Living Magazines - Tring Spring 2023

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Welcome to the Spring issue!

It feels like it’s been a long winter and we’re enjoying the lighter evenings and looking forward to a bit of sunshine here and there! Don’t forget, the clocks ‘spring’ forward on 26 March!

Our garden feature looks at how you can attract birds and enjoy the dawn chorus outside your own back door, and if you fancy giving your home a spring makeover, why not go for gold with our simple ideas? For those troubled by insomnia, we’ve some handy hints on how to get a good night’s sleep.

If you’re shopping for gifts or treats do take a look at ‘shop local’ for ideas - our local retailers will appreciate your support, we’re sure.

As always, the magazine includes lots of local news. We also have a round-up of local events and days out in our What’s On section - there’s lots to do this spring and Easter - and of course many of us will be looking forward

to the celebrations for the Coronation on 6 May.

And if you fancy a free night out, don’t forget to enter our competition to the Shawshank Redemption at Aylesbury Waterside Theatre.

Meanwhile, our history feature focuses on two actresses with links to Tring Park - can you guess who they are?

If you want to be involved in the next issue, please email Naomi at editorial@ with your news prior to our summer issue.

Happy reading!

01442CONTACTUS LIVINGMAGS.INFOINFO@824300 CONTENTS The only local magazine offering shrink-wrapped guaranteed delivery to 10,862* addresses in the HP23 postcode area, by Royal Mail every quarter. *Royal Mail postcode data . Published quarterly in March, June, September & December Registered Address: Jubilee Gardens, Tring, Herts HP23 4JG. Living Magazines are published by independent publisher Alison Page Marketing. The Team: Publisher: Alison Page / Editor: Naomi MacKay / Designer: Neil Randle All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part is strictly prohibited without permission. The publisher will not be held responsible for any errors or omissions. Opinions expressed by authors and advertisers in this publication are not specifically endorsed by Alison Page Marketing. WWW.LIVINGMAGS.INFO For exclusive offers & updates between issues go to: 4 News and views from Tring and surrounding villages 20 Shop local: treat yourself to something special 26 Interiors: going for gold 28 History: the dames of Tring Park 30 Kids puzzles 32 Win a night at the theatre 32 Mini Crossword 34 Bring the birds to your garden 40 Get a good night’s sleep 42 Walk: explore Tring Park, Ashridge and Aldbury 44 What’s On 48 Local classified services 50 A spring roundup of reading from local authors 51 Whip up a batch of this special shortbread

Boys Day of Dance workshop

Tring Park School for the Performing Arts is hosting a one-day workshop on May 14, giving young male-identifying dancers aged eight to 16 the opportunity to experience classes in a range of dance genres, refine their existing skills and work with highly experienced professionals.

Attendees are also invited to take part in the Paul Watson Bursary Audition at the end of the day. The fund, created in memory of dancer Paul Watson, awards successful candidates financial support for training within numerous outreach opportunities at Tring Park School.

For more information and to book your place, please visit:

Spring into Tring at the Farmers Market

can be seen gambolling in the fieldsand maintaining a living and productive Hertfordshire countryside.

Adam from No2 Pound Street says it is St James artisan sheep’s cheese from Cumbria. Made daily with raw ewe’s milk from a small flock, the spring pastures and ripening give it a fresh herby taste.

Posh Janet says look out for the bright-yellow rape fields, pressed at Wilstone for rapeseed oil, and spring blossoms of cherry, plum, apple and pear.

Whhat does spring mean for the Farmers Market? For Brian and Angela at Akeman St Baptist Church it’s keeping stallholders plied with hot drinks, Easter, and daffodils!

At Buster Boxes and Grove Farm, Lucy is lambing 250 ewes; ensuring 500 new lambs

And with the promise of music, maypole dancing and continued support for several local charities, visit Tring Farmers Market and sample the real taste of spring!

Markets take place on the second and fourth Saturday each month - (22 April is the special Apple Fair market) check dates in our What’s On section.

LOCAL FOCUS SEND US YOUR NEWS / TELEPHONE: 01442 824300 / EMAIL: EDITORIAL@LIVINGMAGS.INFO / NEXT DEADLINE: 26-04-23 4 / Tring Living View all our editions at | Like us on Facebook
the carpet & flooring specialist PREMIUM SHOWROOMS FOR AMTICO PREMIUM SHOWROOMS FOR QUICKSTEP “SPRING” INTO A NEW CARPET Tel: 01442 863111 & 01442 864461 7 & 9 London Road, Berkhamsted, Herts HP4 2BU

Tring Chamber Music celebrates 20th anniversary

Tring Chamber Music (TCM) has been giving concerts in the Tring area since 2003 and has now numbered more than 100 performances. Created and run by violinist Paul Barritt and cellist Josephine Horder of Tring Station, the concerts have earned TCM an enviable reputation for attracting loyal audiences from the communities of Tring and Berkhamsted area as well as from further afield.

Paul said: ‘Our basic goal is to share our love of music and to help our audience feel involved in the experience. From the start we asked ourselves: “What makes an engaging, rewarding, moving, fun concert of classical music?’’ We aim to balance the greatly loved masterpieces of the classical repertoire with occasional less-known curios, as in our May programme. So often the response comes back to us “We didn’t know we were going to enjoy that new piece so much!’’.

Entertaining and helpful introductions have proved a particularly popular feature of our concerts.

‘The musicians are the cream of the chamber music world. This year we welcome back for our first concert of the Summer Season, world-renowned pianist Howard Shelley to play Schubert’s sublime Trout Quintet.’

The concert takes place on 14 May at Hastoe Village Hall at 7.30pm and includes Hummel Piano Quintet in E flat minor Op 87; Rachel Stott ‘Magical Thinking’ for solo cello and speaker; Penderecki Duo Concertante violin and bass, and Schubert Trout Quintet.

Other events include: Sunday 18 June ‘Dvorak, Birds and a Bull’ at Aldbury Church; Sunday 23rd July ‘Contrasting Clarinet Trios’ at Hastoe Village Hall, and Sunday 17 September ‘Beethoven 130 Grosse Fuge’ at Hastoe Village Hall.

Last season saw the introduction of a family friendly concert for children (and their minders) of primary school age. Plans are in place for a similar event this year.

Come together for events

Tring Together has a busy spring and summer of events planned for us all to enjoy.

First up on 18 March is a gala performance celebrating music in Tring, in conjunction with Tring Music partnership at Victoria Hall.

The Spring Fayre is always a must-do in the calendar - events will run from 22 April through to 7 May. There will be a town coronation event on Monday 8 May from 2pm - 6pm.

If you’re handy on the golf course, sign up for the Charity Golf Day in Aldbury on 19 May. If golf is not your thing, you can still help out by donating prizes for the raffle and silent auction. Looking ahead to summer, Tring Carnival runs from 13-16 July, with Carnival Day on Saturday 15. The Big Tring Quiz will be held on the evening of Thursday 13 July.

See for more details.

LOCAL FOCUS SEND US YOUR NEWS / TELEPHONE: 01442 824300 / EMAIL: EDITORIAL@LIVINGMAGS.INFO / NEXT DEADLINE: 26-04-23 6 / Tring Living View all our editions at | Like us on Facebook
Bring your teddies along to The Friends of Tring Church 2023 Family Fun Day for a touch of adventure. Yes, the celebrated Teddies Zip Wire will return to the event on Saturday 20 May at St Peter & St Paul Churchyard.

Lidl reaches out to residents

Supermarket giant Lidl has amended its recent plans for a new store at Icknield Way, and called on residents to have their say on the new submission before it is sent in to Dacorum Borough Council.

Following feedback on its initial plans, the discount food store withdrew its original planning application, and following community consultation on the revised store proposals, will re-submit a planning application to Dacorum Borough Council.

Lidl has sent consultation leaflets out to Tring residents outlining the changes and asking for further comment.

The new design is 354 sq m smaller (shorter and narrower) than originally proposed (now 1,840 sqm - about the size of seven tennis courts), which Lidl says has allowed it to ‘increase landscaping and create a new area of green space and tree-planting along Sears Drive.’

The building is also 5m further away from neighbouring properties and the delivery access has been located as far away as possible from residents. Walls will be constructed from red brick and flint and cladding painted a dark grey. The customer entrance will be near Sears Drive

Can you help?

Reach Out is looking for people in Hertfordshire who can spare an hour a week to help an elderly person in their local area who is home from hospital, or living with frailty, and feeling lonely and isolated. Reach Out offers companionship and practical support to people as they recover and rebuild their confidence. Many elderly people really appreciate someone popping in for a cuppa, or helping them by collecting small items of shopping. Reach Out links up people who are isolated with volunteers who can offer a friendly face and a chat.

Find out more at

and Lidl is including a wider footpath network to allow easier access for pedestrians, and cycle parking to encourage sustainable travel, and a wider road access from Icknield Way onto Sears Drive.

Lidl claims the new site will offer up to 40 new jobs.

