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Seniors Take Flight: Commencement 2022
On May 28, the Class of 2022 took their next steps into the world, becoming R-MA’s 130th graduating class.
Surrounded by family and friends, the seniors gathered in Melton Gymnasium to celebrate their Commencement.
R-MA Chaplain , Reverend Erich Bennett, asked for blessings upon the graduates with the invocation, then yielded the floor for General Wesley’s welcome and remarks. He began by reflecting on the irreversible impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the Academy.
“After we’re finished celebrating - and believe me, ladies and gentlemen, we are going to celebrate today, because this class has earned it in ways I had no idea they would have to,” he said. “I ask that you pause and reflect on the sacrifice of those who gave their lives for this Academy...let’s dedicate this class of amazing young people to the work and sacrifice done to prepare them for this day.”
He also made a request of the Class of 2022: “Go out and live lives worthy of the sacrifice that was paid to make this day possible for you.”
General Wesley’s remarks were followed by words from the valedictorian of the Class of 2022, Victoria VanDyke (see page 13).
General Wesley then introduced this year’s Commencement speaker, Brigadier General Terry Djuric, USAF, Retired, who currently serves as senior advisor to the resident and commandant of cadets for the Virginia Women’s Institute for Leadership (VWIL) at Mary Baldwin University.
General Djuric encouraged the class to practice two key leadership skills, service and change management.
To motivate the graduates, she shared the story of a Mary Baldwin alumnus, Sarah K. Small, who served her school in student government, as an RA, and as a VWIL cadet, and then her country as a First Lieutenant in the Air Force until her death in the line of duty in 2005.
“She was truly a leader, full of ambition and passion for life, and she embodied the core value of service before self,” General Djuric shared. She went on to note that it was Memorial Day weekend - a time to remember the sacrifice of our nation’s service members.
Speaking of change management, General Djuric offered this advice: “If you can learn to react to change in a calm, professional, and positive manner, you will succeed.” Failure to do so makes you “part of the problem - and we need leaders who are part of the solution.”
She concluded, “I trust that you will choose to be the leader who serves your people, and serves your community...you’re all winners. Believe in yourselves.”
The Class of 2022 and Falcon Scholars leave the Hill well-prepared for the challenges they will face. We congratulate them on their many accomplishements and look forward to their successes in the years to come!