Rancho Review Volume 2 Edition 6

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TABLE OF CONTENTS October Calendar From Your Officers ScaR-TC Mirical Treat Day/ CNH Pen-Pals

Articals & Visuals Contacts Social Media








01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 10/12 - Executive Board Meeting

10/19 - North DCM 10/18 - General Meeting

10/30 - Region Training Conference (RTC)

Hello Key Clubbers! Wow, we are almost done with the first semester already! Senior year has been kickin my butt, but there’s only one way to finish: strong! I hope you all are doing well and completed the first quarter with the grades you had wanted! It has been great interacting with you all at our general meetings and as we are trying to incorporate some service projects into our meetings, we hope you all will attend! October has come bearing some great service opportunities such as a clothing drive, volunteering at three-square, volunteering at a community garden, and things as such. These service projects and events are highly beneficial to you as they will allow you to help others that are in dire need, help our environment become a better place, and even help you gain some knowledge! Some of you have shown interest in taking on a chair position of a committee, but have not filled out an application yet. To help you with this process and understand more about the committees, we will be hosting a workshop at our general meeting on the 19th, so make sure to join us! This meeting will also be Halloween-themed, so prepare for some tricks and treats! If you have any suggestions as to service projects, events, fundraisers, or any changes you would like to see in Key Club, make sure to reach out to any of the officers and we would be happy to take those recommendations. A reminder that we do have an upcoming DCM on the 19th! Make sure to stay safe, bee an active member, and join our remind: rhskc-2022 to stay up to date with what we do. See you all at our next meeting on the 18th!

Reaching for Service All Around,

Nuhamine Moges

Fellow key club member,

I really enjoyed having the chance to talk to some of you during volunteering to help with homecoming. I hope those who had a chance to go to homecoming very much enjoyed every moment, because I know I did. I just want to remind seniors in case you have been busy like me and constantly forget, make sure to do your FAFSA. Also is it exciting knowing we are going to have a chance to go Disneyland (California adventure) for our grad night?! Honestly I am stoked, I have only been there once and it was very much fun but now the idea of having a chance to go with my friends makes it even more exciting. We are also currently putting together a service project for all of you to be able to participate in and will be very beneficial to some of you. If you ever want to participate in a specific type of service project please let me know and I will do my best along with the board to make it come true. Or if you ever just need a friend or feel like you deserve a congratulations on anything just let me know and I will be here for you. On a real note congratulations on completing the first quater and still surviving, I am sure all of you are doing an amazing job. Just remember to do your best at school and our club but always make sure to keep your mental and physical health a priority.

Serving Magically Alongside You,

Hey Key Club-eez!

Joseline Samaniego

I hope you are starting to settle into school and that the first quarter was better than you expected! I really hope that you have been and will continue to attend our meetings as well as the fun service events and fundraisers that we set up. I want to remind you that we need our members to bee active in our club for us to flourish and be the best club we can be. Don’t forget our members are the foundation of the club! We also have RTC this month on the 30th so make sure to prepare and bring your willingness to learn, spirit, and good attitude! Remember to check our Instagram page and Remind for any new information or events being held. So, get those hours in and enjoy the rest of your October! Make sure to stay safe and I hope we can stay in person this year.

Serving for Peace and Love on the Planet Earth,

Lubnaa Omer

Hey bee-uties! Hopefully everyone had a great first quarter. We’re now starting dues season. I am currently working on a slideshow that can help guide people on how to pay fees online. We have yet to determine the official club fee but it will not be more than $15 since RTC is now online. I’m hoping to use some of the fee money to help fundraise for the Fall Rally. We will plan a new fundraiser for the month of November. We have a couple of ideas but nothing is set yet. Enjoy the rest of this spooky season!

Serving for the World,

Nathalia Melendez

BOO!!! Did I scare you?

It's finally spooky season Key Clubbers! As the first quarter ends, I hope everyone is maintaining grades and especially mental health. We will be having a meeting on the 18th so I hope to see everyone there with spirit! Speaking of spirit, RTC is right around the corner on the 30th which you can read more about in this newsletter! We hope to announce our committee board members very soon as we have had a mishap with applications. Heading onto November, we have exciting fundraisers and service projects on the way for you members to be involved in! It's getting pretty cold now so get ready to bundle up during Sweater Weather! Remember to stay hydrated and wear some sunscreen even in this chilly weather. See you all in the next spooky meeting!

