Area IV Auxiliary Newsletter Volume 2 Issue 1 3-15-12

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Area IV Auxiliary Newsletter In this Issue… EANGUS Website……………..P. 1 EANGUS Successes 2011…..P. 2 Prayer Requests………………..P. 3 Mid-Winter……………………….P. 3 Auxiliary Membership……...P. 7 National Conference…………P. 9

Volume 2 Issue 1 March 15, 2012 The EANGUS Website Have you ever taken a few minutes to peruse EANGUS’ website at If not, I highly recommend you check it out. It is basically a one-stop-shopping outlet for everything EANGUS. If you need a form, it’s in there. Want to know current legislative goals and efforts? It’s in there. Who are our corporate partners? You guessed it… it’s in there. When you visit the site, you should create a user account for yourself. That is the key that unlocks some of the interactive features of the site. One of the coolest benefits to creating an account is that you can use the site to contact your lawmakers and voice your opinion on current legislation. On the home page you will find several buttons for varying categories of information. There is information for joining EANGUS and the Auxiliary, legislative info, news and events, resources and - best for last – SHOPPING! Yes ladies, there is a link for shopping on the EANGUS website. By Brad C. Silver – LA Auxiliary Secretary

Fiscal Year 2011 Legislative Accomplishments, only half the story Due largely to the political climate before and after the November elections, the National Guard’s budget and policy guidance provided by Congress is half way there. The FY-2011 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) was signed into law on January 7th, representing the authorization pillar supporting the Department of Defense. The second pillar, the defense appropriations which represents the legal authority to actually spend funds, is currently operating under a temporary funding measure known as a continuing resolution (CR). The present CR expires on March 4, 2011. Congress is debating H.R.1, and should it pass both chambers of Congress, it will fund appropriations for the federal government until the end of FY-2011 on September 30, 2011. The following are issues that EANGUS has advocated on your behalf, and keep in mind that we are still very much in the process of determining the final product.

1.Post 9/11 Veterans Education Improvement Act of 2010 - Signed into law on January 4th, this legislation expands GI Bill benefits to over 84,000 members of the National Guard. This will allow, for the first time, soldiers and airmen who have served under Title 32 full GI Bill educational benefits. 2.National Guard & Reserve Equipment Account (NGREA) $700 million – FY-11 NDAA authorizes $700 million in NGREA to provide equipment for Title 32 and Title 10 operations. 3.Military Construction $1.068 billion – ARNG facilities will receive $873 million and ANG to receive $194 million in military construction funds. While this is represents an adequate funding level, the out years are below the needs to improve and maintain over 3,000 readiness centers, of which 40% are over 50 years old. The NDAA mandates that the Secretary of the Army report back to Congress on the present condition of readiness centers and the funding required to properly maintain the Guard’s facility infrastructure. 4.Banned transfer of Guard & Reserve C-130s to active units – The NDAA halted Air Force attempt to take C-130s from both Guard and Reserve units across the country and place designated aircraft with an activecomponent unit. The Secretary of the Air Force must now submit to Congress a written agreement between all involved parties that details any plan to transfer aircraft from one component to another. 5.Access to the Operational Reserve - Also included in the NDAA report language is the opinion of the Committee that current legal authorities may not offer the flexibility for the effective use of the operational reserve and recommends that the Secretary of Defense review current authorities and submit legislative proposals for additional authority needed to facilitate involuntary activation of reserve component members or units to support operational requirements. 6.Temporarily hiring non-dual status technicians – This represents a partial victory, as the ARNG will be given the authority to hire only for two years 1,600 non-dual status technicians to make up for permanent technicians who are on Title 10 orders. This is in contrast to the President’s budget request of 2,520 nondual status technicians. Page 2

Prayers Needed I want to let you know that Don Stewart of SD had successful knee replacement surgery on Wednesday, March 7th at Avera McKennan Hospital, Sioux Falls, SD. We visited him at the hospital on Friday and he is coming along quite well. Yesterday he was moving to a nursing home for a three week stay to receive physical therapy and recuperate. Rita was also visiting Don at the hospital and it was good to see her. Please pray for Don and Rita as he recuperates. Thank you. Marlys List, SD Just wanted everyone how much the prayers, cards and calls and of course the burden bear have meant to us. We were very saddened by the passing of Leon's Mother but we know she is in a wonderful place and not in any pain now. Leon is doing great. Glad my surgery is over with. I have to have follow a follow up appointment in month, three months, six months and one year to be sure the cancer hasn't spread. Thanks to everyone for your support. How wonderful to have such a wonderful Guard family. I attached a photo of my burden bear. Every time I look at him it reminds of all my caring friends. Love to all Lorraine Miller

Letter from Betty Hagerman (AR) – Area IV Mid-Winter Conference The Arkansas delegation (Bonnie Wood, Rita Brown and Betty Hagerman), enjoyed the Area IV [Mid-Winter] Conference. All phases were informative and fun. I especially like meeting the Presidents of Kansas and Missouri, which hadn’t happened in past conferences. The food and fellowship/networking was outstanding and as always, the silent auction was the place to be for stories and laughter. Thank you, Pat, Connie and Vivian for conducting the business meeting and [I] appreciate Missouri for the gifts and auxiliary cookies. We are having our state conference March 9 – 11 and we are aiming at getting membership up through information we’ll be supplying. Our legislative and membership efforts were down a bit this year, but we are hopeful that with revived enthusiasm those areas will pick up. Betty Hagerman – Arkansas Auxiliary (Pictures from the conference on the following pages)

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Your News Here‌ Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas and Missouri – We would love an opportunity to report quarterly news and photos from your state. Please pass on any newsworthy information to, and your state will be represented.

Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States Auxiliary Life Membership Application Date of application____________________ Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________ (Last) (First) (Middle) ____________________________________________________________________________________ (Mailing address) ____________________________________________________________________________________ (City, State, Zip Code) _________________________________________ (Age) (Date of Birth) (State Affiliation) (State Treasurer must verify eligibility by signature) ________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ (Spouse's Name) (Phone number) ___________________________________________________________________________________ (Email Address) Army____ Air_____ Lifetime number assigned by EANGUS for Spouse,__________________________ Cost of Life Membership: An annual member may become a life member by payment of $25.00 plus the annual dues which apply until the applicant reaches the age of 60. This is a nonrefundable payment. After age 60, no annual dues are required. Year of birth________ + 60 = __________ - Current year____________ = ________________ X $ 7.00 Total Life Membership Dues to age 60 = ______________ Application Fee + $25.00 GRAND TOTAL: ______________ Mail completed Application with applicable dues to:

Vivian Taylor P.O. Box 101 Clara, Mississippi 39324-0101

For use by EANGUS Auxiliary___________________________________ Class of: __________________ (EANGUS Auxiliary Lifetime Membership Number) ___________________________________ (Signature: Vivian Taylor)

Date: _____________________

Date check Mailed to EANGUS Auxiliary Treasurer: _____________________ Amount $__________________ FORM: EANGUSAUX LTM 1 Revised: August 2010

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NAME__________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS____________________________________________________ __________ CITY_________________________ STATE_________________ZIP CODE_ ________ HOME PHONE__ (____) _______________ WORK PHONE (_ __)________________ FAX (______) ___________________ E-MAIL_______________________ _ ________ SPOUSE’S FIRST NAME__________________________________________________ SPOUSE’S UNIT ________________________________________________ ________ CHECK ONE



AIR _____________



_________ NO





MOSS BLUFF, La. 70611


(337) 855- 0075

(318) 640- 0689


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