Каталог ranok creative (eng) зима 2015 2016

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Creative kits for kids!

Catalogue 6 1 20


We are manufacturing company of goods for the inclusive development of children and real-life communication in the family and friendly circle for everyday life. Our products give you precious time spent together, creatively, with advantage and love. The value of our company is a team of like-minded colleagues united by the common goal.

WE AIM TO MAKE OUR PRODUCTS AVAILABLE ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD AT ALL TIMES! Our products comply with the Toy Safety Directive 2009/48/EC standards and European Regulation (EU) No. 1907/2006 (REACH)

THIS IS IMPORTANT! We are taking care of nature. • Forest protection: more than 75% of printed products are made from recycled materials without chlorine usage. • Eco-friendly components: ingredients of the kits are harmless to the environment. • Waste recycling: more than 70% of wastes are divided into the following components: plastic, metal, paper etc. and sent for further recycling.


Fun Chemistry ��������������������������������������������4 Growing Crystals ���������������������������������������5 Mini Chemistry & Physics Set Kits ��������������7 Interesting Experiments �����������������������������9 Big Experiments Set ���������������������������������10 Physics & Chemistry Kits �������������������������13 Show of Experiments �������������������������������14 Interesting Experiments ���������������������������15 Crazy Scientists ���������������������������������������16 ECO-garden «Grow Me!» ���������������������������17 Botany Kits ����������������������������������������������18


Your SPA Salon ����������������������������������������19 Manicure Studio ���������������������������������������24 Kits for Making Jewelry ����������������������������25


Sets for making prints ������������������������������26

References — kit size in centimeters

— item weight in kilograms —p ackage standard (number

of items in one package)

6+ minimum age limit for product use ¨¨ No.: 1211

code number for an order


Big Presents ���������������������������������������������27 ECO-workshop ������������������������������������������29 Handmade Kits ����������������������������������������31 Decoupage & Painting ������������������������������32 Sequin Masterpiece ���������������������������������35 Sequin Picture ������������������������������������������36 Making Candles ���������������������������������������38 Сreative Kit ����������������������������������������������39 Paint & Decorate �������������������������������������41 Mould & Paint ������������������������������������������42 Sand Pictures ������������������������������������������46 Scratch Art ����������������������������������������������48


Science Games Fun Chemistry

With the help of new science games, a child can grow a beautiful valley, underwater crystal world and amazing animals in crystals just in a couple of hours! This is a wonderful sight: cardboard base turns into a nice fluffy tree, mountain or attractive animal. The series contains the entire collection of magic animals and trees of different colours.

Crystal Seabed ���������������������������������� The kit contains: plastic holder, cardboard elements with algae (3 pcs.), cardboard fish (4 pcs.), sea background, sea bottom background, 4 packets with special solution for growing crystals.

¨No.: ¨ 12160282А

33x23x5 cm

13 ���������������������������

Crystal Valley ����������������������������������� The kit contains: cardboard elements, plastic holder, solution for growing crystals, detailed instructions.

¨No.: ¨ 12160290А

33x23x5 cm


13 ���������������������������


Science Games

10х14х4 cm



Growing Crystals

The kit contains: cardboard elements, holder, solution for growing crystals, detailed instructions.

Flamingo ������

Kitten ���������

Dinosaur ������

Butterfly ������

¨No.: ¨ 12160053А

¨No.: ¨ 12160054А

¨No.: ¨ 12160055А

¨No.: ¨ 12160056А

Sheep ���������

Peacock �������

Penguin �������

Parrot ���������

¨No.: ¨ 12160057А

¨No.: ¨ 12160058А

¨No.: ¨ 12160059А

¨No.: ¨ 12160060А



Science Games

10х14х4 cm



Growing Crystals

The kit contains: c ardboard elements, holder, solution for growing crystals, detailed instructions.

Bonsai ��������

Sakura ��������

Jap Maple �����

Snowy Bonsai ��

¨No.: ¨ 12160043А

¨No.: ¨ 12160044А

¨No.: ¨ 12160045А

¨No.: ¨ 12160046А

Fluffy Fir Tree. � Pink ¨No.: ¨ 12160047А

Fluffy Fir Tree. � Blue

Fluffy Fir Tree. � Colour

Magic Tree. ���� Green

Magic Tree. ���� Peachy

Magic Tree. ���� White

¨No.: ¨ 12160048А

¨No.: ¨ 12160049А

¨No.: ¨ 12160050А

¨No.: ¨ 12160051А

¨No.: ¨ 12160052А



Science Games

8х8х15 cm



Mini Chemistry Kits

This is a new series of experiment kits! The series includes the brightest and most colourful chemistry experiments that can be carried out at home. You just need to have a little patience and make a little effort, and you will learn how to perform the real magic.

Growing �������� Red Crystals

Growing ������� Blue Crystals

Growing ������� Yellow Crystals

Growing ������� Green Crystals

Crown with ���� “Diamonds”

¨No.: ¨ 12160012А

¨No.: ¨ 12160013А

¨No.: ¨ 15160208А

¨No.: ¨ 15160209А

The kit contains: alum, dye, copper wire, wool threads, paper napkins.

The kits contain: a mmonium dihydrogen phosphate, food dye, beaker, 2 plastic cups, plastic spoon, wool thread, paper napkin, stone.

