Ward Diagnostic Report

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WARD DIAGNOSTIC REPORT “….. Proper diagnosis is essential to proper treatment. The Lord gave us this remarkable assurance: “Because thou hast seen thy weakness thou shalt be made strong.” (Ether 12:37). But wishing for strength won’t make us strong. It takes faith and work….” [Elder Russell M. Nelson, Integrity of Heart, Ensign, August 1995]



Ward Diagnostic Report

How to Use

The ward organization consists of various auxiliaries and departments. For the ward to operate effectively and efficiently is to make sure that all of the policies, activities, and programs as prescribed in the Church Handbook of Instructions are implemented. This can be a daunting task to any bishopric. The ward is a dynamic organization and many changes occur every time. It can be difficult to keep abreast with the changes happening and the necessary courses of action you have to make. Therefore, attention to these significant details is crucial. With too much information to handle at the ward level at any given time, some important programs can fall into the cracks unnoticed. This diagnostic report is a tool and a resource designed to assist you in ensuring the optimal execution of ward programs. As a bishopric, you can assign yourselves or the ward executive secretary, to conduct this diagnostic. The diagnostic sessions is best conducted by a bishopric counselor by auxiliary and department in the spirit of “being a light, not a critic.” Encourage honest and accurate responses as much as possible. I suggest holding this activity every six months or in connection with your annual ward conference. By going through this exercise regularly, you will gain a better grasp of the state of the ward, where your strengths lie, and which areas need your immediate attention. It’s like a regular tune-up to recharge the ward organization. After accumulating all the necessary data, you must take relentless efforts and decisive action with the various auxiliaries and committees where programs have faltered. Please see the last page for more ideas and suggestions on using this diagnostic at the ward or stake level.

Copyright © 2005 Randy F. Rubio All rights reserved “Being Anxiously Engaged in a Good Cause”


Ward Diagnostic Report

BISHOPRIC Bishop is functioning and effective Bishopric 1st counselor is functioning and effective Bishopric 2nd counselor is functioning and effective Ward Executive Secretary is functioning and effective Ward Clerk is functioning and effective Assistant Ward Clerks are functioning and effective Weekly financial report is accurate and submitted on time Member progress report is accurate and submitted on time We regularly read (or review) the Church Handbook of Instructions What is the average sacrament attendance? (past 6 months) Number of active MP holders who are full-tithe payers The Bishopric meets at least weekly with perfect attendance The Priesthood Executive Committee meets weekly The Ward Council meets at least once a month Welfare Services Committee meets at least once a month Ward Aaronic Priesthood Committee meets monthly Bishopric Youth committee meets monthly Minutes of meetings are kept and assignments followed through We attend stake monthly bishopric training We have a Goal Achievement System Bishop meets with Relief Society President monthly Bishop interviews EQ President quarterly Bishop interviews HPG Leader quarterly Bishop interviews Ward Mission Leader quarterly Bishopric counselor assigned to YM meets YM presidency monthly Bishopric counselor assigned to YW meets YW presidency monthly Bishopric counselor assigned to Primary meets Primary presidency monthly Bishopric counselor assigned to SS meets SS presidency monthly Bishopric counselor assigned to teaching meets with WTIC monthly Ward Leadership training is held regularly

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Comments/Required Action ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____________________________

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WARD MISSION Ward Mission Leader is functioning and effective Ward Missionaries have been called and serving at least 10 hours a week Ward Mission Leader holds missionary correlation meeting weekly We have read the Stake/Mission handbook in its entirety Convert Baptism Checklist filled up and followed through during PEC Baptismal services are simple, brief and spiritual Baptismal services are attended by bishopric Baptismal services are well-attended by members Number of baptisms year-to-date vs. no. retained

SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday School President is functioning and effective Sunday School 1st counselor is functioning and effective Sunday School 2nd counselor is functioning and effective Sunday School Secretary is functioning and effective Sunday School records, reports, and finances are in order Sunday School presidency meets monthly We have read the Sunday School handbook in its entirety Gospel Doctrine Teacher is functioning and effective Gospel Essentials Teacher is functioning and effective

