GEN Z PARK (Landscape Project)

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Z PARK Presented by: Alae Adel 17-00495 Hagar Khaled 17-03263 Rania Hisham 17-01735 Salma Essam 17-09709 Sarah Sherreen17-09576 Presented to: Dr. Khaled Asfour Arc. Nourhan Adel Arc. Sherry Eskarous

“The greatest revolution of our generation is the discovery that human begins, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives”. William James.

“The younger generation is vibrant with a new psychology; the new spirit is awake in the masses… each generation… will have its creed”. Alain Locke.

8 Dimensions of Wellness

• From our readings we concluded that wellness is defined today in the dimensions of mind, body, and spirit. Included in these dimensions are physical and mental health (It is related to your body structure or form) ,Emotional health (it revolves around your mental ability to cope with life as well as being confident within self) , Spiritual health ( it is related to your values and beliefs that help you find meaning and purpose in your life). Intellectual health (it is when you recognize your unique talents to be creative and you seek out ways to use your knowledge and skills and When you foster your intellectual wellness), Social (it is a sense of connectedness and belonging. The social dimension of health involves creating and maintaining a healthy support network), Occupational health , (it is a sense of satisfaction with your choice of work, it involves balancing work and leisure time, building relationships with coworkers, and managing workplace stress. . Financial health , it is a feeling of satisfaction about your financial situation. Finances are a common stressor for people, so being able to minimize worry about this aspect of your life can enhance your overall wellness. Environmental health ,(Environmental wellness is related to the surroundings you occupy. This dimension of health connects your overall well-being to the health of your environment). We cannot have total wellness if we ignore any one of these dimensions.

dimensions of wellness where do you fit in 0527164 resources/8 dimensions wellness

Gen-Z and wellness (Readings)

• From our readings , we concluded about the Egyptian generation z those born between 1997 to mid 200s, around 52% of the Egyptian population aged under 25 years old (1), they are a diverse generation of many individuals and how they share common characteristics and values, they are all about technology addict , entrepreneurial, creator, independent, multitaskers , seeking financial profits and health care .(2) They are also more likely to have direct mental and physical health problems as a result of stressful situations. It is proved that Only 45% of Generation Z their mental health is good. compared to previous generations , we are 11% less .Awhopping 91% of Gen Z experienced a physical or emotional symptom due to stress and mental illness.(3) . Overall, Gen Z takes a holistic view of health, emphasizing physical fitness, healthy eating, and mental well-being. Recognizing the latter segment, having come up in a world of increased anxiety, 72% of Gen Zers say managing stress and mental health is their most important health and wellness concern (4) . Generation Z’s doubling down on the wellness lifestyle exercising more, eating well, and prioritizing mental health and sleep.

(1) Http:// gen z effect influential more than you expect/#:~:text=Demographically%20speaking%2C%20Gen%20Z%20are,aged%20under%2025%20years%20old.

(2) defining characteristics of generation z

(3) mental health generation z1906.html

(4) z wellness/


• OUR PROBLEM STATEMENT : As 90% of Gen Z suffers from stress and anxiety, so using the 8 dim of wellness as gen z takes a holistic view of health emphasizing their wellness as it is known that mental health is cured by the 8 dimensions of wellness.

• OUR VISION : Aiming to fulfil a better environment evolved in a healthy lifestyle through the eight dimensions of wellness that are essential for Gen z’s wellness to improve their life. •

Inspiration • Collaboration • Encouraging • Compassion • Intellectual MAIN GARDEN MOOD: • CHALLENGING OUR COMBINATION KEYWORDS & MOODS:
Accessibility Main entrance Pavement Main streets

1-Plantation Schedule

Symbol Latin Name Blooming time Usage and atmosphere Quantity

Roystonea Regia April May

• Focal point

• Eye catcher

• Creating shade

• Royalty mood.

30 palm

Ravenala Madagascarien sis

June July

• For its flowy appearance

• Relief stress

• Reduces anxiety.

Chrysalidocarp us lutescens April May

10 palm

Cycas June- July

• Creating soothing sound that helps in stress relieving adding relaxation.

8 palm



• Bright green colors adding foliage effect

• Meditation and welcoming moods.

