Property Rights , Identity and Dignity

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Letter Letter Letter from from the from the Editor the Editor Editor

Dear Dear Reader, Dear Reader, Reader, Yet, strengthening Yet, strengthening Yet, strengthening property property rights property rights for rights for for competition competition competition and also andsheds also andsheds light alsoon sheds light the on light theon the When When Ashoka’s When Ashoka’s Changemakers Ashoka’s Changemakers Changemakers theabout poor theispoor key the is poor tokey helping istokey helping them to helping move them them move move challenge challenge ofchallenge providing of providing ofsecure providing secure propsecure prop- propapproached approached approached Beyond Beyond Profit Beyond Profit about Profit about outissue, of out poverty. ofout poverty. of More poverty. More than two-thirds More than two-thirds than two-thirds erty rights erty rights to erty therights to poor theto and poor thedisadvanand poordisadvanand disadvanworking working together working together on together thison special thisonspecial issue, this special issue, ofonthethe of world’s theof world’s the population world’s population population lives on lives lives on on taged taged around taged around the world. around the world. Inside, the world. Inside, you’llInside, you’ll you’ll we were we were honored we were honored tohonored take to on take tothetake on the physical property physical property forproperty which for which they for which do they find do theyarticles do find articles about find articles women’s aboutabout women’s empowerwomen’s empowerempowerchallenge. challenge. Property challenge. Property rights Property are rights a fundarights are a fundaarephysical a fundanot overhold notformal hold not formal hold rightsformal rights or documentarights or documentaor documentament and mentproperty ment and property and rights, property rights, innovations rights, innovations innovations mentalmental human mental human righthuman that rightis that right oftenisthat overoften is often overtion, or tion, they or tion, live they orwithout live theywithout live permanent without permanent permanent in technology in technology in use technology to use strengthen touse strengthen torights, strengthen rights,rights, lookedlooked or looked misunderstood. or misunderstood. or misunderstood. Working Working Working homesthe homes or access homes or access toor land access toaltogether. landtoaltogether. land If altogether. a Iffunder’s aIf funder’s aperspective, funder’s perspective, perspective, and much and much and much with Ashoka, with with Ashoka, asAshoka, well as as well aswith well as the with as with the their rights their rights to their therights to land thewere toland thesecured, were land were secured, secured, more. more.more. funders funders andfunders practitioners and practitioners and practitioners who are who who are are economic their economic economic well-being well-being well-being would wouldwould leadingleading the way leading theinway this thein sector, way thisinsector, gives this sector, us givestheir gives us their us improve, improve, we andwould we and would we likelywould likely see likely see see The lives Theoflives The many of lives many willofbemany will significantly bewill significantly be significantly the opportunity the opportunity the opportunity to raise to awareness raise to raise awareness of awareness of improve, of and positive positive impacts positive impacts on health, impacts on health, education, on health, education, education, and positively and positively and altered positively altered if we altered ifchange we ifchange we change the issue theto issue the our issue to readers. ourtoreaders. our readers. and theand environment. the and environment. the environment. property property rights property policies, rightsrights policies, work policies, towork impleto work impleto implement ment them ment them effectively, them effectively, effectively, and educate and educate and educate While While development While development development dialogue dialogue often dialogue often often This fall, This Ashoka’s fall, ThisAshoka’s fall, Changemakers Ashoka’s Changemakers Changemakers and and and stakeholder stakeholder stakeholder groupsgroups about groups about their rights. about their rights. their rights. focuses focuses on poverty focuses on poverty alleviation on poverty alleviation through alleviation through through Omidyar Omidyar Network Omidyar Network teamed Network teamed up to teamed shed up to up shed to shed We hope We hope that We through hope that through thatthisthrough special this special this special the issues the issues of theaccess issues of access toof health access to health care, to health care, care, light onlight these on light issues these on these issues and bring issues and innovabring and bring innovainnovaissue of issue Beyond issue of Beyond Profit, of Beyond Profit, you will Profit, youlearn will youlearn will learn education, education, and education, economic and economic andopportunity, economic opportunity, opportunity, more about what at stake tion totion thistofield tion thisto by field this hosting by field hosting an by online hosting an online an online more more aboutis about what is what at and stake is atabout stake and about and about rarely rarely does rarely the doesconversation does the conversation the conversation includeinclude include ideas from from some of the from ideas competition competition competition that encourages that encourages that encourages peoplepeople to people to some to some ofinnovative theof innovative the ideas innovative strengthening strengthening strengthening property property rights. property rights. Why? rights. Why? Why? changemakers changemakers around the world. the world. changemakers aroundaround the world. new their ideas new their ideas from new ideas around from from around around Tackling Tackling the Tackling problem the problem the ofproblem how of how toof submit how to submit totheirsubmit the world. the world. Over the world. the Over course Over the course of theseveral course of several of several improve improve access improve access to and access to implementation andtoimplementation and implementation Enjoy Enjoy the issue! the issue! Enjoy the issue! months, months, more than 200 more thanentries 200 than entries 200 fromentries from from of property of property of rights property rights posesrights poses challenges poses challenges to challenges to months, to more nearly nearly 50 countries nearly 50 countries 50 came countries in. came came in. in. Lindsay policy policy makers policy makers and makers development and development and development prac- pracpracLindsay Clinton Lindsay Clinton Clinton titioners titioners around titioners around the world around the world because the world because of because of of EditorEditor Editor This This showcases issue showcases showcases some some of the some of theof the the complexity the complexity the complexity of theofissue theof issue and the its issue and This its and issue its issue most most interesting most interesting interesting ideas ideas fromideas from the from the the controversial controversial controversial nature.nature. nature. 3



Special Special Issue Special IssueIssue

Contributors: Contributors: Contributors: Matt Matt Bannick, Matt Bannick, Omidyar Bannick, Omidyar Network Omidyar Network Network Matt Bannick Matt Matt Bannick brings Bannick brings a wide brings a wide range a wide range of executive, range of executive, of executive, international, international, international, and and and multi-sector multi-sector multi-sector experience experience experience to his to leadership histoleadership his leadership of Omidyar of Omidyar ofNetwork. Omidyar Network. From Network. FromFrom 1999 to 1999 2007, 1999 to 2007, Matt to 2007, served Matt Matt served in aserved number in a number in of a number senior of senior executive of senior executive roles executive at roles roles at at eBay. eBay. As general eBay. As general As manager general manager and manager later andas later and president as later president asofpresident eBay of International, eBay of eBay International, International, Matt was Mattlargely Matt was largely was responsible largely responsible responsible for building for building for eBay’s building eBay’s global eBay’s global footprint global footprint and footprint and and drivingdriving phenomenal driving phenomenal phenomenal revenue revenue growth. revenue growth. Matt growth. currently Matt Matt currently serves currently serves on serves theon the on the BoardsBoards of Bridge Boards of Bridge International of Bridge International International Academies, Academies, Academies, Endeavor, Endeavor, and Endeavor, Landesa. and Landesa. and Landesa.

Usha Usha Ganesh, Usha Ganesh, Intellecap Ganesh, Intellecap Intellecap Usha Usha Ganesh Usha Ganesh hasGanesh over has 15 over hasyears over 15 years of15business years of business ofresearch business research and research content and content and content development development development experience experience experience in full-time in full-time in and full-time freelance and freelance andengagements. freelance engagements. engagements. She She She contributes contributes contributes to analytical to analytical toprojects, analytical projects, including projects, including articles including articles for articles Beyond for Beyond for Profit, Beyond Profit,Profit, surveysurvey reports survey reports forreports Microfinance for Microfinance for Microfinance Insights, Insights, and Insights, aand trends-monitoring aand trends-monitoring a trends-monitoring newsletter newsletter for newsletter thefor Rockefeller the forRockefeller the Rockefeller Foundation. Foundation. Foundation. She serves She serves She as editor serves as editor forasthe editor for the for the abstracts abstracts posted abstracts posted on Microfinance posted on Microfinance on Microfinance Gateway Gateway asGateway wellasaswell for as as well thefor content asthe forcontent the content on, on, on, a portal a portal focused a portal focused on focused theon Affordable theonAffordable the Affordable PrivatePrivate Private Schools Schools sector. Schools sector. Shesector. enjoys She enjoys She reading enjoys reading andreading writing and writing and about writing about innovations about innovations innovations in in in the development the development the development sector.sector. sector.

NishaNisha Kumar Nisha Kumar Kulkarni, Kumar Kulkarni, Intellecap Kulkarni, Intellecap Intellecap Nisha Nisha produces Nisha produces content produces content for content Intellecap’s for Intellecap’s for Intellecap’s publications publications publications and blogs, and blogs, as andwell blogs, as well as well as works as works onasvarious works on various research on various research projects. research projects. She projects. brings She brings She 5 years brings 5 years experience 5 years experience experience in research, in research, in operations research, operations operations and fundraising. and fundraising. and fundraising. She isShe passionate She is passionate is passionate about aboutabout writingwriting andwriting economic and economic and development economic development development strategies. strategies. strategies. As a As native aAsnative New a native New New Yorker, Yorker, Nisha Yorker, Nisha is aNisha new is a is transplant new a new transplant transplant to Mumbai. to Mumbai. to Her Mumbai. free Her time free Her is free time time is is absorbed absorbed by absorbed exploring by exploring byher exploring new hercity new her and city new reading and cityreading and great reading books. greatgreat books. books.

DianaDiana Wells, Diana Wells, President, Wells, President, President, Ashoka Ashoka Ashoka Dr. Diana Dr. Diana Wells, Dr. Diana Wells, President Wells, President ofPresident Ashoka, of Ashoka, ofjoined Ashoka, joined the organization joined the organization the organization in the in thein the 1980s1980s when1980s when she created when she created she onecreated ofone Ashoka's of one Ashoka's ofcore Ashoka's programs, core core programs, programs, Fellowship Fellowship Fellowship Support Support Services. Support Services. Diana Services. Diana was named Diana was named was President named President ofPresident Ashoka of Ashoka in of2005. Ashoka in 2005. Shein 2005. She She has ledhas theled has worldwide the ledworldwide the process worldwide process of sourcing process of sourcing of and sourcing selecting and selecting andleading selecting leading social leading socialsocial entrepreneurs entrepreneurs entrepreneurs as Ashoka as Ashoka as Fellows. Ashoka Fellows. She Fellows. has Shecontributed has Shecontributed has contributed to the to field theto offield the of field of social social entrepreneurship social entrepreneurship entrepreneurship by implementing by implementing by implementing a widely a widely respected a widely respected tool respected for tool for tool for "Measuring "Measuring "Measuring Effectiveness"—one Effectiveness"—one Effectiveness"—one of the of first thestandard offirst thestandard firsttools standard totools measure tools to measure to measure the impact the impact of thesocial impact of social entrepreneurship. of social entrepreneurship. entrepreneurship. Diana Diana is a Diana Fulbright is a is Fulbright a and Fulbright Woodrow and Woodrow and Wilson Woodrow Wilson scholar. Wilson scholar. She scholar. isShe on is She theonisthe on the Advisory Advisory Board Advisory Board for Center Board for Center for Center theforAdvancement the forAdvancement the Advancement of Social of Social Entrepreof Social EntrepreEntrepreneurship neurship (CASE) neurship (CASE) at Duke’s (CASE) at Duke’s Fuqua at Duke’s Fuqua School Fuqua School of Business. School of Business. of Her Business. Ph.D. Her Ph.D. Her is Ph.D. is is from New from from York New New University, York York University, University, and her andundergraduate her and undergraduate her undergraduate degreedegree is from degree is from is from BrownBrown University. Brown University. University. In 2008, In 2008, Diana In 2008, Diana wonDiana the wonfirst won the annual first the annual first Women annual Women to Women to to WatchWatch award Watch award by Running award by Running by Start, Running Start, a Washington, Start, a Washington, a Washington, DC-based DC-based organization DC-based organization organization that empowers that empowers that empowers youngyoung women young women to be women political to be to political be leaders. political leaders. leaders.



