April 2015

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Volume I, Issue I


President’s Message


A Word from the Editor




Panhandle Plains Historical Museum Spring RoundUp


Snack Pak 4 Kids


CMN light p the sky


MOD walk




Meet the LTG


Key Club 101


Governor’s Project - K-Fam Konnections


Children’s Miracle Network


March of Dimes


Eliminate Project


Farewell to the 2014-2015 Board


Meet the 2015-2016 Board





President’s Message HI KEY CLUBBERS, I’m your 20152016 Key Club President. I just want to say that this year will be absolutely amazing and that I’m looking forward to the service projects ahead. If you have any questions about Key Club or how to get more involved, don’t be afraid to ask me, I promise that I’m not as intimidating as I look. ~Kayla Morton

A Word from the Editor Hello! I am the 2015-2015 Key Club Editor, and I can’t wait to see what this year has in store for us! This year, if you didn’t notice, I have decided to try something new with the newsletter. Don’t be afraid to give me some feedback and let me know what you think, and if you ever need anything, just let me know! I promise that I don’t bite hard... ~Brittany Tu

District Convention Excitement By. Brittany Tu

The best part of DCON was the awards banquet. It is my absolute favorite part about DCON. I love hearing about and seeing what some of the other Key Clubs did in the TexasOklahoma District. It inspires me to bring back their actions as ideas for my club. I also love being a part of the Top 25 Clubs. The first thing we do at the awards banquet is wait outside in line. The convention sorts us into groups when we register and we go into the official convention room in the alphabetical order (the groups are A, B, C, and D). This is a riot by itself. The different groups come up with chats for their respective letters. This year, the chants were compliments for the other groups, and the compliments began with our respective group “name”. I was in the “A” group. We called the other groups attractive, adorable, and other compliments. After the convention room is completely set up and ready for us, the Lieutenant Governors and Red Coats (the nickname for Kiwanis advisors) led us into the room. Our food and drinks were waiting for us. For dinner, we had grilled chicken with a side for broccoli and potatoes, and it was delicious. Also on the table, a delicious, chocolate cupcake for dessert (I got one and a half cupcakes because there was an empty seat at our table). Once everyone has eaten, the district board each make an announcement. Once announcements have been made, awards are handed out. There were many awards, for events I didn’t even know about. Each Lieutenant Governor got to announce at least one award and its winners. My favorite award is the T-shirt one. Randall’s Where’s Waldo shirt placed last year, and it was exciting. This year, our sister school, Canyon High, placed first in this competition. The best part, our very own Lieutenant Governor, Kendall Tipton, got to announce his home club as the first place winner. This awards banquet is not solely about each club’s achievements over the year, it has many other competitions too. There was a talent competition, a Super Smash Brothers competition, and an oratory completion. My favorite competition was the Super Smash Brothers video game competition. I knew one of the guys who made it to the final competition. It was fun to watch him compete and place 2nd. One of the last awards of the night was the Top 25 Clubs award. Last year, my club, Randall High, placed 8th, and this year we were hoping for an improvement. It was very nerve-wrecking waiting for the clubs to be announced, and very exhilarating when my club was named 5th club in the Texas-Oklahoma District. I will never forget the excitement that I personally felt and saw around me.

The Service Fair By. Madalynn Reid

The service fair is the very first event that you attend at DCON, and it is the first time you see everyone, so it has to be great. This years’ service fair was no exception. Once in the room, you are greeted by Key Club officials and fun music, you then see the service projects that other clubs have done over the past year. All of them were extraordinary. You then move further into the room and find different activities you can take part in. There was a makeshift jail where you can pay to have your friends jailed until enough money is raised to let everyone out. Just behind that there was a table where you could attempt to build a dinosaur skeleton, emphasis on the word attempt. The skeleton was made of different pieces of thin white cardboard. The finished model sat in front of you, so you would have an idea of what it’s supposed to look like. There was also a station of an egg toss type games where you and a partner wore gel filled googles and throw a gel punch back and forth, following specific rules of how far away to be and how to throw the pouch. The next activity was a wedding. Yes, a wedding. Pay a small donation towards the ELIMINATE Project and you could even get a wedding license. Next, there was a bouncy house obstacle course, where you could race a friend. You and a friend take off your shoes and stand touching the back wall, at the signal you both take off sprinting into the obstacle course. Once inside, you have to make your way through each obstacle as fast as you can to, hopefully, beat your friends and win bragging rights. The last activity is a photo booth, which was my favorite part of the service fair. Although the line was extremely long and slow moving, the photo booth was completely worth it. You step into the booth meant to hold only 2 people, but most people squeezed 3 or 4 into the booth. We spent quite a bit of time looking through a HUGE bucket of props to pick out our favorite accessories. There was a safari hat, giant bow ties, clown hats, goofy sunglasses, sailor hats, headbands, and much, much, more. After everyone has chosen a prop, you decide on the color of your photos and the arrangement of your photos. Once you have taken your 4 pictures, goofy or not, you put the props back and step out to receive your photo stip. Out of all the service fair activities, the photo booth was definitely one of my favorites.