Copyright © 2005 Randy F. Rubio All rights reserved “Being Anxiously Engaged in a Good Cause”


Ward Diagnostic Report Teachers of youth and Single adult classes are functioning and effective Sunday School classes have functioning class presidents Teachers use Church-approved curriculum materials and scriptures Teaching the Gospel course is taught at least once a year Ward Family History class is taught at least once a year Ward Teacher Improvement Coordinator is functioning and effective Ward Teacher Improvement Coordinator attends Ward council monthly Teacher Improvement Meeting is held at least quarterly (monthly, if possible)

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MUSIC DEPARTMENT Ward Music Chairman is functioning and effective Ward Music Director is functioning and effective Ward Organist or Pianist is functioning and effective Priesthood Music Director & Pianist is functioning and effective Ward Music Adviser from the bishopric has been appointed Ward Choir Director is functioning and effective Ward Choir President is functioning and effective We have read the Music handbook in its entirety Ward Choir has been organized Ward Music staff meets monthly We attend stake music training

ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE Ward Activities Committee Chairman is functioning and effective Ward Cultural Arts Director is functioning and effective Ward Physical Activities Director is functioning and effective Ward Activities Committee meets monthly We have a balanced program of activities (service, cultural arts, sports, etc.) We have a communications workshop held at least twice a year

OTHER DEPARTMENTS Ward Family History Consultant is functioning and effective We have an organized program for teaching members family history work We have an organized temple excursion monthly (if applicable) Temple Preparation seminar is held at least once a year Ward Single Member representative (s) are functioning and effective Ward Committee on Single Adults meets monthly Ward Librarian is functioning and effective Ward Building Representative is functioning and effective We have a member meetinghouse cleanliness program Ward Magazine Representative is functioning and effective We have an Annual Liahona Subscription Campaign program (Exec. Secretary)

FINANCE Only the Bishop and his counselors receive tithing and other donations A member(s) of the bishopric and the clerk open and verify contributions Contributions are deposited the following day by two persons Budget Allowance guidelines are being followed Ward organizations are funded fairly and adequately Stake Audit on ward finance conducted twice a year Fast offering policies and procedures are complied Fast offering recipients are required to work for assistance given

Evaluation Conducted by: _________________ Ward:_____________________ Bishop: ____________________ Date: _________ Copyright © 2005 Randy F. Rubio All rights reserved “Being Anxiously Engaged in a Good Cause”


Ward Diagnostic Report

ELDERS QUORUM ORGANIZATIONAL CHECKLIST This checklist will help you identify the current strengths of your organization. It will also help you pinpoint areas where improvement is required. Fill-out as accurately as possible to evaluate the current status of your organization and identify courses of action for improvement. Use this quarterly for greatest benefit to your organization. Use additional sheets if necessary. Organization Elders Quorum President is functioning and effective Elders Quorum Presidency 1st counselor is functioning and effective Elders Quorum Presidency 2nd counselor is functioning and effective Elders Quorum Secretary is functioning and effective Elders Quorum Presidency is working as a team Elders Quorum Instructors are functioning Missionary Work Committee organized and functioning Spiritual & Temporal Welfare Committee organized and functioning Family History Work Committee organized and functioning We have read the Melchizedek Priesthood handbook in its entirety We have an annual calendar of activities (or at least one quarter) Elders Quorum records, reports, and finances are in order

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Comments/Required Action ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________

Meetings & Activities EQ Presidency meets weekly or regularly EQ Presidency meeting has a prepared agenda Minutes of meetings are kept and assignments followed through Our Sunday Quorum meetings are well-planned and implemented EQ President attends PEC weekly EQ President attends ward council monthly EQ President attends ward welfare committee monthly EQ President meets and reports to the Bishop monthly We attend stake Priesthood leadership training regularly We have missionary work activities coordinated with WML We have a continuing program on family history Each quorum member is interviewed by EQ presidency at least once a year We have regular, well-planned, and balanced activities (at least twice a month) We have a regular monthly temple assignment (if applicable) We attend Stake Priesthood Leadership training

