The Sabre Magazine: Summer-Fall 2023

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The Sabre

Randolph-Macon Academy Summer-Fall 2023 A Falcon Foundation School




200 Academy Drive Front Royal, VA 22630 540-636-5200

Editor: Jenny Walton

Photography: Misti Walters, Jen Avery


Mr. Harry G. Austin, III ‘75 Chairman

Ms. Lucy Williams Hooper Chair-Elect

Mr. John Simar ‘68 Vice Chairman

Ms. Patty Keenan Secretary

Mr. Alonzo Neese, III ‘01 Treasurer

Mr. Eric Anderson ‘88

Dr. Bill Bersing ‘85

Major General Mark A. Brown, USAF, Retired

Mr. Brian Bogart

Ms. Heather Grossman, P’16, ‘18, ‘21

Dr. Tess Hegedus

Mr. Doug Huthwaite ‘69

Mr. David Link ‘85

Mr. Ed Morris ‘97

Ms. Katie Tewell ‘97, P’22, ‘25

Ex-Officio Members

Mr. Bryan V. Moore ‘84

Ms. Valerie Wilson, P’24

Rev. Dr. Victor Gomez


Brig Gen David C. Wesley, USAF, Retired

The Sabre is published for alumni, parents, and friends of the Academy. Send any comments or suggestions to:

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Pictured left: An R-MA Cessna 172 Skyhawk flies over the mountains. Photo by Trevor Walker ‘24.
CONTENTS GENERAL’S GREETINGS RISE INSIDE R-MA Athletes Score Middle School Wins Cyber Cup NYC St. Patrick’s Day Parade J-Term 2023: Program Highlights Service Before Self: R-MA Students Give Back Meet the Team: Mary Kühl, Tim Ott, and Chris Peter Now On Board: Major General Mark A. Brown, USAF, Ret and David Link ‘85 FEATURE ARTICLES Commencement 2023 Rise Together: Homecoming 2023 RISE BEYOND Honoring Cadet Leaders Class Notes In Memoriam: Herb Morgan In Memoriam: Henry Green ‘37 Final Roll Call 04 09 18 06 07 07 10 11 12 16 19 20 22 8 12 18 3 08 The Sabre Magazine Summer-Fall 2023 23


Wow, what an incredible spring! R-MA won a national championship in computer science, along with a state title for that same Middle School team; our track and field athletes won state championships in the 100 meter, 200 meter, and shot put events; and 60 graduates just departed with more than $19 million in scholarship awards, for our 16th consecutive year of 100% college acceptance!

We are particularly proud of the 12 Service Academy appointments and several more “full rides” from ROTC scholarships won by the Class of 2023.

If you’ve not seen this year’s Commencement Ceremony, you can catch it on our YouTube channel ( and hear the Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps’ remarks at about the 50 minute mark in the video. We were all pleased to see General Smith nominated as the next Commandant of the Marine Corps on the Monday after he spoke here on The Hill!

The fall looks even more exciting, as we’ll begin the third great revolution in R-MA’s development as a military preparatory school. The departure of Air Force Junior ROTC was not something anyone here wanted to see happen, but it has opened the door to an even greater opportunity for our faculty and our cadets. Having begun our military journey in 1917 with the National Defense Cadet Corps, we became an even more distinguished military program with the arrival of Air Force Junior ROTC in 1975.

4 The Sabre Magazine Summer-Fall 2023

While I was sad to see AFJROTC depart at the end of this year, the Board of Trustees has directed us to build a proprietary military program to make R-MA’s campus culture and the performance of our cadets still more distinctive. The opportunity to tailor that program to the strengths and needs of today’s students is something we’ll be proud to show to you when you visit campus this fall. We’ll retain our Flight Program, now augmented by the Unmanned Systems Lab, and one of the strongest programs of its type in the country today. Our long association with the Air Force Academy Falcon Foundation

will also continue to thrive. For those who may not know, R-MA graduates and post-grads now number more than 40 cadets at USAFA each year!