The consultation leaflet also added that there would be one or two deliveries a day, with no night-time activity, and car park lights will be switched off at night, and lighting directed away from neighbouring properties.

Lidl has also commissioned new traffic surveys for an updated transport assessment for Herts County Council to examine.

If you would like to comment on the proposals online, head to

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Spring 2023 / 7 Living Magazines | 01442 823400 |

Campaigners continue bid to save pub

The bid to save the Valiant Trooper pub in Aldbury hit national headlines recently.

While work on the historic pub continues to create a pub, cafe, farm shop and dwellings, local residents, the Chiltern Society and real ale campaign group CAMRA are opposing the plan, amid fears that the village pub will eventually be lost and the site turned into housing.

Campaigners have also been angered by the works carried out at the site before listed buildings consent had been approved, which resulted in Dacorum Borough Council issuing a formal warning for breaking planning laws.

According to the Chiltern Society: ‘The change of use retains the pub but effectively reduces its size by converting the restaurant to a shop which could be operated independently of the pub. This is the trojan horse tactic – the retention of the pub increases the likelihood of the application’s success but its reduced size

Tring in the Media

increases its chance of failure. Once the reduced pub fails a new application is made for change of use to residential.

‘Whilst we fully support necessary repairs to the fabric of the building, we are extremely concerned that the pub may be reduced in size to the extent that it would become non-viable. To that extent the pub and the restaurant must be able to function as a single space.’

A report commissioned by the site’s owners as part of the planning application found that the pub would be unviable as a traditional food and drink pub.

Campaigner Erica Vilkauls claims the report is flawed, and villagers have now commissioned a viability report of their own, in a bid to show that the Valiant Trooper can survive as a traditional pub.

Dacorum Borough Council stated: ‘Whilst the Council notes the concerns of some local residents, it is important to note that there has been no planning application seeking to cease the pub use within the building. Indeed to the contrary a new bar and basement pumping facility has been installed.’

1 February: ITV: Former Berkhamsted School pupil Casey O’Gorman, 26, from Tring, entered dating show Love Island, which is filmed in South Africa.

4 February: Radio 4: Gardeners’ Question Time from Tring. Recorded at The Court Theatre. The last time it was recorded in Tring was 1968!

4 February: Hollywood movie star Keanu Reeves - best known for his roles in The Matrix, John Wick, and Bill and Ted films - made headlines around the world as he visited Tring’s Robin Hood pub for a fish and chips lunch. The Metro said: ‘Keanu Reeves leaves pub staff in shock as he makes surprise visit for fish and chips in tiny English town.’

LOCAL FOCUS SEND US YOUR NEWS / TELEPHONE: 01442 824300 / EMAIL: EDITORIAL@LIVINGMAGS.INFO / NEXT DEADLINE: 26-04-23 8 / Tring Living View all our editions at | Like us on Facebook
Promotional Feature

Bid to halt Marshcroft development continues

APublic Inquiry is set to begin in March after developer Redrow appealed to the Planning Inspectorate after its application for the ‘Marshcroft’ development was turned down.

Grove Fields Residents Association, the Chiltern Society, the CCG, and CPRE Hertfordshire – the Countryside Charity, have joined forces in a last-ditch attempt to halt the proposal for a massive new development on land in the countryside east of Tring.

Last autumn, Dacorum Borough Council refused permission for Redrow’s planning application for 1,400 dwellings on 300 acres of protected land in the Green Belt, adjacent to the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

Campaigners say the proposed development would nearly double the size of Tring in terms of the settlement footprint, increase the population by 30%, add 3,400 more people and

2,000 more cars, adding immense pressure on the infrastructure of Tring and the whole surrounding area.

In their latest statement they list the following objections:

‘Harm to the Green Belt. Currently this is peaceful countryside alongside the edge of Tring, much enjoyed by local people.

Harm to the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). The development will also cause significant harm to the AONB, which surrounds the proposed development site on three sides.

Loss of best and most versatile agricultural land. The development will concrete over much of the 300 acres’ site, which is currently productive farmland used for growing crops.

Destruction of wildlife habitats. The development would destroy the Chilterns countryside and wildlife habitats. There would also be damaging additional pressure on the nearby Chilterns Beechwoods Special Area of Conservation, the Site of Special Scientific Interest at Tring Reservoirs, and College Lake Nature Reserve.

Damaging landscape impacts. The scenic landscape views from The Ridgeway at Pitstone Hill and Aldbury Nowers, and to the south near Wigginton, would be harmed.’

Campaigners will be seeking specialist legal and technical expertise and are appealing for help in raising the necessary £30,000 to fund this.

We can stop this but we need funds Our target of £30 000 will pay for legal and expert witness representation at the March 2023 Public Inquiry To donate and learn more scan the QR code or visit CPRE Hertfordshire: CPRE Hertfordshire Reg No 1162419 10 / Tring Living View all our editions at | Like us on Facebook LOCAL FOCUS SEND US YOUR NEWS / TELEPHONE: 01442 824300 / EMAIL: EDITORIAL@LIVINGMAGS.INFO / NEXT DEADLINE: 26-04-23

You can donate at: get-involved/make-a-donation

Tring Council told Living: ‘Tring Town Council has instructed a landscape consultant and planning expert to assist them in objecting to the appeal.’ The Public Inquiry will commence 7 March at The Forum, Hemel, and members of the public are welcome.

Fighting the signs of ageing

Tring’s Elementary Skin & Body has recently added a new treatment to its offering of options to reverse the signs of ageing.

Lucie Fountain, owner of the Akeman Street salon, has introduced HIFU treatments.

Lucie said: ‘We have been offering CACI Facials for over 10 years, which have provided amazing bespoke treatments, keeping skin looking and feeling wonderful alongside our holistic and natural approach.

‘Recently we’ve been reflecting on our treatment menu and we want to build on our treatment offering to provide a range of highly effective treatment options that will match our ethos as a salon. Our passion is to work with high-performance brands, offering alternatives to injectables and surgery, providing amazing results for our clients.’

HIFU works to rejuvenate the skin through High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) energy. HIFU causes collagen stimulation, which reduces the appearance of fine lines and

wrinkles, improving the look and feel of loose skin.

After treatment there is an immediate plumping in the top layer of skin, resulting in dewy, glowing skin. Optimal results are seen at 12 weeks as the skin structure tightens.

Lucy explained that HIFU is not suitable for everyone so it is important to have a consultation and talk through your treatment goals and medical history with a therapist.

To find out more contact Lucie via:

Street party plans

Hertfordshire County Council is encouraging residents to apply now for street parties to celebrate the King’s coronation.

Anyone wanting to close a road for a street party will need to apply to the county council at by 26 March.

Hertfordshire has a strong reputation for community-held Royal celebrations, with the county hosting more than 560 street parties to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee last summer.

We’d love to hear about your street parties - send details and pictures after the event to

Spring 2023 / 11 Living Magazines | 01442 823400 |
View from The Ridgeway in the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, looking over the proposed development site © Grove Fields Residents Association

Next steps for Nora Grace Hall

Tring Council is looking for volunteers to help with the project to build a new hall to replace the Nora Grace Hall.

Last November a six-week public consultation was carried out on the hall’s future.

The hall is now 50 years old, and showing its age. The Council’s next step will be to submit a planning application for a modern replacement building with sustainability at its heart, ensuring that Tring has a centrally located community hub to serve the next generation.

More than 150 people attended the first consultation event with 50 more attending on a day when temperatures dipped to -5! More than 200 questionnaires were completed. You can read the analysis report, view the full findings, and watch the architect’s talk at uk/nora-grace-hall-redevelopment-project Feedback showed that social activities were a higher priority than commercial space. So the proposed commercial office space will be

removed from the plans and replaced with interchangeable space to be used for social group purposes. Further research will continue to take place and plans updated accordingly.

More than 40 people registered interest in being part of the working party, and three main roles are also needed to be filled: fundraiser, project manager and business development manager

The Council is asking for support in formulating job descriptions, and finding people to fill the roles. If you can help, email admin@, with a one-paragraph outline of how you could help and please put ‘NGHWP Volunteer’ in the subject line.

Did you know there is a local stroke support group? Berkhamsted Tring Stroke Support Group meets every fortnight. Find out more at: uk/finding-support/clubs-and-groups/ berkhamsted-tring-stroke-support-group

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Tring brewery goes wild

Tring Brewery has joined forces with Tiggywinkles Wildlife Hospital –its charity of choice for 2023.

The team at Tring Brewery will collaborate with the local wildlife hospital, brewing 12 monthly specials named after favourite furry and feathered friends, raising funds and awareness for Tiggywinkles throughout 2023.

Tiggywinkles was founded in 1978, rescuing and rehabilitating British wildlife from the Home Counties and beyond.

Tiggywinkles is the busiest wildlife hospital in the world, caring for vulnerable animals 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, alongside a dedicated visitor centre providing education and insight to members of the public.