Special Special Special Issue Issue Issue

Table Table Table ofof Contents: of Contents: Contents: Cover Cover Cover Story Story Story 6






Leveraging Leveraging Leveraging Technology Technology Technology


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Hand Hand inHand Hand: in Hand: in Hand:


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A Primer A Primer A on Primer Property on Property on Property Rights Rights Rights by Lindsay by Lindsay by Clinton Lindsay Clinton Clinton

Interview: Interview: Interview: Through Through Through a Funder’s a Funder’s a Funder’s LensLens Lens Matt Matt Bannick, Matt Bannick, Omidyar Bannick, Omidyar Network Omidyar Network Network

Features Features Features to Ensure to Ensure toProperty Ensure Property Rights Property Rights of the Rights ofPoor theofPoor the Poor by Usha by Usha by Ganesh Usha Ganesh Ganesh The Linkages The The Linkages Linkages between between Poverty, between Poverty, Poverty, Women, Women, and Women, Property and and Property Rights Property Rights Rights by Usha by Usha by Ganesh Usha Ganesh Ganesh

Numbers Numbers Numbers and and Trends and Trends Trends Data:Data: Data: LandLand andLand Poverty and and Poverty Poverty by Nisha by Nisha by Kumar Nisha Kumar Kulkarni Kumar Kulkarni Kulkarni

The The Competition The Competition Competition Innovative Innovative Innovative Entries Entries and Entries and Ideas and Ideas Ideas by Nisha by Nisha by Kumar Nisha Kumar Kulkarni Kumar Kulkarni Kulkarni

Analyzing Analyzing Analyzing the Competition: the the Competition: Competition: WhatWhat do the What doResults the doResults theMean Results Mean for Mean for for Property Property Rights? Property Rights? Rights? by Lindsay by Lindsay by Clinton Lindsay Clinton Clinton

Last Last Last Word Word Word Property Property Property Rights: Rights: Rights: It’s about It’s about It’s more about more thanmore land thanthan landland by Diana by Diana by Wells Diana Wells Wells 5

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Lead Lead Lead Article Article Article

AAPrimer APrimer Primer on onon Property Property Property Rights Rights Rights


n 2010, n 2010, n Vedanta 2010, Vedanta Vedanta Resources, Resources, Resources, a global a global a global mining mining company, mining company, company, planned planned planned to build to build toa build new a new a new bauxite bauxite mine bauxite mine in mine Orissa, in Orissa, in India, Orissa, India, one India, one of India’s of oneIndia’s of India’s mostmost underdeveloped most underdeveloped underdeveloped states. states. However, states. However, However, in in in August, August, August, the the Indian Indian the government Indian government government halted halted the halted the the project. project. project. TheyThey determined They determined determined that that if the that if the US$ if US$ the US$ 1.7bn 1.7bn mine 1.7bn mine was mine was sanctioned, was sanctioned, sanctioned, it would it would itdisturb would disturb disturb wildlife wildlife wildlife habitats habitats habitats in the in the area, in the area, and area, and would and would would threaten threaten threaten the the economic, economic, the economic, social, social, and social, and cultural and cultural cultural well-being well-being well-being of the of the local of local the people, local people, the people, the Dongria Dongria the Dongria Kondh. Kondh. The Kondh. The decision decision The decision made made international made international international news newsnews not only not only because not only because because it shared it shared itashared striking a striking asimilarity striking similarity similarity to the to the to plotline the plotline plotline of of Oscar-nominated Oscar-nominated of Oscar-nominated film film film Avatar, Avatar, Avatar, but but more but more importantly, more importantly, importantly, it demonit demonit demonBy Meena Credit: By Meena Kadri By Meena Kadri Kadri strated strated astrated land-rights a land-rights a land-rights victory victory for victory the for poor. the forpoor. the poor.Credit:Credit:

Many Many tribal Many tribal and tribal indigenous and indigenous and indigenous peoples peoples suffer peoples suffer duesuffer to duelack todue lack of access tooflack access of to access land to land andtorights and landrights and to land rights to land resources. toresources. land resources.

While While commentators While commentators commentators oftenoften speak often speak ofspeak our of our of our on lived the on land, the onland, the they land, they maythey may not may have not have not anyhave any any The The Dongria The Dongria Dongria Kondh Kondh were Kondh were fortunate were fortunate fortunate that thatlived thatlived rapidly rapidly rapidly advancing advancing advancing world world by world by referencing referencing by referencing legallegal claim legal claim to it, claim toi.e., it, to i.e., a document, it,ai.e., document, a document, map,map, or map, or or the the government government the government stepped stepped stepped in toin protect toinprotect to protect “world “world is“world flat” is flat” theories is flat” theories theories of globalization, of globalization, of globalization, the the the legallegal titlelegal title thattitle that proves that proves their proves their right their right to right it. theirtheir rights their rights to rights the to the land. to land. the However, land. However, However, many manymany global global reality global reality forreality the for poor the forpoor the living poor living in developing living in developing in developing Without formal formal formal acknowledgement acknowledgement acknowledgement of of of “landed” “landed” “landed” poorpoor losepoor lose landlose land or access land or access ortoaccess land to land toWithout landWithout countries countries countries presents presents presents a stark a stark contrast. a stark contrast. contrast. OverOver a Over a a ownership or or rights, rights, or rights, tribaltribal groups, tribal groups, groups, because because because theythey do not they do have not dohave not adequate have adequate adequate landlandownership landownership thirdthird of the third of the world’s of world’s the population world’s population population liveslives on lives less on less on less farmers, farmers, farmers, women, women, women, children children children and and families and families families rights. rights. Giving rights. Giving the Giving the poorpoor the secure poor secure property secure property property thanthan US$2 than US$2 a US$2 day, a day, and a day, and halfand half of the half of the world’s of world’s the world’s be removed be canremoved be removed fromfrom thefrom the the landland without land without without rights rights would rights would not would not onlynot only change only change change theirtheircan theircan population population population still still liveslives still in lives rural in rural in areas, rural areas, lacking areas, lacking lacking repercussions repercussions repercussions to those to those to forcing those forcing them forcing them out.them out. out. economic economic economic opportunity, opportunity, opportunity, it would it would itcontribwould contribcontribaccess access access and and opportunity, and opportunity, opportunity, much much like much like thelike the the The The result The result might result might bemight forced be forced be migration, forced migration, migration, ute ute to atoute host a to host ofa positive host of positive of positive social, social, environsocial, environenvironDongria Dongria Dongria Kondh. Kondh. Kondh. For For the the poor Forpoor the andpoor and disadvandisadvanand disadvanlossloss of loss of livelihood, livelihood, of livelihood, separation separation separation fromfromfrom mental, mental, and mental, and geopolitical geopolitical and geopolitical effects. effects. effects. taged, taged, land taged, land is a land is fundamental a fundamental is a fundamental source source ofsource finanof finanof financommunity, community, community, and and more. more. and more. cial cial and and cial social and social security. social security. security. LandLand is life. Land is life. It isis,Itlife. tois, Ittois, toWhat What Does What Does itDoes Mean it Mean it to Mean be to be “Land to “Land be “Land paraphrase paraphrase paraphrase scholar scholar and scholar and author author andBina author Bina Agarwal, Bina Agarwal, Agarwal, Poor”? Poor”? Poor”? Those Those who Those who are who are “land“land are poor” “land poor” arepoor” are charactercharacterare charactera “productive, a “productive, a “productive, wealth wealth creating, wealth creating, creating, and and livelihood livelihood and livelihood Imagine Imagine Imagine for aformoment afor moment a moment that that Vedanta Vedanta that Vedanta had had had ized ized by financial, by ized financial, by financial, and and oftenoften and social, often social, insecurity. social, insecurity. insecurity. sustaining sustaining sustaining asset…the asset…the asset…the basisbasis of basis political of political of power political power power wonwon the won right the right the to mine right to mine on to mine the on land the onland the where land where where TheyThey mayThey may holdmay hold landhold land under land under customary/tribal under customary/tribal customary/tribal and and status. and status. Itstatus. has It has aItdurability has a durability a durability and and permaand permapermathe the Dongria the Dongria Dongria Kondh Kondh Kondh Although live. Although Although landland systems systems land that systems that are not are thatrecognized not arerecognized not recognized by the by theby the nence nence which nence which nowhich other no other no asset other asset possesses.” asset possesses.” possesses.” generations generations generations of these of these native of these native peoples native peoples have peoples havehave State. State. They State. They mayThey may usemay forest use forest use resources forest resources resources that that that

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A Primer A Primer on A Property Primer on Property Rights on Property Rights Rights

Ifofshe Ifhas sherights has If she rights to has it, she to rights it,can she todetermine it, canshe determine canhow determine how how are historically are historically are historically considered considered considered part part of their ofparttheir their Kondh, Kondh, rights Kondh, rights to arights to acommon-property to common-property a common-property it is used it is used (livelihood, it is (livelihood, used rent, (livelihood, mortgage), rent, mortgage), rent, how mortgage), how how community, community, community, but are but inare but factinare governmentfactin governmentfact governmentresource resource may resource may be more be maymore important be more important toimportant theto theto the much it will itmuch produce, will produce, it will andproduce, what and will what and bewill what done bewill done be done owned. owned. Theyowned. may Theycultivate may Theycultivate may a plot, cultivate abut plot, have but a plot, no have butno have much no community community than community having than having than individual having individual rights. individual rights. The rights. The The withatthat withoutput. that with output. that output. way toway renttoitway rent itThey out. rentmay They it may They widows bemay widows atbethewidows at the the Foundation Foundation for Foundation Ecological for Ecological forSecurity, Ecological Security, an Security, Indiaan Indiaan Indiamercymercy of relatives’ mercy of relatives’ of decisions relatives’ decisions or decisions wives or wives whose or whose wives whose basedbased advocacy based advocacy organization, advocacy organization, organization, worksworks with works with with Strengthening Strengthening Strengthening Rights RightsRights husbands husbands prohibit husbands prohibit them prohibit them fromthem from having from having having 1,526 1,526 villagevillage 1,526 institutions village institutions across institutions across the country across the country tothe country to to 2 2 2 1 1 1 Strengthening Strengthening Strengthening property property rights property rights for thefor rights poor thefor poor the poorstrengthen economic economic means. economic means.means. strengthen their strengthen governance their governance their governance and give andthem give andathem giveathem a can becan complex be can complex because be complex because it requires because it requires navigating it requires navigating navigating soundsound legal foothold sound legal foothold legal on the foothold onnatural the on natural resources the natural resources resources Without Without defined, Without defined, secure defined, secure rightssecure rights to the to rights land, the the land, to thethe land, the legal systems, legal systems, legal historical systems, historical patterns historical patterns of use, patterns ofand use,ofand use, and around around them. around them. The priority them. The priority The is not priority isindividual not isindividual not individual poor poor are restricted are poorrestricted arefinancially, restricted financially, socially, financially, socially, andsocially, and socialand social strata strata social in different in strata different geopolitical in different geopolitical contexts. geopolitical contexts. contexts. rights rights but rather but rights rather mobilizing but rather mobilizing local mobilizing governance local governance local governance psychologically. psychologically. psychologically. They cannot They cannot They investcannot invest or useor invest theuse or the use the However, However, taking However, taking on thetaking onchallenge theon challenge theis challenge imporis imporisbodies imporbodies andbodies amplifying and amplifying and their amplifying relationship their relationship their relationship to to to land asland collateral, asland collateral, as norcollateral, can northey cannor transfer they cantransfer they or sell transfer or sell or sell tant; when tant; when tant; land rights when land rights land are more rights are more equitably are equitably more equitably common common landcommon and landwater and land water resources. and resources. water resources. ownership. ownership. Like ownership. aLike bird awithout bird Like without a bird wingswithout wings or a fish or wings a fish or a fish distributed, distributed, there distributed, there is commensurate isthere commensurate is commensurate economic economic economic 3 3 3 without without fins,without access fins, access fins, to land access to without landtowithout land rightswithout rights is growth is rightsgrowth isand poverty growth and poverty and alleviation. poverty alleviation. alleviation. Furthermore, Furthermore, Furthermore, establishing establishing establishing systems systems that systems that that debilitating. debilitating. debilitating. work work for women work for women for andwomen girls, and girls, not and against not girls,against not against