So, make your reservations for Homecoming early! Many of you know we sold out all the hotels in the area last fall and folks had to make reservations more than 50 miles away, just to be with us on that special day! We look forward to an even bigger crowd to celebrate all that it means to be a member of the Yellow Jacket family!

GO Jackets!

5 The Sabre Magazine Summer-Fall 2023


R-MA brought 18 hard-working athletes to the VISAA Track & Field State Meet this May - and over half the qualifiers took home medals!

Here’s a look the results (note that “finalists” placed in the top 9):

Mayo Ojutalayo ‘23: 1st in 100M, 1st in 200M, 2nd 4x1 Team

Kaitlyn Morgan ‘23: 1st in Shot Put, finalist in Discus

Leslie Malin ‘23: 4th in Triple Jump, 2nd 4x1 Team

Bridgette Notewo ‘25: 2nd 4x1 Team

Toni Ogunlade ‘25: 2nd 4x1 Team, Finalist in Long Jump

Iman Vactor ‘25: 2nd 4x1 Team

Ryan Barber ‘26: PR with 112ft in Discus (missing finals by just 3 feet!)

Patrick Brewer ‘23: 2nd 4x1 Team

Bade Fadamitan ’24: 2nd 4x1 Team, 3rd in 100M

Alhenn Jean ‘23: Finalist in Triple Jump and Long Jump

Brian Nnaji ‘24: 2nd in 4x1

Ira Tumenta ‘23: Finalist in Shot Put

Way to go, Track & Field!

Three seniors will be continuing their athletic careers in college:

John English ‘23 will be playing baseball for Methodist University.

Nathan Kidwell ‘23 will be playing baseball for La Roche University.

Sophia Wagner ‘23 will be playing Division II soccer for Emory & Henry College.

Congratulations to all of our Yellow Jacket athletes on a great spring season!

For more sports updates, follow R-MA Athletics on Instagram, @RMAAthletics!

The Sabre Magazine Summer-Fall 2023


Each year, gives students the opportunity to experience what cybersecurity professionals do every day through the National Cyber Cup. Participants are given a series of jeopardy-style challenges designed to test their critical thinking skills and knowledge of reverse engineering, decryption, programming, computer networks, and other cybersecurity topics.

This year, the R-MA Middle School fielded two teams, placing 1st and 5th out of 42 teams from across the country in the National Cyber Cup! R-MA Middle School students also took first place in Virginia in the Air Force Association’s annual CyberPatriot competition this year.

For more information on the National Cyber Cup, visit


R-MA returned to the New York City St. Patrick’s Day Parade this past March! Said Music Director Mr. Michael DeMato, “It’s an amazing feeling to be back at this parade after missing several due to COVID. We are looking forward to many more in the future.”

In addition to the band, led by C/2LT and Drum Major Sarina Winters ‘23, the Academy fielded a parade unit and flag corps carrying all 50 state flags led by Corps Commander C/LTC Henry Scott ‘23. The parade route covered approximately 30 city blocks. Participating cadets did the Academy proud.

Following the parade, the cadets soaked in the sights of the city, including various museums, restaurants, Times Square, and other big-city attractions, including the Intrepid Sea, Air, and Space Museum.

See highlights on R-MA’s YouTube channel at:

7 The Sabre Magazine Summer-Fall 2023


Each year when students return from winter break, Randolph-Macon Academy conducts a special 3-week academic period called “January Term” or “J-Term.”

During this time, students have the opportunity to enjoy seminar-style classes focused on experiential, hands-on learning and creativity, while developing necessary career and life skills. In future years, upperclassmen will also be able this time for internships, capstone research projects, and even study abroad.

Courses offered at the Upper School this year included Cyanotyping, Creativity Lab, Photography, DIY, Film History, Fellowship of the Ring, Drill & Ceremony, Hidden History, School of Rock, Improvised Comedy, Civil War, Talking African Cloth, Culinary, Mind & Body, Film Project, Adulting 101, Intro to Investing, Cabinet of Curiosities, and Military Operations Course (MOC1).

