November 2013

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The MAGNOLIA NONCOM is published quarterly by the Mississippi National Guard Noncommissioned Officers Association, 125 Tiffany Drive, Brandon, MS 39043-0699. Opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent the official views of the MS NG NCO Association, nor the Mississippi Joint Force Headquarters. Publications of advertising cannot be deemed an endorsement thereof by the Association members and to other interested individuals. This online version is intended to reach all members. If a copy is needed contact the address above for a printed copy. Suspense dates (deadlines) are February 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1. You can read this and other issues by visiting the web site. We also have a FACEBOOK site: MSNCOA.


National Wreaths Across America comes to Mississippi in time for the holiday season. Brig. Gen. Allen Brewer, director Joint Staff (left) and Col. Philip Parker, commander, 154th Regional Training Institute at Camp Shelby, display the wreath the Joint Force Headquarters, Mississippi National Guard, from the National Wreathes Across America recently. The wreath was one of several hundred that arrived for delivery to various Mississippi locations on Dec. 14. The wreath was presented to Parker for delivery to the Mississippi National Guard in honor of its Army and Air National Guardsmen. (Photo by Sandy Ates, JFH-MS Public Affairs.

Merry C Happy Ne hirstmas and w Year M SNG NCO Associati on Memb ers


National Guard: America’s Best Defense Value ■■ By Joel Mutschler The National Guard is America’s first military organization and for 377 years the men and women of the National Guard have proven they can meet any challenge. Since the tragic events of 9/11, the National Guard has transformed from a strategic reserve into an operational force. As our military shifts towards a new defensive strategy, we must recognize the value and capability the National Guard brings to the U.S. Air Force, the Army, and our nation. If our legislators fund the National Guard, they are funding the immediate safety of the U.S., as well as our operations overseas, at about 1/3 of the cost of the full-time active component. The United States military in its current form has become unaffordable. The personnel costs alone consume more than half of the Department of Defense’s budget. A Reserve Forces Policy Board study concluded that an active component service member costs tax-

payers $384,000 compared to $123,000 for his/her counterpart in the reserve component - about a one-third difference. This translates into about $2.6 billion in savings for every 10,000 positions shifted from the active component to the National Guard. The National Guard has been mobilized by the Army and Air Force more than 760,000 times in support of overseas missions; more than 50% of Guard members have combat experience, which does not include the hundreds of thousands of soldiers and airmen that have responded to domestic emergencies. This demand has required an almost continuous use of both active and reserve component forces in order to meet war-time requirements. The National Guard is a vital part of our nation’s military yet it’s also our domestic operational force. It has met every wartime request with ready units while simultaneously meeting every request for domestic emergencies. To emphasize this point, in 2012 alone, the National Guard provided support to domestic crises over 100 times; specifically, 11 natural disasters costing more than one billion dollars.

The National Guard rapidly and expertly expands the capacity of local and state first responders to protect American people and critical infrastructures. This, coupled with meeting the challenges of overseas deployments, makes the unique nature of the National Guard citizen-soldier/airman critical to new and developing operational missions. The Department of Defense can gain a more cost-effective force, providing the best value for our nation to support both domestic emergency response and overseas deployments by maintaining a larger portion of the force in the National Guard. As our military moves towards a new defensive strategy during these fiscally austere times, we must recognize the value and capability that the National Guard brings to the defense of our nation. ***

Joel Mutschler is the chairman of the Pennsylvania National Guard Associations (PNGAS), the professional organization and voice of more than 19,000 Pennsylvanians who proudly serve their state and nation in the Pennsylvania National Guard. PNGAS consists of the National Guard Association of Pennsylvania (NGAPA) and the Pennsylvania National Guard Enlisted Association (PNGEA). In short, these associations exist to “guard the Guard.”