Louise at Tiggywinkles commented: ‘Our busy wildlife hospital takes in and cares for more than 13,000 sick, injured, or orphaned animals each year - and so we know that the money raised through this initiative will go a long way in helping us in our life-saving work. Thank you, Tring Brewery‘Cheers and bottoms up’ for all your kind support.’

Swimming Club starts year with a splash

‘It’s the core values of this club that encourage our swimmers to do so well. Whenever Tring swimmers get together, they are a team. Continually looking out for each other, they build confidence and celebrate the achievements of their teammates all the time,’ Mike continued.

Tring Swimming Club has been delighted with a real boost to its membership over the past 12 months. ‘The average age of new joiners is now 10 years old and they are increasingly competitive,’ said Mike Billingham, Chairman. And this has shown in the club’s ranking for county standard swimming. In the recent Hertfordshire County Championships, more than 20 Tring swimmers entered 76 races, placing the club 11th for entries, out of 23 clubs.

Developing technique remains the club’s number one priority, with its professional coaching team aiming for every swimmer to have outstanding skills in every stroke. This means when it comes to competition time, the swimmers thoroughly enjoy it, knowing they’ve got the full support of a great team behind them. You can catch all the Tring swimmers in action on You Tube Hertfordshire County Championships 2023. You’ll know when they are swimming because the cheers are the loudest!

Sessions are held every day at Tring Sports Centre - see details at

LOCAL Spring 2023 / 13 Living Magazines | 01442 823400 |

Call for support in West Herts Hospital bid

Gordon Yearwood, who is spearheading the case for the ‘West Herts 21 Century Hospital Solution is calling for the public’s help in raising awareness and support.

He said: ‘We have managed to inform a number of key stakeholders of the case for a completely new 21st century, more accessible, centrally located hospital for the people of West Hertfordshire, instead of a towering skyscraper built in the Watford Hospital car park.

‘West Herts 21 Century Hospital Solution has recently raised the case with the new Integrated

Care Board (NHS Hertfordshire and West Essex ICB) and with the Department of Health and Social Care. We are continuing our interactions with these key stakeholders and we believe that we are making some headway.

‘It would of great assistance if you are able to write to the CEO of the Hertfordshire and West Essex ICB, stating how the congested Watford Hospital site is too inaccessible for most of the people of West Herts and how the proposed towering skyscraper hospital is far too high - 40m taller than the highest ladder of Hertfordshire’s Fire Service.

‘Please also put in your own words how you understand that a new 21st century hospital on a more accessible and more centrally located site can be built far quicker, for far less money and would avoid the unsafe situation where West Hertfordshire’s only A&E and Maternity hospital is located adjacent to West Herts only major football stadium.

‘The full address to write to is: The Chief Executive Officer, NHS Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Board, Charter House, Parkway, Welwyn Garden City, AL86JL.

‘Together we will make further progress and achieve a decent hospital service for all the people of West Hertfordshire.’

FOCUS SEND US YOUR NEWS / TELEPHONE: 01442 824300 / EMAIL: EDITORIAL@LIVINGMAGS.INFO / NEXT DEADLINE: 26-04-23 14 / Tring Living View all our editions at | Like us on Facebook

Wrapping up happiness

hat do you get when you combine 474 rolls of sticky tape, 1,422 metres of wrapping paper, 2,718 chocolate coins and more than 3,500 donated toys and gifts?

Local group The Toy Hub managed to create 474 happy Christmases for local children and their families from these ingredients.

Toy Hub was set up by a group of local parents to support families and carers in the Tring and Berkhamsted areas including all the surrounding villages.

Thanks to toys and gifts donated by the community, and some busy volunteers collecting, wrapping and delivering, the group managed to create hundreds of happy Christmases for local families.

Plans are already under way for next Christmas - so watch this space!

Get a picture, get a vote

Areminder that for the first time, voters will need to show photographic ID to vote in polling stations at this year’s local elections. Residents are being urged to make sure they are ready to vote on 4 May.

Residents voting by postal vote do not need photographic ID.

Accepted forms of ID include a UK, European Economic Area (EEA) or Commonwealth passport; a UK, EEA or Commonwealth drivers’ licence; and some concessionary travel passes, such as an older person’s bus pass or an Oyster 60+ card. Voters will be able to use expired ID if they are still recognisable from the photo.

Anyone who does not have one of the accepted forms of ID can apply for free ID online at or by completing a paper form.

Walk for charity

Rennie Grove

WHospice is inviting local people to take on the charity’s annual London Bridges Walk – a family-friendly day out that takes in some of the capital’s most iconic bridges and landmarks.

With two different routes – one five miles long and the other ten miles – there is an option for all abilities - and dogs are welcome!

The money raised through entry fees and sponsorship for the event on 26 March will be used to fund vital care and support for adults and children with life-limiting illnesses in Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire.

Find out more at

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Spring 2023 / 15 Living Magazines | 01442 823400 |

Tax year-end 2022/23: lay the foundations for your financial future

With reductions in tax reliefs and allowances looming for 2023/24, now’s a good time to ensure you’re taking maximum advantage of them in this tax year.

It’s always a good idea to take advantage of your annual tax reliefs and allowances wherever you can. This year, though, it’s more important than ever. In his first Autumn Statement, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt announced reductions to a number of key allowances used by investors, as part of his attempts to shore up the nation’s finances.

Which key allowances are changing?

Capital Gains Tax

The Capital Gains Tax (CGT) allowance for the current tax year (2022/23) is £12,300. This means that when you sell investments, you can enjoy gains up to £12,300 before you pay CGT.

But following the Chancellor’s announcement in the Autumn Statement, from 6 April 2023, the CGT allowance will be more than halved to £6,000, before it halves again in 2024/25 to just £3,000 a year.

Dividend allowance

The Chancellor also set his sights on the dividend allowance. This is the amount you can earn from company shares, including dividends from money held in collective investments such as funds and investment trusts before Dividend Tax is charged. Currently, the dividend allowance is £2,000, but from 2023 it will be halved to £1,000 and then halved again to £500 in 2024/25.

Which allowances could I be utilising?

You can shelter your investments from Dividend Tax and CGT by holding them in tax-efficient wrappers, such as a pension or Stocks & Shares ISA.

Each year, you can pay up to £20,000 into an ISA or if you can tie the funds up until age 55 (57 from 2028), you can save into a pension.

If you’ve already fully funded your ISA or pension, you could consider a pension for a spouse, child or grandchild, or explore ISAs for your family. A Junior ISA can be a tax-effective way of saving a lump sum for the children in your life. Junior ISAs have a lower allowance of £9,000 a year (2022/23).

The value of advice

We can help you take advantage of the reliefs and allowances you’re entitled to.

In addition to making more of your wealth, this can also have a priceless impact on your financial wellbeing, sparing you the worry around paying too much tax or breaching rules and not paying enough. Get

in touch before 5th April

The value of an investment with St. James’s Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds selected and may fall as well as rise. You may get back less than the amount invested.

An investment in Stocks and Shares ISA will not provide the same security of capital associated with a Cash ISA or a deposit with a bank or building society.

The levels and bases of taxation, and reliefs from taxation, can change at any time and are generally dependent on individual circumstances.

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Here’s our selection of great things to buy in Tring, Berkhamsted and the villages SHOP LOCAL 20 / Tring Living View all our editions at | Like us on Facebook 01 05 03 04 08 06 02 07

Whilst we have made every effort to ensure these details are correct, you must confirm directly with the retailer.

10 LOCAL Contact to find out how you can promote your local seasonal products here.
Alura Candles Ltd - Tring 01 Waterless & Cordless Electric Diffuser £30 02 Hand Blown Glass Diffuser £18 03 Scented Soy Candle £18 Bailey and Sons - Berkhamsted 04 Diamond Tiny Hoops £350 05 Sapphire & Diamond Ring £380 06 Tissot Ladies ‘Lovely’ Watch £265 07 Kit Heath Earrings £62 Fancy That - Tring 08 Jellycat Bunnies 2 sizes £14 and £21 Puddingstone Distillery - Tring 09 Campfire Cask Aged Gin £40 Tring Brewery - Tring 10 Death or Glory Chompers £6.00 for 4 sticks, Death or Glory Chutney £4.70 288g, Death or Glory Mustard £3.15 110g Spring 2023 / 21 Living Magazines | 01442 823400 | 09
Campfi re Gins, limited edition gins, gin gift sets and more… distilled at our Tring distillery. Visit Puddingstone Distillery on Fridays & Saturdays and enjoy a try before you buy gin tasting. FREE delivery on orders over £80 at Lower Icknield Way, Tring, Hertfordshire HP23 4NT 01442 828478 WILSTONE | TRING | HERTS | HP23 4NT Produce available from over 30 local suppliers! Home produced lamb & beef Heygates animal feeds & pet foods Relax in our tea room and browse our produce MAIN DEALER SERVICING AT LOCAL GARAGE PRICES 10% off Your first visit to us on production of this advert* Complimentary wash & vac with all service and repair work** All makes and models Servicing and repairs All makes and models MOT from £49.50 Highly competitive prices over main dealers We supply and fit a wide range of tyre brands Main Dealer Servicing at Local Garage Prices WESTERN RD HIGHST CHRIS T CHURCH RD LANGDON S T S N E E U Q S T HENR Y S T CHAPEL S T MIS WELL LN B4635 22 Wester n Road, Tring, Hertfordshire HP23 4BB Tel: 01442 871234 Email: inf Visit: 10% OFF * Complimentary wash & vac with all service & repair work** ** RoyChapman *Excludes MOT, Tyres and Air conditioning re-gas offer. **Monday to Friday only. Excludes Seasonal checks and air con re-gas Your first visit to us on production of this advert Untitled-3 1 09/04/2021 12:55:18 01442 871234 | | 22 Western Road, Tring HP23 4BB Roy Chapman Ltd *Excludes MOT, Tyres and Air conditioning re-gas offer. **Monday to Friday only. Excludes Seasonal checks and air con re-gas.
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All that glitters isn’t gold… add in a bit of yellow too!

