September 2015

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Volume I Issue III


Table of Contents

Kayla’s Corner Hey Key Clubbers! We have a busy month ahead of us, and I hope all of y’all are ready to start serving our community and school. Yours in Service  Kayla Morton

Brittany’s Bulletin Happy end of September Key Clubbers! It has been a very busy month, and I enjoyed getting to meet many of y’all at all the different service projects. Don’t forget to work the fun farm and to keep serving the community. We are going to have a wonderful year, and I can’t wait for y’all to see all that we do throughout the year. -- Brittany Tu



NICU Reunion By. Paige James

On Saturday, September 12th, the Randall High School Key club members went to the North West Texas hospital pavilion auditorium to help with the NICU reunion. NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) is where premature newborns stay so the hospital staff can take care of them. They could be there for days, weeks or even longer. Former NICU patients and their families come to play games, have fun and see the doctors and nurses that cared for them while they were in the NICU. The first thing we did was help put up decorations. Then everyone helped set up the items needed for the games. We also unloaded water bottles from a van and carried them to the auditorium. We set up tables and chairs for the members working each activity. I helped hold an inflatable pool while several people were filling up styrofoam cups with water to put into the pool. We also put a sheet of paper in a bunch of paper sacks full of snacks that the kids would receive. Then the Key Club members were placed at the different activities set up for the kids, most of them were set up outside. I was put at face painting, along with five other members. There were a lot of children that wanted their face to be painted like different animals and characters such as, Spider-Man, lions, tigers and cats. Face painting was somewhat difficult because we were using paintbrushes and the paint didn't completely cover the skin. The children also would not hold their face still while we tried to paint. We face painted for a couple of hours, and then we had to clean up the mess. We had all of the paint open and wipes to clean off the paintbrushes were everywhere. Right as we began to clean up the wind started blowing and everything blew off the table into the grass, but we got it a all cleaned up. The NICU reunion was a really fun event to help with.


NICU Reunion

Ronald McDonald House By. Brittany Tu

This month, we cooked miniature chicken pot pies. We had a great turn out, eight people helped cook. This next month, we will be making spaghetti, and we would more people to come and help out. We cook the second Wednesday of every month from 5:00-5:30 at the House, don’t be late!!

Snack Pak 4 Kids By. Sydney Hatfield

Key club helps with several projects throughout the year. One of them, is Snack Pak 4 Kids, is located between Amarillo and Canyon off of McCormick road. Snack Pak is an organization that sends food home with kids, who don’t have adequate food at home. The Canyon ISD Snack Pak sends food to kids in elementary, intermediate, junior high, and high schools in our school district. Randall Key Club helps to both pack and make preparations to pack. We the second Monday and Tuesday of the month, so make sure to sign up, because not only are you helping kids in the school district, but you are also helping your classmates as well. RMH, Blankets


Working the Fun Farm A small reminder

Key Clubbers, this might be the most important page of this month’s newsletter. We work the fun farm to raise money, so that we can help different organizations and attend DCON every year. In order to go to DCON, you have to fill out an application, be caught up on your hours, and have worked at the fun farm. The more that you work, the better chance you will have of getting to attend DCON. When you are working at the fun farm, make sure to do what you are told. You are obligated to follow the rules of the maze like everyone else, and as a worker at the maze, you must set an example. Cassie is our boss out there. You are to listen to her, parents, and the board member in charge. Please do what you are suppose to, we have had to ban people from working the maze before.

The Different Stations 

Corn Cop - walk the maze, find lost children, guide people out

Zip Line - help kids get on the zip line

Pillow Attendant - supervise the kids/adults on the pillow

Corn Cannon - load the cannons, watch the kids, make sure there are no dry-fires Front of the Maze - read the rules of the maze to customers and explain how the maze works Friendly-Fire - watch the nerf guns and supervise the kids Fun Farm


1 in 9 babies are born premature in the US. March of Dimes helps these families March of Dimes helps millions of families every year

Only $1.80 is needed to save a mother and her future babies

1 baby dies every minute from Maternal/ Neonatal Tetanus (MNT)

MNT has been eliminated from 20 countries

Every single dollar, raised in the panhandle, will stay in the panhandle to help local families

This year, CMN has helped 8,590 kids in the Panhandle

At the first ever Miracle Up festival in Amarillo, $150,500 was raised


Major Emphasis

Board’s Contact Information Kayla Morton, President,

Gracie Wilson, Vice President,

Phone: (806)3164018

Phone: (806)683-9431 Brittany Tu, Editor,

Sydney Hatfield, Historian,

Phone: (806)433-2960

Phone: (806)640-2772 Email:

Shelby Morton, Recording Secretary,

Andrea Zearley, Parliamentarian,

Phone: (806)316-6857

Phone: (806)341-2257

Tristan Dees, Membership Secretary,

Ariel Bennert, Membership Secretary,

Phone: (806)477-2607

Phone: (806)576-8384

District Board Info. As you all know, Key Club is an international organization. In order to organize the thousands of clubs, there are districts. We are in the Texas-Oklahoma district, and we have a district board that oversees everything. Governor: Rachel Iselin, Secretary: To Be Determined, Treasurer: Emily Zhao, Editor: Matthew Riley, Convention Liaison: Megan Reynosa, Contact Info.


Important Dates to Keep in mind: Corn Maze every weekend!! 10/7 - homecoming parade 10/14 - RMH Cooking 10/19&20 - Snack Pak

10/31 - Halloween Happening What is the most slippery country in the world? Greece!!

Reminders: 

Take pictures at events, and send them to Sydney or Brittany for the scrapbook and newsletter!!!

Got any good jokes or pickup lines, tell Brittany to get them featured in the newsletter

If you have any questions about Key Club, don’t be afraid to ask someone

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