"Without "Without "Without defined, defined, secure defined, secure rights secure rightsrights them,them, is paramount. them, is paramount. is paramount. In fact, In fact, recognizing In recognizing fact, recognizing the the toland,the land, theland, the poorthe poor arepoor are are WhatWhat is Meant What is Meant by is Meant Rights? by Rights? by Rights? to to their their rightsrights their to land rights to land within to within land theirwithin their families families their families restricted restricted financially, financially, financially, socially, socially, socially, ManyMany of the of Many land-poor the land-poor of the areland-poor victims are victims ofare systems victims of systems of restricted systems and/orand/or alongside and/or alongside their alongside husbands their husbands theirishusbands keyistokey istokey to that have that have not thatgiven not havegiven them not given them adequate adequate themrights. adequate rights. rights. and and psychologically. psychologically. and psychologically. Like Like a bird Like a bird a bird strengthening strengthening strengthening the the overall the overall system. overall system. system. Providing Providing these Providing these stakeholder these stakeholder stakeholder groupsgroups withgroups with with Landesa Landesa has Landesa recently has recently has partnered recently partnered with partnered the with the with the without without wings without wings orwings aorfish a or fish without a without fish without securesecure “rights” secure “rights” does“rights” does not necessarily not doesnecessarily not necessarily mean mean mean Nike Foundation Nike Foundation Nike Foundation and Omidyar and Omidyar and Network Omidyar Network to Network to to fins,fins, access access fins,toaccess land to land without to without landrights without rightsrights ownership ownership because ownership because ownership, because ownership, even ownership, when even when iteven itwhen it dedicate dedicate US$6.5m dedicate US$6.5m toUS$6.5m economically to economically to economically and and and is debilitating." isof debilitating." is debilitating." is secure, is secure, does is secure, not doesalways not does always mean not always mean controlcontrol mean of control of socially socially empower socially empower girls empower with girls land with girlsrights land withrights to land rights to to

land or land its or outputs. land its outputs. or its To outputs. have To rights have Torights is have to live is rights to live is to live reduce help reduce help theirreduce vulnerability their vulnerability their vulnerability to poverty, to poverty, to poverty, A natural A natural first A step natural firstisstep tofirst create is step to create legal is to create systems legal systems legal help systems and/orand/or work and/or on work theon work land, the on reap land, thethe reap land, benefits the reap benefits of the benefits of of food-insecurity, food-insecurity, food-insecurity, gender-based gender-based gender-based violence, violence, violence, that acknowledge that acknowledge that acknowledge the rights the rights ofthe all of stakeholdrights all stakeholdof all stakeholddoing doing so, and doing so, toand so, have toand have thatto right that haveright formally that formally right formally HIV/AIDs, and the and problems the associated HIV/AIDs, andproblems the associated problems associated ers. However, ers. However, ers.even However, even adequate adequate evenlegal adequate legal frame-framelegalHIV/AIDs, frameacknowledged. acknowledged. acknowledged. Bina Agarwal Bina Agarwal Bina explains Agarwal explains further: explains further:further: with early with early marriage. marriage. with early marriage. worksworks don’t works don’t alwaysalways don’t translate always translate intotranslate progress into progress into progress “Rights“Rights are claims “Rights are claims that areare claims thatlegally arethat legally and aresocially legally and socially and socially due to duepoor toduepoor to implementation implementation poor implementation and lack and of lack and oflack of recognized recognized and recognized enforceable and enforceable and enforceable by anbyexternal an by external an external awareness. awareness. In awareness. some In some cases, In cases, some the best cases, the way best thetoway besttoway to legitimized legitimized authority, legitimized authority, either authority, either a village aeither village institution a village institution institution strengthen strengthen rights strengthen rights is to rights isinform to inform isstakeholders to inform stakeholders stakeholders or theorgovernment. the or government. the government. RightsRights can take Rights canthe take can form the take form the form because because theybecause often they don’t often theyknow don’t oftenknow their don’trights. their knowrights. Atheir rights. A 1 1A 1 of ownership of ownership oforownership usage.” or usage.” or usage.” great great example example great of this example ofhas thisbeen of hasthis demonstrated been hasdemonstrated been demonstrated content/7735 content/7735 content/7735 by BRAC, by BRAC, the by pioneering BRAC, the pioneering the poverty pioneering poverty alleviation poverty alleviation alleviation Consider Consider theConsider situation the situation the a woman situation a woman might a woman might face ifface mightif face if W. Bruce’s W. Bruce’s W. concise Bruce’s concise paper, concise paper,paper, 2 John 2 John 2 John program program based program based in Bangladesh, based in Bangladesh, in Bangladesh, that runs that aruns that aruns a Collective Collective Action Collective Action and Action Property and Property and Rights Property RightsRights she lives she lives inshe a community inlives a community in a or community country or country with or country with with legal services legal services legal program services program which program which helps helps which to inform tohelps inform to inform for Sustainable for Sustainable for Sustainable Development Development Development (2004) (2004) is (2004) is is unclear unclear rights unclear rights to property. to rights property. to It isproperty. possible It is possible It that is possible that that women women and girls women andabout girls andabout their girlsrights. their aboutrights. their rights. an invaluable an invaluable anresource invaluable resource onresource theontopic. theon topic. the topic. legallylegally she might legally she might jointly she might jointly own jointly land own with land ownher with landher with her 3 As3 noted As3noted inAsOne noted in One Billion in Billion One Rising, Billion Rising, a Rising, a a husband, husband, buthusband, in but reality, in reality, but herinhusband reality, her husband her mayhusband not may not may not In other In other cases, In cases, other it is important cases, it is important it istoimportant understand to understand to understand 2009 2009 book 2009 book by Tim book by Tim Hanstad, by Hanstad, Tim Roy Hanstad, Roy Roy allow allow her toher make allow to make decisions her todecisions make about decisions about its use.its about This use.its This use. This how how community-based community-based how community-based rights rights differrights differ from,differ from, from, Prosterman, Prosterman, Prosterman, and and Robert Robert andMitchell Robert Mitchell Mitchell leavesleaves her powerless leaves her powerless herand powerless atand risk.atHer risk. andsituation at Her risk. situation Her situation support, support, or integrate support, or integrate or withintegrate formal with formal laws. with formal laws. In theInlaws. the Inexploring the exploring exploring law, law, land law, land and land and poverty poverty and poverty might might be improved be might improved beif improved her ifrelationship her relationship if her relationship to theto the to the alleviation. alleviation. alleviation. case case of a of forest case a forest ofpeople a forest people like people the like Dongria thelikeDongria the Dongria land island recognized is land recognized isand recognized enforceable. and enforceable. and enforceable. 7



Special Special Special Issue Issue Issue

A Primer A Primer A on Primer Property on Property on Property Rights Rights Rights

significant significant significant barrier, barrier, barrier, as the as the economic as economic the economic potenpotenpotenLastly, Lastly, Lastly, information information information is aiskey a iskey component a key component component to to into tointo collateral into collateral collateral to access to access to access bank bank loans bank loans and loans and and tial tial of land of tialland ofcan land can outweigh can outweigh outweigh thethe claims claims the claims made made made change change change thethe rights the rights equation rights equation equation for for thefor the poor. the poor. poor. start start new start new businesses. new businesses. businesses. by by native by native native peoples. peoples. peoples. TheThe Dongria The Dongria Dongria Kondh Kondh Kondh Data Data collection Data collection collection andand mapping and mapping mapping cancan provide can provide provide the won the battle the battle with battle with Vedanta, with Vedanta, Vedanta, butbut as but as landland as land sound sound sound records records records andand proof and proof of proof rights of rights of (read rights (read (read Lastly, Lastly, Lastly, many many many conflicts conflicts conflicts areare created are created created by by won bywon andand resources and resources resources become become become scarcer, scarcer, scarcer, wewe could could we could more more on more page on page on10). page 10). Peter 10). Peter Rabley, Peter Rabley, Rabley, President President President overlapping overlapping overlapping claims claims claims to land, to land, towhich land, which can which can lead can leadlead seesee outcomes see outcomes outcomes favor favor business favor business business instead instead instead of of of of of International International of International Land Land Systems Land Systems Systems explains, explains, explains, to human to human to human strife, strife, violence, strife, violence, violence, landland grabs, land grabs, grabs, andand and people. “When “When “When wewe areare we ableare able to able identify to identify to identify whowho people who people people population population population displacement. displacement. displacement. Respect Respect Respect for for people. forpeople. are,are, andare, and where and where they where they are, they are, it can are, it can be it can used be used beforused for property forproperty property rights rights can rights can contribute can contribute contribute to greater to greater to greater so so many so many many more more things…like more things…like things…like healthcare, healthcare, healthcare, peace peace and peace and stability. and stability. stability. Looking Looking Looking Ahead Ahead Ahead education. education. education. YouYou have You have tohave to know know to who know who and who and and While While the While the property-rights the property-rights property-rights arena arena has arena has long has longlong where where where people people people areare in are in order order in order to to attack attack to attack been been the been the domain domain the domain of international of international of international developdevelopdevelop“When “When “When weweare we areable are ableable to toidentify to identify identify poverty.” poverty.” poverty.” ment ment organizations ment organizations organizations andand governments, and governments, governments, a a a

who who people who people people are, are, and are, and where and where where they theythey newnewgeneration new generation generation of oforganizations of organizations organizations hashas has itare, can it can itbe can be used be used used forfor sofor so many so many many ForFor theFor the poor, the poor, arable poor, arable arable landland is,land according is, according is, according to to are, toare, started started started to engage to engage to engage in the in the work in the work by work by raising raising by raising more more more things things things .….… like.… like healthcare, like healthcare, healthcare, Agarwal, Agarwal, Agarwal, thethe“single the “single “single most mostmost important important important awareness, awareness, awareness, launching launching launching innovative innovative innovative source source source of security of security of security against against against poverty poverty poverty in rural in rural in rural education. education. education. You YouYou have have have to toknow to know know technologies, technologies, technologies, andand strategically and strategically strategically directing directing directing South South Asia, South Asia, even Asia, even if even itifceases it ceases if it ceases to be to be the tothe sole be sole the sole with withwith Matt MattMatt capital (see (see(see interview interview interview who whowho andandwhere and where where people people people areareinare in capital incapital 4 4 source source source of of livelihood livelihood of livelihood for for many.” for many.” many.” In4 In In Bannick, Bannick, Bannick, Omidyar Omidyar Omidyar Network Network Network on on next on nextnext order order order to to attack attack to attack poverty.” poverty.” poverty.” particular, particular, particular, strengthening strengthening strengthening rights rights for rights for poor for poorpoor

It isIt only isItonly isbyonly by bringing bringing by bringing thethe issue the issue ofissue of of page). page). page). women women women cancan have can have ahave catalytic a catalytic a catalytic effect. effect. effect. When When When property property property rights rights to rights the to the to top the top of top the of the of agenda the agenda agenda What What What areare the are the Barriers? the Barriers? Barriers? women women women have have secure have secure secure rights rights to rights land, to land, tothey land, theythey wethat we willwe will seewill see inclusive see inclusive inclusive economic economic economic andand and As As clear clear Asasclear as thethe as benefits the benefits benefits are,are, creating are, creating creating an an that anthat invest invest more invest more inmore nutrition in nutrition in nutrition andand education and education education for for for social social social development development development in emerging in emerging in emerging econoeconoeconoenabling enabling enabling property property property rights rights rights ecosystem ecosystem ecosystem their their children; their children; children; they they are they are more are more empowered more empowered empowered around mies around around thethe world. world. the world. requires requires requires patience. patience. patience. Affecting Affecting Affecting policy policy at policy the at the at mies themies in their in their inhousehold, their household, household, andand they and they are they are much are much less much lessless national national national level level requires level requires requires years years of years lobbying of lobbying of lobbying likely likely tolikely be to be victims to victims be victims of domestic of domestic of domestic abuse. abuse. abuse. In In In andand relationship and relationship relationship building. building. building. Changes Changes Changes thatthat arethat are are Agarwal. A Field A Field AofField One’s of One’s of One’s 4 4 Agarwal. 4 Agarwal. fact,fact, if women fact, if women if women in sub-Saharan in sub-Saharan in sub-Saharan Africa Africa were Africa werewere policy-focused policy-focused policy-focused involve involve involve years years and years and someand somesome- Own. Own. 1994. Own. 1994. 1994. given given equal given equal access equal access access to to land, land, to seeds land, seeds seeds andand and times times decades times decades decades of legal of legal ofand legal and social and social reform. social reform. reform. fertilizer, fertilizer, fertilizer, agricultural agricultural agricultural productivity productivity productivity could could could 5 5Africa 5 Commission Africa Africa Commission Commission Facts Facts and Facts and and Hanstad, Hanstad, Hanstad, President President President andand CEO and CEO ofCEO of of TimTim Tim 5 5 5 increase increase increase by by up up toby20%. toup20%. to 20%. Figures Figures Figures Landesa, Landesa, Landesa, explains, explains, explains, “Success “Success “Success is measured is measured is measured in decades. in decades. in decades. We We can’t We can’t expect can’t expect expect change change change to to to Positive Positive Positive Benefits Benefits Benefits to to to happen happen happen quickly. quickly. quickly. It’s It’s like It’slike banking likebanking banking Strengthening Strengthening Strengthening Rights Rights Rights reform…you’re reform…you’re reform…you’re never never never exactly exactly exactly done.” done.” done.” Beyond Beyond Beyond social social and social and gender and gender gender equality, equality, equality, grantgrantgrantMeanwhile, Meanwhile, Meanwhile, changing changing changing thethe way the way policy way policy policy is is is inging landing land tenure land tenure tenure cancan contribute can contribute contribute to sustainto sustainto sustainimplemented implemented implemented can can mean can mean mean working working working at at the the at the ableable agricultural able agricultural agricultural growth, growth, growth, climate climate climate change change change grassroots grassroots grassroots level level inlevel individual in individual in individual communities, communities, communities, resilience, resilience, resilience, andand economic and economic economic growth. growth. growth. Legally Legally Legally which which which requires requires requires in-depth in-depth in-depth local local knowledge local knowledge knowledge recognized recognized recognized landlandrights land rights rights helphelpfarmers help farmers farmers andandtrust. Addressing Addressing Addressing thethespecific thespecific specific increase increase increase their theirfinancial their financial financial stability stability stability andand and challenge challenge challenge of secure of secure of secure land land rights land rights for rights for women women for women reduce reduce reduce thethe likelihood the likelihood likelihood of urban of urban of migration urban migration migration means often means means alsoalso going also going against going against against cultural cultural cultural because because because they they are they are more are more likely more likely tolikely invest to invest to in invest in often inoften and and social and social norms. social norms. norms. thethe land. the land. Importantly, land. Importantly, Importantly, landland rights land rights rights cancan can TheThe commoditization The commoditization commoditization of land of land ofalso land also poses also poses aposes a a enable enable enable entrepreneurs entrepreneurs entrepreneurs to to transform transform to transform landlandland