20 palm

May June July-August

• Its white star shape adding serenity and calming moods.

35 seedlings

Symbol Latin Name Blooming time Usage and atmosphere Quantity Plumbago Capensis

June- JulyAugust

• Healing light blue color

• Relaxing and calming moods.

50 seedlings

Petunia x Hybrida May June July August

• For its flowy appearance

• Relief stress for its charming pink color.

45 seedlings

Verbena Hybrida May-JuneJuly August

• Soft Texture with its artistic heart shape adding charm that matches its pinkpurple love color.

30 seedlings

Ocimum Basilicum June- July

• Its dominant healing smell adds relaxation with its outstanding royal purple and white flower.

20 seedlings

Solenostemon Scutellarioides April-MayJune-JulyAugust

• Harmony of colors with its light green healing color surrounds the royal purple color.

45 seedlings


Air tree

• The Spiritual, emotional and environmental dimensions.

• Concerning this story Gen Z will be delighted by the charming and imaginative zone to increase their creativity and skills using Art and Music to enhance their spiritual and environmental health all in an Air Tree which provides a healthy and fresh atmosphere.

• Moods: Intimacy inspiration Imagination

• Keywords: Creativity

• Grouping: Shrubs ‘Cluster design’ Anthemis punctata

• Garden type: Mediterranean garden is sole for its soft charming colors which give it a creative and imaginative mood that goes with the variety of activities presented in it either in art or music exhibition. Highighting, the different scales and colors add elegancy and classiness mood.

Trees Jacranda Pink
Bauhenia variegate Ficus benjamina Palms Ravenala
Plumbago capensis Osteospermum jancondom
x hybirda
Gazania chanosenette

Air tree

• The Spiritual, emotional and environmental dimensions.

• Concerning this story Gen Z will be delighted by the charming and imaginative zone to increase their creativity and skills using Art and Music to enhance their spiritual and environmental health all in an Air Tree which provides a healthy and fresh atmosphere.

• Moods: Intimacy inspiration Imagination

• Keywords: Creativity

• Grouping: Shrubs ‘Cluster design’

• Garden type:

garden is sole for its soft charming colors which give it a creative and imaginative mood that goes with the variety of activities presented in it either in art or music exhibition. Highighting, the different scales and colors add elegancy and classiness mood.

Anthemis punctata Plumbago capensis Osteospermum jancondom Petunia x hybirda Pink Gazania chanosenette Trees Jacranda Pink Jacaranda Bauhenia variegate Ficus benjamina Palms Ravenala

Air tree

• The Spiritual, emotional and environmental dimensions.

• Concerning this story Gen Z will be delighted by the charming and imaginative zone to increase their creativity and skills using Art and Music to enhance their spiritual and environmental health all in an Air Tree which provides a healthy and fresh atmosphere.

• Moods: Intimacy inspiration

• Keywords: Creativity

• Grouping:

• Garden type: Mediterranean garden is sole for its soft charming colors which give it a creative and imaginative mood that goes with the variety of activities presented in it either in art or music exhibition. Highighting, the different scales and colors add elegancy and classiness mood.

Anthemis punctata Plumbago
Petunia x hybirda Pink Gazania chanosenette Trees Jacranda Pink Jacaranda Bauhenia variegate Ficus benjamina Palms Ravenala
Shrubs ‘Cluster design’

Air tree

• The Spiritual, emotional and environmental dimensions.

• Concerning this story Gen Z will be delighted by the charming and imaginative zone to increase their creativity and skills using Art and Music to enhance their spiritual and environmental health all in an Air Tree which provides a healthy and fresh atmosphere.

• Moods: Intimacy

• Keywords:

• Grouping:

• Garden type:

garden is sole for its soft

colors which give it a creative and imaginative mood that goes with the variety of activities presented in it either in art or music exhibition. Highighting, the different scales and colors add elegancy and classiness mood.

inspiration Imagination
Anthemis punctata Plumbago capensis Osteospermum jancondom Petunia x hybirda Pink Gazania chanosenette Trees Jacranda Pink Jacaranda Bauhenia variegate Ficus benjamina Palms Ravenala
‘Cluster design’

Air tree

• The Spiritual, emotional and environmental dimensions.