¨No.: ¨ 12160029А

Magic ��������� Crystals

Crystal �������� Patterns

Fantastic ������ Garden

Volcano ������� on the Table

Tree with ������ Crystals

The kit contains: copper sulfate, graduated beaker, wooden stick, capron thread, bandage.

The kit contains: copper sulfate, food dye, ammonium chloride, gelatin, wooden stick, Petri dish, graduated beaker.

The kit contains: copper sulfate, nickel sulfate, magnesium sulfate, cobalt chloride, liquid glass, graduated beaker.

The kit contains: food dye, alabaster, graduated beaker, wooden stick.

The kit contains: food dye, Na2CO3, graduated beaker, wooden stick, plasticine, stones.

¨No.: ¨ 12160027А

¨No.: ¨ 12160028А

¨No.: ¨ 12160210А

¨No.: ¨ 12160009А

¨No.: ¨ 15160211А



Science Games

8х8х15 cm



Mini Physics Kits

Invisible Ink �������

Optical Illusions ����

Kaleidoscope �����

Multiple Reflections ��

The kit contains: sulfate acid solution, candle, wooden stick.

The kit contains: 3D glasses template, 2 light filters, pictures for illusions, film with black lines.

The kit contains: mirror elements, coloured elements, cardboard template, transparent film, coloured film, sticky tape.

The kit contains: candle, sticky tape, 2 small mirrors, cardboard template.

¨No.: ¨ 12160008А

¨No.: ¨ 12160007А

Display for Mini Science Kits ������������ hh You can place the display at the checkout or on the table. hh The disassembled display makes great packaging for stock storage. If you order a package of mini science games (42 pcs.) you will also receive a stylish and useful display! ¨Size ¨ of assembled display: 46х54х47 cm ¨Size ¨ of disassembled display: 46х16х47 cm ¨General ¨ capacity: 42 kits (3 pcs. of each type)


¨No.: ¨ 15160212А

¨No.: ¨ 15160213А


Science Games Interesting Experiments

Space Slime ���������

Hand Gum �����������

Non-Newtonian Fluid ��

Polymer Worms �������

The kit contains: polyvinyl alcohol, sodium tetraborate, food dye, 2 cups, measuring cup, wooden stick, spoon, detailed instructions.

The kit contains: sodium tetraborate, food dye, glue, 2 cups, measuring cup, wooden stick, spoon, detailed instructions.

The kit contains: corn starch, plastic container, gloves, food dye, cup, spoon, detailed instructions.

The kit contains: sodium alginate, food dye, calcium chloride, 2 cups, syringe, detailed instructions.

¨No.: ¨ 12160084А

¨No.: ¨ 12160085А

¨No.: ¨ 12160086А

¨No.: ¨ 12160083А

8х8х10 cm



8х8х10 cm



8х8х10 cm



8х8х10 cm

Flying up Rocket �����

Seething Lava �������

Glowing Liquid ����������������

The kit contains: stickers, rocket body, launching shoe, baking soda, vinegar, spoon.

The kit contains: oil base, plastic bottle, colouring agent, pop pellets, detailed instructions.

¨No.: ¨ 0386  11,5х11,5х20 cm

¨No.: ¨ 0387  11,5х11,5х20 cm

The kit contains: luminol, sodium hydroxide, 3% hydrogen peroxide, potassium hexacyanoferrate, glass, spoon, measuring glass, sticker, detailed instructions.


22 ��������


22 ��������



¨No.: ¨ 0388

11,5х11,5х20 cm


22 ���


Science Games Big Set of Experiments Science or Magic? ������������������������ With this magic and at the same time scientific set a child gets an opportunity to get acquainted with the laws of physics in an exciting way. Your kid will be able not only to demonstrate sleight of hand and wonders of magic, but will become interested in physics as well!


17 exclusive tricks, including: dancing hoops, disappearing water, fairy chain, brave fakir with an air balloon.

¨No.: ¨ 12160281А

30х44х6 cm


6 ������������������ 17 tricks

Sparkling Experiments for Girls �������������� Experiment set contains 9 safe and interesting experiments. Grow crystals and create marvellous sparkling hand-made gifts.


9 exclusive experiments: grow alum crystals, grow blue copper crystals, make crystal decotation, create crystal shapes.

¨No.: ¨ 12160283А

30х44х6 cm



6 ������������������ 9 experiments

Science Games Big Set of Experiments THE KITS CONTAIN EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO PERFORM FASCINATING EXPERIMENTS: hhchemical agents hhequipment hhdetailed instructions with pictures

Science Home Lab. Basic Level ������������� 26 experiments! Nature, physics, chemistry.

There are only the most interesting things about NATURE, PHYSICS and CHEMISTRY in practical experiments.


26 fascinating experiments, including: make light rays visible, shadow show, model of the earth, the sundial, eyesight testing.

¨No.: ¨ 12160279А

30х44х6 cm


26 experiments  6 ������������������

Science Home Lab. Medium Level ����������� With the help of this kit a child will be able to deepen knowledge on chemistry and physics, share this knowledge with friends and teachers at school! Carrying out simple experiments and using ordinary objects, materials and substances, your child will learn basic chemical properties, understand electronic circuits.


Interesting and informative experiments: red cabbage broth, acid against alkali, magic butterfly, shadow of a small monster, magician artist, it is simple to remove eggshell, shining objects.

