產品設計 品設計 --刻磨機 刻磨機
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產品設計 品設計 --刻磨機 刻磨機
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isistotodesign designa adesign designtotoproduce producea adesign design . .
產品設計 品設計 --刻磨機 刻磨機
林奕隣 / Ran Lin
關於我 About Me A perceptual and rational translator. As a child who grew up in the market of Kaohsiung, it
聯絡方式 Contacts s100051316@ g mail.co m +886 933 657 188 Taipei , Taiwan / Kaohsiung, Taiwan https://ranlindesign.wordpress.com/
學歷 Education KHH Jhong Jheng Elementary School (2005-2011)
KHH Jhong Jheng Junior High School (2011-2014)
KHH Jhong Jheng Senior High School (2014-2017)
Industrial Design Department of USC (2017- 2022)
經歷 Experience 26th SCID Class - Semester Student Representative 26th SCID Terminal Exhibition - Director of Image 26th Student Association of SCID - President
makes me a observer in daily life. After learned and explored in different art fields, I embarked on the road
of design,and communicating with people throgh design think, to change our lives in a super-normal way.
獎項成就 Achievement 2021 Stanford Center on Longevity Design Challenge Asia Advisory board prize / Chiayi special prize 2021 Children Toys & Caring Product Design - Finalisted 2022 Red Dot Award- Finalisted (Judging)
2022 Young Pin Design Award- Finalisted (Judging)
技能專長 Personal Skills Attempt different fields ▶ Create more flexibly Practical training ▶ Maintain efficiency & quality Being a team cadre ▶ Management & Planning Participated in the teams ▶ Group cooperation My growth experience
Maintain empathy
使用軟體 Softwares Graphic
Illustrator Indesign Lightroom Potoshop Procreate
UIUX/Visual XD/Figma Audition Premiere After Effect Lumafusion
Creo Alias Rhino Fusion360 Keyshot
Office/Team Word Excel Powerpoint Google Miro/Mural
使用語言 Languages
GreenRoom Ideas Cooperation - Summer Intern
2019 The 15th SCID Summer Camp - Coordinator TMU×SCID Industry-school COOP - Coordinator
Compal×SCID Industry-school COOP - Coordinator
2021 SCID Graduation Exhibition - Image Director 2021 Logitech×SCID Workshop - First prize
2021 史丹佛設計競賽亞洲區大賽 - 嘉義市特別獎
產 產
Sculpture & Device
Photography & Video
Exhibition & Workshop
垂直與水平 - 選擇
2018~2020 SCID Term Exhibition
Light and Shadow - Dimantion
Supporting Structure - ∞
Activity Recording Photo
Cube - Peeping
Activity Identity Video
Interactive device - Relations
Activity Recording Video
2018~2020 實踐工設期末展覽
2020 實踐大學國際設計研討會
2020 USC International Design Conference
2021實踐工設畢業展 - HARBOR
2021 SCID Graduation Exhibition - HARBOR
2019 實踐×北醫 產學合作
2019 SCID×TMUI industry-academia coop
2020 實踐×仁寶 產學合作
2021 SCID×COMPAL industry-academia coop
Vertica and Horizontal - Choice
光影器 - 維度
支撐結構 - 無限 方塊 - 窺視
互動裝置 - 聯
Protrait Photography
Product Photography
2021 實踐×羅技 工作營
2021 SCID×Logitech workshop - Defy Logic
2018 實踐工設營 - 阿明不見了
2018 SCID Summer Camp - Find the meaning
2019 實踐工設營 - 計劃B
2019 SCID Summer Camp - Being for what
2020 台東國際工藝營隊暨競賽 2019 Taitung Creaft Design Camp
Follow my other platforms for more information
產品設計 品設計 --刻磨機 刻磨機 2020 台東暑期創新種子營
2019 TTMaker Summer Innovation Camp
The essence of design is communication 我喜歡設計,更喜歡體驗,這兩者是不衝突的。
I love design and I love experience, and there is no
For me, learning at SCID is not only enriching, it is
a constant pulling experience, including the switch
and art, the development of personal and cooperative
期間的訓練讓我累積了專業的能力,但透過參與產學 合作與工作營,才促使我更了解策略與分工的重要; 而就創意與實際層面來說,多元的接觸能幫助我開拓 視野,但沒有實際的一次次驗證也不過是紙上談兵。 如何透過作品傳遞訊息,如何洞察問題與需求,如何 提出有趣的概念,如何讓設計落地,是我在每次執行 專案時的必要之問,如此一來經過取捨才能得出適當 的方案,對我來說,好的設計是適當的設計,而適當 的設計成就於良好的溝通。
between reason and sensibility, my weighing of design skills, the connection between creativity and reality, and also the time management between work and life.
How to convey a message through my work, how to observe problems and needs, how to come up with
interesting concepts, and how to make design a reality are all questions I need to ask every time I execute a
project so that I can arrive at the right solution after making trade-offs. For me, good design is proper
design, and proper design is accomplished through good communication.
產品 產
Super Normal Design 身處在後工業時代,設計已經不是單純為了解決問題 而生,好看、好用都成了最低門檻,而所謂的有趣、 有創意,也不及各種創新科技所帶給人們的衝擊,但 這種新鮮感並非只能透過全新的「體驗」才能達到, 更多是透過觀察人與物件的本質,挖掘十字象限中: 使用者不知道,甚至是設計者都尚不知道的日常,而 做出的「Super Normal Design」。
In the post-industrial era, "DESIGN" is no longer simply
for solving problems, good-looking and good-using have become the minimum threshold, and the so-called
interesting and creative feeling, could be less than the
impact brought by various innovative technologies,
but this freshness is not only achieved through a new
"experience", but more through observing the nature of people and objects, digging into the cross quadrant:
users do not know, and even the designers do not yet
品設計 品設計--練習鼓組 練習鼓組 know the everyday, and it becomes "Super Normal Design".
finallisted (Judging)
Young Pin Design Award finallisted (Judging)
SCID Graduation Exhibition - HARBOR works
- 練習鼓組
產品與服務設計 Product & Service Design
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-練習鼓組 練習鼓組
Origam Memo
Life is like a drama, fold and "show" your wonderful Qunqu! In recognition of the importance and revitalization of traditional culture in societies around the world, Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province, China, hopes to maximize the cultural value of this classic through its cultural and creative industries, and to provide the public with a better understanding of its value and heritage.
