August Newsletter

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Randall Key Region 1 | Division 7/33

Volume 6 | Issue 1 | August 2021

Table of Contents Editor’s Note




Home Run Derby


Riddle of the Month


Freshman Orientation


Upcoming Events


September 2021 Calendar


Poster Party


Face-to-Face Meetings






District Officers




Editor’s Note Key Club,

Greetings! This is our year, Key Club! We are going to grow into service! We are going to thrive, like a garden of flowers, and not just survive! We’ve got this!

Your Editor, Brooke Newson



Home Run Derby By: Brooke Newson Randall High School’s Key Club kicked off the 2021 to 2022 school year with Children’s Miracle Network’s annual Home Run Derby. It was a night full of food, fun, and games. With its live band and smiling faces, it was an exciting introduction back into the world of service. Randall’s Key Club members helped run the merchandise table and watched the night go by through a kaleidoscope of skittles, baseball caps, and cotton shirts. The Home Run Derby is a unique event in the Amarillo, Texas area. Children and their families who have benefited from Children’s Miracle Network are invited to come play in a series of baseball games, eat some delicious food, and partake of free entertainment. There was a playground, delectable snow cones, freshly grilled burgers, and even the mascot from Amarillo’s very own baseball team, the Sod Poodles. The whole experience was intended to be uplifting and fun, and indeed it was. Children, from ages four to ten, played baseball games in front of an audience made up of their adoring fans (their parents, siblings, and even the aforementioned Sod Poodles mascot, Ruckus). After their games, Ruckus gave the kids plenty of high fives and fist bumps. The children’s bright smiles lit up the night. From the Key Club’s spot near the central square, we were able to enjoy the entertainment and watch children dance to the live entertainment. They danced to “Sweet Caroline” and “September” and ran up to our table to buy yo-yos. Their parents had just as much energy and joy as their kids because they loved seeing their little cancer survivors and brave warriors being able to frolick the way kids should. All of the donations and purchases during the Home Run Derby go towards the Children’s Miracle Network to help pay for children’s hospital treatments. The money earned in Amarillo, Texas goes to children in the local area and specifically to the Don Harrington Cancer Center. In this sense, the Home Run Derby gives back to the community in two ways: at the event itself and from the proceeds from the event. Our Key Club would like to thank Lindsey, the wonderful woman who organized the Home Run Derby. She was incredibly generous and kind to all of the children and families present as well as to our club. We would like to thank her for giving us such an incredible opportunity to give back to our community. The Home Run Derby certainly was a “home run” in our book!


Riddle of the Month What can you show but never hold, give but never run out of?

Answer: Love.


Poster Party By: Brooke Newson

The Randall Key Club is full of creativity, so they decided to make colorful posters for their club this year! The posters will help raise interest in the Key Club and recruit new members. Kaeleigh, the president of Randall’s club, provided numerous supplies, including floral stickers, markers, posters, and sparkling letters. The Key Club theme for 2021-2022 is “Grow Into Service,” so these supplies allowed our club to create posters that fit this theme. Our posters depicted gardens, flowers, and clouds under the words “Grow Into Service.” With the sparkling letters, we made the words “Key Club” and “RHS.” Also, the posters provided information on how to join the Randall Key Club Remind and Google Classroom as well as when and where our first meeting was (Monday, August 30th at 10 AM in the East Library of Randall High School). On Monday, August 23rd, the board of the Randall Key Club met during lunch to make these posters. Together, we brainstormed and worked tirelessly on the posters. Nikki Boron designed a beautiful poster with a sun and clouds. Selamawit, Kaeleigh, Rachel, and I designed ones with green calligraphy and plenty of flowers. On Wednesday, August 25th, the board reconvened to finish the posters and hang them. We worked while we held a board meeting after school, so that we could plan while we worked. After finishing up all eight posters, we needed to hang them in both the east and west buildings of Randall High School. The east building had a gas leak that day, so we could only hang posters in the west. We hung them in the places with the most foot traffic: the two main hallways, the lunch room, and the math hallway. On the morning of Thursday, August 26th, Selamawit was kind enough to hang the rest of the posters in the east building, where they can be found in prominent places like the main hallway, the english hallway, and the hallway by the cafeteria. Hundreds of students pass the posters multiple times each school day, and they serve as one of the main ways for our club to get information out to the students, other than Randall High School’s daily announcements. We hope their vibrant words, fun designs, and textured stickers are enough to inspire freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors alike to join the Randall High School Key Club. Our poster party is an invitation to all to grow into service in any way they can!