The Middle School offered its own set of exciting subjects, including Primitive Survival, Sport/Activity Fitness Planning, Introduction to Drones, The “Mad” Universe of Lewis Carrol’s “Alice in Wonderland,” Dive into Dance, Mindful Meditation, World Religions and Culture, Say “Hi” to Hydroponics, Solve-it, and Diplomacy 101: Model United Nations.

To see video from the culminating J-Term Symposium, where students from across the Academy presented their work to their peers, visit

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R-MA students and cadets continued giving back to the local community this spring!

Both the Middle School Interact Club and the community service intramural helped the local community with trash pick up. Kendrick Lane and Main Street were two locations that benefited from these efforts! R-MA Upper School Interact club attended the Samuels Public Library, A Taste For Books - Back to the Future fundraiser event. They set up a Harry Potter-themed table, complete with Quidditch brooms.

The community service intramural also visited the local “blessing boxes” in town, checked on the supplies, discussed what would be best to add to the boxes, and followed up with delivering the needed items to the boxes. Blessing boxes are spaced throughout the community to help families and individuals in need, providing non-perishable foods and supplies.

R-MA’s High Flight cadets helped with trail maintenance at the Izaak-Walton League during Earth Day, and returned for Community Day and Youth Day as well. The group often train on-property, and so it is very fitting for them to pitch in and help keep the grounds beautiful.

The Academy was proud to present our Unmanned Systems Lab at the annual Earth Day Festival in Downtown Front Royal. Participating students are able to use drones to collect relevant data, analyze it, and report back to our community partners. We are so very thankful for our community partners who have helped us take our drone program to the next level! During the event, cadets made connections with the Izaak-Walton League of Warren County, the NOVA 4H Center, The Smithsonian, James Madison University, and the Town of Front Royal Environmental Community.

The Color Guard donated their time at the Front Royal Memorial Day ceremony held at town hall. Compliments were given that they were one of the best presentations R-MA has sent to date. There were many town leaders in the audience including the mayor, sheriff, police department captain, town council members and more.

9 The Sabre Magazine Summer-Fall 2023 SERVICE BEFORE SELF



Mary joined the Middle School faculty in August 2018, where in addition to teaching, mentoring, and coaching Cross Country and Girls Basketball, she served as the Middle School’s Director of Student Engagement for 2022-23.

She hails from upstate New York and moved to Virginia 15 years ago to coach lacrosse and teach. Since then, she has spent her time at various local private schools. In her free time, Mary enjoys spending time with friends and family, competing in long distance races, and quilting.

Mary is pursuing an EdD in Educational Leadership at Shenandoah University, and holds a Masters in Educational Leadership from Shenandoah University and a BS from Connecticut College.


Colonel Timothy J. Ott, USMC, Retired joined the Middle School faculty in October 2022, following his retirement from the Senior Executive Service of the US Department of the Treasury. He also served as an assistant coach for the R-MA Track & Field team this spring.

Tim holds an LLM from the Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center of School of the US Army, a JD from Case Western Reserve School of Law, an MS from the National War College, and a BA from the University of Mount Union.

Tim has been married to his wife Penny for 31 years, and they have two adult children.


Chris joined the Middle School faculty in August 2015. In addition to his teaching and mentoring duties, he also served as Assistant Principal and coached the Boys Soccer team.

When he’s not telling stories to inspire a love of history or on the soccer field coaching, he enjoys fishing, hiking, biking, and spending time with his wife Katherine and daughters Charlotte and Maggie.

Chris holds a BS from Shenandoah University, as well as a National Advanced Goalkeeping Diploma from the National Soccer Coaches Association of America and a Virginia State “E” and “F” coaching license.

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Major General Brown is the retired Deputy Commander of Air Education and Training Command, Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph, Texas, where he was responsible for all basic military training and 83% of the Air Force initial skills and advanced technical training, as well as the funding mechanism within the USAF. Following his retirement, he served as Chief Operating Officer for the US Department of Education Office of Federal Student Aid (FSA), and was responsible for the $1.7 trillion federal student loan portfolio. He now serves as the Executive Director of the Student Freedom Initiative.

Major General Brown holds a Masters in National Security Strategy from the National Defense University, a Masters in Strategic Studies from Air Command & Staff College, a Masters of Public Administration from Troy State University, and a Bachelors in Accounting from Tuskegee University.