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Through Through a Funder’s Through a Funder’s Lens a Funder’s Lens Lens

the the surplus surplus thefrom surplus from the from the landland the and and land improve improve and improve contrast, contrast, contrast, withwith an investment with an investment an investment areaarea likearea like like youryour economic your economic economic condition. condition. condition. YouYou havehave You a have amicrofinance, microfinance, a microfinance, you you can can you see see can the the impact see impact the impact stake stake in political stake in political instability. political stability. You stability. You become become You abecome amore more a immediately. more immediately. immediately. more more engaged more engaged engaged citizen. citizen. For citizen. For many, many, Foryou many, you you BP:BP: YouYou BP: mentioned You mentioned mentioned thatthat creatthat creatcreathavehave better have better marital better marital prospects. marital prospects. prospects. It’s social, It’s social, It’s social, ing ing inclusive inclusive ing inclusive property property property rights rights is rights a is a is a political, political, and political, and economic. economic. and economic.

Interview: Interview: Interview:

policy policy issue. policy issue. Isissue. itIsaitchallenge aIs challenge it a challenge to to to take take ontake on an an issue onissue anthat issue that is so that is sois so If you If you look Iflook you at conflict at look conflict ataround conflict around the around the world, world, the world, dependent dependent dependent upon upon government upon government government there thereisthere isfrequently frequently is frequently an anunderlying underlying an underlying legal legal systems, legal systems, systems, which which vary which vary from vary fromfrom country country country to country? to country? to country? element element element about about land. about land. In land. In Kenya, Kenya, In the Kenya, the the

Bannick: Bannick: Bannick: WithWith property property With property rights, rights, you rights, you havehave you have election election tension election tension was tension was based based wasonbased fundaon fundaon fundato focus to focus to on focus those on those on countries those countries countries or regions or regions or regions mental mental land mental land issues. issues. landInissues. the In the Middle InMiddle theEast, Middle East, East, Through Through Through a Funder’s a Funder’s a Funder’s Lens LensLens where political where political will political will exists exists willto exists improve to improve to improve there there arethere are obviously obviously are obviously landland issues. issues. landInissues. India, In India, In where India, Matt Matt Bannick, Matt Bannick, Bannick, Omidyar Omidyar Omidyar Network Network Network whether policy policy and policy and then then and identify identify then ways identify ways in which ways in which in which whether whether you you ownown you property own property property or not or not is or aisnot a is a you can can you support support can the support the policy policy thechange. policy change. change. It It It bigger bigger determinant bigger determinant determinant of poverty of poverty ofthan poverty than caste caste than you caste Advocacy Advocacy Advocacy organizations organizations organizations andand governand governgovernbut if you get the policy can can take take can time, time, take but time, if you but get if the you policy get the policy is. Around is. Around is.the Around the world, world, thewhether world, whether you whether you ownown you own ments ments have ments have worked have worked worked to reform to reform to reform propprop-propright, it can a tremendous impact. it can right, have ithave can a tremendous have a tremendous impact. impact. property property or property not or is not a or is major not a major is determinant a major determinant determinant of ofright, of ertyerty rights erty rights for rights for decades, decades, for decades, butbut it isitbut still is still itais astill a For ON, this is about policy, but it is also For ON, this For is ON, about this policy, is about but policy, it is also but it is also whether whether whether you you live live you in an in livean economically in economically an economically nascent nascent nascent sector sector for sector for impact impact for impact investors. investors. investors. an issue of policy implementation. ThereThere an issue of anpolicy issue implementation. of policy implementation. There secure way. secure way. way. Omidyar Omidyar Omidyar Network Network Network is aispioneer a pioneer is a pioneer in this in this insecure this are instances where the policy are instances are instances where the where policy the is policy inis in is in arena, arena, already arena, already already committing committing committing more more than more thanthan place, but itbut hasn’t been implemented place, butplace, it hasn’t itbeen hasn’t implemented been implemented US$20m US$20m US$20m to to support support to support organizations organizations organizations It’s It’s frustrating frustrating It’s frustrating and and baffling baffling and that baffling that people people that people thatthat help that help strengthen help strengthen strengthen property property property rights rights rights properly. properly. properly. don’tdon’t understand don’t understand understand howhow central central howthe central the issueissue the issue

around around around thethe world. the world. world. In In an an interview In interview an interview is. It gives is.people It gives people opportunity people opportunity opportunity and and freesfrees and frees with with Beyond with Beyond Beyond Profit, Profit, Profit, Matt Matt Bannick, Matt Bannick, Bannick, BP:BP: In this In BP:this portfolio, In portfolio, this portfolio, what what does what doesdoes the human the human thespirit. human spirit.spirit. success success success for for ONON for looklook ON like? look like?like? Managing Managing Managing Partner Partner of Partner Omidyar of Omidyar of Omidyar Network, Network, Network, explains explains explains whywhy property why property property rights rights are rights are vital vital are BP: vital Bannick: Bannick: Success Success Success is providing is providing is providing more moremore BP: Why Why BP: have Why have many have many funders many funders fundersBannick: to to creating creating to creating opportunity, opportunity, opportunity, stimulating stimulating stimulating secure secure land secure land rights rights land to rights poor to poor people to poor people and people and and traditionally traditionally traditionally stayed stayed away stayed away from away fromfrom economic economic economic growth, growth, growth, andand alleviating and alleviating alleviating thisthis area? area? this area? communities communities communities and and doing doing and it atdoing itscale. at scale. it at Land scale. Land Land poverty poverty poverty around around around thethe world. world. the world. Bannick: Bannick: Bannick: ThisThis issueissue This is frequently issue is frequently is frequently embedembedembedrights rights must rights must bemust be understood understood be understood as as a aas a

ded ded in ainpolicy ded a policy in process a policy process and process and there there and arethere are a acontinuum, are continuum, a continuum, starting starting from starting from highly highly from insecure, highly insecure, insecure, of lot funders ofthat funders that shy shy away thataway shy from away from inherfrom inher-inhershort-term short-term short-term rights rights andrights and moving moving andallmoving the all way theallway the way Beyond Beyond Beyond Profit Profit (BP): Profit (BP): Why (BP): Why was Why was it was it it lot oflotfunders political ently political issues. political issues. There issues. There is There also is also anis an also up to an uplegally to up legally to protected, legally protected, protected, secure secure and secure and longlongand longimportant important important for for Omidyar Omidyar for Omidyar Network Network Networkentlyently (ON) (ON) to(ON) focus to focus toonfocus on thisthis issue? on issue? this issue? assumption assumption assumption that that macro macro that issues macro issues should issues should beshould beterm be term rights. term rights. Success rights. Success for Success us for means usfor means usthat means that that Bannick: Bannick: Bannick: Omidyar Omidyar Omidyar Network Network focuses Network focuses on focuses creaton creaton creatleft left to the toleft the public topublic thesector. public sector. If sector. you If you look If look you at at look more at more people more people have people have greater have greater land greater land rights land rightsrights ing opportunity ing opportunity ing opportunity for the for the individual, forindividual, the individual, and and within within and within which which entities which entities have entities have engaged have engaged engaged in this in this area, inarea, this along area, along thatalong that continuum. continuum. that continuum. AndAnd we think we Andthink we thatthink that that that,that, creating that, creating creating access access toaccess capital. to capital. to For capital. For mostmost For itmost is itpredominantly is predominantly it is predominantly the the World World the Bank World Bank andBank andgiven and given ourgiven our investees' investees' our investees' workwork (Landesa work (Landesa (Landesa and and and people people inpeople the in world, theinworld, the property world, property property is the is best theisbest way the way bestUSAID—so way USAID—so USAID—so it can it can seem itseem can likeseem like more more like of amore of aFoundation of Foundation a Foundation for Ecological for Ecological for Ecological Security), Security), Security), we we we to access to access tocapital. access capital. capital. public public sector public sector undertaking. sector undertaking. undertaking. havehave the ability have the ability the to impact ability to impact to tens impact tens of millions of tens millions of millions of lives of lives with of lives with more with more secure more secure land secure land rights land rightsrights Property Property Property rights rights arerights are foundational. foundational. are foundational. If you If you have Ifhave you There have There is also There is also hesitancy ishesitancy also hesitancy because because success because success success overover the next the overnext ten theyears. ten nextyears. ten years. property property property there there arethere are a whole aare whole host a whole host of benefits of host benefits of benefits on an onissue anon issue such an issue such as property as such property as property rights rights often rights often often you you can can access. you access. canYou access. You can can You feedfeed can yourself, yourself, feed yourself, sell selltakes sell takes a while takes a while to a while be to demonstrated. betodemonstrated. be demonstrated. In In In 9 9


Special Issue


Leveraging Technology to Ensure Property Rights of the Poor

eldom do land ownership records exist for community and family-owned land in developing countries. These records often work against the poor even when there is documentation of land ownership. Illiteracy and a lack of awareness of their rights are just two of the challenges faced by the poor. Even those who do know their rights lack a voice and legal expertise to fight for their rights. They continue to remain poor because they lack assets to raise credit for productive activities.

Technology provides some of the solutions Technology can be leveraged to expedite and strengthen land reforms that focus on formal record creation and fair titling of land. Technology can provide geographic, demographic, and environmental information