The concept is based on the words "Transformation" and "Post-it", which are taken from the essence of Kunqu, and the role of memo in the process of daily
communication. Through the design of "Kun-Opera Origami Memo", users can not only add fun and warmth to the content, but also bring the traditional opera culture into their lives by giving full play to their own creativity. Material Composition Paper / Glue
Product Dimension 147mm×126mm×15mm ( Blue ) 152mm×115mm×15mm ( Pink )
Project Theme Cluture & Creative Design ( Kunqu )
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-練習鼓組 練習鼓組
RESEARCH in the area of Jiangnan, it later became popular throughout the countr y. Kunqu is mainly "singing and dancing to express emotions", with elegant water rhythms and soft and has the reputation of "mother of operas".
and can be further subdivided according to
developed into a richer "twenty disciplines".
Dress & Makeup
Kunqu costumes are available in white, black, red, yellow, purple, blue and pink, first of 3 colors are the basic color. Most of the fabrics are made of silk, and have their own unique "water sleeves". Jewelr y was used as decoration; makeup can be traced back to various early folklore and events. The phoenix eyes and cherr y mouth are characteristic. Oil paints are used to outline the Jing and Chou characters.
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Performing & Fine Arts
and spear, the "water sleeve" is a unique body movement in Kunqu. The music is divided into the cultural and martial arts scenes, with the cultural scenes being orchestral instruments
and pipa, and the martial arts scenes being percussion instruments such as drum, board,
設計發想 & 產品定位 ?
The action of "passing a letter" in the play personal messages, is transformed into a people will often use situation of passing a note in a modern space, the drama, or folded into different shapes, conversation. even glued or pasted it.
-智能盆栽 智能盆栽
scenario of "passing on love" in the drama, but can be applied more different scenarios of daily life of users.
Transmission ←→ memo
The main concept of the product is "foldable memo", and the image of the water-sleeved body and the style of different characters in the Kunqu opera is brought into it.
SKETCH & MODELS The folding line and appearance design of memopera.
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-智能盆栽 智能盆栽
In addition to the general function of a memo, it can also be used for more purposes, such as a bookmark, a small envelope, and a small stand on the desktop, allowing users to apply it in various around their lives according to their needs.
Blue Hexagonal Memo
產品設計 產品設計-
Pink Pentagon Memo
-智能盆栽 智能盆栽
Portable Wireless Grinder
Safe, healthy and efficient, charging your undying passion. Craftsmen and artisans are often annoyed by the power level when using power tools, whether it is because they need to change the batteries and carry heavy equipment, or they need to connect to the socket in order to maintain a stable power level, thus limiting the flexibility of operation, which greatly reduces the convenience and user efficiency. The "EIHA Portable Wireless Grinder" utilizes a power solution similar to a mobile power supply, combining the battery with a protective cover to protect
the tool and the user, while incorporating the brand identity and styling vocabulary of the German hand tool brand WIHA, and provide a professional power tool for families, craftsmen, and SOHO people. Material Composition Plastic ( PC+ABS ) / Metal ( Iron+Steel ) / Ruber / Electronic Components Product Dimension 80mm×80mm×300mm ( Body ) 80mm×80mm×60mm ( Cover )
Project Theme Branding Research & Affordance
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-智能盆栽 智能盆栽
RESEARCH Branding CMF Analysis
About WIHA
What's Affordance
Ridge suface shape
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About Grinder can be broadly grouped according to power, application, motor and power supply, and these categories constitute different models and universal grinder is the electric plug-in grinder with unpluggable power cord.
Usage Obser ve
Many users will choose the plug-in professional type, which not only increases portability but ensures the stability of power and horsepower, while the pen-type is developed toward different power sources due to its volume limitation.
-危險標註 危險標註
Existing Products Powe r M ode l
M otor Batter y Sp e e d Swi tc h
Ele ct ri c
Pe n -t yp e
Brus h le ss
P l u g -i n
M e c h an i ca l
In d e p e n d e n t
Ai r
P rofe s s i on a l
C a rb on Bru s h
C h arge d
Re s i st i ve
W i t h Cu tt i n g
B atte r y
Ul t ra s oun d
En gi n e e ri n g
Comfortable & Professional Tool
I found that many users demanded "convenience" and "safety", but due to the limitation of the power system, it is difficult to have a corresponding safety and storage method even though there is more horsepower. Therefore, I combined the brand's product vocabular y and concept, and integrate the shape with ergonomic and storage characteristics, so that it can maintain the charging efficiency and safety at the same time.
Verify & shaping
In order to ensure that the engineering and branding vocabular y could be integrated into the different scales of the volume, I used foam for quick verification and adjustment after completing the sketch, from the large shape and size determination, to the subsequent refinement of the operation interface and modeling vocabular y.
識別設計 - PCHome CIS design - PCHome
The cover can be used as a protective cover for storage, and can be used to charge the grinder.
The flat shape is not only the brand's styling vocabular y, but increases the stability of the grip.
. retained on the front to and to ensure user safety.
The ridge shape not only increases the stability of grip, but preser ves the out to store accessories
through the center shaft.
Safety & Convenince
PRODUCT Tools that work for you. "EIHA" have sufficient protection mechanism, and can cope with a variety of different grip needs, there is no problem of habitual hand, the switch and exhaust port also avoids the grip range, twostage switch after pushing the insurance, the knob can be turned and adjusted the horsepower, when shutdown, just directly snap off the insurance will be directly shutdown, and then turn the knob back.
Folding Practice Drum kit
Master your practice rhythm, achieve masterful music. Drummers often have to deal with heavy equipment and complicated set-up procedures, and for drummers who demand rhythm and instant feedback, plain practice is a long-term concern.
"Attempo Folding Practice Drum kit" is different from previous practice drum kits in that it is structurally modified to provide better storage, and the modular design allows users to choose the percussion board or adjust the height and
angle of the drum surface. It also allows the drummer to get better feedback by changing the electronic drum surface, assisting the drummer to further establish his or her own performance and practice pace, allowing the players to focus on refining themselves without the interference of other restrictions. Material Composition Metal ( Aluminum+Iron ) / Plastic ( ABS+Acrylic ) / Ruber / EVA Product Dimension 600mm×800mm×1000mm ( Installation Status ) 200mm×600mm×1000mm ( Storage Status ) Project Theme Craftsman & Artisan ( Shokunin )
產品設計 產品設計-
-危險標註 危險標註
Personal Experience drum set because of the building environment, because it was difficult to simulate the actual
the room outside the school.