David Link is a 1985 graduate of R-MA, a 1989 graduate of the College of William & Mary, and an experienced CEO, Chairman, Director, and Founder with global experience across multiple industries and countries. Mr. Link was a Managing Director of Accenture with senior leadership roles in France, the Netherlands, Australia, South Korea, and the Asia Pacific region over a 26-year career.

Mr. Link also founded global fintech Verrency and has served on a number of boards, board committees, and advisory boards, including the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Ripple, the Australian Centre for Financial Studies, and the St. Kilda Football Club. Mr. Link is an Honourary Fellow at the University of Melbourne, and currently lives in Melbourne with his wife and two children.

11 The Sabre Magazine Summer-Fall 2023
“Take what you’ve learned here at this magnificent institution and alter the trajectory of someone’s life for the better, because you will be leaders wherever you go.”
-General Eric Smith, USMC


Following in the footsteps of 130 classes before them, the 58 members of the Class of 2023 crossed the stage in Melton Gymnasium on Saturday, May 27, to become the Academy’s newest graduates.

The ceremony began with an opening prayer from R-MA Chaplain Monica Reynolds, followed by a scripture reading by Ed Morris ‘97, member of the Board of Trustees, and the Prayer of St. Francis by Middle School Principal Tony Ballard. General Wesley then took the podium for his opening remarks.

“Our seniors have made it and they are here...assembled one last time in front of their teachers and proud families and their friends,” he said. “Here they are, to accept the most valuable credential we can convey, an R-MA diploma, and anxious to go on to lives of meaning and success. This is what we do...and this is precisely what the Class of 2023 has done!”

General Wesley’s remarks were followed by words from the valedictorian of the Class of 2023, Adama Roxanne Sagir (see page 15). General Wesley then welcomed this year’s Commencement speaker, the 36th Assistant Commandant of the United States Marine Corps, General Eric Smith. General Smith has held command at every level of the Fleet Marine Force and faced combat multiple times during those command tours. Wounded in action in North Babil, Iraq, while on the First Marine Division Staff, he has gone on to serve in several other critical leadership divisions.

“If you train at altitude, somewhere above 6000 feet, you will be a better athlete,” he observed. “You all have been training at altitude for a long time, as long as you’ve been here...if you come down from altitude, back to sea level, the benefit that you derived from being at altitude goes away in two weeks. You shouldn’t do have an opportunity to take what you’ve learned here at this magnificent institution and alter the trajectory of someone’s life for the better, because you will be leaders wherever you go.”

Congratulations, Class of 2023! The Academy is so proud of your many accomplishments, and we look forward to your successes in the years to come!

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The 58 members of the Class of 2023 earned:

$19.3 million in college scholarships

12 Service Academy Appointments

11 United States Air Force Academy Appointments


Baylor University

Boston University

Bridgewater College

Daytona State College

Duke University

Emory and Henry College

Georgia Gwinnett College

George Mason University

High Point University

James Madison University

Kent State University

La Roche College

Liberty University

Louisiana State University

McDaniel College

Methodist University

Monmouth University

Morehouse College

1 United States Merchant Marine Academy Appointment

Northeastern University

Northern Arizona University

Norwich University

Northern Virginia Community College

New York Institute of Technology

1 Space Force Command through Air Force ROTC Scholarship

2 Army ROTC Scholarships

Pennsylvania State University

Purdue University

Radford University

Roanoke College

Rutgers University

Towson University

Trinity College (Connecticut)

University of MarylandBaltimore County

University of North CarolinaWilmington

University of South Florida

University of Toronto

United States Air Force Academy

United States Merchant Marine Academy

University of TennesseeKnoxville

University of Virginia

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Virginia Commonwealth University

Virginia Military Institute

Yale University

14 The Sabre Magazine Summer-Fall 2023

I was in the 8th grade, when my teacher said to me, “Adama, we can put your excess energy to good use!” So she introduced me to the sound of my own voice. She gave me a stage. A platform. She told me that our stories are ladders that make it easier for us to touch the stars.