Special Special Issue Special IssueIssue

Leveraging Leveraging Technology Leveraging Technology Technology

of of transactions, and where and and where there where there is nothere is urgency nois nourgency them easily themthem easily add easily inadd additional in add additional in data additional such dataas data suchsuch as transactions, asof transactions, ofurgency ensuring of ensuring offair ensuring land fairregistration. land fair land registration. registration. community community stitching stitching it together. stitching it together. itShe together. adds, She adds, SheFor adds, soil conditions, soil soil conditions, conditions, biodiversity, biodiversity, biodiversity, type type of type of ofcommunity this, Forthey this, Forneed this, theyto they need collect need to collect real-time to collect real-time land real-time land land “In rural “In rural “In areas, rural areas, transparency areas, transparency transparency can be can can be beinformation agricultural agricultural agricultural production, production, production, type oftype infrastructype of infrastrucof infrastrucinformation information using local usingusing resources. locallocal resources. resources. created created bycreated putting by putting by up putting boards up boards up withboards awith mapwith a map a map ture, health ture,ture, health care,health and care, available care, and available andcommunity available community community of theof areas, the of the areas, demarcating areas, demarcating demarcating boundaries. boundaries. boundaries. services. services. services. The The project The project also project also included also included included The poor Thehave poor The poor greater havehave greater access greater access to web access toand web to web and and This must This be This must backed must be backed be by backed updated by updated byrecords. updated records. records. low-level low-level training low-level training to training facilitate to facilitate totechnology facilitate technology technology mobilemobile technology mobile technology technology than ever than than before ever ever before andbefore and and The onus Theofonus The aggregating onus of aggregating of aggregating local land localownerlocal land land ownerownertransfer. transfer. transfer. can leverage can can leverage itleverage to itprovide toit provide to real-time provide real-time real-time ship ship information ship information information must must restmust with rest rest with the with the theimages images ofimages land of to land of local land to local governments. to local governments. governments. panchayat panchayat (village(village leaders) (village leaders) and leaders) must and and must mustGeospatial Participatory Participatory Participatory mapping mapping mapping using using GISusing by GIS GIS by bypanchayat Geospatial Geospatial information information information is vital is vital isfor vital for for travel bottom-up travel bottom-up bottom-up to the to taluk theto(district) taluk the taluk (district) and (district) and andeconomic specialists specialists specialists and local and and communities locallocal communities communities make make maketravel economic economic development, development, development, according according according to to to zilla levels. zilla levels. zilla Advocacy levels. Advocacy then Advocacy has then tothen has be about to has betoabout beDr.Hiroshi aboutDr.Hiroshi land registration land land registration registration and reforms and and reforms contextreforms contextcontextMurakami, Dr.Hiroshi Murakami, Murakami, vice president vice president viceofpresident the of theof the how to make how to make to representations make representations representations at theat the at thePermanent sensitive. sensitive. sensitive. Such Such mapping Such mapping mapping builds builds local builds local localhow Permanent Permanent Committee Committee Committee on Geospatial on on Geospatial Geospatial central government central government government levels levels to make levels to make ittoa make itInfrastructure a it aInfrastructure buy-inbuy-in andbuy-in ensures and and ensures fair, ensures equitable fair, fair, equitable and equitable and andcentral Infrastructure Asia Asia Pacific Asia Pacific (PCGIAP). Pacific (PCGIAP). (PCGIAP). clear deliverable clearclear deliverable deliverable of the of panchayats. theofpanchayats. the panchayats.Affordability sustainable sustainable sustainable resource-management resource-management resource-management decisions. decisions. decisions. Affordability Affordability and adaptability, and adaptability, and adaptability, or sensitivor sensitivor sensitivGiven Given that Given most that rural that mostmost land ruralrural inland developing land in developing in developing ity to local ity toity context, local to local context, arecontext, key arerequirements key are requirements key requirements is “There a need is a isneed toa incentivize need to incentivize to incentivize formalformal formal countries countries is countries commonly is commonly is commonly owned,owned, GIS owned, isGIS “There GIS is is“There for developing for for developing developing country country governments country governments governments registered registered registered land land transactions. land transactions. transactions. Informal Informal Informal increasingly increasingly increasingly being used beingbeing inused parcel used in parcel mapping. in parcel mapping. mapping. when investing whenwhen investing ininvesting spatial in spatial technology. in spatial technology. technology. transactions transactions transactions abound abound because abound because of because high of high of high Policy, Policy, mapping, Policy, mapping, mapping, and andand registration, registration, registration, fees fees and fees and tedious, and tedious, time tedious, time timeUrban Urban andUrban rural andcommunities rural and rural communities communities can play cananplay can play an an technology technology technology consuming consuming consuming processes.” processes.” processes.” active active roleactive in rolethe role in mapping the in the mapping process, mapping process, process, Swati Swati Ramanathan, Swati Ramanathan, Ramanathan, co-founder co-founder co-founder of Janaaof Janaaof Janaaprovided provided they provided have they they the haveright have the technology right the right technology technology forward Way forward forward graha,graha, a not-for-profit graha, a not-for-profit a not-for-profit organization organization organization that isthatWay is that isWay and guidance. and guidance. and guidance. trying trying to change trying to change to thechange way thepolicy way the way policy is develpolicy is develisCorruption devel-Corruption Corruption in landinownership land in land ownership ownership and registraand registraand registraoped and opedimplemented oped and and implemented implemented thoughthough advocacy though advocacy advocacy tion is tion oftenistion at often the is often core at theat ofcore the poverty core of poverty issues of poverty issues in issues in in and citizen’s and and citizen’s empowerment, citizen’s empowerment, empowerment, says says that says that densely thatdensely populated densely populated populated developing developing developing countries. countries. countries. ByGanesh, Usha Ganesh, SeniorSenior Associate, Intellecap Usha By Usha Senior Ganesh, Associate, Intellecap Associate, Intellecap there isthere a need there is ato need israise a need toawareness raise to raise awareness awareness of landof land Governments of landGovernments Governments must become mustmust become aware become aware of the aware of the ofBythe rights,rights, andrights, this andcan and thisbecan this done be canusing done be done using socialusing socialsocial networks networks and networks communication and and communication communication tools tools like tools like like mash-ups, mash-ups, mash-ups, crowd-sourcing, crowd-sourcing, crowd-sourcing, and other and and otherother engagement engagement engagement devices. devices. devices. Local Local community Local community community organizations organizations organizations can also can can also also play a play role play ainrole organizing a in role organizing in organizing community community community mem- memmembers and bersengaging bers and and engaging them engaging in them thethem inmapping thein mapping the mapping process. process. Ramanathan process. Ramanathan Ramanathan says, says, “Maps says, “Maps must “Maps mustmust be made be made into be made a into public into a public good, a public good, withgood, public with with publicpublic ownership.” ownership.” ownership.” Stressing Stressing Stressing the need the the need for need transparency, for for transparency, transparency, Ramanathan Ramanathan Ramanathan says that saysspatial says that that spatial technology spatial technology technology is critical is critical inisurban critical in urban areas, in urban areas, which areas, which experience which experience experience Credit: By Credit: Sudhamshu Credit: By Sudhamshu Byvia Sudhamshu Flickrvia Flickr via Flickr migration migration and migration a and higher aand higher number a higher number and number value and value andMaps value created MapsMaps created through created through the use through the of GIS use thetechnology ofuse GISoftechnology GIScan technology be can leveraged becan leveraged be toleveraged strengthen to strengthen toland strengthen reforms. land reforms. land reforms. 11

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Feature Feature Feature

Hand Hand Hand ininHand: inHand: Hand: The The Linkages The Linkages Linkages between between between Poverty, Poverty, Poverty, Women, Women, Women, and and Property and Property Property Rights Rights Rights Holistic Holistic Holistic poverty poverty poverty alleviation alleviation alleviation cannot cannot cannot be approached be approached be approached without without without tackling tackling tackling the the the issue issue ofissue property of property of property rights. rights. Property rights. Property Property rights rights cannot rights cannot cannot be approached be approached be approached withwith-withoutout talking talking out talking about about women. about women. women.

Delinking Delinking Delinking gender gender equality gender equality equality goals goals from goals fromfrom those those of those poverty of poverty of eradication poverty eradication eradication makes makes develmakes develdevelopment opment initiatives opment initiatives initiatives uni-dimensional. uni-dimensional. uni-dimensional. Women Women Women are are becoming becoming are becoming poorer poorer the poorer the world world theover world over as over as as menmen advance men advance advance due due to their to due their lack to their lack of access of lack access oftoaccess to to economic economic economic opportunities, opportunities, opportunities, landland ownership, land ownership, ownership, and and credit. credit. and credit. TheyThey doThey do not do not participate not participate participate in in decision decision in decision making, making, making, and and are are and at aat are higher a at higher arisk higher risk of social of risksocial of social discrimination discrimination discrimination and and exclusion. and exclusion. exclusion. Among Among the Among the the poor, poor, increasingly, poor, increasingly, increasingly, menmen aremen are moving moving are on moving to on toon to Credit: Credit: By Meena Credit: By Meena Kadri By Meena Kadri Kadri non-farm non-farm non-farm activities, activities, activities, while while women while women cultivate women cultivate cultivate The potential The potential Theofpotential women of women oftowomen contribute to contribute to contribute fully fully to society tofully society to is society constrained is constrained is constrained by illiteracy, by illiteracy, by lack illiteracy, lack of awareness oflack awareness of awareness of of of crops crops and crops and tendand tend to tend farms. to farms. to They farms. They become They become become rights, rights, andrights, lack and lack ofand resources. oflack resources. of resources. members members members of self-help of self-help of self-help groups groups and groups and engage engage and engage social asset. It provides withfor their rights. Social biases within and and social and asset. social It asset. provides It provides themthem with them withfor theirfor rights. their Social rights. biases Social within biases within in productive in productive in productive non-farm non-farm non-farm activities, activities, activities, but their but their but their a place to live, allows them to engage incommunities families a fear of of a place to a place live, allows to live, them allows to them engage to in engage incommunities communities and and families and families and and a fear and ofa fear income income income and and assets and assets are assets are owned are owned owned and and and economic, social, and cultural activities, losing their only support system whenwhen economic, economic, social, and social, cultural and cultural activities, activities, losing their losing only their support only support system system when controlled controlled controlled by men. by men. byIndeed, men. Indeed, Indeed, women women women are are are make decisions raise collateral fight them also constrains women. make decisions make decisions and and raise and collateral raise collateral for forthey forthey fightthey them fight also them constrains also constrains women. women. considered considered considered assets assets byassets men, by men, by a belief men, a belief further a belief further further credit. Prevailing patriarchal systems credit. credit. Prevailing Prevailing patriarchal patriarchal systems systems underscored underscored underscored by customary by customary by customary lawslaws in most laws in most in most ensure that athat woman’s to land is tiedisWomen’s landlessness to ensure that ensure a woman’s a woman’s rightright to land right istotied land tiedWomen’s Women’s landlessness landlessness due due to due landland to land communities communities communities in developing in developing in developing countries. countries. countries. to that of her brother, spouse, family members to that ofto her that father, of father, herbrother, father, brother, spouse, spouse, or orgrabbing orgrabbing grabbing by by malemale byfamily male members family members is is is common across Asia and Africa. A widow at various stages of her TheyThey son son at various son at various stages ofstages her life. of life. her They life. common common across Asia across andAsia Africa. andAAfrica. widow A widow Patriarchal Patriarchal Patriarchal system system system andand customand customcustompermit only limited ownership of land, and does not have rights to the land owned by by permit only permit limited only ownership limited ownership of land, and of land, does and not does have not rights have to rights the land to the owned land by owned aryarylaws arylawslaws increase increase increase women’s women’s women’s limited or role noor role in economic decision husband -- the holds ittrust in trust limited or limited no no in economic role in economic decision decision her her husband her husband -- the family -- family theholds family it in holds it in trust vulnerability vulnerability vulnerability Women constrained for her making. Women Women are are constrained are constrained by byforby her children. forchildren. her children. LandLand ownership Land ownership ownership becomes becomes becomes important important important for formaking. formaking. illiteracy a lack of awareness aboutabout illiteracy illiteracy and and a lack and ofa awareness lack of awareness about the the poorpoor theand poor and particularly and particularly particularly poorpoor women poor women women rights and of resources to fight this isthis just way of grabbing theirtheir rights their and rights lacklack and of resources lack of resources to fight to Often, fightOften, this Often, is just oneisone more just more one way more of grabbing way of grabbing because because because landland is often land is often their is often their onlytheir only economic only economic economic 12 12 12

Special Special Issue Special Issue Issue

Linkages Linkages between Linkages between Poverty, between Poverty, Women, Poverty, Women, and Women, Property and Property andRights Property Rights Rights