¨No.: ¨ 12160280А

30х44х6 cm


26 experiments  6 ���������������������



Science Games Big Chemistry & Physics Set Experiments ����� with Crystals With this kit a child has a chance to grow big blue copper sulfate crystals, make a diamond crown or “snow” from salt, and perform many other interesting experiments. ¨No.: ¨ 15160202А  30х44х6 cm


6 ������

THE KITS CONTAIN EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO PERFORM FASCINATING EXPERIMENTS: hh chemical agents hh equipment hh methodical recommendations with step-by-step instructions for carrying out the experiments hh DVD with video experiments +D VD WITH VIDEO EXPERIMENTS

16 experiments

Young Chemist �������������������������

Young Physicist ������������������������

118 interesting and safe experiments:, volcano on the table, matches and magnetism, artificial snow, DIY batteries, fireproof thread, fantastic scenery, coded letter.

100 interesting and safe experiments: water engine, Segner wheel, handmade kaleidoscope, electrical separation, electric motor model, live paper flower, fountain in a jar.

¨No.: ¨ 15160201А

¨No.: ¨ 15160200А

30х44х6 cm



6 ���������������� 118 experiments

30х44х6 cm


6 ���������������� 100 experiments


Science Games

18х15x8 cm


Physics & Chemistry Kits

Magnetism ���������������

Lights & Colours ����������

Fantastical Bubbles �������

¨No.: ¨ 12160006А

¨No.: ¨ 12160011А

¨No.: ¨ 15160203А

0,385 �����������������

0,385 �����������������

13 experiments

0,385 ����������������� 16 experiments

Fun Chemistry �����������

Chemical Miracles ��������

Multicoloured Crystals �����

¨No.: ¨ 12160004А

¨No.: ¨ 12160005А

¨No.: ¨ 12160204А

14 experiments

0,385 �����������������

5 experiments

0,215 �����������������

5 experiments

0,385 ����������������� 5 experiments


Science Games Show of Experiments

Amazing Experiments for Beginners ���������

Show of Experiments ����������������������

There are only the most interesting things about NATURE, PHYSICS and CHEMISTRY in practical experiments.

You can make a real science show with the help of this kit. Suggested experiments are not only visual and educative, but also very spectacular.


24 exciting experiments, including: lawn on the table, live picture, crying leaf, rootlet reviving, live labyrinth.

¨No.: ¨ 0397

30х44х6 cm


6 ������������������ 24 experiments


12 exciting experiments: scared confetti, colour the flame, witches’ flame, bent water, witches’ thimble, self-inflating balloon, fire-resistant ball, magic water, chemical surgery, chemical fire extinguisher, pharaoh’s snakes, blow out a candle.

¨No.: ¨ 0390

30х44х6 cm


12 experiments  6 ������������������

Explosive Experiments �������������������������� Would not anybody ever make any crackers in their childhood? It must be so interesting! Now you can do it quite “legally” and even together with your parents.


10 exciting experiments: coloured rain, rocket made of balloon, firesign, explosive pack, volcano on the table, paper cracker, seething lava, witches’ powder, flying up rocket, pharaoh’s snakes.

¨No.: ¨ 0391

30х44х6 cm



6 ����������������������� 10 experiments


Science Games Interesting Experiments

The kits contain the most exciting experiments with solar energy, darkness and ice. Following the instructions, a child can learn a lot of new things about the world around. Experiments are simple to carry out and reveal a great number of natural qualities. The set contains ALL the things necessary to carry out the experiments.

Interesting Experiments with Solar Energy ��������� 9 entertaining experiments with energy, including: experiments with water and light, experiments with solar wheels, experiments with solar oven. ¨No.: ¨ 0392

34х20,5х7 cm


9 ����������������������� 9 experiments

Interesting Experiments with Ice ������������������ 12 entertaining experiments with ice, including: ice candlesticks, hard as a rock, ice tower, melted foodstuff, ice power. ¨No.: ¨ 0393

34х20,5х7 cm


9 ����������������������� 12 experiments

Interesting Experiments Glowing in the Dark �������� 8 entertaining experiments, including: science radioactive wave, neon pipe, the night sky, radioactive eruption. ¨No.: ¨ 0398

34х20,5х7 cm


9 ����������������������� 8 experiments



Science Games Crazy Scientists At the ����������� Savages’ Island Exciting experiments:, rubber kettle, space connection, fire extinguisher, secret message, coloured slime, huge soap bubbles, flying saucer.

¨No.: ¨ 12114011А  30х44х6 cm


6 ������


THE KITS CONTAIN EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO PERFORM FASCINATING EXPERIMENTS: hhchemical agents hhequipment for the experiments hhdetailed instructions with fascinating comics hhcertificate of a Crazy Scientist + bonus time table for lessons!

Doctor Tornado ����������������������������

In the Lost City ����������������������������

Exciting experiments: tornado-tube, polymeric balls, polymeric warms, fire swing, screaming balls, exploding jerrycan, newton liquid.

Exciting experiments: secret parchment, bathyscaphe, sound inside out, warm snow, air cannon, slow liquid, air rocket, flying cup.

¨No.: ¨ 12114010А

¨No.: ¨ 12114012А

30х44х6 cm



6 �������������������

30х44х6 cm


6 �������������������


Science Games ECO-garden «Grow Me!»

Fairy-Tale Garden ������������ with Butterflies

Tea-Time Glade �������������

Jurassic Park ���������������

Eco-garden: mint, thyme, oregano, melissa.

Eco-garden: clover, verbena, brachycome, snapdragon.