• Concerning this story Gen Z will be delighted by the charming and imaginative zone to increase their creativity and skills using Art and Music to enhance their spiritual and environmental health all in an Air Tree which provides a healthy and fresh atmosphere.

• Moods: Intimacy inspiration

• Keywords: Creativity

• Garden type: Mediterranean garden is sole for its soft charming colors which give it a creative and imaginative mood that goes with the variety of activities presented in it either in art or music exhibition. Highighting, the different scales and colors add elegancy and classiness mood.

Petunia x hybirda Pink Gazania
Trees Jacranda Pink Jacaranda Bauhenia variegate Ficus benjamina Palms Ravenala
Grouping: Shrubs ‘Cluster design’ Anthemis punctata

• The Physical and social dimensions.

• Concerning this story we will be focusing on improving Gen z’s physical and social interaction with each other highlighting this unique and attractive stones filled with water for entertainment and gathering place for both Gen z.

Stepped Stone Story
• Moods: Liveliness Dynamicity Energetic • Keywords: Interaction Socializing • Grouping: Shrubs ‘Cluster design’ Anthemis punctata Palms Cycas Roystonea Regia Syagrus romanzoffiana Garden type: Modern garden for the dominance of hardscape and its simplicity.

The Physical and social dimensions.

Concerning this story we will be focusing on improving Gen z’s physical and social interaction with each other highlighting this unique and attractive stones filled with water for entertainment and gathering place for both Gen z.

Liveliness Dynamicity Energetic •
Interaction Socializing •
Palms Cycas Roystonea
Stepped Stone Story
• Moods:
‘Cluster design’
romanzoffiana Garden type: Modern garden for the dominance of hardscape and its simplicity.

• The Physical and social dimensions.

• Concerning this story we will be focusing on improving Gen z’s physical and social interaction with each other highlighting this unique and attractive stones filled with water for entertainment and gathering place for both Gen z.

• Moods: Liveliness Dynamicity Energetic

• Keywords: Interaction Socializing

• Grouping: Shrubs ‘Cluster design’ Anthemis punctata Palms Cycas Roystonea Regia Syagrus romanzoffiana

Garden type: Modern garden for the dominance of hardscape and its simplicity.

Stepped Stone Story

• The Spiritual and environmental dimensions.

• Concerning this story we will be focusing on improving Gen z’s health either physically or spiritually all through improving their environmental dimension which maintain good health by occupying pleasant, stimulating environment that supports the well being. Moreover, it will improve their mental and spiritual health.

• Moods: Serenity Relaxation Calmness

• Keywords: Meditation Tranquility

• Grouping: Shrubs ‘Stripe design’ Solenostemon Scutellarioides

Ocimum Basilicum “ with its dominance scent of healing”

Duranta erecta Trees

Pinus Roxburghii

Cupressus Macrocarpa Ficus Benjamena Palms

Ravenala Madagascariensis Bambo tree

• Garden type: Foliage garden as it has a dense leaves which make a lot of foliage giving the tropical mood to the garden increasing the meditational and serenity mood of the garden as well as the soft smell of Ocimum basilicum that gives this healing and calming smell.


• The Spiritual and environmental dimensions.

• Concerning this story we will be focusing on improving Gen z’s health either physically or spiritually all through improving their environmental dimension which maintain good health by occupying pleasant, stimulating environment that supports the well being. Moreover, it will improve their mental and spiritual health.

• Moods: Serenity Relaxation Calmness

• Keywords: Meditation Tranquility

• Grouping: Shrubs ‘Stripe design’ Solenostemon Scutellarioides

Ocimum Basilicum “ with its dominance scent of healing” Duranta erecta Trees Pinus Roxburghii

Cupressus Macrocarpa Ficus Benjamena Palms

Ravenala Madagascariensis Bambo tree

• Garden type: Foliage garden as it has a dense leaves which make a lot of foliage giving the tropical mood to the garden increasing the meditational and serenity mood of the garden as well as the soft smell of Ocimum basilicum that gives this healing and calming smell.


• The Spiritual and environmental dimensions.

• Concerning this story we will be focusing on improving Gen z’s health either physically or spiritually all through improving their environmental dimension which maintain good health by occupying pleasant, stimulating environment that supports the well being. Moreover, it will improve their mental and spiritual health.

