Metricoid Technology is an established custom software development company with a focus on the sel몭ess digital transformation of businesses
With a team of over 14 years of expertise, we specialize in developing innovative products and services that ensure absolute business growth solutions.
As a leader in the software development industry, Metricoid is committed to not just delivering outstanding web development, mobile App development, APIs, Data Analytics, AI, and UI/UX related solutions, but most importantly taking our clients by the hand and journeying with them all through till they attain sustainable business growth We’ve delivered our specialized services to over 80+ enterprises across numerous countries in the world, and look forward to giving you a taste of it
At Metricoid, We understand the place of ensuring you stay ahead of competitors, so we always develop and implement custom software solutions tailor made for your brand, department, or project
With our multi disciplined team of developers, strong emphasis is placed on production time and you are guaranteed an incredibly cost e몭ective solution
Application Development
and automate systems and processes, build and launch new products faster and optimize development costs
as a Service(SaaS)
Moving to the cloud?
Become an industry leader with a cost e몭ective and highly scalable SaaS solution.
you planning to establish a business? With an economically built Minimum Viable Product, you can validate your idea
Standoutamidstcompetitorswithhigh end customsoftwaredevelopment Get A Free Consultation
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Whatweo몭er? CustomWeb
MinimumViable Product(MVP)
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CustomProduct Development
Product Development
Progressive WebApp(PWA) Service
APIIntegration &Development
A user friendly
and mobile
DataSource Integration
data cleansing
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while also reducing expenses.
Through streamlined, high quality, and data driven software applications, our product development services help you uncover commercial potential
generation Progressive web app development, you can satisfy your users and enhance conversions. We combine the power of PWA technology with our experience to provide a feature rich solution
API Integration & Development Unique REST API services and solutions are provided by our professional coders to make online and mobile apps more dynamic and user friendly
app that blends a gorgeous interface with an e몭cient user experience
direct access to new insights and more intelligent choices thanks to BI services and AI enabled living dashboards.
to feed machine learning models and take advantage of ever changing data sources
Roadmap layout, short and long term requirements, and third party integration.
Objectives of the company, Research methods, Structure, and Content
Well structured, e몭cient, and appealing to the eye
Metricoid has earned a reputation for providing quality centric custom software development We architect software solutions that are customer centric and purpose driven, this is because our web and app development is done in an agile scrum methodology We ensure that regular communications and updates from scrum pave the way for you to achieve your dream product Ouradvancedproceduresforcustomsoftware development Needsoftwaredevelopmentrelatedservices? Don’tlookelsewhere Our services are incredibly cost e몭ective and we lay emphasis on production time It’s more of us making sure every business that works with us thrive excellently, this is because we understand that when you succeed, we as your dev partner succeeds as well We are an expert group of professionals with over 12 years experience in crafting digital solutions with cutting edge We work ë몭ciently with our clients, aligning ë몭ectively with each project speci몭city We have a proven record of great success stories as we’ve worked with clients ranging from SMBs to highly established companies We provide FREE consulting services as many times you want We also help with FREE marketing strategies.
Client approval is required Front End and Back End Development have been transformed into a working model
QA, end to end validating, security patches, testing rounds
Client feedback analysis, new requirements additions, SEO, and redesign
FindingtheMetricoidteamwasahugeluckforme Metricoidsworkwasalwaystransparent&reported theprogressregularly Iwasalwaysuptodatewhattheyareworkingonandwhattheyhave몭nished Theyhelpyouingrowingyourbusinessbyprovidingmarketingtips SEOwork tipstoattractmore visitorsonyourwebsite 몭ndinginvestorsandmanymore Theyareacompletepackageunderoneroof! ClaudiaHillesheim Founder, Boneka Traditions
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UI UX Design APIs Development & Integration BI Dashboards (Data Visualization) Data Source Integration AI/ML Development DevOps REVIEWED ON 8 REVIEWS Terms & Conditions Get in touch O몭ce Address UnitedKingdom 12, Craigmore Court, 46 Murray Road, Northwood UnitedStates 19 Indian Circle, Holliston MA 01746 France 236 corniche des Maurettes 06270 Villeneuve Loubet India 202, Om Shopping Center, Palava City, Nilje, Thane, Maharashtra 421204 © 2022 All Rights Reserved by Metricoid Technology Solutions Private Limited