¨No.: ¨ 0395

Eco-garden: coleus, festuca, ageratum, portulaca.

¨No.: ¨ 0394

23,5х23,5х14 cm


6 �����

23,5х23,5х14 cm


6 �����

¨No.: ¨ 0396

23,5х23,5х14 cm


6 �����

Kits «Grow me!» with seeds, soil and equipment allow to create a fascinating mini-garden in an easy way. It will be interesting for a child to grow plants and decorate a garden with various shapes, stones, coloured sand. Besides, a special construction with a cover will let the plants grow fast and remain fresh. The kits contain: f lower pot with a hothouse cover, soil, drainage, coloured sand, seeds, calendar stickers, wooden sticks, sticky tape, decoration elements, stickers, cardboard shapes, instructions.



Science Games

11,5х11,5х20 cm


Botany Kits

The kits contain: planting pot, calendar label, seeds, soil, instructions and short description on the box.

Petunia ���������

Chives ����������

Grass for Cats (mixed)

Melissa ���������

¨No.: ¨ 0363

¨No.: ¨ 0364

No.: 0365

¨No.: ¨ 0366

Nasturtium Terry ��

Sweet Pea �������

Basil (mix) �������

Viola ������������

¨No.: ¨ 0367

¨No.: ¨ 0368

¨No.: ¨ 0369-1

¨No.: ¨ 0369




Soap with Essential Oil

The kits contain: t ransparent soap base, form for soap, food dye, essential oil, oil base, white colorant, plastic spoon, dropper, decoration items, detailed instructions.

Diamond Heart �����������

Blooming Meadow ���������

Tea Rose ���������������

¨¨ No.: 15160192А

¨¨ No.: 1516003А

¨¨ No.: 15160194А

11,5х11,5х20 cm

2 soap bars


22 ��

11,5х11,5х20 cm

2 soap bars


22 ��

11,5х11,5х20 cm


22 ��

2 soap bars 19


Your SPA Salon

11,5х11,5х20 cm


Bath Bombs with Sea Salt

Bath bombs soften the water and curefully treat your skin. When you plunge them into water, the bombs start bubbling and fizzing, creating a Jacuzzi effect and giving off a fantastic aroma. The kits contain: b aking soda, citric acid, flavoured oil base, sea salt, food dye, forms for bombs, plastic spoon, disposable gloves, detailed instructions.

Chocolate Dessert ���

Citrus Boom �������

Strawberry Mojito ���

¨¨ No.: 15160195А

¨¨ No.: 15160196А

¨¨ No.: 15160197А

n ents! ingredi


0,310 �������������� 4 bombs



10at0ura% l

0,505 �������������� 3 bombs


0,320 �������������� 4 bombs




Your SPA Salon

11,5х11,5х20 cm



Lip Balm with Beeswax

Lip balm nourishes, softens, moistens and tones the lips. It’s the best protection for delicate skin against drying and cracking. The kits contain: c acao butter, oil base, beeswax, essential oil, jar for lip balm, plastic cup, plastic spoon, wooden stick, dye, detailed instructions.

Sicilian Orange �����

Eatern Spices ������

Tea Tree ���������

¨¨ No.: 15160002А

¨¨ No.: 15160199А

¨¨ No.: 15160198А

10t0ur% al

na ents! i d e r g n i



Your SPA Salon

11,5х11,5х20 cm

Shower Gel & Bath Salt

Shampoo & Hair Conditioner

Aromatic shampoos, hair conditioners and shower gels enriched with natural essential oils, body scrub and bath salt! Make them with your own hands using natural ingredients. Impress everyone with beauty of your glossy hair and velvety skin!

10at0ura% l

n nts! ingredie

The kits contain: gel base, oil base with essential oil, sea salt, food dye, plastic spoon, plastic cup, stickers with names of shower gel and bath salt, detailed instructions.

The kits contain: shampoo base, essential oil, chamomile flowers, citric acid, plastic cup, plastic spoon, sticker with name of shampoo, detailed instructions.

Aromatic Lemon �������

Sweet Mandarin �������

Juicy Lime �����������

¨¨ No.: 15160288А

¨¨ No.: 15160289А

¨¨ No.: 15160286А



2 in 1

2 in 1

2 in 1


Your SPA Salon

11,5х11,5х20 cm

Shampoo & Hair Conditioner

Body Scrub & Bath Salt

100 % na

tural ingredi ents!

The kits contain: shampoo base, essential oil, chamomile flowers, citric acid, plastic cup, plastic spoon, sticker with name of shampoo, detailed instructions.

The kits contain: sea salt, green tea, ground coffee, oil base, sugar, food dye, plastic spoon, stickers with name of scrub and sea salt, detailed instructions.

Recipes of Nature ������

Coffee with Cinnamon ���

Green Tea with Mint �����

¨¨ No.: 15160287А

¨¨ No.: 15160284А

¨¨ No.: 15160285А

2 in 1

2 in 1


2 in 1



Kits for Girls Manicure Studio

Miss Glam ���������

Miss Party ���������

¨¨ No.: 9567

¨¨ No.: 15160021А

22х17х5 cm




Fashionable Nails ������ ¨¨ No.: 5603

32х22х5 cm



Body Art ������� «Tattoos & Gems» Body art is fashionable! With this kit a young lady can learn body art techniques and create new fashion trends! The kit contains: glitter glue, body marker, sparkling gems, tattoo stencils, sponge, body art instructions.

