May 2015

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Volume I, Issue II

Kayla’s Corner ....................................................... 3 Brittany’s Bulletin.................................................... 3 City view field day ................................................ 4 Ronald McDonald House meal ......................... 5 Dairy Queen Social ............................................... 5

Children’s Miracle Network Collage ................. 6 Children’s Miracle Network Dance Dash 5K .... 7 Major Emphasis Projects ...................................... 8 Board Contact information................................. 9 Reminders and Dates ........................................... 10


Table of Contents

Kayla’s Corner Hey Key Clubbers! Don’t forget to keep up with your hours, to keep serving your community, to attend the meetings, and to have an amazing summer! I can’t wait to see y’all when school gets back. Yours in Service  Kayla Morton

Brittany’s Bulletin Hey Guys!! School is (almost) out, YAY! I bet that all of y’all are super excited for the summer, playing in the sun, getting a tan/sunburn, and hanging with friends. Don’t forget to be wonderful servant leaders in the summer and keep serving the community. I can’t wait to see all of your beautiful faces when we come back to school. Have a great summer!! -- Brittany Tu Messages


City View Field Day By. Brittany Tu

On May 7th, 2015, Randall High Key Clubbers helped City View Elementary with their annual field day. Key Clubbers attended to different activities and interacted a lot with the kids. Nathaniel Juarez worked one of the activities. At his station, kids would compete in hula hooping, whoever hula hooped the longest won. Juarez said that he thought "the event was a good one because it helped the children learn about persistence and not [giving] up." Tristan Dees worked the frisbee station. Whoever could throw the frisbee the furthest won. This was an exceptionally difficult station because the Panhandle wind was very strong that day, and the frisbees would fly all over the place. Despite the strong winds, Dees said, "I thought it was fun, and I got to see all my teachers I had in fourth grade." Shelby Morton manned the bandana tag station. He refereed the game. Bandana tag is very similar to regular tag, except instead of tagging people, you try to take their bandana from their pocket. Morton said that he "had a ton of fun teaching them [the kids] to play and helping them play all the games." Madalynn Reid worked one of the hula hoop stations. At her station, kids would toss hula hoops onto cones. Reid describes the day as "really hot" but "a lot of fun." There was only downside to the entire event. It was held on the same day as U.S. History end of course exam, so most of the juniors were not able to attend the field day. Juniors also make up most of Key Club’s drivers, so it was difficult to get all of the Key Clubbers to City View Elementary from Randall High School and back. City View Field Day was an extremely successful event, and everyone who attended had a lot of fun. Personally, I love volunteering at the elementary schools because I love talking to the kids and helping them have an amazing day. Sadly, I did not attend this event because I am a junior, but I'm hopeful that I will get to next year.


City View Field Day

Ronald McDonald Meal By. Brittany Tu

As always, on the second Wednesday of this month, we cooked dinner for the guests at Ronald McDonald House (RMH). This month, we prepared hamburgers for the guests. Kiwanis helped us cook the meat, and we prepped the condiments, and tomatoes, and lettuce. I love cooking for RMH, and I look forward to it every month. Next month, or any month, come help us prepare dinner at 5:00. It is always a lot of fun!

Dairy Queen Social By. Shelby Morton

Randall and Canyon’s social/interclub took place on May 22nd at Dairy Queen. After much coordination and anticipation we were finally able to reconnect with some of our Canyon High Key Club friends that we met at district convention. Although I was very sad that I didn’t get to hang out with my friends from the Palo duro Key Club since they had school that day I still had a lot of fun. While enjoying our meal we discussed topics ranging from school and tests to band stories and enjoyed reminiscing in our experiences at DCON. Many of our old friends were there to participate in one last meal before the seniors that attended would be going off to college. As well as laughing with old friends, we met new friends from each club. It was a great idea to laugh while we enjoyed ice cream and I can’t wait to begin planning our next social.

RMH. Gene Howe


Children’s Miracle Network Dance Dash 5K By. Madalynn Reid Children’s Miracle Network (CMN) is an organization dedicated to helping children pay for hospital visits and medical treatments at no cost to the recipient or their family. The Dance Dash is a 5-kilometer (3.1 mile) run/walk to raise money for Children’s Miracle Network. To enter the race one registers online and sets up a page to raise money through donations. This year I met a little boy who did the Dance Dash for his birthday and instead of presents he asked people to sign up for the Dance Dash or make donations. On his fundraiser page he alone raised about $270. His whole group showed up covered head to toe in red, red hair, red shoes, red pants, the boy even had on a red cape. During the race runners/walkers make their way around a neighborhood near Amarillo College, stopping every mile to learn part of the dance. The dance is taught to the participants by The Edge dance studio. This year, The Edge also put the music together and choreographed the dance. Once the runners and walkers finish the race everyone joins in the dancing and there is a big flash mob. This year my job was to help the runners and walkers follow the course at my intersection. My partner and I stood at the spot at which they needed to turn and directed them until the truck following the last of the participants passed. After the truck passed my partner and I walked back to the start/finish line and learned the dance to participate in the flash mob. Once all of the Key Club members learned the dance and the runners started finishing the race we stood at the finish line and cheered everyone on, giving high fives and applauding the participants as they finished. Once the last group finished, we practiced the dance a few more times with the runners and walkers. After everyone felt they had it down pat, the actual dance started. As the dance began, many of the participants, who chose not to dance, pulled out their phones and took pictures or video taped the dance. After the flash mob, a few awards were given out and the little boy who did the dance dash for his birthday was recognized and the crowd sung happy birthday to him. The Dance Dash was a huge success and everyone who attended or volunteered had a blast. CMN Dance Dash 7

March of Dimes helps millions of families every year

Only $1.80 is needed to save a mother and her future babies

1 baby dies every minute from Maternal/ Neonatal Tetanus (MNT)

MNT has been eliminated from 20 countries


1 in 9 babies are born premature in the US. March of Dimes helps these families

Every single dollar, raised in the panhandle, will stay in the panhandle to help local families

This year, CMN has helped 8,590 kids in the Panhandle

At the first ever Miracle Up festival in Amarillo, $150,500 was raised Major Emphasis

Board’s Contact Information Kayla Morton, President, Phone: (806)316-4018 Gracie Wilson, Vice President, Phone: (806)683-9431

Brittany Tu, Editor, Phone: (806)640-2772 Email: Sydney Hatfield, Historian, Phone: (806)433-2960 Email: Andrea Zearley, Parliamentarian, Phone: (806)341-2257 Shelby Morton, Recording Secretary, Phone: (806)316-6857 Ariel Bennert, Membership Secretary, Phone: (806)576-8384 Tristan Dees, Membership Secretary, Phone: (806)477-2607

Contact Info.


Important Dates to Keep in mind: RMH: 6/10, 7/8, 8/12 Flags: 6/14, 7/4 RMH golf Tourney: 6/29 Registration: 7/29—8/3 8/5-8/6 What do you say when comforting a grammar nazi? There, Their, They’re

Reminders: 

There is NOT a mandatory amount of hours for the summber months, but that doesn’t mean you have to stop serving your community

Take pictures at events, and send them to Sydney or Brittany for the scrapbook and newsletter!!!

If you have any questions about Key Club, don’t be afraid to ask someone

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