Region 1 Division 7/33 RHS March Newsletter

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Volume 6 | Issue 8 | March 2022 the Region 1 | Division 7/33 Randall Key

Table of Contents Editor’s Note 2 Photos 3 Article: Scrapbooking 4 Riddle of the Month 5 Article: Hooray for St Patty’s Day 6 Upcoming Events 7 April 2022 Calendar 8 Article: Let’s talk about LEDCON 9 Article: Key Club Banquet 10 Article: Fostering our Key Club 11 Officers 12 Regional Advisor/Lieutenant Governor 13 District Officers 14 Partnerships 15

Editor’s Note Dear Key MarchClub,Madness brings april flowers! April flowers bring may showers. I think that’s how the phrase goes. The end of the school year is nearing, and I don’t want anybody to lose the energy that we have maintained all year! Don’t get senioritis and don’t get lazy. Just continue to be your best ,and we can get through the rest of this lovely year. Love Your Editor, Brooke Newson 2


The Randall High School Key Club has been working on the scrapbook, page by page, in a random and spontaneous order. So far, we have finished Halloween Happening pages (service to school), an IHOP Social page (miscellaneous), and a Gene Howe crafts page (Major Emphasis involvement). All of these pages look gorgeous and were created due to the skills of Kaeleigh Miller, Emma Williams, and Ali Acosta.

Overall scrapbooking has been a very meaningful way for our club to express themselves and create a lasting memory of what we have done and what we stand for. We will continue to scrapbook throughout the next month and hope many will join to share in the service and the memories.


We have a lot of work to do to finish up our darling scrapbook, but it is off to a fantastic start. We’ve printed all of the pictures we could find from this year and have organized them according to event and to category. For LEDCON, the scrapbook must be organized into the following categories: “service to school; service to community; fundraising projects; Kiwanis family interaction; Major Emphasis involvement; and miscellaneous.” We have made sure that our pictures, clippings, and decorations are arranged into these categories.

By: Brooke Newson

Key Club is about community. It’s about making memories with those around us, as we connect with them through fellowship and service. Is there a better way to make and preserve memories than making a scrapbook? No, there isn’t! That’s why the Randall High School Key Club has been collaborating to create their own scrapbook for the 2021-2022 school year. The scrapbook serves the ultimate purpose of preserving the memories from this beautiful year where we learned how to “grow into service,” but it also serves another great purpose: allowing us to compete in the LEDCON scrapbook competition. Additionally, the scrapbook will be displayed at our annual Randall High School Key Club banquet for all to look through and reminisce.


The IHOP page is my personal favorite, in which our dedication to fellowship and fun is shown through paper pancakes, bacon, and coffee cups. Scattered among which are photos of our club cut out in fun shapes, like circles. Finally, the Gene Howe Crafts page is covered in crayon drawings and photos of us and some of the children in our community, showcasing the time and effort we put into the “Children: Their Future, Our Focus” project.

The Halloween Page covers our volunteer work for our school’s halloween festival with displays of purple paper, black sparkles, googly eyes, pipe cleaners, and fun photos.

Riddle of the Month 5 I can skip, but I can’t walk. I can sing but I can’t talk. I’m everywhere, and yet I’m not. What am I? Answer:Music

The Randall High School Key Club gathered together string, papers cut in the shapes of four leaf clovers, markers, and froot loops for this exciting craft. It was quite a strange arrangement of materials and many children eyed the froot lips with great curiosity. The seemingly unconnected materials all came together to create a beautiful masterpiece, in the form of a four-leaf clover necklace. The string became the base for the necklace, which the children strung their four leaf clover onto after they had colored it according to their imagination. Then, on either side of the clover, they strung foot loops, creating a beautiful rainbow of green, blue, yellow, purple, orange, and red. After they had finished their necklaces to their satisfaction, we would tie it around their necks for them and they would walk off


By: Brooke Newson

Hooray for Saint Patty’s Day

In order to continue working towards this year’s Major Emphasis, “Children: Their Future, Our Focus” and pursue service that helps promote the arts in our community, the Randall High School Key Club participated in another craft session at Gene Howe Elementary School. We decided that a Saint Patrick’s day craft would be fitting for the month and the season.


craft supplies, seeming so odd and incapable themselves, came together to create artwork, all of the diverse members of our Key Club can come together to create a beautiful community, accented with the values of leadership, character building, caring, and inclusiveness. We are all froot loops that can use our unique traits and talents to create a rainbow. We can help children to grow up knowing that they too have the ability to use their talents, personalities, and ideas to make a more beautiful world. Their hands can make so many beautiful crafts and their hearts can make so many beautiful differences. They need to know that their future is just as bright and just as “lucky” as their Saint Patrick’s Day necklaces.