Panhandle Plains Historical Museum Spring Round-Up By. Bethany Malcolm

While volunteering at the Panhandle Plains Historical Museum, also known as PPHM, on a Saturday morning, I was reminded why I loved Key Club and kids. Despite getting my fingers smashed repeatedly with wooden hammers, I was able to see the joy in the kids’ eyes when they finished making their own leather bracelets with their name on it! At my station, kids could decorate leather bracelets. Since it was Pioneer Day, it was only fitting that the kids got to experience what it was like to make leather. We had three buckets of water and countless amounts of leather bracelets. The kids would come up and we would dunk the bracelets in the buckets of water, and then we gave the kids a few options on how they wanted to make their bracelet. They could put their name on it; put designs on it, or both. Then came the dangerous part….. the hammers. Once the kids picked out the stamps they wanted, we would put the stamps on the bracelets and the kids would use the hammer to imprint the letters or designs on the bracelet. We repeated this process for many hours, but each hour was worth it because the kids got to feel like a “real cowboy.” Working at this event, I was able to see how big of an impact key club has on building family relationships. The parents were able to spend time interacting with their children. The parents were able to help the kids make their bracelets and other projects. I got to hear some great conversations between fathers and sons and mother and daughters. I loved hearing kids say, “Thank you mommy/daddy, I love you,” after they completed their bracelets with their parents. This project was about re-living the old west, but also about building relationships with families. That’s why I volunteer, not so it will look good on college applications, but because it is something I love. It brings families together, it is something worth witnessing. I want to see change in the world; I want to see relationships being built. That’s why I am in Key Club.

Snack Pak 4 Kids By. Ariel Bennert

Snack Pak 4 Kids is a nonprofit organization that works with a great effort to eliminate the hunger in children who go home with little to no food to eat and live in the Texas Panhandle. These children can sign up to receive plastic sacks of nonperishable food‒such as Goldfish, beef jerky, cereal, Pop Tarts, sunflower seeds, Capri Suns, etc.‒every weekend. They receive generous donations in which one hundred percent of the money is used for funding the project. Teams of volunteers make time to help prepare these lifesaving bags. First, they open up a cardboard box that contains the food either individually packed or several in more boxes. The volunteers will separate any food not already separated and pour them into tubs. After placing these tubs of food in a row on tables, an assembly line is made, two lines on each side of the table. Since the building has two stories and carrying the tubs up and downs stairs is tiring, there is even a makeshift elevator to transport tubs. There are also extra tubs that rest beneath the tables in case a refill is needed during packing. Once all of the needed sacks are full and finished, tubs are taken back to the right areas to be refilled again so more helpful people can empty them into sacks. With one person standing at one end to hand out the plastic bags, one at the other end to count and place the sacks into more tubs and everybody in between packing them, usually bagging one to two items at a time, an abundance of children can be secure in the knowledge they will not starve over the weekend. Instead of throwing away all of the cardboard used in the process, it is recycled. The volunteers will break down all of the used boxes and toss them into a green bin in front of the building. Not only does Snack Pak help end hunger, but they stay green while doing it. The friendly people who almost always appear every week put forth the time and effort for the benefit of others. These special individuals help guide and teach the newcomers there who are a bit confused at first and eventually turn them into great and promising leaders. Jackie Cleavinger and Ashley Morgan are to be very much thanked for their miracle service in this growing organization to give to others in need.

Children’s Miracle Network’s Light Up the Sky By: Analisa Oviedo-Gomez

On Friday, April 24. 2015, Children’s Miracle Network, CMN, hosted “Miracle Up” Festival at the Don Harrington Discovery Center. This festival celebrated the 8,590 kids CMN has helped this year and the $150,500 that has been raised. This year, CMN held the first ever “Light the Sky.” Lots of glow in the dark balloons were released into the sky at 8:59 pm (in honor of the 8,590 kids). That’s where Key Club came in. Key Clubbers arrived at the Discovery Center around 5:00 pm to start filling balloons with helium and putting them away for later that night. About 20 minutes before release time, the Key Clubbers were assigned the task of handing out the balloons to all of the children and adults present. Watching all of the balloons light up the sky and the smiles on all of the kids’ faces was amazing.

