Rice Industries In Kerala : How Rice Is Produced?
Cultivation of Rice is one of the most important events in the culture of Kerala which has great impact on the survival and livelihood of many people.
Rice industries in Kerala are the backbone of rice farmers. Farmers who produce various varieties of rice crops around the year by struggling with the climatic and financial crisis are supported by Kerala state government and rice companies in Kerala.
How Rice Is Produced? 1.Preparation : Paddy fields are ploughed before planting, adequate irrigation is provided by controlling the level of water in paddy fields. Rice seeds are soaked. 2.Planting : Seeds are sown by hands and and transplanted in bunches after 30 - 50 days growth. Depends on the level of mechanization planting varies in different paddy fields.
3.Harvesting : Rice stalks are cut by sharp sickles or knives once the plant reached full growth and the grains begin to ripen as stem turns yellow. Harvesting machines are now available for paddy farmers to ease the process. 4.Drying : Threshing is done to remove the stalks from the grain. Moisture content of rice grains are reduced by drying them naturally or artificially heated air.
5.Hulling : Rice companies in Kottayam who are experts in rice processing, say during hulling rough rice is cleaned by passing through a number of sieves and air is blown to remove all husks. 6.Milling : Brown rice needs no other processing. During milling process white rice is produced by milling the outer bran layers. 7.Enriching : The milling which produces white rice removes vitamins and minerals. Further processing is done in order to restore the nutrient contents.
Quality control and certification of rice grains are done depending on each country locations and laws abiding there. But as customers we have the responsibility to ensure brown rice and white rice produced by top rice manufacturers in India are healthy, tasty and out of any adulterations through proper adulteration tests we can do at our home.
top rice manufacturers in India