Advocacy Advocacy has has significant has significant significant potential potential potential to to to land. land. Subsistence land. Subsistence Subsistence farming farming barely farming barely feeds barely feeds feedsBina Bina Agarwal, Bina Agarwal, Agarwal, Director Director and Director Professor and and Professor Professor of of ofAdvocacy engender engender engender harmonization harmonization harmonization of legal of of legal andlegal and and the family, the family, the and family, men and and often menmen often migrate often migrate tomigrate cities to cities toEconomics, citiesEconomics, Economics, Institute Institute of Institute Economic of Economic of Economic Growth, Growth, Growth, customary customary laws. laws. Swati laws. Swati Ramanathan, Swati Ramanathan, Ramanathan, in search in search in ofsearch work. of work. of Societal work.Societal Societal rules rules andrules and in and herin widely her in her widely cited widely cited paper, cited paper, “Are paper, “Are We “Are Not We We Not Notcustomary co-founder co-founder co-founder of Janaagraha, of Janaagraha, of Janaagraha, a not-for-profit a not-for-profit a not-for-profit religious religious religious and social and and social sanctions social sanctions sanctions permitpermit and permit and andPeasants Peasants Peasants Too?”Too?” differentiates Too?” differentiates differentiates between between between organization organization organization that isthat trying that is trying is to trying change to change to the change the the even even encourage even encourage encourage the eviction the eviction theofeviction wives of wives and of wives and andlegal legal andlegal social and and social recognition social recognition recognition of women’s of women’s of women’s way policy wayway policy is developed policy is developed is developed and implemented and and implemented implemented children children left children behind left left behind bybehind migrant by migrant by workers migrant workers workers rightsrights to rights land, to land, and to land, between and and between between recognition recognition recognition though though advocacy though advocacy advocacy and citizen’s and and citizen’s empowercitizen’s empowerempowerand the and and forced the the forced removal forced removal removal of abandoned of abandoned of abandoned and enforcement. and and enforcement. enforcement. She writes SheShe writes thatwrites effective that that effective effective ment,ment, emphasizes ment, emphasizes emphasizes the need the the need for need building for for building building women women and women widows. and and widows. widows. and independent and and independent independent land land rights land rights forrights women for for women women awareness awareness among among women. among women. women. She She says, She says, says, deliver deliver welfare, deliver welfare, welfare, efficiency, efficiency, efficiency, equality, equality, equality, and and andawareness LandLand reforms Land reforms reforms perpetrate perpetrate perpetrate gender gender gender “There “There is“There a need is aisneed for a need champions for for champions champions for this for for this this empowerment empowerment empowerment benefits. benefits. benefits. For many For For many years, many years, years, bias bias in land bias in land ownership in land ownership ownership movement. movement. movement. Awareness Awareness Awareness and education and and education education on on on Agarwal Agarwal has Agarwal been has has been writing been writing about writing about andabout advoand and advoadvoAfrican African and African Asian and and Asian countries Asian countries countries are increasare are increasincreasproperty property rightsrights canrights be can built can beusing built be built using different using different different catingcating forcating women-only for women-only for women-only collectives collectives collectives that can that that can canproperty ingly ingly insisting ingly insisting on insisting formal on formal onregistration formal registration registration and and and communication communication communication tools,tools, and tools, and linking and linking to linking to to pool pool small pool small plots small plots of plots land, of land, of or land, collectively or collectively or collectively titling.titling. Buttitling. titling But But titling is often titling is often in is favor often in favor of in favor theof the of the broader government broader government government literacy literacy platforms.” literacy platforms.” platforms.” lease lease or own lease or land own or own to land leverage land to leverage to leverage benefits benefits of benefits of ofbroader male,male, with male, the withwith woman’s the the woman’s woman’s security security tied security totied tied to to credit,credit, irrigation, credit, irrigation, irrigation, and high-level and and high-level high-level farming farming farming and assured and and assured through assured through her through family. her her family. Entitled family. Entitled Entitled Like Ramanathan, LikeLike Ramanathan, Ramanathan, Agarwal Agarwal Agarwal also emphaalsoalso emphaemphatechniques. techniques. techniques. individuals individuals individuals then then sell then the sell land sell the the land while land while thewhile the the sizes sizes the need sizes the need to theraise need to raise the to bar raise thefor bar the efforts bar for efforts for to efforts to to family, family, which family, which hitherto which hitherto hitherto had had collectively had collectively collectively"True "True development-oriented "True development-oriented development-oriented improve improve awareness improve awareness awareness aboutabout women’s about women’s women’s rightsrights rights owned owned and owned worked and and worked on worked the on land, the on the land, is left land, is left is left property. to property. to property. She says, SheShe says, “There says, “There is “There a need is a need is fora need for for landland reforms land reforms reforms mustmust ensure must ensure ensure that thattothat landless landless and landless poor. and and poor. poor. mechanisms to raise to raise awareness to raise awareness awareness among among among women's women's women's names names names are are placed are placed placed on onmechanisms onmechanisms women women ofwomen their of legal their of their rights legallegal rights andrights allow and and allow them allow themthem landland records landrecords records and and inheritance andinheritance inheritance Even Even as countries Even as countries as countries are addressing are are addressing addressing gender gender gender access access toaccess legal to aid. legal to legal There aid. aid. There is also There isaalso need is also a need toa need to to equality equality equality by amending by by amending amending legal legal laws legal laws on laws on onrights rights ofrights women of women of women and and widows and widows widows are areraise areraise awareness raise awareness awareness levelslevels among levels among legal among legallegal ownership ownership ownership and inheritance, and and inheritance, inheritance, socialsocial and social and andestablished established established and and accepted." and accepted." accepted." professionals professionals professionals and and the and bureaucracy the the bureaucracy bureaucracy of of of customary customary customary laws impede lawslaws impede their impede implementatheirtheir implementaimplementawomen’s women’s women’s rightsrights to property.” rights to property.” to property.” Advocacy Advocacy Advocacy to to to tion, monitoring tion,tion, monitoring monitoring and enforcement. and and enforcement. enforcement. WhileWhile While raise awareness, raise awareness, awareness, legal legal reforms legal reforms reforms wherewhere where Elaborating Elaborating Elaborating aboutabout farmers’ about farmers’ collectives farmers’ collectives collectives and and andraise manymany laws many strive lawslaws strive notstrive tonot discriminate, to notdiscriminate, to discriminate, they theythey needed, and needed, social and and social reforms social reforms to reforms change to change tothe change the the why why theywhy they would they would work would work even work even better even better with better with withneeded, fall short fall short of fallactively short of actively ofencouraging actively encouraging encouraging women’s women’s women’s wayway women and women their and and their rights their rights to rights property to property to property women, women, she women, says, she she says, “Women says, “Women “Women tend to tend work tend to work to way workwomen rights.rights. Often rights. Often at odds Often at odds with at odds customary withwith customary customary law, law,law, are viewed are are viewed will viewed gowill a long will go ago way long a long to way help way topoor help to help poorpoor well well in groups. well in groups. in Interdependence groups. Interdependence Interdependence couldcould could they need theythey need to be need to harmonized betoharmonized be harmonized if theyif are they if to they are are to to women women lead women more leadlead more secure more secure lives. secure lives. lives. emerge emerge as emerge a result as aas result ofapoverty result of poverty ofand poverty marginand and marginmarginhave have anyhave teeth. any any teeth. Advocacy teeth. Advocacy Advocacy and education and and education education alization; alization; alization; it could it could also it could emerge alsoalso emerge as emerge a way as aas way a way to to to aboutabout women’s about women’s women’s rightsrights canrights supplement can can supplement supplement the the the By Usha By Ganesh, Usha By Usha Ganesh, Ganesh, achieve achieve higher achieve higher value higher value farming. value farming. farming. Pooling Pooling isPooling is is SeniorSenior Associate, Senior Associate, Associate, Intellecap Intellecap Intellecap efforteffort to make effort to make to customary make customary customary and state and and state lawsstate lawslaws good good when good when there when there is high there ispoverty high is high poverty and poverty small and and small small work work together. work together. together. sizes sizes of farms. sizes of farms. of The farms. smallness The The smallness smallness of landholdof landholdof landholdings does ings ings does not enable does not enable not these enable these women these women to women take to take to take Potential Potential Potential solutions solutions solutions advantage advantage advantage of high of ofhigh value highvalue farming valuefarming farming True True development-oriented True development-oriented development-oriented land reforms landland reforms reforms techniques techniques techniques or even or or even irrigation even irrigation irrigation or soil or or soil soil must must ensure must ensure that ensure women’s that that women’s women’s names names are names are are conservation.” conservation.” conservation.” Her Her paper, Her paper, “Rethinking paper, “Rethinking “Rethinking placedplaced onplaced land on land on records land records and records inheritance and and inheritance inheritance Agricultural Agricultural Agricultural Production Production Production Collectivities,” Collectivities,” Collectivities,” rightsrights ofrights women of of women women and and widows and widows widows are are are describes describes describes several several successful several successful successful and scalable and and scalable scalable established established established and accepted. and and accepted. accepted. casescases in South cases in South Asia. in South Asia.Asia.

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Special Special Issue Special IssueIssue

Data: Data: Data: Land Land Land and and and Poverty Poverty Poverty By By thethe numbers By numbers the numbers Country Country Country GiniGini coefficients Gini coefficients coefficients

>> 25% >> 25% :>>Percentage :25% Percentage : Percentage of the of the world’s ofworld’s the 1.1 world’s 1.1 1.1 poor poor people poor people who people who arewho are landless landless are landless billion billion billion (Rural (Rural Poverty (Rural Poverty Portal) Poverty Portal)Portal)

0.80 0.80

trillion: trillion: The trillion: The totaltotal The value value total of value of 0.70 of 0.70 >> US >> US >> $9.3 $9.3 US $9.3 realreal estate estate real held estate held but but not heldnot legally butlegally notowned legally owned byowned by by 0.60 0.60 the the poorpoor the of the poor of the Third ofThird the World Third World and World and former former and former 0.50 0.50 communist communist communist nations nations (Hobday nations (Hobday (Hobday & Perini, & Perini, & Perini, 0.40 0.40 2006) 2006)2006) 0.30 0.30

69% 69% : The :69% : amount The amount The of amount variation of variation of variation in in in >> >> >> 0.20 0.20 poverty poverty poverty levels levels among levels among 21 among 21 developing developing 21 developing countries countries countries in ainstudy a in study that a study that compared compared that compared the the 0.10 the 0.10 0.00 0.00 relationship relationship relationship between between between landland concentration land concentration concentration and and lacklack of andland oflack land access of access landinaccess these in these countries in these countries countries (Mitchell (Mitchell (Mitchell & Hanstad, & Hanstad, & Hanstad, 2007) 2007)2007)

The The GiniThe Gini coefficient Gini coefficient coefficient is is an anis an economic economic economic indicator indicator indicator measuring measuring measuring the the degree degree the of degree of inequality inequality of inequality of of of income income distribution income distribution distribution in a in country. a country. in a country. ZeroZero represents Zero represents represents totaltotal equality total equality equality while while one while one represents one represents represents totaltotal total inequality. inequality. inequality. For For example, example, For example, a look a looka look at the at the graph atgraph the below graph below shows below shows that shows that that Argentina Argentina Argentina has has a Gini ahas Gini coefficient acoefficient Gini coefficient of 0.85, of 0.85, indicating of 0.85, indicating indicating a high a high level alevel high of of level of inequal inequal inequal income income income distribution distribution distribution among among itsamong population. its population. its population.

0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 0.35 0.35 0.85 0.85 0.350.85 0.41 0.850.41 0.37 0.850.37 0.59 0.410.59 0.46 0.370.46 0.49 0.590.49 0.46 0.49

DataData Source: Source: Data Source: The World The World The BankWorld Bank and the and Bank FAO theand FAO the FAO

Democratic Democratic Democratic Republic Republic Republic Algeria AlgeriaAlgeria Argentina Argentina Argentina BrazilBrazil China Brazil China China of Congo of Congo of Congo

million 40: million Number : Number : Number of people of people ofwho people who who >> 40 >> 40 >>million depend depend on depend India’s on India’s onforest India’s forest areas forest areas forareas for theirtheir for theirIndiaIndia livelihoods livelihoods livelihoods (Reuters) (Reuters) (Reuters)

Indonesia IndiaIndonesia Indonesia Mexico MexicoMexico

Number of people (in millions)

Number of people (in millions)

Number of people (in millions)

90 90 million 90 : million : Number : Number Number of people of people of inpeople inTotal in landholders >> >> >> million Total Total landholders landholders western western western and and middle middle and Africa middle Africa who Africa who live who live in inlive in total versus versus versus total population total population population ruralrural areas rural areas andareas and depend depend andon depend land on land for on their for landtheir for their livelihoods livelihoods livelihoods (Rural (Rural Poverty (Rural Poverty Portal) Poverty Portal)Portal)

14.37% 14.37%14.37% ChinaChina China

1200 1200 1200

9.99%9.99% 9.99% IndiaIndia India

1000 8.84%8.84% 8.84% Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia


10.64% 10.64%10.64% Mexico MexicoMexico


400 400


200 200


28.15 million km² million km² : The : km² The amount : amount The ofamount of of >> 28.15 >> 28.15 >>million landland used land used byused by ruralrural by populations rural populations populations in in in 0.00 0.00 21.71% 21.71% of of low-income low-income low-income countries countries countries – that – that is 21.71% –isthat is of totaltotal world world total land world land usage usage land (World usage (World Bank, (World Bank, 2006) Bank, 2006)2006)

0.00 34.9 34.9 40.3 34.940.3 1346 40.31346 1198 13461198 230 1198230 1


23042.3 42.3

0.2 1 0.2 193.5 0.2193.5 119.6 193.5119.6 20.3 119.620.3

20092009 Population 2009 Population Population (in millions) (in millions) (in millions) TotalTotal numbers Total numbers numbers of landholders of landholders of landholders (in millions) (in millions) (in millions)

0.50%0.50% 0.50% Argentina Argentina Argentina

1400 1400 1400

1,801: The number number The of number conflicts of conflicts of over conflicts over over >> 1,801: >> 1,801: >> The landland between land between between small small farmers small farmers farmers and and largelarge and large1000 1000 landholders landholders landholders in the in the Amazon in Amazon the Amazon in 2004, in 2004, inan2004, an an 800 800 increase increase increase fromfrom 1,690 from 1,690 in 1,690 2003 in 2003 and in 2003 and 925925 and in in 925 in 600 600 20022002 ( 2002 ( (

14 14

2.93%2.93% 2.93% Algeria AlgeriaAlgeria


4.45 4.45 20.3


DataData Source: Source: Data Source: The World The World The BankWorld Bank and and Bank and the FAO the FAO the FAO

