Rancho Review Volume 3 Edition 6

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Rancho High School Key Club 1900 Searles Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89101


6 6 From Your Officers Phoenix Event Summary 7 7Articles & Visuals 3 3October Calendar 9 9 Social Media
10/10 General Meeting 10/12 DCM 10/28 30 Opportunity Village 10/21 23 Opportunity Village OCTOBER OCTOBER 10/1 Park Clean Up 10/3 7 Donut Sales 10/9 Phoenix Team Event 10/21 Movie Night 10/29 RTC 10/24 General Meeting 13 25 11 Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Fri. 18 19 26 2 117 6 8 14 Sat. 27 20 15 31


It’s finally spooky season key clubbers! You guys did such an amazing job with our fundraiser and service events that we had this month. We got to collaborate with A-Tech Key Club and sell donuts for our upcoming trips. For the rest of the month we’ll be busy preparing for RTC with props, chants, and spirit. I hope most of you are pumped for RTC at the end of this month! Also, Fall Rally is slowly creeping up on us so get your fees for that by October 17! Other than that, I hope you all attend our movie night so we can all watch it together while munching on snacks. Feel free to join us when we volunteer at Opportunity Village too. Keep the spirit up and I hope you all stay safe in the darkest of nights!!

Serving to Bring Melodies



Hope everyone is having a spooky October because Key club service opportunities just got scary! We concluded our phoenix team event with A tech and will now be working with opportunity village in their Vegas fright night haunted house and their Halloween festivals. Key Club members can work the fair games and booths or can receive a small training to work as a scare actor in the haunted house. We are also planning RTC in the background so October is proving to be a very busy month. Look forward to what we have to offer.


Serving magically alongside you,

President Vice President


Hey hey hey!

As RTC rears its head, Rancho HS KC has been working at their best in order to make high quality props and make the best set of chants ever! As always, make sure you always find the time to take care of yourself! Sleep early, eat well.. Many of those things help combat and even small issues. Remember to pay dues before Not only that, but make sure you’re going out and doing you and your community! Stay healthy! ds for growth,


Hello everyone!

It has been with great joy to say that the Krispy Kreme fundraiser was a great success! Planning and strategizing the fundraiser with my advisor and officers was definitely an adventure! We are able to raise roughly more than one thousand dollars in donut sales! That really feels rewarding We can now essentially afford any tools or equipment we need for the club. This includes T shirts, props, and possible snacks for a future Key Club Movie Night! I have also already sent out the payment needed for the dues to Key Club International! It should get us in by the early bird deadline, and I believe we receive an award as a club for that. You best believe I definitely have more ideas in mind to bring forth in Key Club! Bunch of volunteering opportunities in October too, so be prepared! Thank you for taking your time to read this, have a wonderful day!!




With care and compassion,

Hey Key-utiess :)

Our Krispy Kreme fundraiser ended last week! It was a success and I cannot wait for the following volunteer opportunities we have for you! I hope most of your are going ot RTC!!! Let’s put our best spirit forward (we should have it already) and prepare to beat everyone in spirit. ALSOO… we are having movei night!! Hopefully all of you can attend our movie night and binge on snacks :) We will also be volunteering at Opportunity Village so please come and join us. Keep the good work key clubbers and I hope you all stay safe while trick or treating!!

Serving for Love and Change All Around, FernandaCruz

It’s that time of year again where you get prepared for a scare! lot in store for you guys this month so be out on the look for tha going to RTC!? I know I am, if you are, pump up that key club sp get ready to win, THE SPIRIT STICK WILL BE OURS!!! We’ve mo opportunities with opportunity village this month that are pretty We have our new CLT chairs wooo! Do you plan on trick or trea year? If so, what's your costume? If you are going out this 31st to stay safe and even if you aren’t, be safe!