P roduct Restrictions
The most common drum kits available today can be broadly divided into practice, performance, and recording kits. Traditional drum kits are the most common & widely used and are the first choice for the pursuit of realistic percussion and sound quality. The characteristics of the electronic drum set are the most rapidly developing, which can be connected to speakers & headphones, attracting many users who need to take care of both recording and practice needs, but they are often difficult to switch between practice, recording, and performance.
產品設計 -
there'll not be too much trouble for me.
Inter vie ws & Findings
effective than practicing in the practice room. Drummer
Paint Points
and practice reduce realism.
- 危險標註
the deliver y process.
The resonance is affected by drum configuration and it's Drummer difficult to improve the tuning efficiency.
store in a bag easily because the drum complicated.
Pra ctice, Tuning, and Accumulate
I adjusted the previous "easy to assemble" feature from the electronic drum sets as the "easy to store" structure of the practice drum set, and increased the realism and flexibility of the drum surface, to achieve the professional's insistence on percussion experience and playing quality, with "effective" practice, "free" carr ying and storage, mastering your unique rhythm.
Verify & Te sting
- 危險標註 116
After considering the convenience of home practice for many users nowadays, I obser ved the size of the existing drum set and reset the adjustable range to match the stability and percussive needs, and tested the strength of the material and mechanism to adjust the size and angle of each leg of "Attempo". In order to operate intuitively, the process of testing the quick release system and the impact effect, so that the scale of the product between comfort and storage to achieve a balance.
Personal Configuration
Although the product has struck a balance between space and hitting comfort, the sleeve assembly allows the user to adjust the height of the drum surface through quick release or replace the crossbar with a different length.
stability with shape applications and making material features itself to increase the strength. not only can reduce A0606049 林奕隣
the weight while maintaining the support force, but can use as casing.
最長╳最寬╳最高 drum surface and 400×800×1000 quickly change it
desired percussive feedback.
若含地墊暫定約 1200×1000×1000be replaced in case 800mm
of damage, but also to retain the future application of different functions.
PRODUCT Convenient , Smooth and Free
Through the unique redesign of the drum kit, users no longer has to bother with bulky equipment and to be limited by space & tuning, the musician can enjoy and immerse in the music world, just follow the rhythm of his own.
Indoor Smart Herb Pot
Light up for your life, Irrigate for your health. In recent years, health and environmental awareness has risen, and growing your own fruits and vegetables has become a way of life for many families, but in reality, many people often do not have enough space to grow them, especially for those living in flat apartments or small suites. "HERBOT Indoor Smart Herb Pot" chooses "herb plant" as the main crop, which is suitable for indoor aeroponic cultivation at home, and the shape
design is more adaptable to different home placement, HERBOT provides intelligent functions such as plant status, environmental values, lighting and nutrient solution. In addition to allowing users to participate in the growth process of plants, it also makes growing spices a joy and happiness in daily life. Material Composition Plastic ( ABS ) / Aluminum / LED / Sponge / Electronic Components Product Dimension 200mm×100mm×400mm ( Storage Status ) 200mm×100mm×250mm ( Elongation Status ) Project Theme LIFE +( Speculate on Future Product )
- 危險標註
Future Life Scenario health and life quality, and many people choose to grow plants at home for decoration or even for population density and the changing trend of scale planting in the home space.
About Aeroponics
Aeroponics is the process of growing plants in an air or aerosol environment without the use of soil and other aggregated media, it uses a liquid nutrient mixture of water as a growth medium and essential minerals to irrigate the plants, and relies on fog transport, sometimes considered a different kind of hydroponics.
產品設計 產品設計-
Home Gardening's Health Concerns & Trouble
become a breeding ground for bacteria.
Why Potted Plants
Using technological planting, through the application of detector records, automatic cultivation and user interface, users who love planting can not only obser ve the plants themselves for irrigation, but obtain complete planting information after using the product.
-幼兒睡眠 幼兒睡眠
Sma rt & Healthy Living
Although with the assistance of technology, the research of the project will find that due to the limitations of the home environment, the attractiveness of this lifestyle is still insufficient. Therefore, in addition to implanting parts to help monitoring and automation, the design of the shape will also focus on adapting to different space requirements.
Operation Testing
In order to ensure that there is no conflict in disassembled or combined, I simulate the use of each scenario by pasting or painting the interface icons on the models of different shapes.
Styling Adjustment
- 幼兒睡眠
Technolog y Testing
In order to make sure that the organization is reasonable, I've not only tested the actual effects and effectiveness of the plant light, the materializer, the cultivation sponge and the nutrient solution on the herb plants, but also simulated an aeroponic environment.
I Timer
PRODUCT Users can measure directly from the mm scale on the telescopic bar.
Measurement of Plants
Community Danger Sign System
Prevent community dangers, building friendly care platform. Community management units are often unable to detect and repair dangers immediately due to lack of manpower. It is also difficult for family members and social work units to maintain the distance between them and the elders. Therefore, how to do not just deal with the accident, but to further prevent the occurrence of the danger is a difficult problem faced by many public houses .
"!CARE Community Danger Sign System" redefines the role of wearable devices
in aging life, by marking hazards in a way like check in or status tag, providing caregivers with a more humane way of caring for the health of the elderly, and preventing physical & mental health concerns from second damage. The relevant data can also provide users with further analysis and treatment, or be handed over to relevant professionals for follow-up treatment in the first place.
Material Composition Plastic ( ABS+PVC ) / Silicone / Metal / LED / Electronic Components /Fabric Product Dimension 210mm×90mm×190mm ( Charger ) 220mm×30mm×12mm ( Band Unfold ) Φ40 ~ Φ65mm×12mm ( Band Fold ) Project Theme Smart Aging Design ( SCID×TMUI )
Co-Designer Xuan-Ming Zheng
- 幼兒睡眠
Aging Society
Aging Design
台灣高齡化速度 世界第一 從高齡社會到超高齡社會 所需時間(年)
台灣2025年人口推估(萬人) 男性
女性 65歲以上: 老年人口
65歲以上: 老年人口
Living Space
2050年,台灣老年人口近40% 男性
15-64歲: 青壯年人口
0-14歲: 幼年人口
Impact of Technology
15-64歲: 青壯年人口 0-14歲: 幼年人口
Development Trends Technology Strange Living Habits Chat & Communication
Restricted by the venue and time and lack of warmth
Friendly and Safe
14 8 11 台 灣
日 本
美 國
英 國
Communit y Mutual Aid
Information Delivery
It's difficult for elders to fully receive health information or express the situation in a short period of time. others to avoid accidents before the
產品設計 產品設計-
Hazards and Protection state, focusing on the treatment after the accident manpower, how to manage and maintain the community more efficiently will be a major issue for these situations.