For a long time, gold’s reputation as an interior décor colour was anything but opulent - a generation of faux variants had left the world’s most precious metal flagging rather.

Yet its return, along with a resurgence of yellow that’s as far from the kitchen marigolds as you can imagine, has opened up some fantastic new interior ideas.

But why are these particular colours making a comeback? Well, psychologists believe recent tough economic times have meant we favour shades with positive psychological qualities. Sure enough then, yellow screams happiness, optimism and confidence for the future; while gold is the colour of ambition, and more prosperous times ahead. What’s not to like?

Combine with black or grey

Gold, in particular, radiates against very dark tones, and the contrast between the shimmer of class and sheer blackness offers a classy touch that’s as mysterious as it is polished. Yellow, similarly, can really fire against an offset colour – in this case, we’d recommend grey.

It’s all in the accent

Rather than layering colours over an existing space, a recent trend has been to offer various hints of colours that add warmth and light, with gold and yellow right at the front of the queue.

So forget statement walls and instead replace pictures with gold frames. Paint a desk chair,

26 / Tring Living View all our editions at | Like us on Facebook

Rather than layering colours over an existing space, a recent trend has been to offer various hints of colours that add warmth and light, with gold and yellow right at the front of the queue

add a throw on a sofa, redo cushions, and perhaps even replace a curtain pole with golden tones.

Very quickly you’ll be adding a sense of class to a previously drab room.

Make a statement

Of course, nothing screams confidence like a statement wall or piece, and yellow is truly the colour of the moment for this.

A radiant wall, a sofa, even a contemporary picture that’s big and bold on this summer shade, can draw the eye to a room and light it up instantly.

Remember to offset with lampshades, seat covers or perhaps something as simple as a pot to reinforce your intentions.

Remember to offset with lampshades, seat covers or perhaps something as simple as a pot to reinforce your intentions

Exude exotic ambitions

Gold happens to go magnificently with another array of colours that are currently bang on trend: verdant greens. You know these – they’re the rich, lush shades one might find while trekking through the Amazonian rainforest.

It’s fortunate then that many high street homeware shops currently boast table lamps, doorknobs and other such adornments in a rich golden hue, and in the image of monkeys, tigers and parrots. It’s true - the sort of embellishment that might have appeared in an Indian Army Captain’s Bengali parlour can now also be found in the apartments of aspiring young hipsters… and some older ones too!

And finally, don’t go overboard As King Midas readily discovered, you can have too much of a good thing. It’s important to keep your glorious golden delights in perspective. So just as no one likes an excessive show of wealth, too much gold will inevitably overwhelm and create the opposite effect of looking a tad cheap.

“ “
“ “ Spring 2023 / 27 Living Magazines | 01442 823400 |

Have you ever walked past the white folly in Tring Park and wondered why it was there? The white ‘porch’ with pillars is actually what remains of a summerhouse.

And it had a famous resident during World War Two - the actress Dame Peggy Ashcroft. Born Edith Margaret Emily Ashcroft in 1907, her theatrical career lasted more than 60 years, appearing at the Old Vic, with the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre, later the Royal Shakespeare Company and the National Theatre. She later won two BAFTAs and an Oscar.

The Dames of ParkTring

She was made a Dame in the 1950s, and after she died in 1991, a memorial plaque was placed in Poets’ Corner in Westminster Abbey, The summerhouse that became her home during the War was probably designed by James Gibbs, who also designed the Obelisk, which sits along a path away to the folly. Built in neoclassical Greek style, the summerhouse was built of red brick and painted plaster. The front facade, which is now all that remains, has the look of an ancient temple, as the four columns support a decorative portico.

During the late 19th century, it was home to a gamekeeper and his son, and during World War Two, Dame Peggy lived there while Jeremy Hutchinson, her husband, who she married in 1940, was away at sea. It was his family connection that would have led them to Tring, as his sister was married to the third Lord Rothschild, Victor. The couple lived in the nearby Ranger’s Cottage.

28 / Tring Living View all our editions at | Like us on Facebook
Tring park is a favourite place for a walk, but has a fascinating historyincluding being the home of two famous actresses…

John Gielgud wrote to his mother in June 1941 that he ‘Had a cheerful letter from Peggy [Ashcroft]. She is at Tring but goes to Oxford to have her baby in two weeks time, so I hope to see her there, safely delivered. Her husband [Jeremy Hutchinson] was on the Kelly at Crete, one of the twelve officers saved, thank God. She must have had some terribly anxious days but has now heard he is at Alexandria.’ She did indeed have her baby, a daughter called Eliza.

The main part of the summerhouse was later demolished to make way for the Wigginton Road.

But of course, Dame Peggy is not the only famous actress to be linked to the town and its park. In the 17th century, Tring was owned by Charles II’s wife Catherine of Braganza. When Queen Catherine died, the King gave the Manor of Great Tring to his Groom of the Bedchamber and Clerk of the Treasury, Henry Guy. One of Henry’s jobs was to make regular payments to the royal mistresses, so it is likely that he was charged with looking after Charles’ beloved mistress Nell Gwyn.

The Obelisk was either built in honour of Nell, who lived for some time in Tring, or to commemorate a visit to Tring by her and Charles II. For those who believe Nell lived here, her home was said to be ‘Dunsley House’, situated on the edge of Tring Park near the Memorial Gardens.

Legend has it that Nell stayed in Tring either while she was pregnant by the King, or to protect her when typhus was rife in London. When the first Lord Rothschild acquired the Tring Park Estate, he employed the best researchers to verify the story, to add to the historic interest of his new property, but they were unable to find hard proof of Nell’s connection.

The Obelisk, which was erected 100 years after her death, is believed to be the only monument to a royal mistress in the country. As a girl, Nell and her sister Rose worked as

‘orange-girls’ at a theatre - their job was to sell fruit to the audience. It was there that Nell became the mistress of the theatre’s leading man, Charles Hart, and a year later, in 1665, she became one of England’s very first public actresses.

Many Tring children will have grown up knowing that there’s a magic way to make an orange appear at Nell’s Monument. You should run around the Obelisk while holding your breath if you want an orange to fall from its top, or more specifically, visit at midnight on Midsummer’s eve, run around the monument three times backwards and Nell’s ghost will appear and throw oranges at you… We wonder how many children over the years have tried itand how many have been successful!

Spring 2023 / 29 Living Magazines | 01442 823400 |
1. Portrait of Nell Gwynn (credit: National Library of Wales, Public domain, via WikimediaCommons)
3 5 6 4
2. Publicity photo of Peggy Ashcroft for 1936 film Rhodes 3. James Gibbs 4. Nell Gwynn’s Monument 5. The Summerhouse 6. Tring Park
Spring Bunny Eggs Lamb Dye Sunday Candy Bonnet Basket Nest Chick Hop Easter Sudoku Easter Wordsearch COLOUR ME IN

“Once you enter the iron gates, you are transported to another world”

Lockers Park Parent


Excellent results Enthusiasm for life A purposefully small prep school for boys aged 4-13 | Boxmoor, Hertfordshire | Join a Stay & Play Session - 10th Feb and 10th March 2023, 9.30-11am Children and their parents are welcome to join a fun lesson and play time at Little Lockers (our Pre-Prep) and meet our Reception Teacher and Headmaster. OPEN MORNING - Saturday 18th March 2023


This is your chance to win a pair of tickets to the opening night of The Shawshank Redemption at Aylesbury’s Waterside Theatre!

The nation’s favourite movie is now being brought to life in an acclaimed stage event at Aylesbury Waterside from Mon 3 – Sat 8 April.

Based on Stephen King’s 1982 short novel, the thrilling stage production examines desperation, injustice, friendship and hope. Starring Joe Absolom (EastEnders, Doc Martin, A Confession and The Bay) plays the wrongly convicted Andy Dufresne with Ben Onwukwe (London’s Burning and Professor T) as his inmate Ellis ‘Red’ Redding.

