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Merit Badges
Ransburg is Proud to offer one of the most diverse and extensive program offerings in the country. You will find something to excite any Scout on your trip. Ten minutes of travel time is built into all merit badge sessions. A merit badge that is from 9:00 am-10:00 am is actually only 50 minutes long. Even with 10 minutes of travel time, it can sometimes be challenging for a new Scout to get from one side of camp to another. When scheduling please keep in mind travel times to each location. It is encouraged for new Scouts to group merit badge scheduling by location/geography (i.e. morning merit badges are on one side of camp and afternoon badges are on the other side of camp). This guide does not contain any information
Ransburg Scout Reservation utilizes an online system to schedule and document the advancement of each Scout while at camp. Merit badges are chosen through the Scouting Event Reservation Portal. The upcoming year’s activity and merit badge schedule will be released in early spring.
regarding merit badge schedules. Please check the activity schedule on the Ransburg website for a full schedule of what will be offered this summer: http://www.ransburgbsa.org/activity-schedule