HonarataEsperanza Drinks

Serving to Infinity a

Treasurer Webmaster

Sunday October 9th, 2022

A-Tech & Rancho Phoenix Team Event Recount

“Both A tech and rancho arrived around 12 with 3 members from rancho and the advisor. Each club brought its own supplies and was tasked with creating as many cards as possible within the restrictions outlined in the dos and don't flyer handed to both clubs. About 2 hours in A-tech proposed a bonding activity including a short game with a volleyball and a race in which 1 2 members of rancho participated for about 15 minutes before returning to work. The event concluded around 2:45 with 15 minutes left for pick up times and snacks purchased by Rancho’s Advisor. The work was mostly individual with a few times that members shared their cards with each other to give inspiration or simply show pride in their work Rancho submitted their cards to A Tech as they made them so an exact estimate of the cards done by each club cannot be provided at this time. A-Tech was tasked with delivering the cards and took them all at the end of the event.”

Officer Reflection

“Collaborating with another key club has broadened my idea of what leadership is really about. Learning about how other leaders lead their club shows me how communication is really important especially when it comes to deadlines like getting our ERF approved. Planning this event really was a learning experience. It also showed me the importance of delegation within our club so that the work can be equal for everyone and not on one officer when planning this event along with other deadlines.”

Member Reflection

Although I didn’t participate in this event, after seeing the hard work that all the participating officers and members that helped was inspiring. Watching these two schools come together to benefit the less fortunate was nice. See how my fellow officers planned this event out and networked with A-Tech and sorted out their miscommunications with another school that we had planned to work with I definitely will participate in other events like this if I am able to attend.


Interclub Meeting

On September 8th our President had attended a meeting that had all of Rancho’s clubs. They were informed of how each club can help each other succeed and better Rancho as a whole.


23rd, 2022

Our first fundraising event of the year was selling Krispy Kreme donuts at our school during lunch. During the first week we sold out during each lunch block. This fundraiser was an excellent opportunity to raise money for our club. Although our original plan to sell for two weeks in a row had some complications we were successful in selling donuts within the following week. We had one to two officers, one to two members and an Advisor help sell the donuts during each lunch block. Thank you to the members, Officers, and Advisors that came to help out our club!

We had our interviews for our Club Leadership Team Officers! This year we are introducing the CLT again as last year didn't have an b h h d wanted to run fo candidate had don and our board vot happy to announ CLT officers! Jirom Project Commi Alcantara as our R chair, Lubnaa O Family Relations Oasay as our Mem Relations Commit free to congratula positions and joi

September 8th, 2022
Interviews September
Donut Sales September 19th - 23rd & October 3rd - 7th

COfficers lub Officers Contacts Contacts

President: Melyka Tanyag



Historian: Fernanda Cruz

Vice President:




Club Leadership CTeam lub Leadership Team

Service Project Chair: Jiromi Pena

RTC Chair: Jehann Alcantara


Member Development and Relations Chair: Marielle Oasay

538 4862

Kiwanis Family and Relations Chair: Lubnaa Omer


Advisors Advisors

Faculty: Mr. Raymond Dudo

Region: Ms. Hanna Santee


Pete Falger

pfalger2000@cox.net (702)286-8303
d28n.rancho.vp@gmail.com (702)572 9875
d28n.rancho.secretary@gmail.com (702)378-6007 Treasurer: Jose
d28n.rancho.treasurer@gmail.com (702)596-8710
Honarata Esperanza-Drinks d28n.rancho.webmaster@gmail.com (702)612-1236
d28n.rancho.pres@gmail.com (702)666 3866 Club
d28n.rancho.historian@gmail.com (702)981-7681
dudor@nv.ccsd.net (702) 799-7000;3703
wagnehl@nv.ccsd.net (702)799-0950
d28n.rancho.spchair@gmail.com (702) 666 3226
964 7808
d28n.rancho.mdrchair@gmail.com (702)
d28n.rancho.kfrchair@gmail.com (702)
@rancho.kc.lv @rhs-kc Rancho Key Club @rhskc2023 ranchokeyclub.wi xsite.com/rancho keyclub-lv SOCIAL SMEDIA OCIAL SMEDIA OCIAL MEDIA Thank Tyou hank you for freading! or reading! Rancho REVIEW

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