Face-to-Face Meetings By: Brooke Newson Welcome to 2021! Key Club can finally hold general assembly meetings in person once again. We are incredibly excited to have this opportunity and will take full advantage of it. During the 2020-2021 school year, the Randall High School Key Club had to hold our weekly meetings on Google Meets due to the Covid pandemic and the large size of our club. These virtual meetings proved to be ineffective, as many people forgot about them or missed them. Many new members were confused by the format or overwhelmed by the fact that information was distributed electronically. Because of our inability to meet and share information in person, the Randall High School Key Club lost many of its members and had trouble rallying enough people for all of our service opportunities. Luckily, those virtual days are over, and our meetings will be held face-to-face and information will be available online and in person. In-person meetings will bring life back into our Key Club. They will allow the Key Club members to get to know each other better and be more involved in service opportunities. Our weekly Key Club meetings will include introductory ice breakers, member of the month awards, old business updates, service opportunity updates, and reports on events. They will help every member of the club to be involved, whether it be as members of the month or reportees. Plus, they will include plenty of yummy snacks, and more importantly, updates from Randall’s local Kiwanis sponsors. The first face to face meeting was held on Monday, August 30th, 2021, during Randall’s free period. It was in the East Library. The Randall Key luckily had enough students there to fill most of the library, for they reserved the entire library in advance. They provided an icebreaker jenga game and shared essential Key Club information. The Randall Key Club board really wants to help their fellow classmates “grow into service” and raise their Key Club’s ranking. We hope to inspire people to effective action and make up for our shortcomings last year. As we continue to meet face-to-face, dear members of Key Club, I want us to be able to confidently stand up and say: “I pledge on my honor to uphold the objects of Key Club International; to build my home school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.” -Key Club Pledge

Upcoming Events ● Monday, September 6th at 4:30 PM- Flag Pickup at Storage Stop ● Monday, September 6th and Tuesday, September 7th- Fill with Hope from 4:30-5:30 PM ● Saturday, September 11th- CMN Triathlon from 10 AM- 2 PM at Lake Tanglewood ● September 2nd, 11th, 18th, and 25th (every Saturday) - Washington Ave. Family Service Center from 8:30-10:30 AM ● Saturday, September 18th- Our Colors Run Together from 7 AM-1 PM ● Tuesday, September 28- Blood Drive in the East Cafeteria ● Thursday, September 30th- Kiwanis 50th Anniversary Dinner at 6 PM


September 2021




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6 Meeting, Fill With Hope, Flag Pickup @4:30

7 Fill With Hope 4:30-5:30




11 CMN Triathlon 10:00am to 2:00pm @lake Tangelwood

13 General Meeting East Library





18 Our Colors Run Together 7:00am-1:00 pm

20 General Meeting East Library





25 Washington

27 General Meeting East Library

28 Blood Drive East Cafeteria

Ave. Family Service Center 8:30am to 10:30am


30 Kiwanis 50th Anniversary Dinner @6:00p, WAFSC

Freshman Orientation By: Brooke Newson A new school year has arrived, and that means new freshmen have arrived (and new candidates for Key Club Membership). This school year, the Randall High School Club was offered the chance to serve and speak to the incoming freshmen at Randall’s annual freshmen orientation (also known as “Raider Camp”). This year’s Raider Camp was held on Tuesday, August 17th from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Randall’s Key Club members arrived excitedly to see their high school and all of its new editions, both from campus construction and the freshmen arrivals. First, Key Club helped distribute Randall shirts to the freshmen after they received their schedules. We worked a table with sizes from small all the way up to 2X. We handed the shirts out with encouraging smiles and kind words. Some freshmen were very excited; others were very nervous. We tried to help them feel better about their new school and to show some school spirit ourselves by donning our own Randall Key Club shirts from the 2020-2021 school year. After the shirt distribution, we headed to the school’s auditorium where our very own president, Kaeleigh Miller gave a speech to all of the freshmen. Kaeleigh’s speech was beautifully crafted. It was clever and inspiring. She explained what Key Club is all about. “No. We do not sell keys,” she humorously began. She honored our organization as the international service club, full of impact and heart, that it truly is. Of course, she gave the freshmen some incentives to come to our first meetings (i.e. some yummy snacks), but her speech centered around a much deeper message, one that brought tears into people’s eyes, that wrought genuine compassion in their hearts. “There are a lot of people who are less fortunate than the people in this auditorium, and they could really use our help,” Kaeleigh concluded. That one sweet sentence was the epitome of Key Club. It was the reason behind everything Key Club does. Now, the freshmen knew it, the school staff knew it, and we, as a Key Club, knew it. After Kaeleigh’s heartfelt speech, the Key Club split up to help the freshmen find their classrooms. Freshmen with confused faces were able to look for someone with a Key Club shirt and know that we would assist them. The Key Club helped many freshmen find classrooms in hidden hallways and portable buildings. They also helped them distinguish the difference between the east and west buildings. Along the way, Key Club made some new friends, met incoming transfer students from multiple grade levels, and helped inspire others to join us in our service. All in all, Raider Camp was a huge success and a great joy for Randall High School’s Key Club.



Meet Your Officers! President: Kaeleigh, (910)-358-4661 Vice President: Selamawit, (806)-443-2854 Membership Secretary: Selamawit, (806)-443-2854 Recording Secretary: Rachel, (806)-340-9831 Editor: Brooke, (801)-560-3249 Historian: Nikki, (806)-673-1651


District Officers District Governor: Lilian Thai District Secretary: Ginna Galindo Gomez District Treasurer: Makayla Hsieh District Editor: Anushka Ranjan Convention Liaison: Val Hennessee Technology Producer: Noah Obuya International Trustee: Salma Eldeeb




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