March of Dimes Walk By. Sydney Hatfield Saturday, April 25, 2015, was the annual March of Dimes walk, an event that helps raise money for mothers to have full-term babies. This is one of our most fun events of the year. We had 25 ecstatic Key Clubbers show up, ready to help, at 7:30 in the morning. The first thing we did was put on the beautiful shirts designed by out sponsor, Mrs. Wells. Then, we set up the children’s area. We set up tables, hunted for chairs, hung banners, and divided up the activities between the Key Clubbers. There was the welcome table, who gave out rubber ducks and balloons. One table gave kids a variety of temporary tattoos. The table that I worked painted faces. This only proved that none of us are professional face painters. In the end, it didn’t matter that we couldn’t turn kids into a tiger or a teenage mutant ninja turtle. Many of the kids were happy with the simple drawing or ribbon, and we all had a bunch of fun. Then, before the walk started, a group of us was spread out along the route to cheer on the crowd of walkers. The rest of us cleaned up the children’s area and made our way to the finish line at Wonderland Park. When the walkers made it to the finish line, we handed out stickers that said, “I did it!” Finally, our club and all of the walkers ate the delicious hamburgers and hotdogs that Happy State Bank prepared before going home to probably take a nap.

Banquet By. Gracie Wilson

This year, we held our second annual Key Club Banquet. I think it was exceptionally awesome this year because we had an amazing Key Club year. We came in 5th out of all the key clubs and we got to celebrate that with our whole key club at home. The night was full of awards and fun. I think what makes our banquet different from others is that we make it a family affair. We had parents and siblings come join us for burgers and cake and to celebrate our successful year. As I was inducted vice president, this event makes me even more excited to see how we grow and advance for the incoming Key Club year! What makes me even more excited is to see all the siblings there seeing what an awesome organization this is and to get excited to join themselves. Our banquets never let me down and I am so excited for the next year, and to see new fresh faces being awarded with some awesome awards and to fill positions that are being left.

MEET LTG, BETHANY MALCOLM Hey guys! I’m so excited to be your 2015-2016 Lieutenant Governor! I know y’all are going to do great things! If you ever need anything just find me and let me know, and I will do everything in my power to help you! A little bit about me: I will be a junior next year. After high school, I want to attend a Disciple Training School in Juarez, Mexico! After that I want to attend either University of North Texas or Dallas Baptist University! I want to get my degree in early childhood teaching and then move to either Juarez, Mexico or a village in Kenya, where I hope to settle down and become a missionary. I’m so excited for this year! Now you know more about me and hopefully I will be able to learn more about you! ~Love Bethany Malcolm~ Some Favorites: Activity: Key Club Color: Periwinkle Saying: Psalms 9:10 Joke: What did the ranch say when the human opened the fridge? Close the door, I’m a dressing! Pick Up Line: Are you a magician, because when I’m with you everyone else disappears Song: Little Toy Guns by. Carrie Underwood Food: Avocado Something Odd: I hate odd numbers.

KEY CLUB 101 Key Club is an international student-led organization which provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build charcter and develop leadership.

We are caring and competent servant leaders transforming communities worldwide.

No other organizations provide the opportunities that we do. With us, you better lives, make friends, and grow as a person. You’re not just joining a club. You’re joining a family.

I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International: to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

Caring—Our Way of Life

Say Farewell to the 2014-2015 Board Cheyenne Haynes Position: Immediate Past Vice President

Tessa Verner Position: Immediate Past Recording Secretary

Analisa Oviedo-Gomez Position: Immediate Past Recording Secretary

Andrew Lee Position: Immediate Past Editor

Elizabeth Innis Position: Immediate Past Recording Secretary

Kennedy Ansley Position: Immediate Past Senior Class Representatives

Dylan Lee Position: Immediate Past Senior Class Representatives

MEET THE 20152016 BOARD Kayla Morton Position: President Number: 806 - 316 - 4018

Sydney Hatfield Position: Historian Number: 806 - 433 - 2960 Email: sydneyhatfield16@gmail.com

Brittany Tu Position: Editor Number: 806 - 640 - 2772 Email: tubrittany@yahoo.com

Andrea Zearley Position: Parliamentarian Number: 806 - 341 - 2257

Tristan Dees Position: Recording Secretary Number: 806 - 477 - 2607

Gracie Wilson Position: Vice President Number: 806 - 683 - 9431

Ariel Bennert Position: Recording Secretary Number: 806 - 576 - 8384

Shelby Morton Position: Recording Secretary Number: 806 - 316 - 6857

May 2015 Sun



















Board Meeting

General Meeting

City View Field Day






Board Meeting

General Meeting RMH Meal







Snack Pak 4 KIds

Board Meeting Snack Pak 4 Kids

General Meeting (THE LAST ONE)








CMN Dance Dash


REMINDERS: Try to stay active in the summer 5 hours per month will not apply in the summer months Read the newsletter every month!! The Fun Stuff: What do peanuts do when they are bored? Nuttin’ I’m not a photographer, but I could picture you and me together.

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