Maj. Gen. Leon Collins, the adjutant general of Mississippi, his wife, Debra (left), and retired Mississippi National Guardsman (right) Dennis Smith wave to participants in the 2013 Veteran’s Day Paradge in Jackson, Miss. A number of Mississippi Army and Air Guard members participate in the event each year. JFH-Public Affairs Released


■■ Mev, Kelsi, and Logan Knight - wife, daughter and son - proudly tack the stripes on promoted U.S. Air Force Chief Master Sgt. Robert B. Knight, operations superintendent with the 153rd Air Refueling Squadron, Mississippi Air National Guard, Nov. 2, 2013 at Key Field Air National Guard Base. During Knight’s 33 year military career, he has filled numerous positions such as crew chief, boom operator and load master. Knight also serves as president for the Mississippi National Guard Non Commissioned Officers Association. (U.S. Air National Guard photo by Senior Master Sgt. Richard Davis/Released)

■■ SMSGT Angela Baughman, state personnel superintndent for the Mississippi Air National Guard in Jackson, is sworn in as the American Legion’s first female president. THAT IS A FIRST IN MISSISSIPPI. We are so proud of our women who serve in both the Mississippi Army and Air National Guard, both past and present. Exceptional job SMSGT Baughman!!! While we are here, let’s not forget about the top enlisted female soldier on the Army National Guard side, SGM Alecia Gates, she was promoted to the rank of sergeant major upon graduation from the Sergeants Major Academy early this year.


Message from Vice President MSG Gary Bowman Dear Membership, As you receive this newsletter, I hope everyone is doing well. I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. It is dues time again so do not forget to contact your unit rep and or pay your dues on line. I would like to address the insurance policies offered by the Officer’s Association, NGAMS, There seems to be somewhat of a misunderstanding, and unfortunately a few families have found out to late. I have attached an excerpt from the front page of the application

As you see upon entering the MS National Guard Army or Air you can apply and have coverage of $10,000.00 for one year. Then you can purchase in increments. It can go up to $45,000.00. This is a low cost life insurance policy that every soldier can purchase. It is our duty as senior NCO’s to insure that every soldier has the opportunity to purchase this policy. This is a benefit of being a member of the MS National Guard. It is beginning to be too often that we find out the soldier didn’t have it after a tragic event occurs. If a unit would like a briefing, Contact NGAMS at 601-354-7555. In a similar issue, AFLAC has arranged for prescription discount cards for members of the MS NCOA association. You can see your district director to get them. The next few years the immediate future are going to be tight, there is already talk of reducing benefits in Washington, from Commissary privileges to retirement benefits. We as an organization must band together with our EANGUS partners, and make sure we have representation on in Washington, to help combat some of these cuts. It always seems that when there are cuts to be made the easiest place to go is at the military. Those of us that remember the 90’s can attest to this not going to be pretty. Another thing we may consider is to have our state association leaders meet with VFW leaders, American Legion leaders, and other military associations on the state level, and everyone get on the same page of talking points. We also have a new Face book page to try to get information out to the membership the conference will be in March this year at the County Line Hilton, in Jackson. The tournament flyers will be early next month on Facebook and the web site Just a reminder we also need articles for this newsletter feel free to submit them to your directors their contact 4

information is on our web page. Elections for 2014 I am not sure if everyone understands what occurred last year at the conference so I will try to explain the bylaw change. By vote of the members at the conference, the by-laws were changed and President-elect position was eliminated. What that means is there will not be an automatic assumption to President. In addition the practice of alternating Air and Army Presidents was also eliminated. So we must elect the new president as with all board members once a year. The change also

allows for the President as with all positions not to have term limits. These votes on by-laws occur only at the conference so it’s imperative for you to attend. Speaking of the state conference I wish to invite everyone to the conference, 28-30 Mar 2013, at the Hilton on County Line road north of Jackson, because we all need to be involved in this process. The tournament flyers shoal be on the web site by the time this arrives

Welcome home to the men and women of the 255th Air Control Squadron, Gulfport, MS


On the Chopping Block ■■ By William Matthews reprint from National Guard Magazine

