Unified Youth Reactivation

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VISION OF HOPE: UNIFIED YOUTH REACTIVATION PROGRAM “Ye shall not cast him out of your synagogues, or your places of worship, for unto such shall ye continue to minister; for ye know not but what they will return and repent, and come unto me with full purpose of heart, and I shall heal them; and ye shall be the means of bringing salvation unto them.” (3 Nephi 18:32)

“What is it that we can accomplish that has never been done before?” This was the question I often asked myself and those whom I was privileged to lead towards setting higher sights of new achievement. “…the Lord kept urging the Saints to look up, to get a vision, to raise their sights that they might get the vision of the magnitude of this work…God help us to live the gospel, to be real Latter-day Saints and to live the gospel, to go forward with our heads up high, to raise our sights and get a vision of this, the greatest work in all the world.” [ Pres. Ezra Taft Benson ] So are you willing to achieve something that has never been done before? Now before you answer this question, I caution you to think about your answer very carefully. If you answer ‘No,’ there is nothing wrong with it. It just simply means that you think you are not ready to exert the effort and make the commitment of visionary leadership (Read article on “Principles of Visionary Leadership”). However, if you say ‘Yes,’ be prepared to pay the price. For success in leadership has a high price to pay. You have to exercise faith, be willing to take bold action, initially expect some indifference from your detractors, face the possibility of failure, blaze new trails, walk through uncharted roads, and persevere against the odds. IF YOU SAY YES, then read on. “We who pretend leadership must set on fire those whom we lead. To be a leader one must remember he must excel in energy, power and mentality. A great leader will establish confidence in his men. They will see him accomplish the impossible and they will follow his example.” [Pres. Spencer W. Kimball] The idea I am about to share with you is something I know has never been done before in the magnitude and scope I will outline here. I came up with this idea when we moved to Concepcion, Tarlac and have proven it to work. You can use it to transform your stake (district) YM and YW organization into a highly energized unit and receive the rewards that inevitably come with it. (D&C 130: 20-21) This a comprehensive youth reactivation program that can bless your lives, other youth leaders, and especially the lives of young people who are lost and aimless. If after all the efforts you exert to bring back lost youth into the Church and save only just one soul, how great shall be your joy. How much more if the Lord should bless you to bring many back to Church activity, your joy will be greater. (D&C 18:15-16)

Unified Youth Reactivation

THE UNPRECEDENTED CHALLENGE Perhaps, the number of inactive young men and young women in your stake (district) is staggering in number. If so, this idea and strategy might be of value to you. Of course, I do not know your stake statistics but in the Concepcion ward (Angeles stake) where I implemented this strategy, we had at the time 110 youth on our list and only 10 participated in Church activities. So I know I am not exaggerating. If we do not do something that has never been done before, the inactivity rate can compound in years to come. How tragic for all those young lives wasted. However, think about how wonderful it would be to bring many of them back to Church activity by exerting simple but bold and heroic action. THE IDEA & STRATEGY Imagine for a moment what would happen if all active young men, young women, and youth leaders in your stake (district) simultaneously performed reactivation efforts on Sunday? Can you see in your mind’s eye fifty, seventy, or maybe even a hundred people (adults and youth) walking through the streets in different wards of the stake, going about visiting inactive youth, and their families making a difference for one or two, or ten young people? What a powerful vision! Imagine young people who once were lost and abandoned enrolling in seminary, participating in mutual night activities, attending Church, becoming fully active eventually going on missions, being married in the temple, and blessed with eternal lives for themselves and their posterity? Imagine having fun at the same time. Now, stop imagining because you can make it happen! Here’s how we did it! We met with the active youth of our ward every Sunday and their advisers. We organized them into four different teams covering various areas of the ward. They visited less active youth and then brought them to Church to attend a short program. In church, we introduced them to other young people, oriented them of our ongoing activities, and held a faith-promoting gospel discussion. In just a few weeks, we succeeded in bringing around ten new kids. Others have yet to participate consistently but the fire of the gospel light has been lit in their lives. Now if these ordinary young men and young women can do it, it can be done by others as well. They need your visionary leadership! Weekly Sunday Reactivation Program of Activities 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. 6:00 – 6:30 p.m. 6:30 – 7:00 p.m. 7:00 – 7:30 p.m.