¨¨ No.: 12160276А  22х17х5 cm  ¨




These kits with unique ideas for super-fashionable nail designs and useful tips on nail care are essential for stylish young ladies.

15 �


22х17х5 cm


26 ������

Kits for Girls

22х17х5 cm



Kits for Making Jewelry

Super Star. �������������� Pendant & Bracelet

Pearls. ���������������� Necklace, Bracelet and Earrings

Fashion Girl. ������������� Pendant and Earrings

The kit contains: glass beads (2 types), beads (8 types), chain (2 types), ring fastener, connecting rings, pins, studs, metal flowers, wire, clasp, detailed instructions.

The kit contains: beads of different shapes and sizes, nylon thread, fasteners, calottes, clasp locks, hook earring fittings, rings, detailed instructions.

¨¨ No.: 9581

¨¨ No.: 9664

The kit contains: soutache cord, beads of different shapes and sizes, glass beads, hook earring fittings, wire rings, clasp lock, cord fasteners, fishing line, needle for glass beads, glue, detailed instructions.



¨¨ No.: 4160



Kits for Family Sets for making prints With the help of these kits you can make prints of a baby’s hand and foot. It is very simple and safe for baby’s tender skin. Such print, set in a special card, will be the best present from a child to their parents and relatives.

Baby’s handprint ��������

Baby’s footprint ���������

The kit contains: plastic mould, modelling gel, plaster powder, greeting card with ribbons, instructions.

The kit contains: plastic mould, modelling gel, plaster powder, greeting card with ribbons, instructions.

¨¨ No.: 14160010А

¨¨ No.: 4430

22х17х5 cm


26 ���

22х17х5 cm


26 ���

Baby’s foot & hand prints ����� hh Safe for sensitive skin! hh Copies even the smallest wrinkles! hh Quick and easy! The kit contains: triptych wooden frame for foot and hand prints, modelling gel, plaster, plastic plate, wire, detailed instructions.

¨¨ No.: 4010-02

50х25х4 cm



10 ������

Creative Kits The kits presented in this series develop imaginative and creative thinking. With their help a child can create a unique masterpiece. The series includes sets from natural materials, home decorations, mould & paint handicrafts, sand pictures, scratch art.


Big Presents

Soap Factory ����������������������������� A kit for creativity and a festive mood! With this kit, children can learn the process of soapmaking, either independently or with the help of their parents. They will create soaps of different colours and shapes! A beautiful soap + gift packing will make a great present for friends and family alike! The kit contains: essences, food dye, thermometer, dropper, measuring jar, stactometer, essential oils, braid, casting moulds, films, soap base, white soap, glue, brush, gloves, accessories for decoration, instructions, heart greeting cards and gift boxes.

¨¨ No.: 15160275А

30x44x6 cm


6 �������������������������� 27 in 1

Candle-Making Kit �������������������������� What could be better than these amazing sparkling candles at a magical evening party? They create a cosy and mysterious atmosphere. A child can make candles on their own and give them as a present to the relatives and friends. The kit contains: casting moulds for candles, paraffin, food dye, wicks, acrylic paints, glue, brush, glitter, glass beads, satin ribbons, crystals, shells, beads, napkin, plant fibre, instructions.

¨¨ No.: 15160185А

30x44x6 cm


6 �������������������������� 9 in 1


Creative Kits

30x44x6 cm

Big Presents Big Present ��������� The kit contains 7 handicrafts:

• • • • • • •

sand picture shell photo frame garland wonderful balloons pompom toy matching puzzles plaster animal magnets


¨¨ No.: 9001-1

1,056 ���������������� 7 handicrafts

Big Present ��������� The kit contains 6 handicrafts:

• • • • • •

funny balloons engraving applique picture handmade greeting card stained glass candleholders plaster monster magnets


¨¨ No.: 15160184А

0.6 ����������������� 6 handicrafts

Big Present ��������� The kit contains 6 handicrafts:

• • • • • •

saltcellar rooster sea mobiles board game amazing cave gel candle magic lamp

¨¨ No.: 9001-2

1.056 ���������������� 6 handicrafts





Creative Kits

22х17х5 cm



Stick Architecture

SETS FROM NATURAL MATERIALS These kits use natural materials such as different kinds of seeds, shells, stones, branches, and other natural things. Creating these handicraft masterpieces a child will develop contact sensations and learn about the environment and the world around.

hhCREATIVITY hhALONE WITH NATURE hhAMAZING RESULTS House ���������������� The art of building with wood is an ancient and beautiful craft. With this kit you will learn to create a handmade wooden house! Become a real architect and surprise your loved ones with a beautiful gift! The kits contains: wooden sticks, glue, sand paper (2 types), glass beads (8 colours), wire, sand, pattern, cardboard base, detailed instructions.

¨¨ No.: 9565

Country House ���������� Do you want to learn to create different handmade houses, castles and churches? Then go ahead, try your hand at this art! The kit contains: wooden sticks, glue, sandpaper (2 types), glass beads (4 colours), wire, sand, pattern, cardboard base, mini encyclopedia + detailed instructions.

¨¨ No.: 9660



Creative Kits

22х17x5 cm



Bamboo Box �������������

Ancient Talisman ���������

Aroma Sachets �����������

The kit contains: bamboo mat, sackcloth, felt, string, satin ribbon, beads, coffee beans, fishing line, needle, glue, brush, sewing pattern, detailed instructions.

