1 minute read

Order of the Arrow

Ransburg Scout Reservation has a program area dedicated to the Order of the Arrow. The area staff are responsible for all O.A. ceremonies, elections and promotions. If your troop or individual Scouts are members of a dance or ceremonial team, they are invited to talk to the office staff about joining in the ceremonies while they are in camp. Tuesday dinner is O.A. Sash Night and then after the Tuesday camp-wide event, the Order of the Arrow will conduct a “call-out” ceremony for the entire camp. All newly elected O.A. candidates will be calledTroops from councils outside of the Crossroads of America Council must have a letter from their lodge stating the names of Scouts and Scouters from their troop who have been elected into the Order of the Arrow. out, and candidates who have recently been called-out may be recognized at the ceremony.

Please Note: Unit elections must be held prior to summer camp.


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