Special Special Issue Special IssueIssue

Data Data Data

Case Case Case study: study: study: women’s women’s women’s inheritance inheritance inheritance rights rights rights desh or Nepal: desh or Nepal: ortheNepal: latter the latter the twolatter countries two two countries countries Acknowledging Acknowledging Acknowledging women’s women’s women’s rightsrights is rights anis an is andesh allowallow for unmarried allow for unmarried for unmarried daughters daughters daughters to inherit to inherit ato inherit a a important important important facet facet of facet poverty of poverty of alleviation. poverty alleviation. alleviation. share of land share ofequal land of land equal to unmarried equal to unmarried to unmarried sons, sons, but sons, but but SinceSince women Since women are women often are often are responsible often responsible responsible for for forshare the daughter’s the daughter’s the daughter’s shareshare is forfeited share is forfeited iswhen forfeited when she when she she food food production, food production, production, ensuring ensuring ensuring land land rights land rights rights marries marries into marries another into another intofamily. another family. India family. India has four India has four has four security security for security women for women forcontributes women contributes contributes to gender to gender to gender inheritance inheritance inheritance laws laws thatlaws are that that communityare are communitycommunityequality equality and equality poverty and and poverty reduction. poverty reduction. reduction. Studies Studies Studies specific, and specific, three and and three of them three of them give of them widows give give widows widows have have concluded have concluded concluded that when that that when women when women have women have havespecific, and daughters and and daughters daughters an equal, an equal, an if not equal, if greater, notif greater, not greater, secure secure rights secure rights to rights land, to land, to family land, family nutrition family nutrition nutrition share of property share of property ofrelative property relative torelative sons. to sons. to sons. improves, improves, improves, children children are children more are are more likely more likely to likely to toshare receive receive a receive decent a decent education, a decent education, education, and women and and women women How can Howinheritance How can inheritance can inheritance laws promote lawslaws promote female promote female female have have better have better access better access to credit. access to credit. to credit. land ownership? land land ownership? ownership? A government A government A government must must first must first first examine its examine pro-women its pro-women its pro-women laws laws and laws their and and their their Land Land has Land an has inherent an hasinherent anmonetary inherent monetary monetary value,value, as value, as asexamine rates of success. rates of success. of Itsuccess. is only It is Itonly after is only after underafter underunderwell well as well socio-economic as socio-economic as socio-economic value.value. Land value. Land Landrates standing how standing laws how are how lawsimplemented laws are implemented are implemented that athat athat a allocation, allocation, allocation, inheritance inheritance inheritance and ownership and ownership and ownership are are arestanding government government government can can look can look at land look at land tenure at land tenure tenure typically typically closed typically closed to closed women to women toinwomen traditional in traditional in traditional security security with security awith gender with a gender lens. a gender lens. In supporting lens. In supporting In supporting societies. societies. societies. Women Women are Women therefore are therefore are therefore isolated isolated isolated women women landowners women landowners landowners and producers, and and producers, producers, the the the from from community from community community planning planning and planning decisionand and decisiondecisiongovernment government government shouldshould create should create inclusive create inclusive policy, inclusive policy, policy, making. making. Generally making. Generally Generally in patriarchal in patriarchal in patriarchal societies societies societies and ensure and ensure and that ensure itthat is implemented that it is implemented it is implemented acrossacross across withinwithin developing within developing developing countries, countries, countries, women women have women have have and regions social and social and strata social strata withstrata the withhelp with the of help the help of of limited limited rights limited rights unless rights unless byunless way by way ofbya way of male a ofmale aregions maleregions localbeorganizations. locallocal organizations. organizations. relative—and relative—and relative—and even even then,even then, rights then, rights canrights be can can be temporary temporary temporary and arbitrary. and arbitrary. and arbitrary.

Female Female Female landholders landholders landholders

In South In South Asia, In South Asia, it isAsia, highly it is ithighly probable is highly probable that probable that that inheritance inheritance inheritance is theis means the is the means bymeans which by which bya which a a woman woman gains woman gains property gains property rights. property rights. It rights. is Itnotis Itnot is not straightforward straightforward straightforward though: though: inheritance though: inheritance inheritance laws lawslaws for women for women forare women often are often are drafted often drafted with drafted other with with otherother socialsocial factors social factors in factors mind, in mind, such in mind, such as having such as having asa having a a dowrydowry at dowry marriage at marriage at marriage or marital or marital orproperty marital property property practices. practices. practices. All South All South All Asian South Asian countries Asian countries have countries havehave a battery a battery aofbattery laws of laws covering of laws covering how covering property how how property property shouldshould be should divided be divided beamong divided among surviving among surviving heirs, surviving heirs,heirs, male male and female, male and female, andin female, theinevent theinevent the thatevent athat male athat male a male property-holder property-holder property-holder dies. dies.dies.

AlgeriaAlgeria Algeria Argentina Argentina Argentina Democratic Democratic Republic Democratic Republic Republic of Congo of Congo of Congo India India India Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia

0.24% 0.24%0.24% 0.18% 0.18%0.18% 21.60%21.60% 21.60% 2.24% 2.24%2.24% 1.56% 1.56%1.56% Data Source: Data Source: Data Source:

Percentage Percentage of female of female of population female population population India’sIndia’s inheritance India’s inheritance inheritance laws laws arelaws are more are moremore Percentage are who landholders are are landholders landholders equitable equitable equitable relative relative torelative thetolaws the to laws of theBanglalaws of Banglaof Bangla- who who

By Nisha By Kumar Nisha By Nisha Kumar Kulkarni, Kumar Kulkarni, Kulkarni, Senior Senior Associate, Senior Associate, Intellecap Associate, Intellecap Intellecap 15 15 15

SpecialSpecial Issue Special IssueIssue

Innovative Innovative Innovative Entries Entries Entries andand Ideas and Ideas Ideas Over 200 Over people Over 200 from people 200 47 people from different from 47 different countries 47 different countries submitted countries submitted entries submitted to entries theentries Property to thetoProperty the Rights: Property Rights: Identity, Rights: Identity, Dignity Identity, Dignity & Opportunity Dignity & Opportunity & Opportunity for All competition. for All forcompetition. All competition. The range Theofrange The entries range of was entries ofimpressive, entries was impressive, wasfrom impressive, idea from stage from ideatostage idea full-fledged stage to full-fledged toorganizations full-fledged organizations organizations already already impacting already impacting thousands impacting thousands ofthousands people. of people. Voting of people. and Voting judging Voting and judging and judging won’t bewon’t completed won’t be completed beuntil completed February until February until 2011, February at2011, which 2011, attime which atthree which timewinners three time three winners will be winners announced. will be will announced. beIn announced. the meantime, In theInmeantime, theBeyond meantime, Beyond ProfitBeyond has Profit selected Profit has selected has a handful selected a handful a handful of innovative of innovative of and innovative thoughtful and thoughtful and approaches thoughtful approaches to approaches illustrate to illustrate the to breadth illustrate the breadth and the depth breadth andofdepth and solutions depth of solutions submitted of solutions submitted bysubmitted changemakers by changemakers by changemakers from around from from around the world. around the world. the world.

Most Most Climate Most Climate Conscious: Climate Conscious: Conscious: addressaddress rights rights these rights of peoples, these of these peoples, this peoples, Colombian this this Colombian Colombian biodiversity address biodiversity biodiversity loss and loss loss global and and global globalof Chocó-Darién Chocó-Darién Chocó-Darién Conservation Conservation Conservationclimateclimate region region known region known as known theasChocó the as the Chocó canChocó becan can be be change. climate change. Thechange. project The project The will project generate will generate will generate Corridor Corridor (Colombia) Corridor (Colombia) (Colombia) nurtured nurtured and and and preserved. preserved. preserved. revenue revenue linked revenue linked to the linked tocarbon the to carbon the value carbon of valuevalue of ofnurtured conservation conservation conservation and reforestation and and reforestation reforestation activities activities activities Will itWill work? Will it work? it work? by solidifying by by solidifying solidifying government government government structures, structures, structures, The project The The project hasproject already has has already invested already invested US invested US US developing developing developing existingexisting land existing titles, land land resolving titles,titles, resolving resolving in$220,000 seven in collective seven in seven collective landholders: collective landholders: landholders: and preventing and preventing and preventing land disputes, land land disputes, and disputes, impleand impleand$220,000 imple-$220,000 thesethese collectives are collectives undergoing are undergoing are undergoing certificacertificacertificamentingmenting livelihood menting livelihood alternatives. livelihood alternatives. alternatives. these collectives tion to ation leading to tion a leading tocarbon a leading carbon standard carbon standard to standard annuto annuto annually reduce ally ally reduce carbon reduce carbon emissions carbon emissions emissions startingstarting starting Why is Why it Why important? is it isimportant? it important? 1, January 2011. 1, The 2011. 1, 2011. project The The project will project teach will teach will teach TropicalTropical deforestation Tropical deforestation deforestation accounts accounts foraccounts 18%for of18% forJanuary 18% of ofJanuary communities communities how tohow monitor how to monitor and to monitor manage and manage and manage global global greenhouse global greenhouse greenhouse gas emissions, gas emissions, gas emissions, which which whichcommunities common common pool common resources. pool pool resources. It resources. will also It will underIt also will underalso underis more is than more is all more than the than all world’s the all world’s the cars, world’s trucks, cars, cars, trucks, trucks, (Credit: luis (Credit: perez) (Credit: luis perez) luis perez) take activities take take activities eligible activities eligible for eligible carbon for carbon for credits, carbon credits, credits, trains trains and trains planes. and and planes. In planes. Latin In America, Latin In Latin America, America, What’s What’s the What’s big theidea? the big big idea? idea? as most wellas aswell astapwell asinto tap as additional tap into into additional carbon additional carbon carbon Colombia Colombia has Colombia instituted has instituted hassome instituted of some thesome most of theofmost the Over 10% OverofOver 10% the world’s 10% of theofworld’s the plant world’s and plant animal plant and animal andclearly animalclearly revenue to provide revenue to provide long-term to provide long-term income long-term income andincome and and defined clearly defined land-tenure defined land-tenure land-tenure rights rights for rights for forrevenue speciesspecies canspecies becan found can be in found beColombia. found in Colombia. in The Colombia. The Theindigenous employment. employment. indigenous indigenous peoples. peoples. Despite peoples. Despite this Despite fact, this this fact, fact,employment. Chocó-Darién Chocó-Darién Chocó-Darién Conservation Conservation Conservation Corridor Corridor Corridor many many indigenous many indigenous indigenous communities communities communities are notare are not not works works with workswith Afro-Colombian withAfro-Colombian Afro-Colombian and and andaware aware of their aware ofterritorial their of their territorial boundaries territorial boundaries boundaries and and and indigenous indigenous indigenous landholders landholders landholders in the inlowland the in the lowland lowlandBy rights. rights. reinforcing rights. By reinforcing By the reinforcing territorial the territorial the identity territorial identity identity rainforests rainforests of rainforests Colombia’s of Colombia’s of Colombia’s Pacific Pacific coastPacific tocoastcoast to tocommon and and and common resource common resource management resource management management

Most Most Inventive Most Inventive Inventive Approach: Approach: Approach: large plots largelarge ofplots useless plots of useless land. of useless To land. meet land. To the meet To meet the the Will itWill work? Will it work? it work? Dual Land DualDual Reclamation LandLand Reclamation Reclamation surgingsurging demand surging demand fordemand land, forthe land, forDual land, theLand Dual the Dual Land Land The organization The organization The organization is working is working with is working thewith public with the public the public Initiative Initiative Initiative (Nigeria) (Nigeria) (Nigeria) Reclamation Reclamation Reclamation Initiative Initiative proposes Initiative proposes a proposes project a project a project

health health department health department department of Ahmadu of Ahmadu of Bello Ahmadu BelloBello to fill useless to fillto useless fill mining useless mining pits mining with pitssanitized pits with with sanitized sanitized University University University Teaching Teaching Hospital Teaching Hospital and Hospital the and and the the waste from waste waste urban fromfrom areas urbanurban toareas answer areas to answer the to answer callthe call the callestate estate management estatemanagement management company company company of of of for more forlivable more for more livable land.livable Ahamadu Ahamadu Bello Ahamadu University BelloBello University to University determine to determine to determine the affordability the the affordability affordability of land of reclamation land of land reclamation reclamation Why is Why it Why important? is it isimportant? it important? services. services. The services. two The big The twochallenges two big big challenges challenges are are are Because Because urbanization Because urbanization urbanization is making is making Nigeria’s is making Nigeria’s Nigeria’s inadequate inadequate inadequate capital capital and capital Nigerian and and Nigerian regulaNigerian regularegulametropolitan metropolitan metropolitan areas areas too areas crowded too too crowded and crowded and tion.and However, tion. tion. However, the However, project the project the did project work did inwork did work in in unable unable to unable support to support togrowing support growing population growing population population Okene,Okene, where Okene, where a dumpsite where a dumpsite aoccupying dumpsite occupying the occupying the the density,density, there density, isthere need there isfor need more is need forland. more for Large more Large Largelargest largest acreage largest acreage of acreage landofwas land ofreclaimed land was was reclaimed toreclaimed to to urban urban areas urban have areas areas become have have become polluted become polluted and polluted and andconstruct construct a construct largeashopping large a large shopping complex. shopping complex. The complex. The The (Credit: Jitterousperth) (Credit:(Credit: Jitterousperth) Jitterousperth) atogood a good of quality are notare able not are toable not provide able to provide provide aquality good quality of isofto goal goal use goal isatosimilar use is toause similar formula a similar formula in aformula cityinlike a city in alike city like What’s What’s the What’s big theidea? the big big idea? idea? life forlife all for life citizens. forcitizens. allUsing citizens. theirUsing patented patented all Using their their patented Lagos. Lagos. Lagos. NigeriaNigeria is Nigeria a country is a iscountry awith country awith significant with a significant a significant approach, approach, the Dual the Reclamation Reclamation approach, the Land DualDual LandLand Reclamation endowment endowment endowment of mineral of mineral resources. of mineral resources. resources. Indis- IndisIndis-Initiative’s Initiative’s Initiative’s three-year three-year projectproject tackles project tackles three-year tackles criminate criminate mining criminate mining has,mining however, has, has, however, created however, created created urban waste disposal waste anddisposal maximizes maximizes the the the urbanurban waste disposal and and maximizes utility ofutility available utility of land. available of available