The kit contains: frame, fabric, coffee beans, corn, soy seeds, pumpkin seeds, linen seeds, beads, string, fishing line, glue, brush, detailed instructions.

¨¨ No.: 3043-02

¨¨ No.: 3049-04

The kit contains: fabric, satin ribbons, string, straw, coffee beans, corn, dried chamomile, dried lavender, sea salt, beads, shells, net, ladybird, glue, artificial daisy, thread, needle, detailed instructions.

0,260 ���������������������


0,180 ���������������������

¨¨ No.: 3051-06

0,120 ���������������������


Creative Kits

22х17x5 cm

Original Lamp & Toys


Fiber-Optic Lamp. ���� Firefly Nightlight A real battery-powered lamp. In order to make this lamp special, a child can make a unique decoration from the threads, ribbons, crystals and other elements.

With the use of ordinary things, you can make amusing and original toys, which not only bring you a lot of fun, but in addition finely decorate your children`s room.

The kit contains: optical fibers, lamp stand, threads, artificial flowers, satin ribbons, needle, beads, silicate glue, fishing line, balloon, detailed instructions.

¨¨ No.: 15160001А

0,250 ���������������

Toy from a sock “Саt” ���

Toy from a sock “Hare” ���

¨¨ No.: 7205

¨¨ No.: 7206

0,100 �����������������


0,120 �����������������

Creation of your own unique toy is a fascinating and popular kind of art all over the world. The only you need is a bit of effort and some patience to sew a funny hare or a merry cat. ¨¨ Size of a toy: 15x8 cm The kits contain: knitted sock, stuffing, beads, satin ribbon, threads, needle, eyes, detailed instructions.



Handmade Kits

Blossom Garden ����� ¨¨ No.: 15160042А

22х17x5 cm

Decoupage & Painting

Pink Flowers �������

Field Flowers �������

¨¨ No.: 15160113А

¨¨ No.: 15160032А


0,355 ���������������

0,350 ���������������

Garden Pansy �������

In Blossom ���������

Summer Wreath �����

¨¨ No.: 15160041А

¨¨ No.: 15160112А

¨¨ No.: 15160030А

0,150 ���������������


0,150 ���������������

0,150 ���������������



Handmade Kits

22х17x5 cm

Decoupage & Painting

Bright Tulips ��������

Ashberry Bunches ����

Tender Flowers ������

¨¨ No.: 15160038А

¨¨ No.: 15160033А

¨¨ No.: 15160091А

0,370 ���������������

0,350 ���������������

0,355 ���������������

Red Tulips ���������

Red Ashberry �������

Spring Flowers ������

¨¨ No.: 15160037А

¨¨ No.: 15160031А

¨¨ No.: 15160090А

0,150 ���������������


0,150 ���������������

0,130 ���������������



Handmade Kits

22х17x5 cm

Decoupage & Painting

Delicate Lilies ���������

Summer Flowers �����

Litle Bears ���������

¨¨ No.: 15160036А

¨¨ No.: 15160040А

¨¨ No.: 15160089А

0,355 �����������������

0,355 ���������������

0,370 ���������������

White Lilies ��������

Sunny Day ���������

Soft Dessert ��������

¨¨ No.: 15160035А

¨¨ No.: 15160039А

¨¨ No.: 15160034А

0,130 ���������������


0,370 ���������������

0,370 ���������������



Creative Kits

15х18х8 cm


Sequin Masterpiece

With the help of these kits a child will make unique pictures, charming trees-talismans and bouquets of sequins, which will be able to bring a positive note into any interior and become an original gift for your family. Every kit contains all essential materials and detailed instructions. The kit contains: sequins, a piece of wire, paper cup, bagging, ribbon, threads, padding polyester, plaster powder, coloured sand, glue, brush, detailed instructions.

Happiness Tree ������ ¨¨ No.: 15160061А

0,370 ���������������

Wealth Tree ��������

Love Tree ���������

¨¨ No.: 15160062А

¨¨ No.: 15160063А

0,355 ��������������

0,360 ��������������� The kit contains: sequins, a piece of wire, plastic cup, organza, ribbon, plaster powder, doublesided sticky tape, detailed instructions.

Violets �����������

Orchid ������������

Forget-me-not �������

¨¨ No.: 15160080А

¨¨ No.: 15160081А

¨¨ No.: 15160082А

0,225 ���������������

0,255 ���������������

0,255 ���������������



Creative Kits

33х22х5 cm

Sequin Picture

The kit contains: foam base, colour scheme, colour sequins, nails, detailed instructions.

Sakura Blossom ����

Evening in Paris ����

¨¨ No.: 15160064А

¨¨ No.: 15160065А

Taj Mahal ���������

Night London ������

¨¨ No.: 15160066А

¨¨ No.: 15160067А





Creative Kits

33х22х5 cm



Sequin Picture

The kit contains: foam base, colour scheme, colour sequins, nails, detailed instructions.

Zebra �����������

Kitten �����������

¨¨ No.: 15160068А

¨¨ No.: 15160069А

Bear ������������

Princess ���������

¨¨ No.: 15160070А

¨¨ No.: 15160071А



Сreative Kits

22х17x5 cm


Making Candles Marine Fantasy ����

Lost Treasures ����

The kit contains: coloured sand, shells, starfish, glasses, gel, wick, detailed instructions.

The kit contains: coloured stones, beads, glitter, glasses, glue, gel, wick, detailed instructions.