Class and quorum visits by active youth and advisers Active youth invite less active youth to Church Bishopric and youth advisers conduct a short program Faith-promoting and engaging gospel discussion One Hour Suggested Program Outline

Conducting: Hymn & Prayer: Welcome Remarks: Musical Number: Program Overview: Gospel Discussion: Musical Number or Hymn: Concluding Remarks: Hymn & Prayer:

Priest or Laurel By invitation Bishopric/Youth Adviser Combined Quorums YM President or other Adult Advisers Bishopric/Seminary Teacher (not lectures please) Combined Classes (or intermediate hymn) Bishop By invitation

Light Refreshments Copyright © 2005 Randy F. Rubio All rights reserved “Being Anxiously Engaged in a Good Cause”


Unified Youth Reactivation

WARD UNIFIED REACTIVATION PROGRAM Objective To organize AP quorums and YW classes in a unified effort to reactivate less active youth. Also to provide hands-on leadership training and modeling for ministering to the spiritual needs of youth. Enhance bonding experiences of active youth with bishopric and youth leaders. The Ideal Strategy Quorum and class presidencies with their respective adult advisers hold meetings to identify every less active young man or young woman in their respective groups. Quorum and class presidencies discuss the type of reactivation efforts necessary for each less active person. Quorum and class presidencies present their recommendations to the Bishop’s Youth committee. Bishop gives instruction and spiritual guidance on reactivation efforts to quorum and class presidents. Bishopric organizes and leads simultaneous youth reactivation efforts along with quorum and class presidencies, youth advisers, and active youth. Ward youth leaders report reactivation efforts to stake YM/YW presidency. Stake YM/YW presidencies present consolidated reactivation efforts to the stake YM/YW committee and Stake Aaronic Priesthood Committee. Bishop report reactivation efforts to stake president. The Practical Alternative Quorum and class presidencies with their respective adult advisers hold meetings to identify every less active young man or young woman in their respective groups. Quorum and class presidencies discuss the type of reactivation efforts necessary for each less active person. Ward YM/YW presidencies organize and lead simultaneous reactivation efforts with quorum and class presidencies and active youth under the direction of the bishopric. Ward youth leaders report reactivation efforts to stake YM/YW presidency. Implementation Organize active youth into groups with team leaders (bishopric or youth advisers) to go out and visit less active youth. Conduct visits simultaneously with other groups. Each group will invite less active youth and accompany them to the meetinghouse. Hold a short program. Ward YM/YW presidencies orient less active youth with program and activities. Seminary teacher (or bishop) present a brief gospel discussion. Conduct follow-up visits especially on young people who immediately respond to initial efforts. Celebrate every bit of success.

Copyright © 2005 Randy F. Rubio All rights reserved “Being Anxiously Engaged in a Good Cause”


Unified Youth Reactivation

PLAN A UNIFIED YOUTH REACTIVATION AT THE STAKE LEVEL Stake Presidency (Stake Aaronic Priesthood Committee assisting) designate the Sundays where youth reactivation efforts will be held simultaneously throughout the stake

Ward 1 Bishop

Ward 2 Bishop

Ward 3 Bishop

Ward 4 Bishop

Team Leader for unified reactivation efforts with ward youth leaders and advisers

Team Leader for unified reactivation efforts with ward youth leaders and advisers

Team Leader for unified reactivation efforts with ward youth leaders and advisers

Team Leader for unified reactivation efforts with ward youth leaders and advisers


Report Ward Executive Secretary report to the Stake weekly reactivation statistics and for review by stake presidency and stake AP committee

Review Stake Aaronic Priesthood Committee evaluates monthly reactivation reports and discuss how to improve efforts

Interview Stake President meets with Bishop monthly to discuss youth reactivation report and implement improvement

Copyright © 2005 Randy F. Rubio All rights reserved “Being Anxiously Engaged in a Good Cause”


Unified Youth Reactivation


UNIFIED YOUTH REACTIVATION AT THE STAKE LEVEL Stake YM & YW Presidency (under the direction of the Stake Presidency) designate the Sundays where youth reactivation efforts will be held simultaneously throughout the stake