Physiology and Psychology
急症 慢性病
開關 觸電
退化 火災
犯罪 地震
施力 不當
淹水 詐騙
chronic diseases, dementia may not only cause dangerous situations or damage, but may also cause secondar y injuries and enter a vicious esteem may affect daily life and physical health.
We want to provide a service to help the elders "live independently"
Establish a platform dominated by community residents to jointly maintain community safety. At the same time, in addition to providing records and reminding ser vices, this system also promote communication and exchanges, prevent accidents in advance, and issue warnings as soon as the elders have urgent hazards. Connecting elders, caregivers, and guardians, form a friendly & safe care network.
-幼兒睡眠 幼兒睡眠
Professional Dietitian Doctor Nurse Maintenance Unit
Community members
Guardian Police Mileage Social Worker Community Manager
Family & Relatives Nursing Home
Users can instantly sign dangers according to the most intuitive response and the system will automatically report and record the safety.
host to recharge when go automatically put on the device and go out.
Data Statistics and Analysis
Deviation Remove
If the center of the sign is within 1.5 meters from the original sign area, the system will determine the original one.
When the user steps into the warning
the danger level and whether the repair is completed.
the surrounding conditions and prevent accidents.
and security by receiving help
Health & Safety Wisdom & Convenience Friendly Companionship Joyful Communication
it create positive interactions among community members, and promote their mutual care. When emergency happens, the device will alarm to remind the surrounding people and contact the relevant person by automatically detects or pressing the emergency button in the app.
2 3
Automatically ignores the same range A signed area will automatically disappear after the expiration date if no one else marks it.
Lectures, Seminars & Forums
Discussion & Verification
Styling & Mechanism
Exhibitions & Presentations
"!CARE" combines a wearable device, an app and a charger host in order to not only compensate after an accident, but also further prevent the elderly from having accidents near their home communities, hoping to realize the construction and imagination of orange technology in the era of successful aging.
Promote Communication Reduce information gap Preventing accidents Improving life quality Old but Not Weak Integrating Resources
G ener al Acces sor ies accessor y for elders, users can enhance the safety
IC Chip C ard
Main B ut ton
With the community system, it can be used as a pass card, and can be retained for various applications with personal ID.
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Charger Hos t
elders from forgetting when going out, it can also
Str uc ture Integr ation
Using the pattern as the structure to integrate the features required for !CARE band, including sound and display, not only as the shape design, but the functions like heart rate, blood pressure and step count, as well as the basic time, etc.
-單手家居 單手家居
Users can match and register their account password to log in, or directly scan the community QRcode. The security-related pages are placed at the highest level, allowing users to quickly return to the home page for signing, and to selectively open the map information they need. Introduction Video
Opening app
Sign in & Log in
Home page
Map Information
Quick Matching
By using announcements, messages, and repairing system, the information gap between users can be reduced, promoting more efficient communication and friendly interaction.
At top right corner
Personal Record
Children Sleep Care Aid
Create happy parenting time, guarding healthy sleep habits. About 1/3 of preschoolers suffer from "childhood behavioral insomnia," which can be caused by misperceptions of behavior, over-stimulation, or even a distant parent-child relationship. Parents may also fail to get enough rest and use the wrong approach to care for their children, creating a vicious cycle that prevents them from providing adequate care.
"Neru Children Sleep Care Aid" provides products for performing sleep rituals and services for creating a sleep environment. The product includes a host that runs through the entire process, a stand for fixing the host, and a doll as a child's toy and sleeps dependence, users can also remotely control through the app. Neru Helps parents and children develop good bedtime rituals, allowing them to get high-quality companionship, security, and sleep quality. Material Composition Plastic ( ABS+PVC ) / Silicone / Metal / LED / Electronic Components / Fabrics Product Dimension 200mm×250mm×100mm ( Doll ) 200mm×50mm×175mm ( Stand ) 90mm×90mm×60mm ( Host )
Co-Designer Ting-Yi Lin
Project Theme Health Technology Design ( COMPAL×SCID )
to sur vival, development, participation, and protection, and the definition of health includes not only physical and mental health, but also behavioral
Children rely on special stimuli,
Case Study
causes the child to refuse to go to bed.
Pa re nt-chil d Atta c h m e n t T h e o r y
Modern parents are busy and often idealistic, standardized or overly dependent on 3C products to get rid of their children, making the parent-child relationship distant and communication reduced.
Sleep vs psychology period
Sleep Distribution Watershed
Competitor Analysis
Pain Point
Design Strateg y
Retain the technology needed in the process to give appropriate feedback.
GAME ParentChild SLEEP
Live well
Sleep well
High Quality ompanionship
Play well
Virtuous Cycle
Respondents' self-evaluation of
Respondents' self-evaluation daily sleep quality BUT ONLY
Parents Intergenerational Parents
Insomnia Late sleep Light sleep Night terror Snore Choking
Inter view
(preschool class kid)
Active Parent (4 years old kid)
Sociologist (12 years old kid)
Occupational Therapist (online)
Children's Activities Team (onlibe)
Sleep ritual Bedtime
Wake up
Stor y board User Journey
Bedtime Ritual PLAY MODE
Sleeping Care
Liz is practicing sleeping in a separate room from mom &
Mom sets the music & lights to turn off and start sleep detection 3 minutes after Liz is detected to be asleep.
Status Detection
Daily Sharing
VERIFY & PROCESS Ideations & Prototyping
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Discussions & Teachers' Feedback
-單手家居 單手家居
Int roduction
In order to fundamentally improve children's sleep problems and develop good sleep rituals, "Neru" not only ser ves as a medium for parent-child communication, but also provides ser vices or functions such as games, monitoring and soothing, to achieve a safe, so that parents can rest well after their children have gained a sense of security, to achieve a safe, secure and well sleep living environment.
How to use Put the host into the and start interacting
on the stand or turning the same time. A s long as the host are connected, users can remotely control & obtain records through the APP.
Dual Effect Function
the benefits of functions through bedtime interaction, monitoring and soothing during sleep.
to reducing anxiety, can also help children learn to explore and express their feelings.
The stand can not only be quickly connected to the host computer to switch to monitoring mode, but also can be used to display the status of the space environment on the display of the tri-axially adjustable stand's spindle, and the stand can be wall-mounted, or stand directly on a flat surface or floor.
increase the sense of affection and choice.