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Home Teaching Home Teaching is organized Home Teachers perform their assignments monthly Home Teachers report monthly We have conducted a service project during the month We know brethren with special needs and have addressed them New members have been properly introduced to EQ Presidency New members have been identified and Home Teachers assigned Home Teachers have already visited the most recent new converts We have identified less active members to be reactivated We have regular home teaching workshop conducted

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Quality Teaching Our quorum instructors have all completed “Teaching the Gospel” course Instructors have scheduled lessons based on current curriculum guidelines Quorum instructors teach with the spirit, are well-prepared and involve students Our teachers attend regular teacher improvement classes

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Evaluation Conducted by: _________________ Ward:__________________ EQ President: __________________ Date: _________ Copyright © 2005 Randy F. Rubio All rights reserved “Being Anxiously Engaged in a Good Cause”


Ward Diagnostic Report

HIGH PRIEST GROUP ORGANIZATIONAL CHECKLIST This checklist will help you identify the current strengths of your organization. It will also help you pinpoint areas where improvement is required. Fill-out as accurately as possible to evaluate the current status of your organization and identify courses of action for improvement. Use this quarterly for greatest benefit to your organization. Use additional sheets if necessary. Organization High Priest Group Leader is functioning and effective High Priest Group 1st assistant is functioning and effective High Priest Group 2nd assistant is functioning and effective High Priest Group Secretary is functioning and effective High Priest Group records, reports, and finances are in order High Priest Group Leadership is working as a team High Priest Group Instructors are functioning and effective Missionary Work Committee organized and functioning Spiritual & Temporal Welfare Committee organized and functioning Family History Work Committee organized and functioning We have read the Melchizedek Priesthood handbook in its entirety We have an annual calendar of activities (or at least one quarter)

Yes [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []

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Comments/Required Action ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________

Meetings & Activities High Priest Group Leadership meets weekly or regularly High Priest Group meeting has a prepared agenda Minutes of meetings are kept and assignments followed through Our Sunday Quorum meetings are well-planned and implemented High Priest Group Leader attends ward council monthly High Priest Group Leader attends ward welfare committee monthly High Priest Group Leader meets and reports to the Bishop monthly Each group member is interviewed by HPG leadership at least once a year We attend stake Priesthood leadership training regularly We have missionary work activities coordinated with WML We have a continuing program on family history We have regular, well-planned, and balanced activities (at least twice a month) We have a regular monthly temple assignment (if applicable) We attend Stake Priesthood Leadership training

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Home Teaching Home Teaching is organized Home Teachers perform their assignments monthly Home Teachers report monthly We have conducted a service project during the month We know brethren with special needs and have addressed them New members have been properly introduced to HPG Leadership New members have been identified and Home Teachers assigned Home Teachers have already visited the most recent new converts We have identified less active members to be reactivated We regularly conduct home teaching workshop

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Quality Teaching Our group instructors have all completed “Teaching the Gospel” course Instructors have scheduled lessons based on current curriculum guidelines Teachers teach with the spirit, are well-prepared and involve students Our teachers attend regular teacher improvement classes

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Evaluation Conducted by: _________________ Ward:__________________ HPGL: _______________________ Date: _________ Copyright © 2005 Randy F. Rubio All rights reserved “Being Anxiously Engaged in a Good Cause”


Ward Diagnostic Report

RELIEF SOCIETY ORGANIZATIONAL CHECKLIST This checklist will help you identify the current strengths of your organization. It will also help you pinpoint areas where improvement is required. Fill-out as accurately as possible to evaluate the current status of your organization and identify courses of action for improvement. Use this quarterly for greatest benefit to your organization. Use additional sheets if necessary. Organization