For your chance to win a pair of tickets to see Shawshank Redemption on Opening Night, Mon 3 April, simply tell us where the production is set: a) An office block / b) A prison / c) A military camp

For a chance to win simply answer the following question and go to our website to enter

Terms and conditions apply, visit website for details. Prizes will be allocated randomly. Closing date: 23 March 2023. Tickets are non-refundable and non-transferrable. Production age recommendation 12+


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Bring music to your life by attracting your own dawn chorus

There’s nothing more soothing and calming than waking up to a fresh, sunny, dew-glistening garden, nitrates lifting up off the soil and the gentle tweets, chirps and warbles made by an array of beautiful birds.

Nature’s early-morning concert is one of the summer’s greatest pleasures, and with a little encouragement, we can bring this dawn chorus to our front and back doors.

The birds you want to attract, and their songs

Robin – The robin produces a twinkling, crystal-like sound that flutters through the air. You’ll hear this little fellow all year round.

Great tit – A repetitive two-toned whistle that cuts through the air and is most prominent in early spring.

Wren – For many, the best improvised whistle of them all, with a raft of twists and twirls ending up in a rattling cacophony of noise towards the end.

Willow warbler – Best characterised for a chain of notes that lowers as it progresses, the warbler’s song has clear gaps in between notes and a powerful chirp.

Chaffinch – Heard throughout spring and summer, the chaffinch offers a punchy, powerful array of notes that slows towards the end.

Blackbird – So typical of the bird itself, the blackbird’s song features notes drawn into each other that offer a range of tones and a stylish array of chords.

Common Blackbird GARDEN
34 / Tring Living View all our editions at | Like us on Facebook

Song thrush – Heard throughout the year, the song thrush makes a sound closest to those slightly shrill mobile phone ringtones… but nicer!

Goldfinch – With elegant inflections and the occasional sound of a penny whistle thrown in for good measure, a chaffinch has an eclectic song and is heard from early spring.

The best ways to attract songbirds

in your garden. The flat, shallow bird bath is a great option and can be decorated with pebbles, rocks, ivy and perhaps even some sprigs of water lettuce.

Plants – Edible plants, berries, shrubs and wildflowers will keep your birds hanging around for long periods. Why go hunting elsewhere when they have a bounty of food and colour on their doorstep… or, rather, your doorstep?!

Bird feeders – At the heart of every bird’s focus is survival, and first and foremost that means a ready supply of food.

Unknown to many, the type of food you leave out will directly influence the species of bird you attract. For instance, suet balls are favourites with robins, blue tits and long-tailed tits; niger seeds are loved by greenfinches and goldfinches; starlings, robins and blackbirds will come if mealworms are on offer; while tits, finches and siskins love the fatty proteins of peanuts.

With this in mind then, spreading various specialist bird feeders out means colonies of birds will inhabit different parts of your garden.

Water – Whether bathing, playing in it or drinking the stuff, a supply of fresh water is one of the best ways to get birds engaged

Protection – Birds are always on the lookout for cats and other predators ready to disrupt their everyday pleasures of gliding from one branch to another, so the more space you can offer your feathered friends, the more they will relax and hang about.

By the same logic, don’t expect them to congregate around dense bushes where attackers may lay in wait – instead, position what they need in spacious places where they can keep an eye on danger.

Birdboxes – Many of us have attempted and failed to lure birds to our garden using birdboxes. In reality it’s a task that may not pay dividends until a year or so down the line; but if you persist with hanging these high enough away from cats and squirrels, and in a semi-sheltered spot where birds can nest in peace, you will eventually attract a family in.

GARDENS Spring 2023 / 35 Living Magazines | 01442 823400 |

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Introducing The Grand Marquee at Pendley Manor

Launching this Spring, this stunning space is ideal for celebrating personal milestone events from weddings to personal celebrations to gala dinners, launches and more.

A beautiful venue that lends itself to any event brief, complete with a spacious foyer and a unique structure, which seamlessly blends into its surroundings, the Grand Marquee lets your event stand out.

Accommodating 150 to 900 guests, you can execute your décor visions perfectly.

With a list of popular suppliers from florists to caterers, you have access to a fully functioning kitchen, ample preparation space and layout options for all event possibilities.

And for your accommodation needs, the Grade II listed Tutor revival building houses indulgent family rooms to four poster beds with original fireplaces. Dining is as much a focus with an emphasis on locally-sourced British fare whether you choose to dine in the Oak Restaurant, enjoy afternoon tea in the Peacock lounge or aperitifs in the Shakespeare Lounge.


Telephone: +44 (0)1442 891891 | |

The “Grand Marquee will turn heads for all the right reasons”
Pendley Manor Hotel, Cow Lane, Tring, Hertfordshire, HP23 5QY


Techniques to help you cope with the scourge of insomnia


Create a set timeframe for going to bed, encompassing a gradual but planned winddown as the evening progresses.

Waking up at approximately the same time each day is also important – sleeping in too late can mean the body isn’t tired enough to embrace sleep that night.

Pre-sleep activity

Reading a book or taking a bath will help your body and brain to relax during the process of calming down towards sleep.

In contrast, it’s not wise to eat or drink anything substantial before retiring to bed. Smoking and consumption of alcohol or caffeine are a bad idea, as is the use of devices that emit blue light, such as televisions, smartphones or tablets. These will all prolong your time awake.


In most cases, ensuring a bedroom is dark, quiet and calm is important; yet some insomniacs feel more assured with the presence of background noise. Technology can play an important role in this, with everything from full-on podcasts to prerecorded sounds such as crackling fires, thunderstorms and white noise.

Exercise during the day

While sleep is vital for the body to regenerate and recover from the day’s exertions, so too does it rely on having enough activity to feel it needs to drop into unconsciousness in order to rest and recover.

That means the more active you are during the day – physically and mentally – the more energy you will use and, in turn, the more you will need to recuperate.

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t its simplest, the Feldenkrais Method is about learning to move more easily, efficiently and skilfully. It has the potential to benefit everyone in some way, encouraging a more fluid, co-ordinated way of moving and promoting a sense of confidence and well-being.

In an Awareness Through Movement class you can learn how to move with more ease, gain relief from pain, and support your recovery from injury. You can enjoy one hour of uninterrupted nurturing self-care, resulting in a sense of wellbeing and ‘wholeness’.

Mindful ‘me-time’ helps you to relax and regenerate. Day-to-day aches and pains (such as wear and tear from standing all day, working at a computer, uncomfortable seats or strenuous activity) are prevented and alleviated. Functional

Alimitations caused by illness, injury or disability are reduced.

Using focused attention, we learn to make lasting changes in posture, co-ordination, breathing and flexibility. The learning process is intriguing yet relaxing, playful yet restful. The unusually slow, gentle, accessible movement sequences can be adapted to suit your needs and explored at your own pace.

Jo Horder has been a Feldenkrais Guild accredited practitioner since 2013, offering in-person and online classes. Visit to learn more.

‘Mid-career as a professional musician my playing was transformed and liberated by just a handful of Feldenkrais lessons. I am now dedicated to sharing the magical benefits of this method with others.’

You can also access the Feldenkrais Method through individual lessons with Jo, tailored to your specific needs and interests.


with Josephine Horder

Awareness Through Movement (ATM) is the name given to group classes in the Feldenkrais Method. We explore the ‘mind-body connection’ through very gentle movement sequences designed to promote a sense of well-being, whatever your level of fi tness and state of health. People often say they feel taller, more spacious, more ‘whole’; pain and stiff ness are reduced and movement is easier.

First Taster Class FREE For more information please visit Movement and Mind at 01442 822732
Movement & Mind.indd 1 02/08/2022 19:45

Easy walking


Start: Tring Railway Station.

>>> Alternative start points: National Trust Ashridge Estate Visitor Centre (nearest postcode HP4 1LT), and Wigginton Sports Ground, Chesham Road, Wigginton HP23 6HH

Distance: Full walk 8 miles/13km; Ashridge only option 5.8 miles/9.2km; Wigginton 5 miles/8km


Turn left out of the station, walk past the Posting House (a former hotel) as far as the canal bridge and turn left along Beggars Lane.

>>> The optional Ashridge route starts from the canal bridge.

1. Where the lane narrows, take the path on the right past the barrier and continue uphill following signs for The Ridgeway. Follow this ancient trail for the next 1.4 miles. Cross the busy road, turn right up the surfaced path and then left up the path signposted The Twist. Cross the footbridge and continue uphill through a series of gates to a lane. Turn right for a few metres and left up the steps towards Tring Park. Stay on this path through more gates to reach a busy lane. Cross to the gravel driveway opposite, bear right along it and past a barrier into Tring Park.

2. Turn immediately left, follow the edge of the wood and go through a barrier to a surfaced driveway. Cross straight over, follow the path to a lane and turn left along it. The entrance to the sports ground, village shop and café is further down on the right. Continue down the lane to a road junction, turn right past the front of The Greyhound to the pub car park.