So climb and grab them Keep climbing. Grab them Spill your emotions in the big dipper and pour out your soul. Light up the world with your luminous allure. When I look into your eyes, Class of 2023, all I see are constellations.

And if you take the time to connect the dots, You can plot the true shape of their genius — Shining in their darkest hour.

I look each of my classmates in their eyes, And see the same light that aligned Orion’s Belt and the pyramids of Giza.

I see the same twinkle.

I see them.

Beneath their masks and mischief exists an authentic frustration; Of being put in a box, so set them free. At the core, none of us were meant to be common. We were born to be comets, Darting across space and time — Leaving our mark as we crash into everything. A crater is a reminder that something amazing happened here —

An indelible impact that shook up the world. I speak in hopes of turning content, into rocket ships — Tribulations into telescopes, So people can see their potential from right where they stand. So class of 2023, see your potential.


Each year, the senior class valedictorian has the honor of serving as a Commencement speaker. For the Class of 2023, the valedictorian is Adama Roxanne Sagir!

After thanking her family, friends, and teachers, she delivered the majority of her address in the form of the poem below. Adama will be attending Duke University in the fall.

An injustice would be telling you, you are stars Without acknowledging the night that surrounds you. The journey ahead will be hard, and some will give up People will tell you you dream too big But I’m here to tell you, you belong among the stars. Together we can inspire galaxies of greatness for generations to come.

No, the sky is not the limit. It is only the beginning. But dreams alone are ethereal streams, Floating softly in the realm of themes. To breathe them to life, we must embark, On a journey fueled by tireless work. In the realm of dreams, we gather here, Bound by hopes, with spirits clear. As valedictorian, I now convey, A poetic tale of our grand display. We stand at the cusp of new dawns, With dreams awakened, like newborn fawns. Eager hearts, ready to set forth, And make a mark of infinite worth. Dreams, the legacy we now proclaim, Unfolding chapters in life’s grand game. No boundaries bind our spirits high, As we chase dreams that touch the sky. Farewell, dear chapter, with heads held high, Dreams will guide us as we bid goodbye. May our paths diverge, yet intertwine, As we shape destinies, one dream at a time. Congratulations, Class of 2023!

May our dreams flourish and ever endure, In the grand tapestry of life, we shall thrive, Dreaming big and working hard, alive.

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October 20-21, 2023



Registration Opens

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20 / 1:00 - 2:00 PM

Sonner-Payne Cross Hall

Campus Tour

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20 / 1:15 - 2:00 PM

Sonner-Payne Cross Hall

Take a tour of the Upper School campus, led by current R-MA cadets!

Homecoming Keynote

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20 / 2:00 - 3:00 PM

Boggs Chapel

Hear from General Wesley, the Commandant’s team, and Cadre leadership and learn about R-MA’s new military program!

Alumni Celebration Dinner

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20 / 6:00 - 9:00 PM

Shenandoah Valley Golf Club

All alumni are welcome to attend to visit with classmates and friends and celebrate R-MA! $75/person, tickets must be purchased in advance.

16 The Sabre Magazine Summer-Fall 2023

Registration Opens

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21 / 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM

Homecoming Tent, Riddick Field

Community Coffee Hour

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21 / 9:45 - 10:45 AM

Homecoming Tent, Riddick Field

R-MA alumni, parents, faculty, staff, and friends are welcome! Enjoy coffee and donuts, courtesy of the Alumni and Parents Associations.

Homecoming Memorial Parade

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21 / 11:00 -11:45 AM

Riddick Field

Honor R-MA’s fallen and celebrate her future. All alumni are invited to fall in and form the alumni flight to march across the field at the conclusion of the parade!

Homecoming Lunch

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21 / 12:00 - 1:00 PM

Homecoming Tent, Riddick Field

Visit with classmates, faculty, staff, and friends and enjoy a delicious cookout lunch! $10/person, tickets must be purchased in advance.

Alumni Association Meeting

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21 / 1:00 - 1:45 PM

Homecoming Tent, Riddick Field

Join for an update on the Alumni Association’s activities and to vote in the officers for 2023-24.