Line up 10 Army National Guard

Soldiers. If future defense budgets continue on the path they are now following, by the end of 2017, there will be only nine Guard soldiers left in line. Army Guard personnel end-strength will be cut to 315,000, down from today’s 354,000, Gen. Raymond T. Odierno, the Army chief of staff, warned the House Armed Services Committee in September. The reason: the Budget Control Act of 2011, or as it’s more commonly known, sequestration. That 2011 law automatically cuts $492 billion from planned defense budgets over a 10-year span beginning in 2013. The 11 percent reduction in Army Guard troops that Odierno projects would come on top of a 2 percent cut that has already trimmed the Army Guard from 358,200 in 2010 to 354,000 today. So overall, the Army Guard will experience a 13 percent reduction in force between 2010 and 2017. But it could get even worse. The Strategic Choices and Management Review that the Pentagon published earlier this year suggests that the Army Guard might be cut to as low as 290,000 troops, Odierno told the House committee last month. That would leave only eight Guard soldiers in line. The Air Guard fares somewhat better, at least for now. In fact, with many active-components Air Force squadrons grounded because of sequestration, “Air National Guard readiness is higher than the Air Forces’,” Gen. Frank J. Grass, the chief of the National Guard Bureau, told NGAUS member at the 135th General Conference & Exhibition in Hawaii last month (related story, page 26). But how long Air Guard readiness


will hold up is unclear as sequestration is poised to chop $52 billion from the 2014 defense budget. After a decade of flush wartime spending , the budget tide began to reverse in 2010. That’s when thenDefense Secretary Robert Gates called for a “culture of savings and restrain” and ordered $487 billion be saved over a decade by canceling problem-plagued weapons and other programs. Enacted a year later, the Budget Control Act could bring the total amount cut to almost $1 trillion. The Army’s share of the sequestration cut will be $170 billion, Odierno said. While that means a 13 percent reduction in personnel end-strength for the Army Guard, it means a 26 percent cut for the active-component Army, Odierno said. After Expanding to $70,000 during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Army now may be headed to 420,000 in 2017, Odierno told House lawmakers. Troops aren’t the only cuts. Modernization accounts─the money that buys new weapons─are expected to decrease by about 25 percent. “Major weapon programs will be delayed,” Odierno said, and “the impact on the industrial base is likely to be severe.” By 2017, an Army of 420,000 and

an Army Guard of 315,000 will be hard pressed to execute the 2012 Defense Strategic Guidance requirement of defeating one enemy in a major combat operation while preventing a second enemy from winning in an another theater, Odierno said. Yet so far, the plight of the Army and the Army Guard has received scant attention from Congress. Instead, Republicans and Democrats continue fighting over budgets, the debt ceiling and health care reform. Rep. Howard “Buck” McKeon, the chairman of the House Armed Service Committee, sounded almost apologetic when he addressed the NGAUS gathering Sept. 22. “These cuts are affecting you in very real ways, so I do think I owe you a diagnosis of the impasse,” McKeon said. “I’ll try putting this in plain military terms. When fighting an insurgency, it’s often said that the local population gets it the worst. Two sides fight it out with the villagers caught in the middle. “In essence, that’s where the U.S. military is right now.”

Tough Choices

With the Army Guard on the chopping block, Guard leaders are scrambling to minimize the damage. Under threat that the Army Guard might shrink to 335,000 or 315,000 or even 290,000, Grass said he called a meeting of adjutants general to examine alternatives. They quickly concluded that they had a choice─preserve force structure or maintain readiness, but not both, Grass said. “We talked about do you want to maintain 28 combat brigades, eight divisions, eight cavalry and two Special Forces groups at lower readi-

ness? Or do you want to bring some force structure down to pay the bills and maintain higher readiness? The verdict was unanimous: “We wanted to maintain the structure because once you lose the structure it is so hard to build it back,” Grass said. But that might not be easy to sell to the Pentagon, where Grass said force planners are determined that it’s time to cut ground forces. Although the Army and the Army Guard agree on the need for 52 brigade combat teams, Grass said, Pentagon planners insist that only 38 to 44 BCTs are necessary. Grass and the adjutants general agreed that the Gurad would be willing to give up two brigade combat teams, bringing the number down to 26. They would then use infantry units from the two cut BCTs to round out the remaining 26, giving each BCT three maneuver battalions, Grass said. They would also organize field artillery, engineer and other units into two brigade-size elements. In that way, the Army Guard would maintain 28 brigade-size commands and avoid losing force structure. Grass said trimming the Army Guard to 350,200 “for me is the baseline.” That’s the size the Army Guard was before it expanded to 358,200 for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. But sequestration seems likely to force deeper cuts. In that case, Grass said he and the adjutants general would be “willing to drop force structure down to 335,000 but we would retain end-strength at 345,000. That would keep us a much more ready force” with 10,000 extra troops on hand to fill unit vacancies. For now, though, nothing is settled, and won’t be for months. “Everything’s in limbo until the (fiscal year 2015) budget comes out,” said Army spokesman Troy Rolan last month. And with Congress deadlocked, just getting an actual budget for fiscal 2014, which began Oct. 1, is not expected anytime soon.