3. Cross the road to a path signposted Crawley’s Lane. Go through the gate and continue downhill through three further gates into a wood. Follow the path straight down past the junction with The Chiltern Way and out through the next gate into a field. The route follows The Chiltern Way for the next 2.5 miles. Continue directly ahead through the horse paddocks and three more gates to a path T-junction in the hedgerow. Turn right to join a concrete track down to a lane. Turn left under the flyover and take the byway on the right, signposted Cow Roast.

4. Go through the gates of Tinkers Lodge and walk along the wide track to reach a busy road by the closed Cow Roast Inn. Cross the road, turn right along the verge, take the first left down Wharf Lane and over the canal bridge.

>>> The optional Wigginton route starts here.

A choice of easy-walking, stile-free walks visiting Aldbury, Ashridge and Tring Park Tring Park
42 / Tring Living View all our editions at | Like us on Facebook

5. Follow the lane round to the right, walk along it for 110m and turn left through a gap in the hedgerow. Go straight over the field, cross the railway bridge and the next field to a T-junction. Turn right to the next junction and then left to the main access track into Norcott Court Farm. Turn left and immediately right just before the farm entrance. Continue up past the metal barn, go through a gate, walk on a few metres and bear left through a gate in the wooden fencing. Follow the path ahead to the top of the field and go through a gate. Walk along the right-hand field edge and up through a small wood. Go through the next gate, bear left uphill and through a further gate. Follow the path down for a short distance and round to the right to a tall field gate.

6. Pass through the gate. Continue uphill through the wood and the next gate. Stay straight ahead to join a surfaced driveway, walk past the houses and onwards to a lane.

7. Cross it and turn right uphill on a path that runs parallel to the lane. At the top, turn left along a wide track, go through the gate directly ahead and past Old Copse Lodge. Continue directly ahead along the track for 550m to a 5-way junction.

8. Turn immediately left to a path junction with views of the Bridgewater Monument directly ahead. Turn right along a wide track and follow it all the way to Ashridge Visitor Centre.

9. From the entrance to the Centre, follow the fence round to the left past Brownlow Café and Monument Cottage. Stay straight ahead, follow the main path downhill for 200m and bear right to keep descending to a road (Toms Hill Road). Turn right, go over the road junction, walk past the pond, the Post Office and Aldbury Memorial Hall and along Station Road.

10. Just after the church, turn right through a gate on a path signposted Pitstone Hill and cross the field. (Musette Café is on

the left through a gap in the fence). Go through the next gate and left through a third just before a large barn. Follow the path beside the barn and on through two more gates to reach a T-junction. Turn left, go over a crossing path, down the concrete track and through a gate to reach a busy road. The official route turns right along the verge to return to Tring Station. For a safer alternative, cross the road and turn right along the field edge on an unofficial but well-used route. At the end go past a gate, cross the road and turn left along the pavement to the station.

Shorter options

>>> Ashridge shorter option – Don’t turn left into Beggars Lane. Instead, cross the road and walk down the slope to the canal. Turn left and walk along the towpath for just over a mile to a lane at Cow Roast Lock. Turn left along the lane to join the main route at Waypoint 5.

>>> Wigginton shorter option – After the bridge, turn immediately left past the lock and continue along the canal towpath for just over a mile to Bridge 135. Go under the bridge and turn immediately right up the slope to the road. Turn left along it to reach Tring Station and the end of the walk.

Spring 2023 / 43 Living Magazines | 01442 823400 |
Thanks to the Chiltern Society and Andrew Clark


ALWAYS CHECK with the event organiser beforehand. Opening times and restrictions may vary. If you would like to include your event in future magazines complete the form at:


Talks: The Mitford Sisters

Wigginton History Society, Village Hall, Wigginton, 8pm. £4 inc refreshments.

Speaker: Muriel Pilkington.


Markets & Sales: Tring Farmers Market Market Place, Brook Street, Tring, 9am-12.30pm. 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month. Fine produce from around the district. www.

Fundraisers: Skydive 2023 North London Skydiving Centre (Cambridge). £50 registration, non-refundable. Minimum sponsorship £350. Why not push the boundaries and take to the skies to support The Hospice of St Francis? www.stfrancis.

Music: Villiers Quartet Berkhamsted Civic Centre 7.30pm, £20. PurcellFantasias, Britten - Quartet in C Major No 2 Op 36 , Philip Herbert - Solicitudo, Beethoven - Quartet in F Major Op 135. www.


Music: La Boheme

Aylesbury Waterside Theatre, 7.30pm. Senbla presents Opera

International’s awardwinning Ellen Kent Production featuring the Ukrainian Opera & Ballet Theatre Kyiv, with international soloists, highly-praised chorus and full orchestra. www.

Film: Luzzu Berkhamsted Civic Centre, 8pm. Also Tue 14. Non-members £5 at door. For details of film please visit the website. berkhamstedfilm society.


Talks: Ford End Watermill

High Street Baptist Church Tring, 8pm. Chris Tugby, the Mill Manager, talks about this little mill which was recorded in 1616 but is certainly very much older. tringlocalhistorymuseum.


Music: Tring Music Partnership Gala Performance

Victoria Hall, 7.15pm. Join Tring Together and the Tring Music Partnership for a wonderful evening celebrating music in Tring. Tickets from Fancy That (cash only) or online. www.


Markets & Sales: Berkhamsted Farmers Market

High Street, Berkhamsted, 10am-2pm. Third Sunday of every month. An opportunity for local customers to buy high quality produce direct from the producer. www.


Arts & Crafts: Seasons

Art Class

Northchurch Social Centre, Berkhamsted. New 14-week programme. seasonsartclass

Arts & Crafts: Paper

Peony Workshop

Potten End, Little Heath Ln, HP4 2RY, 10.30am1.30pm. £35. Learn to craft a beautiful peony bloom and bud from heavy crepe paper.


Business: Tring BusinessMart

Meet other local business people to talk through ideas, plans or just to compare. www.

Theatre: The Hollow Boxmoor Playhouse, 7.30pm. Sat matinee

Terms and conditions: This voucher entitles you to £5 off of our Traditional Pub Fayre menu, (Monday - Sunday lunchtimes), when you spend £20 or more on food. Offer excludes bank holidays and special events. Valid until end Feb 2023. THE ROBIN HOOD MENU TRADITIONAL PUB FAYRE Mon-Sun lunchtimes Tues & Wed eves 6pm-8.30pm CHARITY QUI z Every Wed 8.30pm (in aid of Hector’s House) £5.00 E ATINg OUT v OUCHER for TRADITIONAL PUB FAYRE at LUNCHTIMES 1 Brook Street | Tring | HP23 5ED | Tel: 01442 824912 Email: Present this to redeem

2.30pm. To 25 Mar.

A leisurely weekend explodes into murder at The Hollow, home of Sir Henry and Lucy Angkatell, arguably Agatha Christie’s finest comic grande dame.

Fundraisers: Murder in Writing Court Theatre. 7.30pm, Sat matinee 12pm. To 25 Mar. £21 each including food or a whole table for 8 people for £160. For the 12th year another murder mystery by author Karen Banfield. During the two intervals you will be served lunch/ supper and be able to work as a team at your table to guess who the murderer is and why. www.


Music: Madama

Butterfly Dunstable Grove Theatre, 7.30pm. For the first time ever the Ukrainian National Opera is coming to Dunstable as part of a UK wide tour with the premiere of Puccini’s opera. www. madama-butterfly-i3805

Music: Alan Barnes and Dave Newton BJazz at the Civic Centre, Berkhamsted, 8pm. Full Bar facilities. Alan Barnes on saxes and Dave Newton on piano, friends and jazz colleagues since meeting at college 40 years ago. Terrific duo! www.bjazz. org


Film: Summerland Berkhamsted Civic Centre, 8pm. Also Tues 28. Non-members £5 at door. For details of film please visit the website. www. berkhamstedfilmsociety.


Talks: The Definitive Guide to the Perimenopause and Menopause

7.30pm Dr Louise Newson is one of the UK’s leading medical experts on the menopause. Attend the live event or watch online. Tickets via Our Bookshop in Tring. www.


Talks: Berkhamsted

Citizens AGM

Great Hall, Berkhamsted Town Hall, 8pm. With the Environment Award. Free to members and their guests, visitors £5. Come and see what was new in Berkhamsted/Northchurch building in 2022. www.


Film: Tring Cinema

Nora Grace Hall. Doors

7.30pm, film 8pm. See what’s on via website. www.


Music: Tring Choral Society Spring Concert

St Peter and St Paul Church, Tring, 7.30pm. £15, under 18s free. Fauré Requiem, also Duruflé, Dubois, Charpentier & Saint-Saëns.


Music: Rosa Celeste Old Town Hall, Berkhamsted, 7-8.30pm. £20. Behind the Mirror with a luminous and uplifting programme of ancient and modern music especially arranged for clarinet violin and cello. www.

Music: T J Johnson Quintet

Court Theatre, Tring, 7.30pm. From £20. An Evening with TJ Johnson

and his Band in concert, performing tunes from his latest album, ‘Songs from the Jazz Country’. www.

