Congress Ends War on Medical Marijuana and Passes Historical Bill Breaking News In a breakthrough moment for cannabis law modification, the U.S. House of Representatives approved a measure few days back to stop funding the civil conflict on medical marijuana. It is expected to be signed by President Obama, bringing an end to the long crackdown in California and other states. The huge majority of 78% of Americans support state’s right to permit access to medical cannabis. The spending bill also contains an endowment which is directed towards Washington DC legalization.
“A Fabulous Victory” District protestors said that they will sue the Harris rider. Marijuana law modification supporters applauded the arrival of the Hinchey-Rohrabacher Amendment earlier this week, calling it a “fabulous victory”.
“For the first time, Congress is letting states set their own medical marijuana and hemp policies, a huge step forward for practical drug policy,” said Bill Piper, director of the Drug Policy Alliance’s office of national affairs. “States will continue to restructure their marijuana laws and Congress will be required to provide accommodations for them.”
“This is a great day for patients and for public safety,” stated an announcement Major Neill Franklin (Ret.), executive director of Law Enforcement against Prohibition. Congress has finally paid attention to the huge majority of Americans who consider the federal government has no right to delay the personal verdict to