Comments/Required Action

Relief Society President is functioning and effective Counselor assigned to Education is functioning and effective Counselor assigned to Homemaking is functioning and effective Relief Society Secretary is functioning and effective Relief Society records, reports, and finances are in order Relief Society teachers are functioning and effective Relief Society Presidency is working as a team We have read the Relief Society handbook in its entirety We have an annual calendar of activities (or at least one quarter)

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Meetings RS Presidency meets weekly or regularly RS Presidency meeting has a prepared agenda Minutes of meetings are kept and assignments followed through Our Sunday meetings are well-planned and implemented Homemaking meeting is held at least once a month Homemaking meeting is well-prepared and well-attended RS President attends ward council monthly RS Presidency attends ward welfare committee monthly RS President meets and reports to the Bishop monthly We have other enrichment activities during the month We have regular ward RS Leadership training We attend stake RS leadership training regularly Visiting Teaching Visiting Teaching is organized Visiting Teachers perform their assignments monthly Visiting Teachers report monthly We have conducted compassionate service during the month We know sisters with special needs and have addressed them New members have been properly introduced to RS Presidency New members have been identified and Visiting Teachers assigned Visiting Teachers have already visited the most recent new converts We have identified less active members to be reactivated Annual visiting teaching workshop is already scheduled and planned Quality Teaching Our teachers have all completed “Teaching the Gospel” course Our teachers have scheduled lessons based on current curriculum guidelines Teachers teach with the spirit, are well-prepared and involve students Our teachers attend regular teacher improvement classes

Evaluation Conducted by: _________________ Ward:__________________ RS President: __________________ Date: _________ Copyright © 2005 Randy F. Rubio All rights reserved “Being Anxiously Engaged in a Good Cause”


Ward Diagnostic Report

AARONIC PRIESTHOOD ORGANIZATIONAL CHECKLIST This checklist will help you identify the current strengths of your organization. It will also help you pinpoint areas where improvement is required. Fill-out as accurately as possible to evaluate the current status of your organization and identify courses of action for improvement. Use this quarterly for greatest benefit to your organization. Leadership Yes No Comments/Required Action The Bishop as Priests Quorum president is functioning [] [] ____________________________ Bishopric counselor who oversees the Teachers Quorum is functioning [] [] ____________________________ Bishopric counselor who oversees the Deacons Quorum is functioning [] [] ____________________________ Bishopric counselor assigned to the Young Men organization is functioning [] [] ____________________________ Ward YM President adviser to Priests quorum is functioning and effective [] [] ____________________________ Ward YM 1st counselor adviser to Teachers quorum is functioning and effective [ ] [] ____________________________ Ward YM 2nd counselor adviser to Deacons is functioning and effective [] [] ____________________________ Ward YM Secretary is functioning and effective [] [] ____________________________ Young Men records, reports, and finances are in order [] [] ____________________________ Young Men Presidency is working as a team [] [] ____________________________ Priests quorum assistants called and quorum presidency meets at least monthly [ ] [] ____________________________ Teachers quorum presidency organized and presidency meets at least monthly [ ] [] ____________________________ Deacons quorum presidency organized and presidency meets at least monthly [ ] [] ____________________________ We have read the Young Men handbook in its entirety [] [] ____________________________ Meetings Bishopric Youth Committee meets monthly [] [] ____________________________ Ward Aaronic Priesthood Committee meets monthly [] [] ____________________________ Ward YM Presidency meets twice monthly [] [] ____________________________ Bishopric counselor meets YM Presidency monthly [] [] ____________________________ Priests hold quorum meeting and Sunday gospel instruction weekly [] [] ____________________________ Teachers hold quorum meeting and Sunday gospel instruction weekly [] [] ____________________________ Deacons hold quorum meeting and Sunday gospel instruction weekly [] [] ____________________________ We attend stake YM leadership training [] [] ____________________________ Program We have conducted parents’ orientation on the Duty to God program [] [] ____________________________ Active young men are enrolled and participating in the Duty to God program [] [] ____________________________ Each active young man has a copy of “For the Strength of Youth” [] [] ____________________________ Young men can recite “Purposes of the Aaronic Priesthood” and D&C 4 [] [] ____________________________ Young men are enrolled in seminary. How many_______ Potential_______ [] [] ____________________________ We have a missionary savings program [] [] ____________________________ Each young man is interviewed at least twice a year [] [] ____________________________ We have a calendar of activities for at least one quarter [] [] ____________________________ Activities Young Men have been assigned as junior home teachers [] [] ____________________________ Aaronic Priesthood Activities planned with a purpose [] [] ____________________________ Mutual activities are being held weekly [] [] ____________________________ Bishopric is represented during Mutual activities [] [] ____________________________ Separate Aaronic Priesthood activities are being held regularly [] [] ____________________________ Young Men have a reactivation program [] [] ____________________________ We have a balanced activity program [] [] ____________________________ We have service project activities [] [] ____________________________ We have regular temple activities (if applicable) [] [] ____________________________ Young men participate in Sunday Evening Discussion [] [] ____________________________ Ordinances & Ordinations Young men administer the sacrament in proper attire [] [] ____________________________ Young men have been given opportunity to baptize [] [] ____________________________ Young men are being ordained at the proper ages [] [] ____________________________ Young men, especially deacons, gather fast offerings [] [] ____________________________ Quality Teaching Our teachers have all completed “Teaching the Gospel” course [] [] ____________________________ Teachers teach with the spirit, are well-prepared and involve students [] [] ____________________________ Our teachers attend regular teacher improvement classes [] [] ____________________________ Evaluation Conducted by: _________________ Ward:__________________ YM President: __________________ Date: _________ Copyright © 2005 Randy F. Rubio All rights reserved “Being Anxiously Engaged in a Good Cause”