Serving to Bring Melodies Together,

Melyka Tanyag

Hey Key-uties! Finishing this quarter I hope you are doing good and have found a balance in your school work and personal life! I'm so glad to have seen many of you come and volunteer to help set up our homecoming dance with student council on October 8th. Moving forward I got in this month's articles and visuals and honestly I think we are progressing pretty well as a club! We are slowly but steadily building up our hours and we are working with other clubs to plan so many more service events for the future! We are all excited to jump back into helping those in our communities and I hope everyone is happy, healthy, and safe this month. Remember to always be safe-key and know that you are all amazing in my eyes!

Serving for Hope and Love Around the World,

Vicente Chavez

Get ready for...


October 30, 2021 10 AM - 3:20 PM Virtual using Google Meets

More info (schedule, where to ask questions) will be in the registration form!

Miracle Treat Day! When: October 28, 2021 Where: Participating Dairy Queen locations Find the nearest locations here!

More information can be found here! https://www.dairyqueen.com/en-us/miracle-treat-day/

Articles & Visuals By Webmaster Vicente Chavez By Webmaster Vicente Chavez

On September 7, our club had our second in-person meeting for the term! The meeting ran pretty fast but a lot was accomplished from going over past service events to getting signed up for our new ways to get service hours. We shared our new codes for our FreeRice and Charity Miles groups and got every member signed up in one or the other, some even joining both! We also informed our members about the DCM for the month and got some to sign up to go. Then after our clubs Tea Time, our activity for the day was an ice-breaker where we asked a few questions to each member about why they chose to join Key Club. We ended by setting our next meeting date and wishing everyone a wonderful rest of their week.

On September 13, our clubs executive board had a virtual meeting to discuss some ideas for service projects as well as how to vote for the new committee chairs! We discussed our past service events like the senior cards we did this year and the virtual ones we did last year to try to find inspiration and we came up with a few to try later in the term. We thought of a great one which would directly help students at our school which would be a clothes drive. We plan to reach out to some of the organizations that work with our school like Communities In Schools and Project 150 to plan a clothes drive event for all students! Afterwards we also discussed a service project coming up soon which we planned with ECTA’s Key Club where we help volunteer at a garden with our club! We got a lot of business done at this meeting and had really important talks about what was to come for the future of our club! We also decided the next theme for our meeting our be Adventure Time and we all chose characters to dress up as to bring back a tradition our club had before leaving for quarantine.

On August 27, our club went on a trip to the lands of Adventure Time to earn about service. We had planned for this meeting during our executive meeting earlier in the month and it was a blast to have! We discussed how everyone was doing on the FreeRice and even offered them a chance to help our student council set up for the Homecoming dance to earn service hours. We got a good amount of support from members to participate in both and after discussing some more of the planned future service events we talked about the DCM and the upcoming RTC. We were so glad to see many of our members excited to participate in these events and this further helped push them to apply for committees to help with the planning of these events for our club. Overall, the meeting as a lot of fun and we get so much done to further help our club provide for our community.

On September 28, our club went to our second DCM for the term and let's just say it was one for the books! At first sight we were a little upset because many of our members had signed up to go to the original meeting date but could not go once it was moved. It seemed pretty detrimental to the meeting but once we arrived that completely changed. This all changed once we got there and got involved with the other club in our division. We heard many cool and original ideas for service events that other schools were doing and got really inspired. We talked with our division's schools and heard about some ideas for what their clubs were currently doing for fundraising, service events, and more. To top this meeting off we even got voted for Club of the month and got awarded at the meeting! It was a very good time for those of us who could attend and we all left with a new found sense of hope and pride for our club, pushing us to do even more to try as a club and become better!

CONTACTS President: Nuhamine Moges d28n.rancho.pres@gmail.com (702)513-4903

Vice President: Joseline Samaniego d28n.rancho.vp@gmail.com (951)505-0139



Lubnaa Omer d28n.rancho.secretary@gmail.com

Nathalia Melendez d28n.rancho.treasurer@gmail.com



Historian: Melyka Tanyag

Webmaster: Vicente Chavez





Faculty: Ms. Ellen Brownridge browne7@nv.ccsd.net (702)799-1000

Region: Ms. Hanna Santee wagnehl@nv.ccsd.net (702)799-0950

Kiwanis: Mr. Pete Falger pfalger2000@cox.net (702)286-8303

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