Homecoming Football Game


Riddick Field

Cheer on the Jackets as they take on Valley Forge Military Academy!

3’s & 8’s are celebrating milestone reunions this year! Contact your class ambassador for details on reunion events.




To complete your registration, see who’s coming, and get info on accommodations, visit:

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In the fall of 2022, two alumni from the Class of 1969, Mr. Doug Huthwaite and Mr. John McLelland, came forward with a question: how do we recognize past battalion and corps commanders at R-MA?

Visitors to campus will know that there are numerous to memorials to R-MA giants here - halls and fields and statues named in honor of the great individuals who have made our Academy the remarkable place it is today. Yet somehow, we had no lasting memorials to the young men and women who served as leaders for their peers day-in and day-out, and who influenced the lives of so many: the Academy’s battalion and corps commanders.

They decided that it was time to recognize these men and women, somewhere that current students and cadets could see their names every day. McLelland generously volunteered his time and visited campus to pour through archived yearbooks and admissions

materials (which at one time listed the names of all members of the corps) to assemble a list of all of the Academy’s battalion and corps commanders, from 1917-present.

With the list assembled, Huthwaite and McLelland worked with the Advancement team to determine how best to honor our cadet leaders. It was decided to create two plaques to be hung in Crow Hall - one for battalion commanders (1917-1974) and one for corps commanders (1975-present). A photo of the current commander will hang in between them.

At a special ceremony at Commencement 2023, McLelland met with General Wesley and the 2022-23 Corps Commander, C/LTC Henry Scott ‘23 to present the plaques to the Academy (pictured above). The inscription at the top of each plaque reads:

“To those at the top, who inspired others to Rise.”

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Tim Maypray ‘06, who passed away in January of 2019, has been posthumously named to the Virginia Military Institute Athletics Hall of Fame for football. VMI described his career as follows: “Maypray was named the Big South Freshman of the Year in 2006...earned the 2010 VMI Intercollegiate Athletics Award presented to the most outstanding cadet-athlete...Maypray set the league record for all-purpose yards (6,129) and ranks second all-time at VMI in touchdowns with 38.”

Several members of the Class of 2019 recently graduated from the Virginia Military Institute: Fatoumata Diallo ‘19 (pictured top right; commissioned US Air Force), Emma Faust ‘19, Nate Stewart ‘19 (pictured middle right; commissioned US Navy, flight training), and Nate Sylvia ‘19. Way to go, 2019!

Joshua Cline ‘19 has graduated from George Washington University and is now a published author! His piece “220th Aviation Company” was featured in the Summer 2022 edition of On Point: The Journal of Army History. Josh is currently working for the Army Historical Foundation at the National Museum of the US Army and plans to continue his studies at the University of Maryland, pursuing a Masters in History and a Masters in Library Science.

Zach Rosen ‘22 recently completed his Freshman ‘Rat’ year at Virginia Tech as a member of the Corps of Cadets (VTCC). He was an active member of the Army ROTC (AROTC) Program and was recently awarded membership to the AROTC Ranger Company after an 8-week assessment. Zach participated in the ‘Stop Soldier Suicide’ 50 Mile Ruck, the ‘Sleep in Heavenly Peace’ homeless bed building service project and represented the VTCC as the United States Flag bearer for the Military Appreciation Football Game. He also stood guard at the VA Tech Pylons for part of the 48-hour memorializing the Veterans Day celebration. Zach will be returning to VTCC in the Fall of 2023 as a Cadre Training Assistant (CTA), working with new Freshman cadets in his role of Fire Team Leader. Zach credits his success thus far to lessons learned during his time R-MA.

Zach and Sean Waddell ‘22, also a member of VTCC, visited R-MA in January to speak to students interested in joining VTCC.

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who love R-MA and are in their seventh, eight, or ninth decade of life.