Instead, the Army, the Guard and the rest of the military are funded through Jan. 15 by a continuing resolution signed Oct. 16 that keeps spending at 2013 levels. Here is where things get even more interesting: The next round of sequester cuts kick in Jan. 15. And another decision has to be made on the debt ceiling by Feb. 7. Many observers see a repeat of the recent political gamesmanship and brinksmanship of government shutdown. Others, however, see the glass as half full. “Congress and the president blew an opportunity this month when they failed to strike the kind of compromise that really fixes this nation’s spending issues and relieves the pressure on the military,” says retired Maj. Gen. Gus Hargett, the NGAUS president. “But they’ve given themselves another chance.”

Months-Long Fear

Concern that the Guard is going to be marginalized by budget cuts has colored its leader’s public statements for much of the year. In April, while testifying before the Senate Defense Appropriations subcommittee, Grass touted the Guard as “a cost-effective, proven solution to our country’s budgetary crisis.” The Guard “allows the nation to maintain a robust military capability at the least possible cost to the taxpayer,” he said. Grass also has offered several proposals to keep Guardsmen “engaged” with the Army and the Air Force. He said Guardsmen should be used to fill vacancies in the active force, whether they’re short stints lasting two or three weeks, or assignments that stretch for a year or more. And he wants more Guardsmen to have opportunities to serve in joint billets. In August remarks to reserve officers, Grass called for more Guard training at combat training centers and on overseas deployments. In

July he advocated keeping 5,000 to 10,000 “deployment opportunities” available for Guard troops each year. Grass and the other Guard leaders have found a few allies in the otherwise preoccupied Congress. Cutting the Army Guard to 315,000, as Odierno suggests, “would be absolutely devastating,” says Rep. Steve Palazzo, R-Miss., an Army Guard sergeant. Such a cut would hobble the Army Guard’s ability to respond to overseas and domestic crises, he says. “I and many of my colleagues will take a hard look” before allowing deep cuts to the National Guard, Palazzo promises. In July, the House Appropriations Committee noted worrisome “signs that active component support for maintaining an operational reserve is diminishing in today’s challenging budget climate.” In particular, the committee criticized the Army’s practice of “offramping” Army Guard soldiers from deployments in favor of active component troops.

Goodby A-10?

While the Army Guard worries about personnel cuts, the Air Guard is bracing for aircraft retirements. “The future is that each state may not have a manned flying mission anymore,” Grass told an Air Force Association conference in September. The Air Guard’s capstone principle” of maintaining at least one manned flying unit in each state is already a casualty of budget cuts. It’s happened in North Dakota. In August, the state’s last C-21A Learjet took off, headed for a museum in Ohio, leaving the North Dakota Air Guard, an organization that had a manned flying mission for 66 years, with only a squadron of Predator remotely piloted aircraft. Other states will probably lose flying units, too. A-10 fighters might be the next to go. (continues on page 8)


Gen. Mark A. Welsh III, the Air Force chief of staff, said in September that he is considering retiring all A-10s to save money, perhaps as much as $3.5 billion over five years. The Guard operates about of a third of the Air Force’s 326 A-10s, with wings in Idaho, Indiana, Maryland and Michigan. The Guard Bureau’s response to the pending A-10 loss has been