Gene Howe Elementary has always been a place where our club has been able to reach out, and we are so grateful for their collaboration. Because they have worked so well with our club, we have been able to connect with its students in many ways and at many times. The Randall High School Key Club hopes to have a lasting impact on these creative and clever students. We wish them the brightest future and can’t wait to see what is at the end of their rainbow.

Upcoming Events 7 ● Monday, April 4, 11, 18, and 25- Gene Howe Folders (4:00-4:45 PM) ● Monday April 4 and Tuesday April 5- Fill with Hope (4:30-5:30 PM) ● Saturday April 2, 9, 16, and 30- Washington Avenue Family Service Center (8:30-10:30 AM) ● ● Saturday, April 16- IHOP Social (7:00-8:00 AM) ● Thursday, April 21- Saturday, April 23LEDCON ● Other Events and Dates TBA

April 2022 8 Sunday Monday Tuesday ayWednesd yThursda yFrida Saturday 1 2 WashingtonAve. Family Service Center 8:30am to 10:30am Flag brochures 1:00 p.m. 3 Fill4 4:30-5:30HopeWith Fill5 4:30-5:30HopeWith 6 7 8 9 WashingtonAve. Family Service Center 8:30am to 10:30am 10 11 12 13 Social14 15 16 WashingtonAve. Family Service Center 8:30am to 10:30am IHOP7:00am 17 18 19 20 N!LEDCO21 CON!LED22 LEDCON!23 27 28 29 30 WashingtonAve. Family Service Center 8:30am to 10:30am

Furthermore, all of the Randall High School Key Club attendees will turn in the scrapbook that we have worked on for the LEDCON scrapbook competition. More is mentioned about this in a previousLEDCONarticle.will provide a great opportunity for our Key Club members to have more time to relax and have fun after such a long school year. April is an especially stressful school month, and sometimes our members just need a change of scenery. Additionally, the panels and sessions at LEDCON will help inspire our club to reach greater heights with our service and work. They will teach us more about what it really means to be a part of Key Club and how we can make our Key Club better. It will allow us to exchange ideas and advice with other clubs and learn from their unique perspectives and experiences. On a less serious note, LEDCON will allow our club to show off our amazing shirts. We recently received the shirts we designed and are excited to use them to represent our club. They are mint green and have a red flower in the middle. The center of that flower says “Grow Into Service,” which is exactly what LEDCON will help us to do.

March was magnificent and now the amazing month of April is upon us. The biggest Key Club event that happens in April (and, in fact, during the whole year) is LEDCON. LEDCON is a district convention, wherein all Key Club members from the Texas-Oklahoma Key Club district come together to enjoy the fullness of what Key Club has to offer. LEDCON features panels, competitions, food, and dances. It is a magnificent place for people to learn more about the club and prepare for board positions. Furthermore, it is a magnificent place to enjoy oneself and embrace one’s identity as a Key Club member.

By: Brooke Newson

This year’s LEDCON will be held in Dallas, Texas from Thursday, April 21st until Saturday, April 23rd. Many members of the Randall High School Key Club will be attending and are traveling down to Dallas with our sponsor, Mrs. Shipley. Some of them will have Key Club scholarship interviews, and others will be participating in the exciting LEDCON contests. All of our Randall High School Key Club attendees will work together to prepare and administer our own activity at LEDCON. We are in charge of an aquabead craft station, at which people can craft plants, animals, and shapes with fun little beads that bind together when water is added to them.