Ward Diagnostic Report

YOUNG WOMEN ORGANIZATIONAL CHECKLIST This checklist will help you identify the current strengths of your organization. It will also help you pinpoint areas where improvement is required. Fill-out as accurately as possible to evaluate the current status of your organization and identify courses of action for improvement. Use this quarterly for greatest benefit to your organization. Leadership Yes No Comments/Required Action The Bishop oversees the Laurel class is functioning [] [] ____________________________ Bishopric counselor who oversees the Mia Maid class is functioning [] [] ____________________________ Bishopric counselor who oversees the Beehive class is functioning [] [] ____________________________ Bishopric counselor assigned to the Young Women organization is functioning [ ] [] ____________________________ Ward YW President adviser to Laurels is functioning and effective [] [] ____________________________ Ward YW 1st counselor adviser to Mia Maids is functioning and effective [] [] ____________________________ Ward YW 2nd counselor adviser to Beehives is functioning and effective [] [] ____________________________ Ward YW Secretary is functioning and effective [] [] ____________________________ Young Women records, reports, and finances are in order [] [] ____________________________ Young Women Presidency is working as a team [] [] ____________________________ Laurel class presidency organized and presidency meets at least monthly [] [] ____________________________ Mia Maid class presidency organized and presidency meets at least monthly [] [] ____________________________ Beehive class presidency organized and presidency meets at least monthly [] [] ____________________________ We have read the Young Women handbook in its entirety [] [] ____________________________ Meetings Ward YW Presidency meets twice monthly Bishopric Counselor meets YW Presidency monthly Laurels hold class meeting and Sunday gospel instruction weekly Mia Maids hold class meeting and Sunday gospel instruction weekly Beehives hold class meeting and Sunday gospel instruction weekly We conduct ward YW leadership training regularly We attend stake YW leadership training

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Program We have conducted parents’ orientation on Personal Progress program Active young women enrolled and participating in Personal Progress program Young women are properly honored and recognized in the P Progress program Each active young woman has a copy of “For the Strength of Youth” Young women can recite “Young Women Theme” Young women are enrolled in seminary How many?______ Potential?______ Each young woman is interviewed at least twice a year We have a calendar of activities for at least one quarter

