Rancho Review Volume 2 Edition 11

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TABLE OF CONTENTS March Calendar From Your Officers Senior Recognition Canned Food Drive Articles & Visuals Contacts Social Media


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03/07 - Elections 03/07-14 - Canned Food Drive 03/18 - Executive Board Meeting 03/21 - General Meeting 03/22 - North DCM 03/24 - Open House 03/28-31 - Service Week

Hello Key Clubbers! Congratulations to the newly elected executive board! Thank you all for attending our elections meeting as it wouldn't have been possible without all of you. I’m so proud to see how hard the elects have worked and the plans they have for the upcoming term. I hope you all continue to stay active members and support the new board as much as you have supported the “past” board. I’m beyond grateful to have been given the opportunity to be your president this term and I’ve learned so much about myself as a leader and alongside such amazing members, I can say it has been a successful term. Even though there was a decrease in members at a point, we were still able to keep our club active and involved. Thank you to all the members who have constantly participated in our meetings and in our club's service events/projects. This is not farwell as we have a little bit of time until this term ends. I wish the new executive board the best as I know they will do an outstanding job in the next term. Please continue to say as active members and participate in the upcoming events we will be hosting. Thank you for serving our home school and community.

Reaching for Service All Around,

Nuhamine Moges Hello bee-uties! Hope everyone is well, this month has been incredibly busy for me, i had many deadlines and field trips this month. Thankfully Key Club was not much of a load for me. This month I worked on the budget of the school year. I made a massive document for the future elect to have with all the information from the fundraisers we did this year. I added all the recipes and explained how some things need to be done and some of the duties that the treasure position is responsible for. I’m very excited for the new board to have the opportunity I had this year of serving you.

Serving for the World,

Nathalia Melendez

Good Day Key Clubbers! March is finally here which I'm sure has been busy for everyone. Hopefully you all have the time to donate some canned goods for our upcoming food drive. If we reach our goal of 120 food items, we will throw a pizza party and who ever donates the most cans gets a prize! This is one of your last chances to participate in a Key Club event so I hope you donate as many cans as you can so we can reach our goals Other than that, I hope you all are pushing through this semester (I sure have) especially with many projects coming your way, tests, exam preparation, and much more. Additionally, my term as your Historian is slowly coming closer and closer to an end but from the elections, this may not be the last time you'll see me! I hope you all well until the next time I see all of you. Take care of yourselves and keep staying hydrated!!

Serving to Bring Melodies Together,

Melyka Tanyag

Thank you so much to these amazing seniors and their commitment towards our club! We wish you luck and we know you all will do amazing things after high school

March 7th - 14th Drop off in Room 703

Food items need to be Shelf-Stable Foods Let's get to 120 food items!

Articles & Visuals Officer Elections, March 7 With the term coming to an end, the running candidates made it to the process where members get to vote who would be the most appropriate candidate to fulfill the position they were running for. One person was running for President, one for Vice President, three for Secretary, two for Treasurer, and none for Historian and Webmaster. After these candidates said their speeches with a slide, everyone got to vote. The results revealed that Melyka Tanyag was the President Elect, Katia Gutierrez-Perez was the Vice President Elect, Jean Guenivere Reyes was the Secretary Elect, and Jose Vasquez was the Treasurer Elect. With no Historian and Webmaster candidates, there was a revote of who would fill in those positions for those who did not get elected. We later find out that Fernanda Cruz Javier was the Historian Elect and Honarata EsperanzaDrinks was the Webmaster Elect. Congratulations to all the Officer Elects and good luck as you start training for your positions soon!

Service Week, March 28-31 Our club decided to have one last chance for our members to earn service hours with this event called Service Week. Each day of the week, there would certain service projects for our members to complete and submit through a Google Form that shows photo evidence. Instead of having a General Meeting on Monday March 28, we had a "School Clean Up" day which earned hours for everyone there that participated in cleaning around the school. On Tuesday we had "Uplifting Sidewalks" where members would write a positive message on the sidewalk or create a sign so that we can bring positivity to our community. On Wednesday, we had members use their math skills online to fundraise money on the UNICEF website. On Thursday, we used the app Charity Miles to fundraise towards organizations by the amount of miles you had that day. On Friday, we had members create appreciation letters to teachers and staff so we can thank our teachers and staff for their hard work and to spread even more positivity in our school. Overall, this service event was successful for making our community even better.

CONTACTS President: Nuhamine Moges d28n.rancho.pres@gmail.com (702)513-4903

Vice President: Joseline Samaniego d28n.rancho.vp@gmail.com (951)505-0139



Lubnaa Omer d28n.rancho.secretary@gmail.com

Nathalia Melendez d28n.rancho.treasurer@gmail.com



Historian: Melyka Tanyag

Webmaster: Vicente Chavez





Faculty: Ms. Ellen Brownridge browne7@nv.ccsd.net (702)799-1000

Region: Ms. Hanna Santee wagnehl@nv.ccsd.net (702)799-0950

Kiwanis: Mr. Pete Falger pfalger2000@cox.net (702)286-8303

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Rancho Key Club

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