Proud to say we have a lot to be proud of... ■■ By MSGT (Ret.) Sandy Ates

After skimming through a bunch of old Guard Detail magazines recently, I recalled that we have done some pretty remarkable things in the Mississippi National Guard over the years and particularly within the last couple of years. For example, we are the very first state to receive a Mobile Tower System. First one. Air traffic controllers of the 2-185th Aviation Regiment, based in Southaven, can roll onto any scene, whether it be wartime or natural disaster, and be able to set up a complete airfield with every single component--radar, flight following and air traffic control. It can be set up in two hours! Just as impressive is the UAS Training School at Camp Shelby. First of its kind in the nation! The Unmanned


muted. The Air Force “can’t maintain everything” now in its inventory, Grass told Air Force Times in September. “Our position is if [the Air Force] has to divest, at least mitigate the cuts in the states with something else.” Reaction was stronger from some in Congress. In the Senate, Sen. Kelly Ayotte,R-N.H., temporarily blocked the confirmation of Deborah Lee James to be the next Ari Force secretary until James could provide more information about the A-10 plans, Ayotte’s husband once flew A-10s in the Air Guard. In the House, Rep. Ron Barber, D-Ariz., and eight colleagues fired off a letter urging the Air Force not to retire A-10s. The plane is “a combat-proven workhorse” and is “unsurpassed in its ability to provide close-air combat support for our troops on the ground,” they said. Congress has saved A-10s before.

Aircraft System RQ-11 Raven may be small in size, but they are used to save lives. Instead of sending troops forward you can send ssend a Raven out ahead of them which will protect lives. Well, we have them here. And we can’t forget how we have come full circle to bring home our KC-135s where they belong--the 186th Air Refueling Wing in Meridian. It was an up and down deal, but the refueling history continues as it began in early aviation history! You know that we must be doing something very, very well here in Mississippi, because our MSNG seems to be a testing ground for all sorts of modern military equipment these days. The 155th Armored Brigade Combat Team was fielded 112 M-3A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicles in 2012, and then, this year, we received 58 of the latest M-1A2 SEP v.2s Abrams tanks (which will be replacing the MSARNG’s M-1A1 fleet). Gosh, I remember working with the first NET Training

In 2012, lawmakers stopped the Air Force from eliminating A-10 units in Indiana and Michigan. But it’s not completely clear whether Congress will save the A-10s again─or shield the Army Guard from deep cuts. Grass summed up the situation this way: “If we cannot fix sequestration, we’re going to have a serious problem across defense.” William Matthews’s is a Springfield, Va.─based freelance writer whospecializes in military matters. He may be contacted via

team and LTC Bennie Privce when Mississippi was the first to receive them back in the mid-1980’s, replacing our old M-60s. It never did cease to amaze me that our guardsmen could do all that stuff! But they did! Without flaw! And do you know we were first to receive the C-17 fleet for the Air National Guard? Yeah, and have celebrated over a million flying hours. The men and women at the 172nd Airlift Wing spent a very long time shuttling the wounded and providing excellent care for the many war casualties. Not only are our troops excellent at their personal AFSCs and MOSs, they are exceptional when it comes to disaster. They often go where others fear to tread...risk their own lives to save another’s life. Yes, guard friends, each one of you need to wear a badge of pride on your heart. While may find Mississippi at the bottom of a couple of lists, but when it comes to the Mississippi National Guard, they are the best in the world. Happy New Year Everyone!

What has your Mississippi National Guard been doing? From Minutes of the MSNG NCOA meeting on June 28, 2013

The following comes from minutes of the Board Meeting held June 28, 2013 at Camp Shelby. (Note: These are highlights and not Minutes verbatim). The Call to Order was at 1000 hours by President Robbie Knight at Camp Shelby, Miss. Invocation was led by Chaplain Bradley Picket, and the Pledge of Allegiance by Keith Ales, Treasurer. This was followed by the reading of roll call by Secretary Cole. Eight of the 26 members could not attend, and a quorum was present. Guests present were introduced by Exec. Director Ricky Myers, with guests including: Cathy Adams, Auxiliary President, Gloria Cooley Area III Director/Past President Aux, Willa Ales Area I Director, Linda Marble Retirees Secretary, Vivian Taylor Auxiliary Secretary and Connie Myers Auxiliary Member. OFFICER REPORTS: All reports by directors were given to President Knight/Secretary Cole. Oral reports were given by Executive Director Myers and Treasurer Ales. Auxiliary President Cathy Adams stated she was looking forward to working with everyone and seeing everyone at the State Fair. MEMBERSHIP: President Knight briefed that we needed to ensure that we were using the new forms provided at the Directors’ training, and sent out by Parliamentarian Odom. Knight also stated his goal was to get 8,000 members. TREASURER: Treasurer Ales briefed that at 2013 Mid-Winter Conference, it was decided the all areas would go together for the Hospitality Room; this room would be at the Ramada while at EANGUS. It was also briefed that Area IV would maintain a $5,000 balance in their account. CHAPLAIN/MARKETING: Chaplain Pickett briefed about recent deaths; Ron Munden and Charlie Carrigan’s mom. He asked if the Association wanted to get the family something. Director White made a motion that the Chaplain makes the determination if a card needs to be sent, and it was seconded by Director Morrison. Motion passed. Chaplain Pickett stated he had been talking to a local business about developing an AR 15 to “donation” off as a fundraiser for the Association. There will be more information to follow on fundraiser. Also stated he was working