• Moods: Serenity Relaxation Calmness

• Keywords: Meditation Tranquility

• Grouping: Shrubs ‘Stripe design’ Solenostemon Scutellarioides Ocimum Basilicum “ with its dominance scent of healing” Duranta erecta Trees Pinus Roxburghii Cupressus Macrocarpa Ficus Benjamena Palms Ravenala Madagascariensis Bambo tree

• Garden type: Foliage garden as it has a dense leaves which make a lot of foliage giving the tropical mood to the garden increasing the meditational and serenity mood of the garden as well as the soft smell of Ocimum basilicum that gives this healing and calming smell.


• The Spiritual and environmental dimensions.

• Concerning this story we will be focusing on improving Gen z’s health either physically or spiritually all through improving their environmental dimension which maintain good health by occupying pleasant, stimulating environment that supports the well being. Moreover, it will improve their mental and spiritual health.

• Moods: Serenity Relaxation Calmness

• Keywords: Meditation Tranquility

• Grouping: Shrubs ‘Stripe design’ Solenostemon Scutellarioides Ocimum Basilicum “ with its dominance scent of healing”

Duranta erecta Trees

Pinus Roxburghii

Cupressus Macrocarpa Ficus Benjamena Palms

Ravenala Madagascariensis Bambo tree

• Garden type: Foliage garden as it has a dense leaves which make a lot of foliage giving the tropical mood to the garden increasing the meditational and serenity mood of the garden as well as the soft smell of Ocimum basilicum that gives this healing and calming smell.


• The Social and intellectual dimensions

• Concerning this story we will be focusing on improving Gen z’s social and intellectual interaction with each other by giving the opportunity to share their experiences and stories. Moreover lectures by pioneers will be presented for them.

• Moods: Energizing

• Keywords:

• Grouping:


Collaboration Interaction
Duranta erecta Verbena Vinca Carissa grandiflora Trees Jacaranda Albizzia Julibrissin Jatropha Integrrima Palms Roystonea Regia
Shrubs ‘Cluster design’ Bouganvillea
Mediterranean garden because of their soft touch, bright colors that gives the garden a liveliness, refreshing and collaborative mood.

• The Social and intellectual dimensions

• Concerning this story we will be focusing on improving Gen z’s social and intellectual interaction with each other by giving the opportunity to share their experiences and stories. Moreover lectures by pioneers will be presented for them.

• Moods: Energizing

• Keywords:

• Grouping:

‘Cluster design’

• Garden type:

Collaboration Interaction Motivation
Bouganvillea Duranta erecta Verbena Vinca Carissa grandiflora Trees Jacaranda Albizzia Julibrissin Jatropha Integrrima Palms Roystonea Regia
garden because of their soft touch, bright colors that gives the garden a liveliness, refreshing and collaborative mood.

• The Social and intellectual dimensions

• Concerning this story we will be focusing on improving Gen z’s social and intellectual interaction with each other by giving the opportunity to share their experiences and stories. Moreover lectures by pioneers will be presented for them.

• Moods: Energizing

• Keywords:

Collaboration Interaction Motivation
Bouganvillea Duranta erecta Verbena Vinca Carissa grandiflora Trees Jacaranda Albizzia Julibrissin Jatropha Integrrima Palms Roystonea Regia
• Grouping:
‘Cluster design’
• Garden type: Mediterranean garden because of their soft touch, bright colors that gives the garden a liveliness, refreshing and

• The Social and intellectual dimensions

• Concerning this story we will be focusing on improving Gen z’s social and intellectual interaction with each other by giving the opportunity to share their experiences and stories. Moreover lectures by pioneers will be presented for them.

• Moods: Energizing

• Keywords:

• Grouping: Shrubs ‘Cluster design’

• Garden type: Mediterranean garden because of their soft touch, bright colors that gives the garden a liveliness, refreshing and collaborative mood.

Interaction Motivation
Verbena Vinca Carissa grandiflora Trees Jacaranda Albizzia Julibrissin Jatropha Integrrima Palms Roystonea Regia

• The Intellectual and Financial dimension.

