involvement through the months. This makes me so happy because that means we’re doing our job and making the meetings feel more welcoming and comfortable for everyone. I know that our Elects will do the same. I believe in every single one of them and know they could make next year even better with the hopes of going back to normal. I wish the best of luck to the Elects transition to becoming leaders and all members transitioning to our new school schedule. Soaring with Service,

Chrystal Ortega







General Meeting, March 8th

Another month, another meeting! And with another magical theme. For this month’s meeting, the board had decided on Disney. We wanted to make our key club feel like the happiest place on earth. This month the board wanted the elects to start participating in some of the jobs they have to do. So, we started off our meeting with our amazing president, Vincent Esconde, greeting everyone in and staring off our chants. Afterwards, Vincent passed the presentation over to our President-elect, Nuhamine Moges. She reminded our members about dues and encouraged members to contact our treasurer, Elizabeth Godfrey, for any clarification. Nuhamine passed it back to Vincent so he could announce some exciting events we have planned for this upcoming month. Passing it back to Nuhamine, she declared when our next DCM is happening. Following that, she allowed each Elect to introduce themselves to our members. After everyone said their Hellos, we urged our members to share any ideas for our End Of Term Banquet via a google form in order for them to voice their opinions and proposals. Continuing on, we went on to our ice breaker. This meeting’s ice break was called “Bring Me”, which is where Vincent will name an item that someone has to go get from within their house, and whoever comes back with the item while having their camera on and being unmuted, receives a point. By the end of the game, whoever had the most points got a little something special from our president. After the game ended we concluded our meeting and said our goodbyes as we look forward to our last meeting of our term.



Club Officers: President: Vincent Esconde d28n.rancho.pres@gmail.com (714)494-3708

Vice President: Jazelle Morales d28n.rancho.vp@gmail.com (702)326-1054

Secretary: Lina Abushanab

Treasurer: Elizabeth Godfrey



Historian: Ellanae Manera

Webmaster: Chrystal Ortega







Club Leadership Team: Service Project Chair: Melika Cummings

RTC Chair: Matthew Flores



Member Development & Relations Chair:

Kiwanis Family & Relations Chair:





Nevaeh Selner

Hoda Abushanab (702)807-2697

Faculty: Ms. Ellen Brownridge browne7@nv.ccsd.net (702)799-1000



Region: Ms. Hanna Santee wagnehl@nv.ccsd.net (702)799-0950

Kiwanis: Mr. Pete Falger pfalger2000@cox.net (702)286-8303


Social media: Twitter: @rhs-kc

Facebook: Rancho Key Club

Instagram: @rancho.kc.lv Website: ranchokeyclub.wixsite.com/ran cho-keyclub-lv

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