They’ve done a ton and regret almost nothing. They’re proud of their service to the Republic and they love their families and enjoy telling tales of their time on The Hill. You get to appreciate their unique brand of humor, learn what kind of beverages they prefer, or how they like their coffee. And then, one day, they don’t answer the phone, or fail to respond to an email or a text or two. You wait a few days, hear nothing, and reach out again. Our great Advancement team might walk down the hall to show you an obituary, or you might find their voicemail box is full and not accepting any more messages. That last indicator is how I concluded that my dear friend Herb Morgan had gone to be with the Man Upstairs.

“This mailbox is full and cannot accept any more messages...”

When I was interviewing for this incredible job, one of the most sobering things Major General Hobgood told me was that, if I was hired, I would go to a lot of funerals. My vague memory is that he told me he’d been to more than 60 solemn ceremonies in his 16 years as Academy President. I filed that unpleasant thought away and came to see, as the years went by, that he was sadly accurate about these important events. What I did not perceive then and have slowly come to realize in recent years is how I would come to learn of the death of an alumnus. You get to know great people in this job - heroes and regular folksbut very nearly all of them genuinely great people,

In my first year at R-MA, they sent me over to Arlington to meet Mr. Herb Morgan, a generous donor to R-MA and by all accounts, “just a nice guy who’s easy to talk to.” And so he was. My first genuine fundraising visit was a drive over to his lovely home and then lunch at one of his favorite places to eat lunch, the Washington Golf and Country Club. We quickly discovered we’d both served interesting years in the Air Force and we’d both become attorneys. We both married small-town girls, each of whom became the one true love of our lives. In so many ways, Herb Morgan and I were quite similar…only he was better at just about everything he ever did.

Herbert Norris Morgan was born on 10 September 1929, in Jackson, TN and spent his formative years there. In high school, he ran a gas station his father helped him purchase when he graduated and he later became the town’s only motorcycle police officer (see his dashing photo below). He married his high school sweetheart Joyce, enlisted in the Air Force, and became an agent with the Office of Special Investigations while serving in Germany in the 1950’s. Herb

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must have been pretty good at his job, because he was soon sent back to Headquarters OSI in Washington, DC, where his talents were noticed by his commander, who asked the Dean of American University’s law school to allow Senior Airman Morgan “to take a few classes at the law school” at no charge. When Senior Airman Morgan’s grades placed him near the top of his class, the law school Dean called OSI HQ back saying, “We’d probably better find a way to have these classes count toward a degree.”

provided scholarship funds to allow some of our most successful students to graduate from the Academy. I had hoped to bring Herb to campus for a parade in his honor, but COVID delayed that and, when his health began to fade a bit, we shelved the idea. But I continued to drive over and visit every few months, enjoying the breadth of experience and remarkable humor that Herb brought to every aspect of his life.

One of our best visits included the photo at the top of this article, showing Herb on the day he received his honorary diploma from R-MA. Those days were spent sharing tales of our time in the Air Force. I would say, how long were you in the Air Force, Herb? He would invariably respond, “Eight years, two months, fourteen days, thirteen hours, and twenty minutes!”

One of my favorite stories was how Herb got out of the Air Force. As he neared completion of law school, Herb’s wife wrote a check at the Bolling Commissary for groceries. By a quirk of timing, the check was presented for payment on the same day as Herb’s military pay was deposited, but the influx of funds came at the end of the banking day and, using the technology of the time, the check “bounced”.

Though he had not a single undergraduate class on his resume, Herb Morgan completed law school, was honorably discharged from the Air Force and, for reasons I’ll explain below, began what became one of the most successful real estate law practices in the history of the Nation’s capital.

Herb loved flying and, while practicing law, was able to purchase and learn to fly his own jet, which he flew around the globe and on many other fascinating trips with friends. When Arnold Palmer surrendered his jet pilot certificate in the 1990’s, Herb Morgan became America’s oldest jet pilot and received a signed photo from the Golden Bear, acknowledging his impressive new status.

Introduced to R-MA’s flight program by R-MA alumnus Rick Frisbie ‘56, Mr. Morgan’s generosity was instrumental to ensuring we have capable Cessna aircraft for our students to fly and, in recent years, he

Mrs. Morgan received a curt letter from the Bolling base commander, censuring her for “financial irresponsibility” and Senior Airman Morgan, decided that he was not willing to abide a bureaucracy so quick to call his wife a deadbeat. He was eligible to leave the Service and did so immediately. The Air Force lost a newly minted enlisted man with a law degree, and so began one of the most successful legal careers in Northern Virginia history.