Ward 1

Ward 2

Ward 3

Ward 4

YM & YW Presidency (under the direction of the bishopric) Team Leaders implement unified reactivation efforts with active youth

YM & YW Presidency (under the direction of the bishopric) Team Leaders implement unified reactivation efforts with active youth

YM & YW Presidency (under the direction of the bishopric) Team Leaders implement unified reactivation efforts with active youth

YM & YW Presidency (under the direction of the bishopric) Team Leaders implement unified reactivation efforts with active youth


Report Ward YM/YW Secretaries report to the Stake YM/YW Secretaries weekly on reactivation statistics for Stake AP Committee

Review Stake Aaronic Priesthood Committee evaluates monthly reactivation reports and discuss improvements and modifications

Interview Stake Presidency meets with Bishop monthly to discuss ward reactivation reports to implement improvement Copyright © 2005 Randy F. Rubio All rights reserved “Being Anxiously Engaged in a Good Cause”


Unified Youth Reactivation


UNIFIED YOUTH REACTIVATION AT THE WARD LEVEL Bishopric (with the assistance of the Bishop’s Youth Committee) designate the Sundays where youth reactivation efforts will be held simultaneously in the ward

Deacons Quorum

Beehive Class

Priest Quorum

Laurel Class

Member of the Bishopric & Quorum Adviser

Member of the Bishopric & Class Adviser

Bishop & Quorum Adviser

Member of the Bishopric & Class Adviser

Implement reactivation efforts with active youth

Implement reactivation efforts with active youth

Implement reactivation efforts with active youth

Implement reactivation efforts with active youth


Program Invite less active youth to participate in a one-hour program to build faith and testimony

Report Quorum & Class Secretaries report to the Ward Executive Secretary weekly reactivation statistics

Review Bishop’s Youth Committee evaluates monthly reactivation reports and discuss improvements and modifications

Copyright © 2005 Randy F. Rubio All rights reserved “Being Anxiously Engaged in a Good Cause”


Unified Youth Reactivation

SUPPORT ACTIVITIES TO REINFORCE WARD YOUTH REACTIVATION PROGRAM When we started bringing the less active youth to Church, we realized that sustained efforts were necessary to help them remain in Church activity. So aside from the weekly reactivation activities we conducted, we also provided supplemental activities to support our reactivation efforts. The ward had Seminary classes on Tuedays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Mutual night activities was held every Wednesday night. Since we knew that less active youth would be very attracted to sports activities, we organized weekly games every Saturday afternoon. We kept the youth busy with good causes and left them no room to become distracted with worldly activities. This can seem to be an overwhelming program and you should only do what is within your capabilities and within the reach of your resources (Mosiah 4:27). It would have been overwhelming for us too except that we involved all the youth advisers and every adult who was willing to volunteer. We presented to them the vision and contaminated them with our enthusiasm. If you decide to go the distance, you can delegate the other activities to your counselors and others. You do not need to be in all activities. But you do need to ensure there is a mature adult supervising all youth activities. Ward Seminary Super Saturdays Objective: To encourage youth to participate more actively in the seminary program. This idea is to replicate the stake seminary class in the ward level preferably held on a monthly frequency or during the month when it is not held in the stake. In order to make the activity almost irresistible to youth is to sandwich the seminary activity with sports and outdoor activities and talent and dance socials to culminate it. This activity should be aggressively used to reactivate less active youth and increase enrollment to the seminary program.

7:00 – 8:00 a.m. 8:00 – 10:00 a.m. 10:00 – 12:00 n.n. 12:00 – 1:30 p.m. 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. 3:30 – 4:00 p.m. 4:00 – 7:00 p.m.

Suggested One-Day Program Schedule Saturday One-hour devotional Outdoor Games Indoor Games & Sports Lunch & Break Seminary Class Activities Afternoon Break Talent Show & Dance Suggested Two-Day Program Schedule Friday

5:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Talent Show & Dance Saturday

7:00 – 8:00 a.m. 8:00 – 10:00 a.m. 10:00 – 12:00 n.n. 12:00 – 1:30 p.m. 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. 3:30 – 4:00 p.m. 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.