on Corporate memberships. SCHOLARSHIPS: Director Matthews briefed to make sure the applicants had the most current application. Director Cason sent out the new scholarship guidelines. Treasurer Ales made a motion that member must be a NCO member one year prior, which was seconded by Director Matthews; motion failed. Membership requirements will stay as current year and previous year. Treasurer Ales made a motion to add verbiage in scholarship program that the Association will have someone present on awards day at recipient’s request. Seconded by Director White, motion passed UNFINSHED BUSINESS DISCUSSED: Item 1: President Knight and Treasurer Ales met and discussed budget. Treasurer presented the proposed budget. He briefed that the budget allowed for 25 delegates to be reimbursed $850 (room, airline & per diem). Motion was made by Director Cason and seconded by Continuity Chair Davis to accept budget as printed. Motion passed. Item 2: President Knight briefed the EANGUS site visit/ agenda. The MS Delegation will be staying at the Ramada. Director Cason made a motion to buy 50 registrations for Phoenix, AZ EANGUS 2014 Conference. Seconded by Director McKinion, motion passed. Item 3: Executive Director Myers briefed the State Fair. He suggested each director find workers; average 23 were needed for each day, working 4 hour shifts. He added that weekends required more workers. Item 4: A 4-wheeler fundraiser had been discussed in a previous meeting; however, Chaplain Pickett’s AR 15 fundraiser suggestion would be easier and cheaper for the Association to “raffle” off. Director at Large Cooley made a motion we table the 4-wheeler fundraiser idea until next meeting and discuss once we had all the details of the AR 15 fundraiser. Seconded by Director McKinion, motion passed. Item 5: Executive Director Myers stated he still needed POCs. He asked that the list be to him by Aug. 1, 13. Once he


gets money he will marry up the sheets and paid members. Item 2: Executive Director Myers briefed the office expenses required to bring the office up to date: Total expense $1,373.44. New computer - $802.00 Desk - $120.00 Phone - $74.99 Chair - $119.00 Mailbox (1 Year) - $106.00 Printer - $149.00 Director Cason made a motion to reimburse Executive Director Myers for office expenses. Seconded by Director McKinion, motion passed. Item 3: A motion was made by Director McKinion and seconded by Director Cason for Treasurer Ales to purchase a printer/scanner. Motion passed.

Item 4: Continuity Chair Davis made a motion for one of the 2014 scholarship awards be named the Ron Munden Memorial Scholarship, seconded by Director Morrison. Motion passed. Item 5: Committee Chairs for 2014 State Conference: Bowling – Amy Dyess, Golf – Jeff Ellis, Fishing – David Hammerstrom, Michael McQueen, Run – Katrina Wilson. The next board meeting was scheduled for 13 Sep 2013; 186 ARW, Meridian, Miss., 1000 hrs. ADJOURNMENT: The Meeting was dismissed at 1435 hours. LYNN R. COLE, CMSgt, MS ANG, NCOA Secretary

112th Miliary Police Battalion celebrates 25/50 Commemoration in December Sgt. Chris Tadlock, and Specialists Catlin May and Edward Williams stand beside an M-1117 Armored Security Vehicle at the 112th Military Police Battalion 25/50 Commemorative Exercise, Dec. 7. The unit is celebrating 25 years being headquartered in Canton and supporting the Mississippi Army National Guard for 50 years. (Photo by Staff Sgt. Michael Williams, JFH-MS Public Affairs)


Past Presidents


In Rememberance It is with respect and honor that we remember our friends who have served with us over the years as fellow enlisted members of the Mississippi National Guard:

SFC Charles “Alford” Bennett 20 October 2013 Hattiesburg CSMS

SSG Jack West Parker, Jr. 15 November 2013 Jackson, MS

Former member of the 972nd Dental Detachment before the unit was deactivated

SGT Steven B. Vick 15 November 2013 Theodore, AL Served with HHD, Joint Force Headquarters

Sgt. James Matthew Shearer 8 September 2013 Jackson, Mississippi

155th Brigade, Special Troops Battalion.