The use of softer & grayscale colors gives children visual relaxation and practice of touch separation.
Dual-use base
Product Ser vice Framework & User Flow
Te m p e r a t u r e Touch to switch between ° C and ° F. The color ring on the periphery can indicate the appropriate degree of ambient temperature for kids, red means hot, blue is cold, and green is appropriate.
Humidity Through the outer color ring can indicate the appropriate degree of for kids, red means dry, blue is wet, and green is appropriate.
Air Quality Touch to switch to display through the couter color ring, it can indicate the appropriate means poor, yellow is normal, and green is appropriate.
social media accounts, which not
only lowers the barrier to use, but also transforms image records into benefits,
health and smiles
a priceless gain for
產品設計 -
placed at the bottom, so that users
- 家點自造 Function A
System Structure
Controls & hardware settings are assisted by an app, allowing users to switch between desired functions, obtain advice and share information smoothly.
Home Page & Pairing
The home page contains visualized information about the host & health value, including the status of the environment & host, also the camera screen on the top to keep track of child's condition.
Monitor ( Sleeping position & danger area detection )
Pairing failed
Integrating the audio & video streaming services, provides more options & possibilities
Persona l Inform ations
Single-hand Cleaning Series
Hand1ed with one-handed,handle your cleaning problems. There are many inconveniences in the lives of elderly and disabled people with physical degeneration. However, existing products and assistive devices for them may cause psychological stress and long-term physical burden in addition to the high threshold of operation, especially the issue of home cleaning which is closely related to the environment. "Hand1ed Single-hand Cleaning Series" redefines the positioning of onehanded assistive products in the home environment through the redesign of
existing products, and takes the "necessary" assistive function for the basis of operation, which can be opened according to the users. Whether it is the elderly, the disabled, or their family, can use the products painlessly through the universal design, helping different users to improve their life quality.
Material Composition Plastic ( ABS ) / Metal ( Aluminum+Iron ) / Ruber / Silicone Product Dimension 300mm×320mm×1150mm ( Cleaner set ) 15mm×450mm×220mm ( Habger ) 60mm×180mm×350mm ( Showerhead )
Project Theme Inclusive Design & Traditional Product Design
產品設計 -
About the CRPD
4.Encourage manufacturers of assistive devices & technology to consider all aspects of mobility for disabled persons.
is a design method to understand, considers, and embrace the diversity of people.
Microsoft defines the term disabling in the Inclusive Design Toolkit not only as "Personal Health Issues", but also as "Mismatched Human Interaction".
It means that in different contexts, users will have different issues. For example, in the design of permanent disability (such as unilateral upper-limb amputee) as the persona, it can benefit more users (such as accidental fracture of the Temporary Disabled & new parents of Situational Disabled) in different situations, and this range is called "Persona Spectrum". Groups with Design process from top to bottom, extend from extreme users to more mainstream groups.
Extremely Disabled Issues
Design process from the bottom to top, focus on mainstream users.
Loss a single hand's function & ability
other hand, but sometimes the residual limb may be used as an aid.
or amputation to the wrist
Basically, using one hand to deal with large and small tasks, the residual limb loses almost all operational possibilities.
Dismemberment Condition
Hemiplegia Disability
or single arm amputation
but no mobility unilaterally
Competitor Analysis
control through rehabilitation, but a person with
Case Study & Statistics Acute & Chronic
- 家點自造
Epilepsy Pediatric paralysis Sarcopenia Essential tremor Parkinson's disease Rheumatoid arthritis Chronic conditions
life that're not necessarily impossible to do, but it time, and confidence.
Interviewee Universal users
others to take care of
Ther're not many choices of assistive devices, perhaps because of the market, there are not many manufacturers of product development.
accident, I slowly get used to
spending money to purchase
can be used with only one hand that will be better. I have to use my own body movements to adjust to the the stump posture with my other hand, and I may get injured as a result. assistive devices because it
I have started practicing since I was a child to let my handicapped limb help with simple things, it mostly without too much trouble, just a little slower.
Current Status
Pain Points
Core Concept
Simplify scenario Increase willingness
Situation Surveys as the most common condition that respondents
(6. 25% )
Pediatric paralysis, Spinal
Occupational injury, Fracture,etc.
NO Physical degeneration, Occupational Injuries, Frozen Shoulder, Rheumatism, etc.
5 have much impact
the respondents chose 3, and 14.2% choose 2.
Same grading scale as the previous question. 42.8% of the respondents chose grade 4, another 42.8% chose 3, and the remaining 14.2% choose 2.
3.. 3
Problems and Pain Points
life, or avoidance of the adverse environment, indirectly affects physical health.
DISABLED A ssistive products often require additional space for placement, which is easily restricted by space and creates more tidiness problems.
not universal can cause poor operations.
IDEAS & GOAL disabilities, using special products or bothering others to take care of them can be psychologically unbalanced and may indirectly affect physical complete set form traditional appliances, we can not only reduce physical and mental health concerns but increase the smoothness of use.
Over 50 years old
His arm accidentally lost in a machine at work, badly injured and amputated, preferring to handle it on his own.
20-30 years old
arm and unable to use his strength, still worr y about
cleaning and
30-40 years old but regained his confidence through sports, wants to help other disableed people.
assistance, and storage of original products, and propose
sketches, Ideations & Prototyping
Exhibitions & Presentations
Shape & color application
storing, and integrate into the home environment, selected to open the desired function. The color
the storage state, and use the circle ser ves as a functional identification mark. Introduction Video
The rotatable hook can prevent the hanger from falling, and when it's returned to the circle mark, it can fix the slide rail to avoid further sliding. LOCK
The sweeper can be locked with the dust box through the side fasteners of the upper cover to storage and to prevent dust from scattering.
Actual Usage Context
Hand1ed can adapt to most home environments and accessor y sizes, and use metric accessories to ensure product versatility in different contexts.
For body cleaning, designed include brush tools, adjustable head, and extendable grip structure.
corresponding part, then you can use the bristles
the other hand or other
HANGER hook, a slide structure. and an anti-skid structure.
one side of the clothes first, and then bring the neckline to the inside along the track to other side, the hanger will return to a balanced
assisted grip, a dual-axis sweeper, and a dust box.
The sweeper can be used alone to sweep the dust out of the gap and wall, after the box is assembled, it can be pushed to clean and collect garbage.
The grip and shaft extension are made of skinfriendly materials and better griping structures, allowing users to operate more stably.