One hour devotional Sports & Outdoor Games Indoor Games Lunch & Break Seminary Activities Afternoon Break Sports & Outdoor Games

Organize youth temporary committees to plan, organize, and implement activities. Organize quorums and classes with youth leaders to visit and invite less-active youth. Assign youth and leaders to specific less-active individuals to pick-up and escort to activities. Occasionally invite neighboring wards either within the stake or outside the stake to join. Copyright © 2005 Randy F. Rubio All rights reserved “Being Anxiously Engaged in a Good Cause”


Young Men and Young Women Organization Concepcion Ward

Weekly Youth Sports Activities 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Every Saturday


Volleyball Girls

Volleyball Boys


Yellow Tigers Joshua Verdejo – Captain* Jayson Lising Michael Villanueva * Joven de Leon Jared de Leon * Richard Sibug Allain Lumbao *

Yellow Tigers Maricris Sampang – Captain Mycah Rose David Abegael Sibug Diana Sibug Katherine Rodriguez Neptune Gutierrez Joana Cao Jobelle Cao Karen Rodriguez* Lorena* Gil David - Coach

Blue Eagles Joven de Leon - Captain Jared de Leon * Xander Tranate Jovel Benaires Albert Lumbao * Randall Joseph Rubio Richard Velasquez * Joseph Santos * Genesis Tapiador *

Allan James Acosta Xander Tranate Albert Lumbao John Erwin Yusi Jerome Bulatao Jayson Lising Joshua Verdejo Joven de Leon Jared de Leon Richard Sibug

Ric Gutierrez - Coach Ruben Santos – Asst. Coach

Coach Romy Yusi

Yellow Tigers Jayson Lising - Captain Joshua Verdejo * Michael Villanueva Allan James Acosta John Erwin Yusi * Richard Sibug Jerome Bulatao * Franco Reyes *

Support Services Nila Santos Lei Acosta Nelia Verdejo

Emil Rengell - Coach Jun Lising – Asst. Coach

* Less active youth We involved youth advisers and adult and single adult volunteers

Rey Sumang - Coach Blue Eagles Randall Rubio –Captain Allan James Acosta * Jovel Benaires John Erwin Yusi * Jerome Bulatao * Bryan de la Cruz * Marvin Sebastian * Joel Magsilang –Coach Officials Cesar Rengell Renan Yanga Rodel Mesina Edwin Mercurio

Blue Eagles Renee C. Rubio - Captain Maricar Nogoy* Jezreel Lising Jonalyn Santos Jackie Lou Santos Princess Isip * Karen Acosta Precious Rodriguez Jocelyn Bergado * Joy Iryne Rubio - Coach Gaynel Santos - Referee

Bishop Alfredo David Delbert Acosta Proposed Budget-P300 weekly

Unified Youth Reactivation

Angeles Philippines Stake of Zion Stake Young Men and Young Women Organization

STAKE YOUTH REACTIVATION PROGRAM For the quarter of October to December 2004 “And the Lord called his people ZION, because they were of one heart and one mind…” (Moses 7:18)

SOUTH SECTOR Unit Name Month & Date

San Fernando 1 Youth Attendance YM YW

Youth Visited YM YW

San Fernando 2 Youth Attendance YM YW

Youth Visited YM YW

Angeles Youth Attendance YM YW

Youth Visited YM YW

Santo Tomas Youth Attendance YM YW

Youth Visited YM YW

Bulaon Youth Attendance YM YW


Youth Visited YM YW

October 17 October 31 November 14 November 28 December 12 December 26 Total # Reactivated

NORTH SECTOR Unit Name Month & Date

Pandan Youth Attendance YM YW

Youth Visited YM YW

Balibago Youth Attendance YM YW

Youth Visited YM YW

Mabalacat Youth Attendance YM YW

Youth Visited YM YW

Capas Youth Attendance YM YW

Youth Visited YM YW

Concepcion Youth Attendance YM YW


Youth Visited YM YW

October 17 October 31 November 14 November 28 December 12 December 26 Total # Reactivated Total # of Youth Reactivated for the Quarter ________ (Youth ages 12-17 who have participated in at least four ward youth activities during the quarter) Prepared by : ___________________________

Stake Young Women President: __________________________ Stake Young Men President: ________________________

Copyright © 2005 Randy F. Rubio All rights reserved “Being Anxiously Engaged in a Good Cause”


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