Herb passed away on April 11, 2023, leaving me with a rich library of memories and a deep respect for a man who loved to fly, loved his family, and missed his Joyce until the end. I will miss my afternoons with him. He was an incredible man, generous to a fault, and in so many ways, an American Original! God bless you, Herb…now you and Joyce can watch over us all.

21 The Sabre Magazine Summer-Fall 2023


In July of 2022, I had the rare privilege of meeting a man who was at that time, probably R-MA’s oldest living graduate, Mr Henry C. Green, of nearby Markham, VA. Mr. Green graduated from the Academy in 1937 and is the son of an R-MA graduate and the father of another (his son Bill, Class of 1978). This inspiring meeting was the result of about two years of planning by Mr Ed Richards, our former Band Director, who’d suggested we go out and pay Henry Green a visit. That idea, surfaced just before the Pandemic struck, had to be shelved for many months, but by July of last year, we felt comfortable asking Mr. Green if we could drop by the family farm he’s managed for several decades.

What followed was a remarkable discussion as we sat with Henry and Bill Green in the living room of the home where he had been born more than 100 years ago. Mr. Green was kindly and engaging; he clearly loves his farm and the family members he shares it

with. He’s got a border collie and we talked of our love of dogs and the life they lead on a farm. Mr. Green and I spoke about his time in the U.S. Navy and his role in Japan’s surrender at the end of World War II.

I thoroughly enjoyed meeting Mr. Green and hearing stories about his life. We invited him to come over to campus for lunch at some point and, while I’d hoped that might happen, we learned a few weeks ago that Mr. Green passed away in May of this year at the age of 102.

This three generation R-MA family has been a blessing to the community around us and I consider myself fortunate to have met Mr. Green. He represented the very best of the values R-MA teaches and has taught for more than 130 years. More than most of us, Mr. Green knows what that span of time is like and, on behalf of the faculty and staff, I express our condolences to Mr. Green’s family. He was a truly impressive graduate and a genuinely nice man!

22 The Sabre Magazine Summer-Fall 2023


Since the publication of the last issue of The Sabre, we have received notification that the following members of the Randolph-Macon Academy family have passed away. They are greatly missed, and they will remain in our hearts forever.

(Please note: Notifications received after June 20, 2023 are not included in this list.)

Henry C. Green ‘37 May 23, 2023

Rodney T. Jones ‘46 April 17, 2022

Graham T. Stewart ‘46

May 28, 2023

Paul C. Buford, Jr. ‘52 March 6, 2023

Brook H. Jennings, II ‘54 March 23, 2023

Coulbourn H. Tyler ‘54 May 27, 2023

John L. Van Metre, Jr. ‘55

January 29, 2023

Norman R. Frisbie ‘58 November 5, 2022

Charles E. Rice ‘58 December 7, 2022

Tom N. Kalogeras ‘61 December 13, 2022

Robert H. Cotton, Jr. ‘62 January 17, 2023

John P. Little ‘63 March 2, 2023

Paul H. Mylander ‘63 April 21, 2023

Forest E. Morrison ‘65

March 2, 2023

B. Waugh Crigler ‘66

April 26, 2023

James L. Gleaves ‘67

December 30, 2021

David W. Lawrence ‘70

March 3, 2023

Clayton P. Givens ‘81

April 17, 2022

Maxwell L. Jones ‘85

April 16, 2023

23 The Sabre Magazine Summer-Fall 2023
Got an update to share with the Yellow Jacket family? Submit your class note at!

The Sabre


200 Academy Drive

Front Royal, Virginia 22630

For parents: if this issue is addressed to your son or daughter who no longer lives at home, please notify R-MA of the new mailing address at 540-636-5343 or at


Pictured: Cadets gather for a special assembly with speaker Vicki Schmanske, Chief Corporate Operations Officer, Leidos Corporation.

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