• Concerning this story we will be focusing on improving Gen z’s mental health through intellectual dimension by providing an exhibition giving them the opportunity to share their innovations and creative works with everyone under the supervision of schools, universities and companies.

• Moods:

• Garden type:

garden as they have different textures with their different colors that gives an energetic and motivational moods as well as their different scales that adds more variety to the garden increasing the challenging mood.

Competitive Creativity
Challenging Motivation
Euryops acraeus Duranta erecta Hibiscus Wedalia Trees Callistemon rigidus Parkinsonia Ficus Benjamena Palms Cycas
• Keywords:
• Grouping:
‘Stripe design’

• The Intellectual and Financial dimension.

• Concerning this story we will be focusing on improving Gen z’s mental health through intellectual dimension by providing an exhibition giving them the opportunity to share their innovations and creative works with everyone under the supervision of schools, universities and companies.

• Moods:

• Keywords:

• Grouping:

• Garden type: Cotage garden as they have different textures with their different colors that gives an energetic and motivational moods as well as their different scales that adds more variety to the garden increasing the challenging mood.

Competitive Creativity
Challenging Motivation
Hibiscus Wedalia Trees Callistemon rigidus Parkinsonia Ficus Benjamena Palms Cycas
‘Stripe design’

• The Intellectual and Financial dimension.

• Concerning this story we will be focusing on improving Gen z’s mental health through intellectual dimension by providing an exhibition giving them the opportunity to share their innovations and creative works with everyone under the supervision of schools, universities and companies.

• Moods:

• Garden type:

garden as they have different textures with their different colors that gives an energetic and motivational moods as well as their different scales that adds more variety to the garden increasing the challenging mood.

Competitive Creativity
Challenging Motivation
Euryops acraeus Duranta erecta Hibiscus Wedalia Trees Callistemon rigidus Parkinsonia Ficus Benjamena Palms Cycas
• Keywords:
• Grouping:
‘Stripe design’

• The Intellectual and Financial dimension.

• Concerning this story we will be focusing on improving Gen z’s mental health through intellectual dimension by providing an exhibition giving them the opportunity to share their innovations and creative works with everyone under the supervision of schools, universities and companies.

• Moods: Competitive Creativity

• Keywords: Challenging Motivation

• Grouping: Shrubs ‘Stripe design’ Euryops acraeus Duranta erecta Hibiscus Wedalia Trees Callistemon rigidus Parkinsonia Ficus Benjamena Palms


• Garden type: Cotage garden as they have different textures with their different colors that gives an energetic and motivational moods as well as their different scales that adds more variety to the garden increasing the challenging mood.


We added a transition area which will be used as a social hub for gatherings and conversing using one of the most important dimensions of the 8 dimensions of wellness and an essential element in every garden which is the Socializing dimension.

Garden type: Cotage garden as they have different textures with their different colors that gives an thrilling and socializing moods as well as their different scales that adds more variety to the garden.

Thrilling •
Socializing lively •
Duranta erecta Hibiscus Wedalia Trees Callistemon rigidus Parkinsonia Ficus Benjamena Palms Cycas •
Moods: Integration with nature
‘Stripe design’

We added a transition area which will be used as a social hub for gatherings and conversing using one of the most important dimensions of the 8 dimensions of wellness and an essential element in every garden which is the Socializing dimension.

Garden type: Cotage garden as they have different textures with their different colors that gives an thrilling and socializing moods as well as their different scales that adds more variety to the garden.

Thrilling •
lively •
Hibiscus Wedalia Trees Callistemon rigidus Parkinsonia Ficus Benjamena Palms Cycas •
• Moods: Integration with nature
Keywords: Socializing
‘Stripe design’
Social hub

We added a transition area which will be used as a social hub for gatherings and conversing using one of the most important dimensions of the 8 dimensions of wellness and an essential element in every garden which is the Socializing dimension.

Garden type:

garden as they have different textures with their different colors that gives an thrilling and socializing moods as well as their different scales that adds more variety to the garden.

Thrilling •
Socializing lively •
Vinca Duranta erecta Hibiscus Trees Callistemon rigidus Parkinsonia Ficus Benjamena Palms Cycas •
• Moods: Integration with nature
‘Stripe design’
Social hub

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