¨¨ No.: 3064

0,280 ������������ 2 in 1

¨¨ No.: 3065

0,280 ������������ 2 in 1

CREATE UNUSUAL CANDLES! Making gel candles is very simple. You need only to create a composition of decoration elements and fill it with melted gel. In this way a child can demonstrate his creativity skills. The kit contains a great number of decorative elements and glass cups for two candles.

3 in 1 Rose candles �����

Magical Lights ����

The kit contains: paraffin, dye, casting mould for candles, glitter, wick, detailed instructions.

The kit contains: special film, marker, stained glass paints (3 colours), glitter (2 types), candle, leaves, adhesive tape, detailed instructions.

¨¨ No.: 15160022А

¨¨ No.: 9584

0,200 ������������


3 designs

0,180 ������������


Сreative Kits Mobiles

22х17x5 cm


Sculpture from Shells & Plasticine

Sea ������������

Lost Island �������

The kit contains: film, design outline, stained glass paints (7 colours), beads (3 types), glass powder, fishing line, glitter (3 types), stencils, brush, detailed instructions.

The kit contains: shells (2 types), plasticine (4 colours), glass beads, cardboard base, paint (3 colours), paintbrush, detailed instructions.

¨¨ No.: 3033-3

0,188 ������������

¨¨ No.: 9572

0,234 �������������

Butterflies ������� The kit contains: film, stained glass paints (7 colours), beads (2 types), glitter (2 types), glass powder, stencils, design outline, fishing line, brush, detailed instructions.

¨¨ No.: 3033-1

0,188 ������������

Ship ����������� The kit contains: shells (2 types), big shell, glass beads, plasticine, gold thread, sticks, sequins, detailed instructions.

¨¨ No.: 9571

0,208 ������������


Сreative Kits

22х17x5 cm


Making Soap & Glass Flowers & Candies Stained-glass ����� Flowers

Chocolate Factory �� This kit allows you to make unique chocolate candies. A child can use recipes from the encyclopedia, different shapes and options for gift wrapping.

The kit contains: stained glass paints (6 colours), crepe paper, coloured wire, templates for making petals, silver glitter, bugle beads, glass beads, detailed instructions.

¨¨ No.: 3031

The kit contains: moulds for chocolate sweets, foil for decorating chocolate sweets, templates for gift packages, ribbons for decorating chocolate masterpieces, sweet wrappers, crepe paper, sticks for lollipops, small encyclopedia on the history of chocolate (recipes included).


0,289 ������������

7+ 5+

¨¨ No.: 15160183А

0,150 �������������

Soap making is an interesting and up-to-date activity. With the help of these kits a child can make a fragrant soap on one’s own. The content of each kit is enough for four different shapes. It is possible to make a multi-coloured soap with the help of colouring. The kits contain: transparent soap base, fragrance with dropper bottle, food dye, glitter, plastic mould, instructions.

Funny Zoo �������

Fruit & Vegetables ��

¨¨ No.: 9010-04

¨¨ No.: 9010-03

0,300 �������������


0,300 �������������

Сreative Kits

15х18x8 cm


Paint & Decorate

Chest Moneybox ����������

Flowers in a Pot ����������

Ceramic Moneybox ��������

The kit contains: ceramic chest moneybox, acrylic paints, brush, glue, crystals, glitter, detailed instructions.

The kit contains: ceramic pot with stand, stencils, bean seeds, soil for planting, acrylic paints, glitter, crystals, transparent film, sponge, glue, instructions.

The kit contains: paintbrush, small sponge, acrylic paints, glitter, crystals, stars, coloured paper, glue, ceramic moneybox, step-by-step instructions.

¨¨ No.: 15160026А

¨¨ No.: 15160025А

¨¨ No.: 15160178А


0,450 ��������������������


0,450 ���������������������


0,300 ��������������������


8+ Magic Box ���� The kit contains: clay box, glitter, crystals, beads, glass beads, glue, brush, instructions.

¨¨ No.: 15160179А  22х17x5 cm


26 ���



Сreative Kits

22х17x5 cm



Mould & Paint. Magnets

While working with plaster mould, a child can feel like a real sculptor. Plaster mould is pleasant to touch. It allows you to create various masterpieces. We suggest making and then colouring the box, the mirror and the magnets for a fridge. The kits contain: 2 plaster casting moulds, plaster powder, paints, paintbrush, glitter, magnetic tape, instructions.

8 magnets in 1 kit


Bugs & Worms ������

Farm & Wild Animals ��

¨¨ No.: 4008

¨¨ No.: 15160187А

Fruit & Vegetables ����

Sea Creatures �������

¨¨ No.: 15160024А

¨¨ No.: 15160023А

9 in 1


Сreative Kits

22х17x5 cm



Mould & Paint. Magnets

The kits contain: 2 plaster casting moulds, plaster powder, paints, paintbrush, glitter, magnetic tape, instructions.

8 magnets in 1 kit

Fairies, Butterflies & ��� Flowers

Transport ���������� ¨¨ No.: 15160182А

¨¨ No.: 15160186А

Domestic & Wild Animals

Animals of our World ��

¨¨ No.: 15160014А

¨¨ No.: 15160173А



Сreative Kits

22х17x5 cm



Mould & Paint. Photo Frames

These fabulous photo frames will make great accessories for your children’s photos. They will decorate your home and keep the brightest memories safe.