Music: Chiltern Chamber Choir

St Peter’s Church, Berkhamsted, 7.30pm. Brahms Requiem and Parry’s Songs of Farewell. www.


Theatre: The Shawshank Redemption

Aylesbury Waterside Theatre, 7.30pm to 8 Apr. Thu & Sat matinees 2.30pm. Starring Joe Absolom and Ben Onwukwe, based on Stephen King’s 1982 novella Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption. aylesbury-waterside-theatre Film: I’m Your Man Berkhamsted Civic Centre, 8pm. Also Tues 4. Non-members £5 at door. For details of film please visit the website. www. berkhamstedfilmsociety.


Talks: Tring Park

Wigginton History Society, Village Hall, Wigginton, 8pm. £4 inc refreshments. Speaker: Kate Harwood. cliff.


Music: Krissy Mathews Band

Blues Bar, Tring. 8pm. www.


Talks: The Volunteer Centre High Street Baptist Church, Tring, 10-11am. Representatives will be in Tring every month to talk to people about volunteering and to help promote local volunteering roles. www.


Markets & Sales: Tring

Farmers Market

Church Square, Tring, 9am-12.30pm. 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month. Fine produce from around the district. www.


Fundraisers: Ladies Fashion Show

Potten End Village Hall, 7pm for 7.30pm start. Entry by ticket only, £8 including a glass of wine or soft drink. Clothes available to purchase on the night. For tickets call Gill Grainger. 01442 872336

Music: Martin Harley Blues Bar, Tring. 7pm. The man with the Weissenborn & National Guitars. www.

Film: Tring Cinema

Nora Grace Hall. Doors 7.30pm, film 8pm. See what’s on via website. www.


Markets & Sales: Berkhamsted Farmers Market

High Street, Berkhamsted, 10am-2pm. An opportunity for local customers to buy high quality produce direct from the producer. www.


Film: The Courier Berkhamsted Civic Centre, 8pm. Also Tues 18. Nonmembers £5 at door. For details of film please visit the website. www. berkhamstedfilm society.


Business: Tring BusinessMart

Meet other local business people to talk through ideas, plans or just to compare.

Theatre: Dr Dolittle Court Theatre. 7.30pm, Sat matinees 11am & 3pm. To 22 Apr. From £15. Berkhamsted Theatre Company proudly presents the magical, marvellous, miraculous world of the world-famous Doctor John Dolittle. www.


Kids: The Chrysalis Project

Spring Meadow Farm, HP4 2SX. Also 26 Apr & 3 May. Nature exploration –breeding butterflies with outdoor activities and play for families with pre-school children. faithworkstrust.


Fundraisers: Chilterns Dog Rescue Society Quiz


Ashley Green Memorial Hall, Two Dells Lane, Ashley Green, HP5 3RB. 7.30pm. Teams of 6. £10 per person. Food is not included – please bring your own food and drinks. There will also be a raffle. chilternsdogrescue.

Music: Steve Waterman Quartet

BJazz at the Civic Centre, Berkhamsted, 8pm. Full Bar facilities. One of our greatest trumpeters, Steve Waterman, is joined by Ronnie Scott’s regular Gareth Williams on piano, Marianne Windham double bass and Dave Barry drums.


Sport: Bowls Open Day Berkhamsted Bowling Club, Canal Fields, 10am-4pm. www. berkhamstedbowlsclub.


Music: Madama Butterfly Aylesbury Waterside Theatre, 7.30pm.

Senbla presents Opera International’s awardwinning Ellen Kent Production featuring the Ukrainian Opera & Ballet Theatre Kyiv, with international soloists, highly-praised chorus and full orchestra. www. aylesbury-waterside-theatre


Fairs/Festivals: Spring Fayre

Until 14 May. www.

Music: Midge Ure

Aylesbury Waterside

Theatre. ‘Voice & Visions’ tour, celebrating 40 years since the release of Ultravox’s Rage In Eden and Quartet albums. midgeure.gigantic .com/ midge-ure-tickets


Fundraisers: The Berkhamsted Walk

The annual Berkhamsted Walk offers three routes: Family (6 miles), Bluebell (12) and Challenge (18). Raise funds for The Children’s Society and enjoy a wonderful walk through the lovely local countryside.

Music: Hertfordshire

Schools’ Music Gala

Royal Albert Hall, 1.45 and 7.45pm. Over 2,500 young people in Hertfordshire share their incredible musical talent and celebrate the breadth and quality of music-making taking place in schools and communities across the county. hertsmusicservice .

Gardens: Open Garden PATCHWORK, Hall Park Gate, Berkhamsted HP4 2NJ, opening for the National Garden Scheme, 2-5pm. Tulips and narcissi in profusion, azaleas and other flowering shrubs provide a feast of colour for the eyes. Adults £5, children free. Refreshments. Dogs welcome. patchwork2@


Talks: The Life of Agatha Christie Wigginton History Society, Village Hall, Wigginton, 8pm. £4 inc refreshments. Speaker: Geoff Bowdon.


Fairs / Festivals: Coronation Street Party 2pm to 6pm Berkhamsted High Street. Free event with music, street entertainers, face painter and food court. www.berkhamstedtown

Fairs / Festivals: Coronation Event 2pm - 6pm. Church service at St Peter & St Paul, Tring, followed by music, activities, food and drink.


Theatre: An American in Paris

Aylesbury Waterside Theatre, 10am. From £6. A safe and welcoming screening of An American in Paris, especially for people living with dementia, their families and carers. Lights are left on low, there are no adverts, and the audience are able to move around and sing along to musical numbers as they wish. aylesbury


Markets & Sales: Tring Farmers Market Market Place, Brook Street, Tring, 9am-12.30pm. 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month. Fine produce from around the district. www.

Gardens: Sunnyside Rural Trust Trail

Sunnyside Rural Trust’s three gardens in Hemel Hempstead, Northchurch and Berkhamsted will open for the National Garden Scheme for the first time, 11am-4pm. 3 sites on just one ticket. uk/garden/44821/sunnysiderural-trust-trail


Fundraisers: Bubble Rush Drift Limits Racetrack, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 2RR. The Fun Run with a difference...

Bubbles! New location for this year!

Music: Tring Chamber

Music Summer SeasonTrout and Hummel Hastoe Village Hall, 7.30pm. Hummel Piano Quintet in E flat minor Op 87. Rachel Stott

‘Magical Thinking’ for solo cello and speaker, Penderecki Duo Concertante violin and bass, Schubert Trout Quintet. Howard Shelley Piano, Paul Barritt violin, Jonathan Barritt viola, Joey Koos cello, Roberto CarrilloGarcia double bass, Josephine Horder speaker. www.


Business: Champagne Networking Evening Hosted by Gaddesden Place RDA. Free. Booking required. Contact organiser for more information. info@

46 / Tring Living View all our editions at | Like us on Facebook


Sport: Stocks Golf Day Stocks Golf Course, Aldbury, 9.30am. Teams of four £300 inc breakfast, refreshments and BBQ lunch. Tee up your best shot as you support Tring Together’s ongoing work with the community and local businesses. www.

Film: Tring Cinema Nora Grace Hall. Doors 7.30pm, film 8pm. See what’s on via website. www.


Music: Sara Dowling Quartet

BJazz at the Civic Centre, Berkhamsted, 8pm. Full Bar facilities. Voted best British Jazz vocalist in 2019, Sara Dowling performs standards and originals with musicians well known at Berkhamsted.


Sport: The Hemel Hillbuster

A choice of 25k, 60k or 100k sportive challenges take you over rolling Chiltern Hills and the stunning countryside of Herts, Beds and Bucks in support of DENS. www.dens.

Markets & Sales: Berkhamsted Farmers Market

High Street, Berkhamsted, 10am-2pm. 3rd Sunday of every month. An opportunity for local customers to buy high quality produce direct from the producer. www.


Theatre: Curtains Court Theatre. 7.30pm, to 27 May. From £10. This

hilarious whodunnit is packed full of catchy songs, unforgettable characters and plot twists galore.


Business: Tring BusinessMart

Meet other local business people to talk through ideas, plans or just to compare.


Sport: Bowls Taster Day Berkhamsted Bowling Club, Canal Fields, 10am-4pm. www. berkhamstedbowlsclub.


Talks: The Volunteer Centre High Street Baptist Church, Tring, 10-11am. Representatives will be in Tring every month to talk to people about volunteering and to help promote local volunteering roles. www.


Fairs / Festivals: Mind Body Spirit Wellbeing Show

Grange School, Alyesbury, 11-5pm. Also 4 Jun. Treat

yourself to a holisitc therapy or 1-1 reading. Gifts with a difference. Talks, workshops & demos to help you on your journey. Relax with friends & family. Enjoy the positive vibe of a Deer Spirit Mind Body Spirit Wellbeing Show. www.

Fairs / Festivals: St Leonards Fete Parish Hall and Field, Jenkins Lane, St. Leonards, Tring. With circus juggling, live band, bouncy castle, classic cars, plant and book stall, raffle, dog show, tombolas, beer and Pimms tent, BBQ, cream teas and much much more. www.

