Introduction of Wine - Randall Radcliff

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Wine is an alcoholic drink made form formatted grape juice. It can also made from fruits , barriers and are also called as fruit wine.


There are various types of wine such as:

Red Wine  White Wine  Rose Wine  Sparkling Wine  Aromatised wine 


Red wine is a type of wine made form dark colored like black grape varieties. They are almost exclusive dry. The range from light to full bodies and with distinctive taste. Its contain 915% alcohol and the taste range form very dry and to very sweet.


The whit wine can be made with either white or red grapes. The main difference is the white wins are formatted without the grape skins. In this wine they are use the sugar content is very high and they contains 9-14% alcohol and the taste ranges form very dry to very sweet.


A rose is the type of wine that incorporate some of the color form the grape skin but not enough to as a red wine. They service the temperature of rose wine is 13-16 degree centigrade.

SPARKLING WINE The another types of wine is sparkling wine. This is the most famous one is champagne. This is made by the methode campenoise and the champagne region or the northeastern France.  Effective scent wine made outside the champagne region are known as sparkling wine. 


It is a fortified wine or mistelle that has been flavored with herbs, spices, fruit and other natural flavounings. This is most famous aromatised wines are vermouth and martini.

ADVANTAGES OF WINE Protect your heart  Control blood sugar  Boost your brain  Reduce weight gain  Prevent from cold and cancer  Beneficial in slowing down the aging process 

WHO I AM.. 

Randall Radcliff is a CEO of Wine Sampler Company is an internet-based wine retailer and brokerage, and expert in sample wine first growth wines, who lives in Portland.

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