We wish to acknowledge that this may be an incomplete list, but at the time of this publication deadline this is all the deaths that were reported. If you are aware of any death of an enlisted member of the Mississippi Amry or Air National Guard, please contact Executive Director, CSMSGT (Ret) Ricky Myers,

Dates of Service

SGM Virgil Williams* CSM James E. Clark* SMSGT Arthur F. Adams* CSM James E. Maske* SGM Daniel T. Murphy* SMSGT James A. Knowles 1SG John R. Carter 1SG Thomas E. Coggin* TSGT Charles R. Sullivan SFC Wilburn H. Ford* SGM Henry E. Riley, Jr.* CSM Edwin T. Clark* SGM Cecil L. Jones* SGM James McCaulla CMSGT James E. Jenkins SGM Larry E. Kelly CSM Joe Hester SMSGT David Hart SGM Robert S. Smith SFC Shelby Lowery CCMSGT Ricky Myers SFC Richard Scott SGM Richard Stamper CCMSGT Charlie Carrigan MSG Thomas Pickett SFC Lennis Robbins TSGT Deborah Ward MSG Jim Stephens MSG Celeste Young CCMSGT Ricky Myers CSM Donald Cooley MSGT William Stephens SFC Robert Dettor SSG Rusty Anderson MSGT Jay Wells MSG Marty Goodman MSGT Gail McKinion SGM Matt Martin SMSGT Scotty Cole MSG Larry Odom SMSGT Terry Hill MSG Bo Plunk

1969-1970 1970-1971 1971-1972 1972-1973 1973-1974 1974-1975 1975-1976 1976-1977 1977-1978 1978-1979 1979-1980 1980-1981 1981-1982 1982-1983 1983-1984 1984-1985 1985-1986 1986-1987 1987-1988 1988-1990 1990-1991 1991-1992 1992-1993 1993-1994 1994-1995 1995-1996 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013


Dot Brown* Doris Williams* Virginia Brown Agnes Tupman* Ruth Ann Crawford Dianne Sullivan Delores Ford* Dot Dudley Beverly Hurst Elwanda Keith Billie Davis Beverly Lee Dot Brown* Judy Harris Ann Hart Dot Pee Paulette McLeod Paula Carrigan Brooks Marr Ancia Lowery Mildred Geary* Danna Davis Doris Hoxie* Linda Bishop* Vivian Taylor Susie Stewart Barbara McKay Shirley Ritter Pearleen Pearce Pearleen Pearce Phyllis Barranco* Carla Dickens Christina Ammons Gloria Cooley Connie Myers Danna Davis Florence Wright Pat Bishop Karen Solots Pat Burchfield Pat Burchfield

or the Chaplain. Thank You.

* Indicates a deceased member


2013 - 2014 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Don’t forget to attend the 46th Annual Conference of the Mississippi National Guard NCO Association in Jackson, March 28-30, at the Jackson Hilton Hotel on I-55 at County Line Road. Don’t forget to see up to date information on our Facebook Page. at


DUES STRUCTURE EFFECTIVE FOR DUES YEAR 2014 E1 thru E4 annual dues including EANGUS................. $12.00 E5 thru E6 annual dues including EANGUS . ................. 15.00 E7 thru E8 annual dues including EANGUS................... 25.00 E9, SGM & CSM annual dues including EANGUS.......... 30.00 RETIREES annual dues including EANGUS.................... 25.00 ASSOCIATE MEMBERS annual dues, STATE ONLY.......... 15.00 ASSOCIATE LIFE, State of Mississippi Only..................... 75.00 LIFE MEMBERSHIP State of Mississippi & EANGUS... $300.00

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