Rancho Review Volume 3 Edition 5

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REVIEW Rancho September 2022 Rancho High School Key Club 1900 Searles Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89101


September Calendar

From Your Officers Articles & Visuals

Social Media


5 Mon. 23 Tues. Wed. Thur. Fri. 18 19 26 2 3 5 17 24 29 30 16 12 8 9 14 21 28 Sat. 6 27 13 20 22 SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER 9/10 E-Board Meeting & LTG Visitation 9/1 General Meeting 9/7 DCM 9/15 General Meeting


Canyoubelievewe’vemadeittoonewholemonthinschool??Itwassonicetoseeallyourlovelyfaces duringourmeeting,especiallyourinterestmeeting(whichIsaywasasuccess!).Ihopemostofyouare excitedaboutcommitteescomingbackthisterm.Comingfromsomeonethatwasinacommittee before,Iwouldsaytheysupportedourclubwhilehelpingyouallgetmoreinvolved.Also,don’tforget topayyourclubfeetothebankeroronlinethenshowourTreasureryourreceipt Hehasbeenworking hardonourupcomingKrispyKremefundraiser!Anyways,keepupthegoodworkandseeyousoon everyone!!



Vice President

KeyClubisinfullswingnowsoIhopeyou’relookingforwardtoit Wearesettingupourcommittees andfundraisersandpersonallyIhavesomevolunteereventsintheworks.PureAlohaannualfestival hasbeenannouncedandthePridefestivalandparadearenowincollaborationwithkeyclubsowewill beworkingthoseeventsaswell.RTCplanningcomesupinOctobersoIwillsoonstarttoworkmore closelywiththeRTCcommittee.Thingsaregonnagetinterestingrealsoonsomakesurethefeesare paidandthatallhoursarebeingturnedintothesecretary.

President Secretary



Usseniorsarenowapproachinggradrallyseason,andhomecomingisstartingtorearit’shead.As officers,wecontinuetodoourdutiesofservingourmembersandourcommunity,andthatshall continueuntiltheendoftime.Somanypeoplehavebeendoingtheirhours,andkudostoyouall!

I’msohappytobefillingouthoursandhoursofyourwonderfulservicetowardsyourcommunity Goodluckonyouracademics!Remembertotakecareofyourselves!




Weareofficiallybacktoschool!Itisgreattransitioningintotheschoolyearwithastrongandsteady start. I have been working diligently with the E-Board Officers to launch a Krispy Kreme Fundraiser!Althoughwemaybestrugglingwithafewtediousdetails,thefundraiserisessentially fullyoutlinedandreadytogo!ThisissomethingthatIhavebeenworkingonforawhile,andifthis is successful, our Key Club will have funds needed to meet the costs of shirts, trips, and any materials our club generally needs! Thank you for taking your time to read this far! Have a wonderfulday!!:)

WithCareandCompassion, Jose Vasquez



WeareamonthintoschoolandIhopeallofyouarestrivingforsuccess.Wehaveafewprojects comingsoonandaKrispyKremefundraiser!Thefundraiserisboungtostartbynextweekandlast twoweeks Moreinformationwillbeavailableontheflyersaroundschool Also,remembertopay yourdues,itsi$15.Ifyouguyshaveanyquestioosnpleasefeelfreetoreachouttoourofficersorto Mr.Dudo.Makesuretoalwaystodoyourbestanddon’thaveanyregrets.


Fernanda Cruz


We'realreadyintoamonthofschool!?!Canyoubelieveit,timeflies.We’vealreadyheldacoupleof meetingssofarandIcan’twaittoholdmore SofarI’vebeenworkingonourInstagramandArticles and visuals, which you should read every month. Anyways can’t wait for more wonderful interactionswithyouall,seeyoukey-utiesnexttime!

Honarata Esperanza-Drinks



Articles & Visuals Articles & Visuals

Open House, August 16th

Rancho held its open house on August 16th. The school was open to all high schoolers who attended Rancho as well as their parents. During this, Key Club got a chance to promote who they are to the people who attended.

August DCM, August 20th

Rancho had attended last month's DCM and got a chance to catch up on all the new information within the division.

Interest Meeting, August 22nd

On August 22nd Rancho's Key Club held an interest meeting! Many people attended and we got to tell them everything about what Key Club is. We did an ice breaker and introduced them to the chant as well as our officers. We explained in more detail about what Key Club is and how important it is within the Rancho community!

September DCM, September 7th

For this month's DCM we have received some very special news! Our very own Vice President Katia Gutierrez-Perez won the award of Officer of the Month!! Congratulations to her!! Also, Rancho won Club of the Month award!!!


Club Officers Club Officers

President: Melyka Tanyag d28n.rancho.pres@gmail.com


Secretary: Jean Reyes d28n.rancho.secretary@gmail.com


Historian: Fernanda Cruz d28n.rancho.historian@gmail.com


Faculty: Mr. Raymond Dudo dudor@nv.ccsd.net

Vice President: Katia Gutierrez-Perez d28n.rancho.vp@gmail.com (702)572-9875

Treasurer: Jose Vasquez d28n.rancho.treasurer@gmail.com


Webmaster: Honarata Esperanza-Drinks



Advisors Advisors

(702) 799-7000;3703

Region: Ms. Hanna Santee wagnehl@nv.ccsd.net


Kiwanis: Mr. Pete Falger pfalger2000@cox.net


SOCIALMEDIA SOCIALMEDIA SOCIALMEDIA Rancho @rancho.kc.lv @rhs-kc Rancho Key Club ranchokeyclub.wi xsite.com/ranchokeyclub-lv @rhskc2023 REVIEW Thank you Thank you for reading! for reading!

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