Rice Water :Â Not Just Food Medicine Too
Having a fever is not a good feeling, but we taste some of the great healthy foods during the time of fever. Do you remember the taste of hot rice gruel, baked and pickle we have during sick time?
Mostly our caretakers give us rice water to intake medicine, and they say hot rice water is better to overcome the tiredness of fever. Researchers of best rice companies in Kottayam, opinion that rice water is not only good for your internal refreshment of body but also for the betterment of skin and hair.
Benefits of Rice Water When women search all over the world for beauty secrets, they just ignore the best medicine just a pot away from their hands in the kitchen.
Let’s see how rice water benefits our health. 1. Effective beauty balm for cleansing, toning, lightening hyperpigmentation, avoiding age and sun spots. 2. Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Phenolic and Flavonoid compounds increase the skin health and give better glow regardless of age. 3. Fermented rice water keeps the hair shiny, healthy, long. 4. Rice water improves elasticity and reduce surface friction of hair. 5. Simple and inexpensive natural beauty treatment everyone can follow.
Rice manufacturers in Kerala, highlights the importance of rice water along with baked rice as they are the nutritious drink mostly fed to domestic animals in home from ancient time onwards.
In modern kitchens, we just flow away the rice water to the sink thinking its wastewater. When we realize the benefits including starching property of them to make clothes stiff ,use them properly and avoid unnecessary wastage.
Rice manufacturers in Kerala