The Future Trends October 2006 ©2006 Brian Morgan Article Contents: The Best Business To Work For The Truth About Most Internet Gurus Finding The Right Content Online Fast
The Best Business To Work For Being 41 years old or young, I have worked just about every type of job that is out there. The ones that I really found I was enjoying were the ones that I was a manager or foreman at and had to make creative and business decisions on my own each day. Regular employee jobs were okay, but I always had to follow someone else’s “to do list” to get through the day. The worst jobs that I ever had were factory jobs in which I did the same darn thing over and over all day long. I don’t know how people with these types of factory jobs keep at it through retirement. Factory work just seems to demote a person to the level of a machine sometimes. I think that the best business model or job to work for is (can be) one in which the employees are active each day in all phases of the business. Perhaps not working in every single department, but possibly updated on a daily basis as to the different positions throughout the company. I have always seen a very huge gap in the mentality of the boss (entrepreneur) and the people that worked for him and his management staff. The entrepreneur has a bigger picture of the entire business than perhaps a secretary or someone working on the factory floor. I think that it would be possible to take an hour or two each week and include all the different types of workers and educate them on the importance of the different roles people play in a company. Let them know what the sales force is doing this month, what the marketing department is working on, and how the business is looking to change in the coming months and years. I think that taking a little ethical step towards educating the workers company-wide would have a terrific effect. Some poor man slaving away on the factory floor from 6am to 5pm and never really having much social contact with others in different departments seems to me like slavery. Companies could very easily make a company more worker friendly if they simply had meetings to discuss “the bigger picture” of the whole business. In doing this the firm would stimulate conversations between different departments (not just within management) and possibly make the workers feel even more proud of their every day job.