9 Let’s Talk About LEDCON

One of the best parts of the Randall High School Key Club banquet is that many members of the Amarillo High-Plains Kiwanis Club attend. They come to support us and help induct our new officers. They give speeches and provide advice for us. They are another reason we want to make our banquet more formal, for we feel that it would be more respectful to them and their hard work if the banquet were more formal. Our banquet this year will likely be held at the end of May, after state testing and AP testing is over. We must schedule it around other school events and banquets, as many of our Randall High School Key Club members are very involved. Our banquet will be planned by a banquet committee made up of many of our board members. It will be led by our incredible president, Kaeleigh Miller, who works so hard to make sure everything is prepared for our club. Mark your calendars, Randall High School Key Club members. We will soon be celebrating our growth into service- our change from little sprouts to blossoms of love and communion. Our banquet will be beautiful.

Randall High School Key Club Banquet, we reward active Key Club members with certificates and pins recognizing their membership. We award those with 80 service hours or more with letters and bars for their letterman jackets. Finally, we induct our new officers and release our old ones. The banquet is a time of celebration in which we eat with each other, reminisce with one another, and recognize one another.

In some miraculous turn of events, the end of the school year is already upon us. The Randall High School Key Club has only 2 more months of service left. However, we have an exciting summer of service ahead. Before that summer begins, we have an exciting Randall High School Key Club tradition to keep. That tradition is the annual Randall High School Key Club Banquet.Atthe

By: Brooke Newson


The plans for our banquet will begin soon, since something so important takes time to plan. In past years, our banquet has been rather informal, so this year we want to change that. We want to start a tradition of formal Key Club banquets that properly reflect the significance of service, character, and fellowship. We want it to be an event people can dress up for and have their families attend, and we want it to be exciting.

Key Club Banquet

Fostering Our Key Club

foster the beautiful flower that is our Randall High School Key Club with the fertilizer of compassion, the waters of diligence, and the sunshine of time. Key Club is meant to be constantly changing and improving, so let’s let it do so. Key Club rocks!


The Randall High School Key Club has grown over its many years at our school and continues to grow stronger each year. We have made it into the top 25 clubs in our district this year, and may be in the top ten. Our rank will be released at LEDCON. The point, however, is that in the past couple years we have consistently made it into the top 25 clubs, and one year we even made it into the top ten. The Randall High School Club has a goal to thrive and not just survive. Our ambition is to continue to go above and beyond. In order to do so, we are going to need strong leadership in the years ahead, as our Key Club continues to “grow into service” with new members and new opportunities. Doing so will be a challenge, as the Randall High School student body is going to be split in half, since a new high school will be opening in the Canyon Independent school district. Ubisela, a very dedicated member of the Randall High School Key Club, looks forward to starting a new Key Club at the new school, known as West Plains High School. She will use her experience as a board member to help plant, nurture, and maintain a club there. Emma Williams will be the new president of the Randall High School Key Club and will continue to foster its growth and development. She will use her past experience as a Recording Secretary and attend LEDCON in order to help her be the best president that she can be. In addition to these great leaders, the Randall High School Key Club and the new club will need the support and strength of dedicated members. Inactive and half-hearted members cannot help a Key Club grow. Those who are devoted, dedicated, and earnest can. We hope those who have joined Key Club will stay in it and that many new members will add to our ranks. Key Club has so much power if only its members will choose to wield it. If they develop that power, they can change their community for the better. In fact, they can change the world.Let’s

Randall Key Club Officers President: Kaeleigh (910)-358-4661Miller, Vice President: Selamawit Yemane, (806)-443-2854 Membership Secretary: Selamawit Yemane, (806)-443-2854 Recording Secretary: Historian:Editor:Williams,(806)-681-8443EmmaBrookeNewson,(801)-560-3249NikkiBoron,(806)-673-1651 13

District Officers District Governor: Lilian Districtgovernor@tokeyclub.comThai,Secretary:GinnaGalindo Gomez, salma.eldeeb@keyclub.orgInternationaltechproducer@tokeyclub.comTechnologycl@tokeyclub.comConventioneditor@tokeyclub.comDistricttreasurer@tokeyclub.comDistrictsecretary@tokeyclub.comTreasurer:MakaylaHsieh,Editor:AnushkaRanjan,Liaison:ValHennessee,Producer:NoahObuya,Trustee:SalmaEldeeb, 14

Regional Advisor and Lieutenant Governor Regional Advisor-Olin Lieutenantregion1@tokeyclub.comNorrid,Governor-Vacant, n/a for Region 1, Division 7/33 15

Partnerships 16

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