House Maker Development Tool
Build a circular economy with creativity open source platform. 3D printing materials and home machines have gradually become popular, and the maker group is also willing to use it to transform or design products or devices that are more in line with their ideas. Process, so that the gradually popular technology can be closer to the lives and needs of the public.
The "E-Colab House Maker Development Tool" maximizes the benefits of maker spaces and home machines through the concept of open source design, allowing users to use their creativity and imagination to develop products,
learning or entertainment needs.E-Colab establishes a mutually beneficial platform for producers, designers and users, lowering the technical threshold. The design of shape and operation can be more flexible in development to meet different people's functional or appearance needs. Material Composition Plastic ( ABS ) / Magnet / Glue / Electronic Components / PCB / PLA Product Dimension 40mm×40mm×16mm ( S Module ) 40mm×80mm×16mm ( L Module ) 40mm×16mm×16mm ( Connect Module ) Project Theme Modular Design & Tool Product Design
Unit:1 billion US dollar
technologies that may have a significant impact few years, and may change the existing business
printing, and other technologies.
size of 3D printing is gradually emerging, and home consoles are also springing up. According
New Applications under COVID
A s an important component of smart manufacturing, 3D printing stands out in the area of personalized customization and complex shapes, which greatly improves the production speed and reduces the cost in process, and this feature shows infinite possibilities during the COVID situation, changing from the traditional "production to sales" to "sales to production".
Education & Innovation
With the accelerated retirement of consumer electronics and the advent of the post-industrial era, the production mode of many products has changed from mass production to small homogeneous products with different shells, and it's difficult to avoid different accessories, operations and interfaces, thus adding more electronic waste. The core of this proposal is to dismantle the control, function, and styling needs of electronic products, and reassemble by collaboration, open source, independent
We've now promoting STEM education, not only to cultivate talents in emerging industries and enhance competitiveness, but also to train logic, independent thinking, and the ability to integrate applications through hands-on experience. Through the assistance of development tools, we can increase the efficiency of learning and understand the teaching content more intuitively, which also helps to develop & verify, but it's mostly software design now rather than hardware.
轉承頁 轉承頁--平面 平面
面與視覺設計 面與視覺設計
After many tests of the circuit and structure connection method, the design of the pogo pin with magnetic attraction and the building block latch is adopted as a foolproof mechanism that can be quickly disassembled and replaced without the wrong connection.
Fields are now moving toward professionalism, but while pursuing technological breakthroughs, we often ignore the communities that cannot take into account specific needs, and the gap in choice makes many products inaccessible. E-Colab" establishes a platform for cooperation and reciprocity between producers, designers and users, reverse the past production model.
Creators & Makers
Cooperation Investment Producer Company
Buy and Sell Feedback
Innovation Production
Open Source
Maker / Creator / Independent developer
Customized Sponsorship
Exchange Discuss
Sharing Communicate
Green consumer Common user Sponsor / Backer
Modularization Design
Green cunsumer - Chen
not fully needed, duplicate or
Developer — Yu intends to place products he designed on the fundraising platform.
Maker - Jack
solving small situations with his hands.
平面與視覺設計 平面與視覺設計 them into the basic modules allows users to choose the corresponding modules to assemble themselves , and allows users and developers to create more possibilities together.
System structure
After disassembling the sub-products into casing and internal mechanism, we consider how to simplify and standardize the composition through module design. After analyzing the operation and feedback patterns required by the basic circuit, we summarize the input, output, power and expansion modules (Bluetooth, Internet of Things, coding, etc.). Open Source & Communication (WEBSITE)
File Download CASE
Project OEM/ODM
Settings & Controls SENSOR
Temperature Sensor
Modeling Development EXPANSION
計--企業視別設計 企業視別設計 Color Sensor
Touch Sensor Wheel
Output Feedback
Switching adjustment
Bluetooth Transceiver Wi-Fi Transceiver Battery (wired) Battery (wireless) USB-typeC AUX 3.5mm SD card transfer
User Flow
According to the needs of functions and shapes, users can receive the files and print them, then place the corresponding parts into the printed case, the product can be assembled at any time by users.
recommended kit nearby point or maker space
平面與視覺設計 平面與視覺設計
(Recycle Module) (Sponsor Proposal) (Modify Products)
(Share 3D Files)
(Other processing) (Mass Production)
Ser vice Flow
Using open source design, the printing technology can be brought closer to the lives of the general public, thus maximizing the benefits of maker spaces & home machines, and reducing production costs, environmental damage, resource waste, over-packaging, and consumer products.
Update hardware/software & Developing new modules
Produce Products
Provide Module
Mutually Beneficial Relationships Education Services
Creators / Makers / Independent Developers
proposals Fundraising
Customized Sponsorship
計--視覺設計應用 視覺設計應用
Mutually Beneficial Relationships
Manufacturing Cooperation
Buying Module
Choose Products
Buy existing solutions or Make a requirement
for the enclosure to correspond in design and
Including input, output, power, and expansion module, select the corresponding module according to the required function and operation.
轉承頁 轉承頁--展演 展
演與工作營 演與工作營
Combine modules with vertical, extended, or freeangle connection modules to lengthen, stack, or deepen to a specific position.
平面與視覺設計 Graphic & Visual Design
展演與工作 展演與工作
作營 營 --工設營 工設營
CIS Design
DONBEI Hotpot CIS design & surroundings
DONBEI Hotpot is opening a new branch and would like to take this opportunity to adjust the brand style and related literature and printed materials, including home deliver y ser vice descriptions, opening event flyers, electronic business cards, etc., and more application planning.
展演與工作 展演與工作
Book & Print Design
《Words in bonnet》book cover & style design
The web writer selected 20 poems from the short works accumulated in a year to be published as a collection of physical works, and hopes to pass on the warmth of words to readers through graphic creation, and the poetr y collection is given back to fans in the form of a limited number of gifts.
作營 營 --工設營 工設營
Visual Design Application
26th SCID Student Association Viasual Identity
During my term as the chairman of the SCID Student A ssociation, in addition to internal and external communication tasks, we also organized various departmental activities and worked with the graphic team to produce SCID t-shirts and event peripherals to promote student group support.
一 起 來 摸 魚
展演與工作營 展演與工作營
Poster Design Practice
City Coffee poster practice / Font poster practice
By combining my skills in video, graphic and product design, I continue to experiment with innovative ways of presenting custom themes through the medium of posters, and through this practice I have accumulated skills in handwork, photography, creativity, software and presentation.
