August Newsletter

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Volume 3 | Issue 3 | August 2017 “Service

never goes out of style!”

Randall High School Key Club | Region 1 | Division 7/33

Editor’s Note Hello Key Clubbers, It’s was a great summer! Now that school is in full swing, I am excited to see all that we can accomplish this year. I hope we have gained many new members this year! Yours in Service, Chantha Dalena Le

President’s Note Key Clubbers, I’m eager to serve with our new friends this upcoming year. I believe we have a great group of servant leaders that are ready to make a change! Yours in Service, Madilynn Sheffield

Table Table Of Of Contents Contents 02

Editor’s Note


President’s Note




Question & Pictures






September Calendar


Officer Information



What travels the world but never moves?

First Meeting

Family Service Center

A Fresh Start I would really like to have an overall sense of family within our club this year. I love all the opportunities that this organization has given me and what makes them so special is the people I get to experience them with. I’ve discovered that it doesn’t matter what project or event you’re going to, as long as you have the right people around you to lift you up and share their love of service with you, it will be an extraordinary moment. The one thing I love about this organization more than anything is the common goal of helping the community and the want and desire to make change found in everyone of the young people that join the clubs. No matter where we come from or how we grew up we all want to be difference makers and have the belief that we can be and Key Club provides that perfect outlet to do so. I am encouraged by members everyday and I want them to able to spread that light within them to everyone they can. I believe strongly that most things can’t be done alone and with so many good people around me in key club I start to think I really don’t want to have to do anything alone. These individuals have something in them that wants to do something bigger than themselves which is a hard quality to find in people these days. To be able to do something that really isn’t in your self interest but rather the good goodness of your heart is an awesome thing to share and I want anybody who desires to do so to feel welcome to join our club and family.

I often find that members of Key Club are a little more reserved and don’t often enjoy the attention to be on them. I think this just shows their humility which is just an incredible trait that I want more people to witness. Now, not all Key Club members are like this. We certainly have our boisterous types that cheer us on and are always happy to help which is also a great trait to have. Attitude is key when working alongside so many people so I am so grateful to have those people around as well. I just really love this unique, fun loving, and kind hearted group of people I’ve come to know and I hope that they continue living their as difference makers to show others what’s truly important.

Helping in Times of Need Living in Texas, talk about the hurricane is a constant. When I come home from school, my parents are often watching the news on TV, images of the floods appearing on screen while reporters give the latest updates. Although I live up north, in the panhandle, out of reach of the hurricane, we are still empathetic of what is happening in the south. When I was young, my family and I would always make a summer trip down south to visit family and friends. I spent every summer in the hot and humid heat of the gulf, swimming with my family friends in their pools. Over the years, we grew apart and haven’t seen each other for a long time. However, we still think of them from time to time and take the effort to talk to each other. It’s crazy to think that now their house that we once spent nights playing hide and seek in could now be flooded. When my parents are at dinner with my family, I hear them talk about who they know that is being affected by the hurricane and if they’ve heard that they are safe. For me, I feel this more personally than some people here in the panhandle. Sometimes, it’s easy to separate yourself from something that’s happening because it

doesn’t directly affect you. That’s how I felt about Harvey until I saw the photos online of places I knew and used to visit. Until I put myself in someone else’s shoes and saw things from their perspective. Thankfully, my Key Club is trying to help in the only way they know how to. To send money, notes, and good wishes. Because we are all high schoolers, we obviously can’t skip school to help others. However, we’re doing what we know would help effectively. We’re hoping to collect donations mostly gift cards - and send them to other schools and families that are being affected by the hurricane. This way, that money that we donate can help them long after the hurricane leaves so they can collect their bearings. In fact, once I heard we were doing this, I immediately went to walmart and bought a gift card to be sent. I made sure to leave a small note with it as well to let others know we in the panhandle are thinking of them. While I was checking out, I felt that I wasn’t giving enough. That the small amount of money didn’t resonate with how much I wanted to help. Still, every little thing helps. My thoughts and prayers go out to those being affected by the hurricane.


Bookmark it! Back to School Social @ Braum’s on Western | 3 - 4 pm

Flag Pick Up Meet @ Stop Storage | 5 - 6 pm

Balloon Rally @ 9 am - 9 pm

Ronald McDonald House @ Ronald McDonald House | 5 - 6 pm

CMN Triathlon Lake Tanglewood | 7 am - 2 pm

SnackPak Canyon SnackPak4Kids | 4:30 - 6 pm

Gene Howe Falconfest @ Gene Howe | 5:30 - 9 pm

Buddy Walk @ Sam Houston Park | 9 am - 1 pm

Officer Information

A Huge “Thank You” To…

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