Rancho Review Volume 2 Edition 7

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TABLE OF CONTENTS November Calendar From Your Officers Clothing Drive Articals & Visuals Contacts Social Media






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11/01 - General Meeting, Clothing Drive Start 11/15 - Executive Board Meeting 11/16 - North DCM 11/18, 21, 28 - Magical Forest Service 11/22 - General Meeting 11/29, 30 - Hot Cocoa Fundraiser

Hello Key Clubbers! I hope you all are excited for the holiday season that is coming around! We have planned some volunteering events tied to the seasons so we can all get into the holiday spirit and spread some of it as well. Some fundraisers such as a Hot Cocoa Fundraiser have also been planned to keep the students and staff warm and fight off the cold. Our executive board has also made a decision to conduct a clothing drive until the end of the school year to help out our communities in schools and their students. November should be filled with appreciation as this month's main holiday is Thanksgiving, so I challenge each one of you to simply say “thank you” to a person that has made the greatest impact on you. As a reminder, if you have any questions or concerns, please make sure to reach out to any e-board member through remind or email. I hope you all are excited and keeping an eye out for these upcoming events to earn hours and enjoy some of the treats!

Reaching for Service All Around,

Nuhamine Moges Hey Key Club-eez! I hope you are all well. As we are coming close to the end of our semester, remember to keep turning in your hours. The clothing drive is a good opportunity to get hours and help our community. I hope you have a wonderful month and keep up with our club on our Instagram!

Serving for Peace and Love on the Planet Earth,

Lubnaa Omer

Hello bee-uties! Hope everyone is doing well. This month has been incredibly busy for all of us seniors with many applications being due soon. Currently, I am working out the last couple of details for our fundraiser to be officially set up. We will be selling Hot Cocoa in the mornings for the first two weeks of December. Good luck to everyone who’s applying for colleges and scholarships. See you at the next meeting!

Serving for the World,

Nathalia Melendez

Brr Hi K-Key Clubbers, It's really getting chilly outside as the days pass and I hope you all have been bundling up! With holidays around the corner, we have exciting volunteer opportunities that I'm pretty sure all of you will enjoy and this cold weather is a good chance to donate clothing (and get some hours!). Enjoy the continuing sweater weather and I remember to still say hydrated!!

Serving to Bring Melodies Together,

Melyka Tanyag

Hey Key Clubbers! I hope you're all excited going into our last two months of this semester. We are so excited for all the events and service projects we have planned for the upcoming months. This term has definitely been one unlike any other year but I am so glad to be able to work with everyone in the club and on the board to help give back to our communities. We are what makes the world a better place and I really am thankful for everyone of you!

Serving for hope and love around the world,

Vicente Chavez

November 1st - End of the Year!

Nows the time to donate them while earning hours!

Take a picture of every piece of clothing and then drop them off into the boxes found around the school

Fill out this form to submit your pictures or get the link from our Instagram bio @rancho.kc.lv

Articles & Visuals By: Historian Melyka Tanyag

Magical Forest, November 18, 21, 28 Our club had the an amazing experience at Opportunity Village which is where we got to volunteer in the Magical Forest. There were many positions we got to fulfill on the many days that we went including helping with some of the rides, food vendors, and setting up in generals for people to enjoy this experience. Most of our volunteers got to have hands on experience that would be useful in the future like being a cashier. This experience was so wonderful from the start of us getting pins and being assigned where to go to seeing the bright and cheerful faces that we got to see within this holiday spirited event. This event opened our eyes to the fun ways we can help the community and how we can improve form this experience continuing this school year!

General Meeting, November 22 On November 22nd, our club had a general meeting where we brought










happening while our Treasurer joined us virtually. Some events that we mentioned was the clothing drive, poster making, and the Magical Forest. We also reviewed some other things like cords and stole requirements for our senior members so they can keep track throughout the year of what they need to do. Additionally, we brought up the ideas of having a club shirts and most












member or officer that everyone could vote on before we order them. We finally wrapped up the meeting and our President adjourned it.

CONTACTS President: Nuhamine Moges d28n.rancho.pres@gmail.com (702)513-4903

Vice President: Joseline Samaniego d28n.rancho.vp@gmail.com (951)505-0139



Lubnaa Omer d28n.rancho.secretary@gmail.com

Nathalia Melendez d28n.rancho.treasurer@gmail.com



Historian: Melyka Tanyag

Webmaster: Vicente Chavez





Faculty: Ms. Ellen Brownridge browne7@nv.ccsd.net (702)799-1000

Region: Ms. Hanna Santee wagnehl@nv.ccsd.net (702)799-0950

Kiwanis: Mr. Pete Falger pfalger2000@cox.net (702)286-8303

Thank you! for reading the


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Rancho Key Club

ranchokeyclub. wixsite.com/ran cho-keyclub-lv

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