Music: 90s Indie Night Court Theatre, Tring, 8pm. From £13. Once again the Common People DJs will be down at The Court Theatre playing your favourite 90s tunes in support of Hector’s House.

St Leonards Village Fete

Sat 3rd June 2023 1.00 - 4.30pm

Circus Juggling, Live Band, Bouncy Castle, Classic Cars, Plant & Book Stall, Raffle, Dog Show, Tombolas, Beer & Pimms Tent, BBQ, Cream Teas...and much much more!


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19th January 2019

2nd February 2019

16th February 2019

2nd March 2019 16th March 2019

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Mar 2023 Viewing
48 / Tring Living View all our editions at | Like us on Facebook HANDYMAN Fencing –Panels, post & rail, close board Jet Washing –Driveways, patios Garden Maintenance –inc. tree pruning, hedge trimming, strimming And much more…. Contact Simon 07738 415475 Rosebank Handyman What our customers say: Excellent printed and online LOCAL CLASSIFIED SERVICES P E Mead & Sons Farm Shop Wilstone, Near Tring HP23 4NT 01442 828478 Opening Times Mon-Sat: 9am - 5:30pm Sunday: 9:30am - 4:30pm We stock a full range of Logs, Coal, Calor gas, & Charcoal Logs, Coal & Calor Gas PE MEAD win 2022.indd 1 26/10/2022 18:28 CALOR GAS & FUEL LOCK AROUND THE CLOCK Need a Locksmith NOW Call C H R I S on: 07968 301732 01442 261038 B A S E D I N BOX M OOR Within the HOUR where possible! n No call out charge n Emergency lock & door opening EST 2001 ITH or Opening Fitted and Changed to BS3621 list in UPVC Door Locks Boxmoor based lock logo.pdf 1 15/10/2022 17:36 lock logo.pdf 1 15/10/2022 17:47 LOCKSMITH WITHIN THE HOUR* (*Where possible) NO CALL OUT CHARGE EMERGENCY DOOR & LOCK OPENING ALL LOCK FITTED TO BS3621 BURGLARY REPAIRS UPVC SPECIALIST Call Chris on: 07968 301732 01442 261038 LOCK ATC WINTER 2022.indd 1 15/10/2022 17:55 LOCKSMITH GARDENING SERVICES 4.9 out of 5 GARDENING SERVICES l Tree Care l Fencing Contact Robert on: 07585 007109 FR Jeffery & Son COAL MERCHANT Coal & smokeless fuel Kiln dry logs Garden Compost Delivered to your door Call: 01296 661258 TO BOOK TELEPHONE: 01442 824300 BOOK MULTIPLE ISSUES TO SECURE YOUR PLACE AND RECEIVE A SERIES DISCOUNT. BOOKING DEADLINES 2023 SUMMER 2023 BOOKING & NEWS DEADLINE 26-04-23 DISTRIBUTION FROM 05-06-23 AUTUMN 2023 BOOKING & NEWS DEADLINE 26-7-23 DISTRIBUTION FROM 04-9-23 WINTER 2023 BOOKING & NEWS DEADLINE 25-10-23 DISTRIBUTION FROM 04-12-23 Karen
Spring 2023 / 49 Living Magazines | 01442 823400 | What our customers say: Community Action Dacorum, a charity based in Hemel Old Town has recently started holding Volunteer Information sessions in Tring and Berkhamsted… We were overwhelmed by the number of people who came to our event, the majority of whom had found out about it from your magazine. Community Action Dacorum January 2023 What our customers say: Just wanted to say what a great magazine you produced this quarter. Loved the piece on Tring’s police station, local shopping and the updates on the local planning applications. Thanks for producing, look forward to your next edition. Richard December 2022 Serving the community and supporting local businesses since 2001. Email: or telephone 01442 824300. To reach over 65,000 local residents! Advertise with us... Quarter page house ad.indd 1 29/03/2022 17:06 SELF ACCESS STORAGE DAGNALL HP4 1QZ Clean, dry and weatherproof Storage Containers available for rental. Ideal for home and business items. Discreet, Secure, Floodlit, 24/7 digital CCTV 07855 264648 Dagnall Storage.indd 1 27/01/2022 11:46 STORAGE TV AERIALS What our customers say: It’s truly local. Painter & Decorator Call Mike on... 01442 822684 07534 109823 All types of decorative work undertaken. Excellent rates and references. 25 yrs in the trade. Michael Casingena Casingena Aut 2022.indd 1 15/10/2022 17:10 PAINTING & DECORATING OFF LICENCE Vintage Wines, Liqueurs, Exclusive Whiskies & Cigars TRING 01442 827117 TRADITIONAL OFF LICENCE OPEN DAILY FROM 1.30PM Village Wines Village wines 2x1.indd 1 16/10/2019 15:33 8 Miswell Lane HP23 4BX Village WInes.indd 1 13/01/2023 11:42 PHOTOGRAPHY PETS Suzanne


A Love to Last a Lifetime


If your first love came back into your life, would you risk a happy marriage for the one that got away? This bittersweet love story charts the dilemma of Erin, who is married to the solid, dependable Greg. Then back into her life comes her teenage love Adam - he’s handsome, funny and charming - but he broke her heart.

When Adam returns needing her help, Erin begins to wonder if it’s fate - but will she risk everything for the man she thought was The One?

If you’ve enjoyed Clare’s previous books, you’ll love this one too!

Clare Swatman is a former editor of Living magazines, and author of three women’s fiction novels, published by Macmillan. She lives in Berkhamsted.

In Ice

Fans of Dave’s books will be glad to know that DCI Nathan Quarrel is back in his second outing - this time with a terrifying, twisty tale of a serial killer!

A house of horrors in a Hertfordshire village (Wigginton) is hiding a grisly secret - the bodies of five women hidden in three freezers.

It looks like a serial killer has been at work for a long time - will Nathan find the culprit before they strike again?

This is a real page-turner - with the added bonus of being set in familiar surroundings - there’s even a namecheck for Tring’s (currently closed) Tamarind restaurant! You won’t want to put it down - and there’s a fabulous final twist in the ending too.

This is Pitstone author Dave Sivers’ 10th published book. He is also the founder of the annual BeaconLit festival of books and writing.

When the Kite Builds: Why and How We Restored Red Kites Across Britain

This book describes the story of the successful reintroduction of red kites to the UK in 1990s, and how the Chilterns was selected as the initial location for the establishment of young chicks brought in from Sweden and Spain. The book’s author, Dr Mike Pienkowski, was the Chairman of the Red Kite Project Team, described by the RSPB as ‘the biggest species success story in UK conservation history’.

The book charts the project, its success and explores the outcome for red kites and other species. Proceeds from sales of the book go to UK Overseas Territories Conservation Forum’s charitable conservation activities.

Barflies and Dubai: Stories of Skyscrapers and Sundowners


Dubai is the most populous city in the United Arab Emirates; a place of sun and sparkling skyscrapers - where fortunes can be made by expats willing to relocate, and where tourists explore its attractions and revel in its obvious wealth. But this book looks beyond that to the seedier, grittier side of the city - its nightlife, where people of all nationalities and cultures collide. A collection of stories exploring some of the seedier - and sadder - tales that come from years of people watching.

The author is a long-term resident of Berkhamsted and has seen the city of Dubai grow from the old failing oil town it was in 1998 to the sprawling tourist attraction it is today.

Local authors! Let us know about your book releases. Email 50 / Tring Living
your way into spring with this selection of books from local authors


These delicious and easy-tomake biscuits are great to bake with children as they can be on the table in less than 30 minutes. Experiment with all sorts of flavours by using different oils.

This recipe features in the Chilterns Recipe Book (available via and many local shops). The book celebrates the best independent food and drink across the region plus the stories of the people who lovingly make them along with great days out, walks and where to eat out.

The recipe itself comes from award-winning Chiltern Cold Pressed Oil. The rapeseed is grown, pressed and bottled as oil at PE Mead & Sons Farmshop at Wilstone, near Tring – well worth a visit for the excellent farm shop and Farmhouse Kitchen.


• 250g flour

• 125g caster sugar

• 85ml Chiltern Cold Pressed Rapeseed Oil

• Pinch of salt

• 40ml Chiltern Cold Pressed Infused Rapeseed Oil. We recommend using either rosemary, lemon or orange or substitute with 10ml of chilli oil for a subtle kick!


1. Preheat the oven to 180°C (160°C fan, gas mark 3).

2. Grease a baking tray.

3. Sieve the flour, sugar and salt into a bowl.

4. Make a well in the middle and pour in the two oils.

5. Combine with a knife until a loose crumbly dough forms.

6. Press into the baking tray and place in the oven for 15-20 minutes until it begins to turn golden.

7. Cut into 16 pieces.

8. Allow to cool in the baking tray before removing and enjoying.

Spring 2023 / 51 Living Magazines | 01442 823400 |

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