營--台東工藝營 台東工藝營
Exhibition & Workshop
展演與工作營 展演與工作營
營--台東工作營 台東工作營
2 0 18/01
De sign S h ih Ch ien University I n d u strial De sign D epa rtment 1 st En d o f Te rm Exhibition
6 5 %Per
1.Documentary photography - light and shadow area
2.Documentary photography - support structure area
轉承頁 轉承頁--造型 造型
De sign S h ih Chien University I n d u strial Desig n Depa rtment 2 n d En d o f Term Exhibition
Iterat i on
The 2nd exhibition of school program, is open to the public at the end of the semester at the exhibition space of school, it showcased including the courses of Creation Fundamentals, Design Theory, and Styling Design, which demonstrated students' abilities in material, 3D modeling and artistic design skills. During this semester, I participated in the exhibition design and gained curatorial experience in installation & dismantle, categorization, and description design, and I also have my semester works in the exhibition. With the experience of the last exhibition, we were able
methods, we had considered more planar guidance this time, gradually understanding the expectations & imagination of visitors to a good exhibition, and building my understanding of the way of the curating, grasp the key points for more creativity and detail output.
型藝術與裝置 型藝術與裝置
1.Documentary photography - cube area
2.Documentary photography - moving device area
2 0 19/01 梭 時
De sign S h ih Ch ien University I n d u strial De sign D epa rtment 3 rd En d o f Te rm Exhibition
Shutt le Time
1.Documentary photography - presentation
2.Documentary photography - thematic exhibits
造型藝術與裝置 造型藝術與裝置--創
2 0 1 9 / 06
De sign S h ih Chien University I n du strial Desig n Depa rtment 4 th En d o f Term Exhibition
Let M e Th ink Abo ut It
1.Documentary photography - craftsman area 2.Group photo of all exhibition staff
創基 創基&&Speed Speedform form
De sign S h ih Ch ien University I n d u strial De sign D epa rtment 5 th En d o f Te rm Exhibition
1.Tea party for the opening of exhibition
2.Clearance before closing of the exhibition 3.Group photo of all exhibition staff
1 2 3
image team leader
轉承頁 轉承頁--靜態 靜態
S h ih Ch ie n University I n du strial Desig n Depa rtment 6 th En d o f Term Exhibition
Watc h Me
1.Documentary photography - SCID×SCCD area
2.Documentary photography - iconic design area 3.Advisors visiting the exhibition
態與動態影像 態與動態影像 Watch Me Motion Key Vision
1 2 3
2 0 2 1 S h ih Ch ie n University I n du strial De sign Depa rtment Gradu atio n Exh ibition
5.Visitors was viewing my works
3 4
5 6
7 8 9
1.Exhibit model 2.Installation
6.Journal & visitors
7.Journal & merchandise
8.Exhibition scenery shot
4. Image group 9.Group photo of all staff
image team leader
靜態與動態影 靜態與動態影
影像 像 --產品棚拍 產品棚拍
Capable of Anything
TMUI × SCID Smart Aging Design Industry-Academic Cooperation
We observe and experience the needs of seniors, and actually visit houses, community, and hospitals. We have also explored 3 major projects: living space, food transformation, and life rehabilitation, and considered the service innovation of smart method of seniors. We hope that through the program, from experience, observation, documentation, discussion, design, grow old healthier and more peacefully.
It was a very impressive collaboration for me. In addition to the increase in the number of design team members and the extension of the project timeline, it was more about the in-depth understanding of the target group and its environment, and the exploration of solutions to issues in the context of the times through data and
靜態與動態影 靜態與動態影 progressed, it made it less likely that development will fall into wishful thinking, and we were able to come up with a more complete and feasible product than before, which was presented on several occasions.
影像 像 --人像棚拍 人像棚拍
I am the vice coordinator of the industry-academia cooperation, responsible for coordinating the student members in the plan and assisting the general meeting. Since I was the director of SCID Student Associationat the time, I mainly performed works such as application and communication related to the plan. Although I took on a more assisting and communicating role in this project, by participating in the whole process of scheduling and planning, I was able to grasp the preparations required in a cooperation case.
COMPAL × SCID Health Technology Design Industry-Academic Cooperation
"HEALTHY" is a basic right that we are pursuing, with the development and popularization of technologies, people have higher requirements for their life quality. Because of the elders and children are the most in need assets in society, we observe and interpret the public's needs, and think about how to make a healthy and
The collaboration is focused on the health issue & terchnology application, so we have got ideas and suggestions from COMPAL design teams during the process, including their experience or the comparison of developed products, so that we can have a better understanding of the existing technologies. Unlike the last cooperation with TMUI, this time is more like a development to production program, focusing on the innovation of concept and technology, to complete the construction from idea to actual product through design, with this experience, I have a better grasp of the
影像 - 靜態外拍
I am the student coordinator of the industry-academia cooperation, responsible for arranging the overall planning of the output schedule, convening meetings exhibition (independent area), including presentation, exhibition planning, monograph, project records, etc. The presentation of this project is similar to the previous one, so the division of labor and output can be established quickly at the beginning, and a small exhibition will be held in the form of a thematic area.
2 0 2 1 S CID × Logite ch I nter n at i on a l D e sign Wo rk sh o p
The 2021 International Design Workshop : Defy Logic by Department of Industrial Design of Shih Chien University and Logitech, collaborating to lead groups of students to produce innovative proposals for the Gen Z creative environment from 0 to 100 in only five days, with the one of design methods Logitech's design team used to use in the projects, it can not only let the members practice design thinking , but try to break through the framework and reshape the logic effectively.
Due to COVID, the workshop was urgently switched to remote online mod, but because of this, the design methods brought in by Logitech's team revealed a different sight of design thinking and its advantages. With the team's experience and the discussion model, we were able to break down many blind spots and even saw similar designs on different platforms in the months that followed. It was a very special experience and I am very satisfied with the final output.
靜態與動態影 靜態與動態影 Received DEFY LOGIC Workshop - First Prize
3 4
2 5
1.Team discussion / 2.Brainstorming & Insights
3.Interviews, user research and prototype testing 4.Cloud collaboration board and sketches 5Final Presentation Highlights
影像 像 --動態影像 動態影像
Being For What
2 0 1 9 S hi h Chi e n U n ive rsity De partment of I n d u st ri a l D e s i g n S u m m e r Cam p
forms of expression and explore the core of the topic. In addition to arranging teachers to share experiences, we also combines ideas, theory and actual work, with cooperation and competition activities, like performance and model making, which are our features, hoping that through the program design to convey the solid course for participants to experience and learn about Design. committed to let the participants experience the life and pace of designers through the process of interesting guide, and to gain the habit of observation and learn basic design knowledge from it: through the games and immersive drama, and through activities from small groups, teams to the whole participants, the camp can inspire their imagination and creativity; with design thinking, model making, speeches and discussions, the camp provides opportunities for the participants to put theories they learned into practice in their own design.