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Activities New Beginnings program have been conducted (or in planning stage) Young Women in Excellence have been held (or in planning stage) Young Women have a reactivation program Young Women Activities are planned with a purpose Mutual activities are being held weekly Bishopric is represented during Mutual activities Separate young women activities are being held regularly We have a balanced activity program (home arts, drama, music, camp, etc.) We have service project activities We have regular temple activities (if applicable) Young women participate in Sunday evening discussion

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Quality Teaching Our teachers have all completed “Teaching the Gospel” course Teachers teach with the spirit, are well-prepared and involve students Our teachers attend regular teacher improvement classes

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Evaluation Conducted by: _________________ Ward:__________________ YW President: __________________ Date: ________ Copyright © 2005 Randy F. Rubio All rights reserved “Being Anxiously Engaged in a Good Cause”


Ward Diagnostic Report

PRIMARY ORGANIZATIONAL CHECKLIST This checklist will help you identify the current strengths of your organization. It will also help you pinpoint areas where improvement is required. Fill-out as accurately as possible to evaluate the current status of your organization and identify courses of action for improvement. Use this quarterly for greatest benefit to your organization. Use additional sheets if necessary. Organization



Comments/Required Action

Primary President is functioning and effective Primary 1st Counselor is functioning and effective Primary 2nd Counselor is functioning and effective Primary Secretary is functioning and effective Primary records, reports, and finances are in order Primary Presidency is working as a team Primary teachers are functioning and effective Primary Music leaders are functioning and effective Primary Achievement day leaders are functioning and effective We have read the Primary handbook in its entirety We have an annual calendar of activities (or at least one quarter)

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Gospel in Action program is established Parents have been oriented in the Gospel in Action program Teachers hold periodic interviews with children We conduct Achievement Days as prescribed Achievement Days are well-prepared and well-attended We conduct Activity Days quarterly Activity Days are well-prepared and well-attended We have calendared the Annual Sacrament Presentation We have calendared the Priesthood Preview program Our priesthood preview program has been planned and approved New converts have been properly introduced to Primary Presidency We have identified less active members to be reactivated We conduct visits to families with Primary children We are preparing for Children’s Annual Sacrament Presentation

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Classes & Quality Teaching Classes for ages for ages18 months to 3 years old (Sunbeam) are organized Classes for ages 4 through 7 (CTR) are organized Classes for ages 8 through 11 (Valiant) are organized Our teachers have all completed “Teaching the Gospel” course Teachers teach with the spirit, are well-prepared and involve students Our teachers attend regular teacher improvement classes

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Meetings Primary Presidency meets weekly or regularly Presidency meeting has a prepared agenda Minutes of meetings are kept and assignments followed through Primary Sharing Time is well-planned and held regularly Primary President attends ward council monthly Primary President meets and reports to bishopric counselor monthly We have regular ward Primary Leadership training We attend stake Primary leadership training regularly Programs, Activities, & Events

Evaluation Conducted by: _________________Ward:________________ Primary President: _________________ Date: _________ Copyright © 2005 Randy F. Rubio All rights reserved “Being Anxiously Engaged in a Good Cause”


