Facts and Figures Masdar Development Abu Dhabi, UAE 2007Client
Masdar - Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company
AREAS: Site area:
5.5 square kilometre
Occupied Land: 1st Square: 2nd Square: Total:
225 55 280
Hectare Hectare Hectare
85 65 125 125 20 420
Hectare Hectare Hectare Hectare Hectare Hectare
Surrounding Area: Water Zone 20% Recreation 15% Research 30% Energy 30% Food 5% Landscape / Research / Recreation:
BRIEF: Housing Special Economic Zone (SEZ) Commercial University Civic and Culture Service and transport areas Showcase and Testing
30 % 20 % 10 % 3% 3% 24 % 10 %
Build area:
6.0 Million sqm
Floor Area Ratio (FAR):
2.1 m2 Floor area / m2 Ground area
POPULATION: Population on site (incl. Families) Commuting workers
40.000 50.000
Density: Residential Density: Working and Residential Density:
140 People/Hectare 245 People/Hectare
BUILDING HEIGHT: Average height Maximum height
4-6 floors 40 m
STREET WIDTHS: Main Streets Secondary Streets
Max 10 Meters 4 - 7 Meters
Maximum Walking Distance 150 meters PRT - Personal rapid Transport system: LRT- Light rail linking Masdar to the Airport, Raha Beach and Central Abu Dhabi. ENERGY Total Energy Demand:
590,000 Mega Watt Hours
Energy Production PV -
mono crystalline
56 %
CSP - Concentrating solar power
30 %
ETC - Evacuated thermal tubes
7.0 %
Waste streams
6.5 %
‘Hot Rock’ Borehole (Potential)
WATER 25% of current U.A.E. Consumption 80% of water is recycled Salt recovery WASTE Zero Waste = complete waste recovery 50 % Recycling 33 % Non recyclable 17 % Composting