Safari & Space ���� The kit contains: 3 plaster casting moulds, plaster powder, paints, paintbrush, glitter, glue, double-sided sticky tape, instructions.

¨¨ No.: 15160190А

2 PHOTO FRAMES IN 1 KIT! Travels ��������� & Adventures The kit contains: 2 plaster casting moulds, plaster powder, paints, paintbrush, double-sided sticky tape, glitter, instructions.

¨¨ No.: 15160174А

Toys & Animals ���� The kit contains: 2 plaster casting moulds, plaster powder, paints, paintbrush, sticky tape, glitter, instructions.

¨¨ No.: 15160191А

Happy Times & ���� Princess The kit contains: 3 plaster casting moulds, plaster powder, paints, paintbrush, glitter, glue, double-sided sticky tape, instructions.

¨¨ No.: 15160177А



Сreative Kits

22х17x5 cm


Pencil holder & Jewellery box Sand Fantasy �� This kit is for people who like to create beautiful and original things with their own hands. The “colourful rainbow” in a glass bottle will become a stylish decoration for your home or a nice gift. To create it, you need all the materials from the kit, and also some imagination and a good mood! The kit contains: tubes with stoppers, coloured sand (7 types), cardboard templates, detailed instructions, glitter, cardboard rainbow insert.

¨¨ No.: 2006

0,200 �����������������������������

Jewellery Box �� The kit contains: plaster casting moulds (3 pcs.), acrylic paints, paintbrush, glitter, plaster powder, rhinestones, glue, instructions.

¨¨ No.: 15160189А

0,380 ���������



Сreative Kits

22х17x5 cm



Sand Pictures

This is a great activity for little kids. On their own or with their parents’ help, they can make a real sand picture. Bright colours and sparkling glitter will bring a lot of fun. The kits contain: p icture to be coloured, set of coloured sand, magic glitter, detailed instructions.

Panda ������������ ¨¨ No.: 15160145А

Rabbit ������������

Bear �������������

¨¨ No.: 15160144А

¨¨ No.: 15160205А

Zebra ��������

Clown ��������

Fish ���������

Cow ���������

¨¨ No.: 15160206А

¨¨ No.: 15160143А

¨¨ No.: 15160142А

¨¨ No.: 15160141А



Сreative Kits

22х17x5 cm



Sand Pictures

Excellent idea for the gift! The kits contain: 2 pictures to be coloured, set of coloured sand, magic glitter, detailed instructions.


Bear & Hedgehog ����

Panda & Zebra ������

Raccoon & Car ������

¨¨ No.: 15160017А

¨¨ No.: 15160018А

¨¨ No.: 1516015А

Jeep & Tiger �������

Fish & Giraffe �������

Clown & Cat ��������

¨¨ No.: 15160020А

¨¨ No.: 15160019А

¨¨ No.: 15160016А



Scratch Art

17х28 cm



Gold What makes Scratch Art sets of Ranok-Creative special is a simple way of creating the pictures. In addition, there are unique background colours — silver and gold effects, which will inspire, entertain and develop your child.

¨¨ 7017-45

¨¨ 7017-50

¨¨ 7017-51

¨¨ 7017-52

¨¨ 7017-40

¨¨ 7017-41

¨¨ 7017-42

¨¨ 7017-44

¨¨ 7017-46

¨¨ 7017-47

¨¨ 7017-48

¨¨ 7017-53

¨¨ 7017-54

¨¨ 7017-55

¨¨ 7017-56

¨¨ 7017-57

¨¨ 7017-43

¨¨ 7017-49



Scratch Art

17х28 cm




¨¨ 7018-25

¨¨ 7018-26

¨¨ 7018-29

¨¨ 7018-30

¨¨ 7018-31

¨¨ 7018-38

¨¨ 7018-34

¨¨ 7018-32

¨¨ 7018-39

¨¨ 7018-33

¨¨ 7018-40

¨¨ 7018-28

¨¨ 7018-27

¨¨ 7018-35

¨¨ 7018-36

¨¨ 7018-41

¨¨ 7018-37

¨¨ 7018-42


6+  11х21 cm

Scratch Art Rainbow  0,015


¨¨ 7008-16

¨¨ 7008-18

¨¨ 7008-19

¨¨ 7008-20

¨¨ 7008-22

¨¨ 7008-23

¨¨ 7008-24

¨¨ 7008-21

¨¨ 7008-17

17х28 cm



¨¨ 7008-7

¨¨ 7008-11


¨¨ 7008-9

¨¨ 7008-8

¨¨ 7008-12

¨¨ 7008-13

¨¨ 7008-14

¨¨ 7008-10

¨¨ 7008-15

ADVANTAGES OF COOPERATION WITH OUR COMPANY ARE: • High-demanded assortment in the field of education and creativity. • Individual approach to each client. • Up-to-date information about company’s news and assortment. • Availability anywhere in the world. OUR MANUFACTURING COMPANY WITH ITS PROFESSIONAL TEAM, GREAT RESOURCES AND SIGNIFICANT POTENTIAL PROVIDES DIFFERENT FORMATS OF COOPERATION WITH PARTNERS:

•a daptation of self-developed products to the assortment of partner trademarks (change of packing design, improving the quality of materials, change of the price segment, etc.); • development of new products for sale under partner trademarks; • private labels for retailers; and much more.


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E-mail: ranokpoland@gmail.com Skype: ranok_poland sales.ranok www.ranok-creative.com www.ranok-creative.pl


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