Ward Diagnostic Report

HOW TO USE THE WARD DIAGNOSTIC REPORT There are so many aspects to Church programs at the ward level as contained in the Church Handbook of Instructions which pertains to its correct implementation. Even the best among us will have difficulty remembering them all. This tool will assist you in determining what parts of these programs are not being implemented yet or not adequately addressed. If you are the bishop who wants to use it in the ward, here are suggested step by step procedure you might consider to draw out the maximum benefit in using this tool. 1. Meet as a bishopric to discuss the use of the Ward Diagnostic report. Go over together the entire list at least once. Become familiar with its form and content. It will give you the big picture of the ward organization. The bird’s eye view of the ward organization will increase your desire in implementing the programs as prescribed to “invite all to come unto Christ” leading to the ultimate goal of eternal life. 2. Meet with the Ward council and present to them the tool especially emphasizing the benefit of diagnosis in helping them implement Church programs optimally – to bless the lives of individuals and families. That the diagnostic tool is not to make them feel guilty. That, in fact, it will help them know what their current strengths are and the areas where improvement may be required. Where they are already strong, they may still work to improve. Where there are weaknesses, they can take immediate action to resolve. 3. The bishopric member and the auxiliary president will go through the checklist together. For example, the bishop will walk through the list with the Relief Society president. The bishopric counselor assigned to the Young Men organization will do the same with the Young Men president, etc. Being honest and accurate in the responses will bring the most benefit to this exercise. 4. The report requires a simple answer of ‘yes’ or ‘no.’ Many times that answer does not truly represent the current situation. For this reason, I have intentionally reserved a portion for your comments and suggestions. For example, let’s say that the Sunday School presidency does meet monthly but do not have a complete attendance. You can appropriately put a note in the comments section to remind you to work on it even if you have noted that portion with a ‘yes’ answer. 5. When the checklist have been all filled-out, the evaluator and the auxiliary president sign. This is to ensure that there is a concurrence to the evaluation and that two parties have agreed that it represents the current situation of the organization. 6. Agree on the courses of action on the areas where action is required. For example, let’s say the Primary organization needs more teachers and interviews by the bishopric would be required, put a note on the comments section and agree on goal dates for accomplishment. Give the original to the auxiliary president and the bishopric retains a duplicate photo copy for reference. Then just do it! This is the part where you “make things happen.” Go through each item of action until everything is completed. Review the checklist regularly with the auxiliary president as part of your stewardship interviews. 7. Bishopric members report in the weekly bishopric meeting the results of the diagnostic and the courses of action agreed upon in each of the auxiliaries. This is referred as “returning and reporting.” You get results when you require a report. Follow-up on actions already done and more so for actions that still need to be done. 8. Repeat the exercise every 6 months or as needed. No organization will remain to be functioning optimally all the time. We go through constant changes. Our organizations are dynamic. New people in new callings and changes in policies and procedures are just some of the things that cause changes. People sometimes lose enthusiasm and need to be motivated again and again. (This same process may be adapted by the stake with slight modifications if it desires to implement it stake-wide).

Copyright © 2005 Randy F. Rubio All rights reserved “Being Anxiously Engaged in a Good Cause”


Ward Diagnostic Report

HOW TO USE THE WARD DIAGNOSTIC REPORT At the Stake Level STEP 1 Stake Presidency Organizes the stake diagnostic and training team. Bishoprics and stake D & T team are properly oriented in the stake-wide diagnostic and training exercise.

STEP 2 Organize the Stake Diagnostic & Training Team Stake High Councilors and Stake Auxiliary Presidencies are organized into teams with High Councilors as Team Leaders.

Ward 1 Ward Diagnostic Report is implemented by Stake D & T team assigned to the ward

Ward 2 Ward Diagnostic Report is implemented by Stake D & T team assigned to the ward

Ward 3 Ward Diagnostic Report is implemented by Stake D & T team assigned to the ward

Ward 5 Ward Diagnostic Report is implemented by Stake D & T team assigned to the ward

Ward 6 Ward Diagnostic Report is implemented by Stake D & T team assigned to the ward

Ward 4 Ward Diagnostic Report is implemented by Stake D & T team assigned to the ward

STEP 4 Return & Report Ward Diagnostic Report is completed in each ward by the teams. Original copy with the bishopric while duplicate submitted to the stake presidency. Stake Presidency reviews and determine training priorities. STEP 5 ACTION Stake Presidency sets into motion and leads training interventions. Training activities constantly evaluated for effectiveness and modifications. STEP 6 Repeat The exercise is repeated once a year with enhancements and revisions.

Copyright © 2005 Randy F. Rubio All rights reserved “Being Anxiously Engaged in a Good Cause”


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