I was the director of the summer camp. This camp was the largest & longest project I have ever participated in and been in charge of before the experience in Student Association, spanned three planning of organization, cooperation, publicity and exhibitions, etc.
This has greatly enhanced my ability of project management, leadership, team player, decision-making, and staying up late, but the ideas and sensation that the members have inspired in each other are even more precious to me. 1 3
2 4
1.Event promotions 2.Camp activities 3.Official website
4.Theme characters
5.Related Links (SNSs)
Official web.
平面與視覺設計 平面與視覺設計1
4 5
1.Opening Speech by Ching-ke Lin
2.Halftime Speech by Acher Chang 3.Final presentation & exhibition
4.Camp themed situational drama
5.Graduation Eve Show & Party
6.Whole members' group photo
作品集主 作品集主
-書本及印刷設計 書本及印刷設計 Find the Meaning
2 0 1 8 S hi h Ch ie n Un ive rsity Depa rtment of I n d ust ri a l D e sign S u m m e r Camp
主題呼吸頁 題呼吸頁
I served as the past summer camp's squad team advisor, working with another team advisor and two assistants to plan and execute the group's activities, guiding participants to discuss and present ideas to each other mentoring during the entire program.
As a former participant, I am glad to share my views and experiences after I have learned more about design, I believe that in the process of mutual dialogue, not only can I gain new knowledge from it, but more importantly, I can know myself better through expression.
2 0 2 0 Ta i t un g Inte rn atio n al C ra f t D e s i g n Cam p & Co m petitio n
平面與視覺設計 平面與視覺設計 Integrating indigenous crafts, traditional culture and contemporary life, Taitung Craft Design Camp invites and selects about 30 youths to visit Taitung and participate in The project not only foregrounds the learning of local crafts, but spotlights the heartwarming sentiments of Eastern Taiwan and its indigenous culture.
Because I had an internship with a leather design studio, I found many works that the studio had cooperated with of trying to combine leather and local crafts, although
作品集主 作品集主
inspired by the "techniques" of the two crafts, unlike the idea of the "material", I completed the attempt by
combining the symbolic totems of local culture with the structure of traditional products through stitches.
計--視覺設計練習 視覺設計練習 2
1. Pre-camp selection and grouping proposal
2. Consultants & carftman guidance / production process 3. The inal presentation & public exhibition record
主題扉頁 主題扉頁
2 0 2 0 T Tma ke rTaitu n g I n n ovatio n Seed Ca mp
TTmaker and Sencewalker collaborated to organize the Taitung Innovation Summer Seed Camp, and invited Ying-Hao Juan, the founder of Hao Chuang Enterprise Co. to be the lecturer and advisor, and together with students from SCID, who served as counselors. In less than 3 days, 30 participants learnd how to create value for themselves, transform their imaginative ideas into meaningful actions through visual communication and performance-based verify, experience the design method, and to become future solution providers.
With our previous experience in planning and teaching at the SCID summer camp, we guided the participants step by step from brainstorming , concept development to model validation by visualizing ideas, materializing solutions, and interpreting designs. During the process, we heard a lot of interesting imaginations which full of enthusiasm and sincerity, and when the teacher was gaving a speech, we also took an extracurricular class and gained more energy.
Encourage participants to ask questions to guide the group's thinking and practice.
Continuously validate proposals and designs to promote the content of proposals.
There were many discussions and ideas shared throughout the course with different components.
2018.01.12-2018.01.15 9:00am-5:00pm
實踐大學 圖書館 N 棟 1F B1 B2 / 體育館 M 棟 1F
Sculpture & Device
2018.12.31-2019.01.03 9:00am-5:00pm
Art Design and Mixed Media Creation 實踐大學 設計學院 A 棟 1F & 敏初廳
1.Vertical & Horizontal : Choice cardboard, glue, spray paint
2.Light & Shadow : Wave polystyrene, acrylic, lights
2019.06.14-2019.06.17 9:00am-5:00pm 實踐大學 設計學院 A 棟 1F
3.Cube : Peep / acrylic, copper
5.Interactive Device : Relations / wood, acrylic, aluminum, iron, MDF
4.Supporting Structure : ∞ / wood, iron, acrylic
2020.01.01-2020.01.03 9:00am-5:00pm 實踐大學 設計學院 A 棟 1F、敏初廳
靜態與動態影像 Photography & Video
2021.05.14-2021.05.21 9:00am-6:00pm
Product Studio Photography 實踐大學 圖書館 N 棟 B1 B2 / 體育館 M 棟 B2
3 4
1.Project Image - Tissue Compiling : Mental Flow Designer:DongDesign
2.Project Image - Tissue Compiling : Brain Wave Designer:DongDesign
3.Project Image - Musical Teaching Aids Designer:Iso Kuo
4.Project Image - S2afe Bag Designer:I-Ning Kuo
4.Project Image - AR Vacuum Cleaner
5.Project Image - Ambience Lighting Humidifier Designer:Xuan-Ming Zheng
Portrait Studio Photography
1 2
1.2021 SCID Graduation Exhibition Image Portrait
2.2021 SCID Graduation Exhibition Introducion Portrait
Personal Image Photography ( single case )
2021 SCID Graduation Exhibition Professional Portrait
Location Photography
1.Project Image - Work Everywhere Designer:I-Ning Kuo
2 2.Working Holiday - Bansu House Immersive Theatre Event Record Photos
1 2 3
1.Dajia Mazu Pilgrimage Snapshot -《CARE》 Won 2021 USC Article & Photography Creation Competition 4th Prize
2.Street Photography Pactice -《Gaze》
3.Landscape Photography Pactice -《Háng》 4.Portrait Photography Pactice -《Untitled》
Motion Imagings 2021 SCID Graduation Exhibition《HARBOR》
1.Motion Banner ( official websites )
2.Motion Visual Publicity ( Advertises )
3 6
Please scan QRCode 4.Documentary Video or search on SNSs for more HARBOR's 5.Motion Projection information (pictures, 6.Exhibition Streaming videos, graphics, etc.)
3.Publicity Video
產 產