16 16 16

Special Special Special IssueIssue Issue

Innovative Innovative Innovative EntriesEntries andEntries Ideas andand Ideas Ideas

MostMost Open Most Open Source: Open Source: Source: Mapping Mapping Mapping 4 Peace 4 Peace 4 Peace (U.S.) (U.S.) (U.S.)

service service service providers providers providers to remotely to toremotely remotely createcreate create building building building tools tools totools lower to tolower the lowerbarriers thethebarriers barriers digitaldigital legal digital legal records, legal records, records, automate automate automate client client client between between between legal legal systems legal systems systems and the andand people thethe people people intakeintake and intake management andand management management workflows, workflows, workflows, and and and serve. they theythey serve. serve. disseminate disseminate disseminate information. information. information. The goal TheThe goal is to goal is to is to increase increase increase access access to access justice to to justice injustice areas in areas inthat areas that that Will Will it work? Will it work? it work? need need it the need itmost. the it the most. most. The pilot TheThe pilot project pilot project will project be willwill unveiled be be unveiled unveiled at a at at a a Justice Justice House Justice House processing House processing processing 65,000 65,000 cases 65,000 cases cases WhyWhy isWhy it important? is itis important? it important? per year. perper year. FrontlineSMS:Legal year. FrontlineSMS:Legal FrontlineSMS:Legal will develop willwill develop develop According According According to a UN to ato report, UN a UN report, 4report, billion 4 billion people 4 billion people people user-friendly user-friendly user-friendly software software software and pilot andand apilot tool pilot aset tool a tool set set lack access lacklack access to access theto legal to thethe legal resources legal resources resources they they theymeets that thatthat meets the meets needs thethe needs ofneeds local of stakeholders. local of local stakeholders. stakeholders. need.need. Colombia need. Colombia Colombia has some hashas some ofsome theofhighest the of the highest highest ThereThere isThere a isprojected isa projected a projected three-year three-year three-year plan planplan internal internal internal displacement displacement displacement rates rates in rates theinworld, the in the world, world, whereby whereby whereby the pilot thethe will pilotpilot be willunveiled will be be unveiled unveiled at theat the at the resulting resulting resulting from from conflict from conflict and conflict natural andand natural disasnatural disasdisasmunicipality municipality municipality level,level, then level, in then year then in 2year inscale year 2 scale to 2 scale to to ters. Inefficiencies ters. ters. Inefficiencies Inefficiencies in theincountry’s the in the country’s country’s land- landlandregionregion and region inand year and in 3year inscale year 3 scale to3 country. scale to country. to country. The TheThe (Credit: (Credit: Jax)(Credit: Jax) Jax) titlingtitling system titling system are system thus areare exacerbated thusthus exacerbated exacerbated and and and isgoal goal togoal serve is tois serve to more serve more than more 10,000 than than 10,000 people 10,000 people people force force people force people topeople lose to their lose to lose property. their their property. property. SinceSince Since annually. annually. annually. What’s What’s What’s the big thethe idea? bigbig idea? idea? the legal thethe legal system legal system system does does notdoes protect notnot protect protect the thethe FrontlineSMS:Legal FrontlineSMS:Legal FrontlineSMS:Legal employs employs employs mobile mobile mobile rights ofrights theofcitizens the of the citizens itcitizens is meant it isit meant istomeant serve, to serve, to serve, technologies technologies technologies to improve, to toimprove, improve, expand expand expand and and and rights many people many people do people notdoseek do notnot seek theseek help thethe of help the help of the of the coordinate coordinate coordinate dispute dispute resolution dispute resolution resolution systems systems systems in in in many justice system. justice system. system. FrontlineSMS:Legal FrontlineSMS:Legal FrontlineSMS:Legal seeksseeks seeks Colombia. Colombia. Colombia. By designing By By designing designing tools tools tailored tools tailored tailored to to to justice to change to change toperceptions change perceptions perceptions and uplift andand uplift people uplift people by people by by each each locality, each locality, locality, the project thethe project enables project enables enables legal legal legal

community will be be given media andand each each community each community will be given will media given and media MostMost Media Most Media Media Savvy: Savvy: Savvy: Rio RioRio WhyWhy isWhy it important? is itis important? it important? narrative training, as well as a video narrative narrative training, training, as well as as well a video as a video Low-income Low-income Low-income housing housing housing rightsrights are rights being arearebeing being Olympics Olympics Olympics Neighborhood Neighborhood Neighborhood Watch Watch Watch camera, so that they may chronicle their camera, camera, so that they so that may they chronicle may chronicle their their threatened threatened threatened by development by by development development related related torelated theto the to the aka Film4Rio akaaka Film4Rio Film4Rio (Brazil) (Brazil) (Brazil) experience. isIt estimated thatthat 60,000 experience. experience. It is Itestimated is estimated that 60,000 60,000 2014 2014 World 2014 World Cup World and CupCup the andand 2016 thethe 2016 Olympics. 2016 Olympics. Olympics. residents will benefit directly from thisthis residents residents will benefit will directly benefit directly from this from Catalytic Catalytic Catalytic Communities Communities Communities wantswants towants address to to address address project. project. project. the challenges thethe challenges challenges at hand at at hand byhand using by by using media using media media training training training to help to to help thehelp affected thethe affected affected Brazilian Brazilian Brazilian favelas, favelas, favelas, or squatter or squatter or squatter communities, communities, communities, defend defend defend and protect andand protect their protect property their their property property rights.rights. Film4Rio rights. Film4Rio Film4Rio employs employs employs various various various mediamedia media to increase to toincrease increase awareness awareness awareness of how of global how of how global events global events have events have a have a a bearing bearing on bearing property on on property property rightsrights issues. rights issues. issues.

Will Will it work? Will it work? it work? (Credit: (Credit: alobos) (Credit: alobos) alobos)

Catalytic Catalytic Catalytic Communities Communities Communities wantswants towants useto the to useuse thethe backdrop backdrop backdrop of these global sports events to to of these of global these sports global events sports toevents What’s What’s What’s the big thethe idea? bigbig idea? idea? protect communities andand push for for formal protect communities protect communities and push forpush formal formal The Film4Rio TheThe Film4Rio Film4Rio project project will project capitalize willwill capitalize capitalize on on on property registration. TheThe project targets property property registration. registration. The project targets project targets local and local local international andand international international mediamedia partnerships media partnerships partnerships 20 20 communities whowho may berisk at at risk for for 20 communities communities who may be at may be for risk to assist to assist to Brazilian assist Brazilian Brazilian communities communities communities in defendin defendin defendeviction. TheThe organization already eviction. eviction. The organization organization already already has hashas ing their inging their property their property property rights.rights. Through rights. Through Through videovideo video contact with these communities through contact with contact these with communities these communities through through and documentation andand documentation documentation evidence, evidence, evidence, the project thethe project project its networking services. TheThe leaders in in its networking its networking services. services. The leaders in leaders will push willwill push forward push forward forward property property property rightsrights formalrights formalformalizationization and ization protection. andand protection. protection.

By Nisha By Nisha By Kumar Nisha Kumar Kulkarni, Kumar Kulkarni, Kulkarni, SeniorSenior Associate, Senior Associate, Associate, Intellecap Intellecap Intellecap 17 1717

Special Special Issue Special IssueIssue

The The The Competition Competition Competition

Analyzing Analyzing Analyzing the the the Competition: Competition: Competition:

What What do What the do the do Results the Results Results Mean Mean Mean for for Property for Property Property Rights? Rights? Rights? Historically, Historically, Historically, strengthening strengthening strengthening property property property rights rights hasrights been has been has addressed been addressed addressed by governments, by governments, by governments, multilateral multilateral multilateral institutions, institutions, institutions, and advocacy and advocacy and advocacy organizations. organizations. organizations. Increasingly, Increasingly, Increasingly, independent independent independent organizations organizations organizations and individuals and individuals and individuals are injecting are injecting are injecting innovation innovation innovation and energy and energy andinto energy into the field into the field of the field of of property property property rights. rights. Last rights. Last year, Last year, Ashoka’s year, Ashoka’s Ashoka’s Changemakers Changemakers Changemakers (CM) (CM) and (CM) Omidyar and Omidyar and Omidyar Network Network Network Overall Overall Overall Observations Observations Observations partnered partnered partnered to launch to launch tothe launch Property the Property the Property Rights: Rights: Opportunity, Rights: Opportunity, Opportunity, Identity Identity &Identity Dignity & Dignity &for Dignity All for All for All The The Property The Property Property Rights Rights Rights Competition Competition Competition competition competition competition in order in order to in seek order to seek out to seek innovative out innovative out innovative models, models, enhance models, enhance enhance knowledge knowledge knowledge exchange, exchange, exchange, sought sought tosought shed to shed light to shed light on light individuals on individuals on individuals and and and and bring and bring and attention bring attention attention to property to property to property rights rights around rights around the around world. the world. theThe world. following The following The following analysis analysis analysis organizations organizations organizations usingusing a range using a range ofa approaches range of approaches of approaches reviews reviews the reviews first the first stage the first stage of the stage ofcompetition, the ofcompetition, the competition, the submission the submission the submission of ideas, of ideas, of which ideas, which which commenced commenced commenced on August on August on18, August 2010 18, 2010 18, and2010 concluded and concluded and concluded on November on November on November 3, 2010. 3, 2010. 3, 2010. to increase to increase to increase access access toaccess property to property to property rights. rights. rights. WhileWhile the While the issuethe issue of issue property of property of property rightsrights is rights isrights isrights countries submitted submitted submitted ideasideas overideas over the course over the course the course and rights and landand land use,land use, to educational use, to educational to educational and andcountries andcountries complex, complex, complex, this did this not did thishinder not did hinder notparticipation hinder participation participation Phase with the 1, majority with the of majority submisof submisof Phase of1, Phase 1, with the majority of submisadvocacy advocacy advocacy campaigns campaigns campaigns that leveraged that leveraged that leveraged SMSSMSof SMS fromfrom an from impressive an impressive an impressive rangerange of range innovators of innovators of innovators sionssions coming sions from coming the Global from the South Global (80%). South (80%). coming from the Global South (80%). and social and social and media, social media, tomedia, online to online user-generated to online user-generated user-generated who who submitted who submitted submitted solutions solutions solutions aimed aimed to aimed todatatodata The largest Thegroup largest of entrants group of isentrants from Asia is from The largest group of entrants is from Asia Asia repositories. data repositories. repositories. Enterprise Enterprise Enterprise development development development strengthen strengthen strengthen property property property rights. rights. rights. (39%), and (39%), Africa and is not Africa notbehind far(26%). behind (26%). (39%), and Africa isfar notisbehind far (26%). is also is also an is also important an important an important aspect aspect ofaspect several of several of several America, South America, NorthNorth America, North America, and Asia and Asia America, America, and Asia models, models, models, enabling enabling enabling locallocal communities local communities communities to toSouth toSouth Sifting Sifting through Sifting through the through entries, the entries, theitentries, is itapparent is itapparent is apparent Pacific (15%, Pacific 10%, (15%, and10%, 9%, respectively) 9%, respectively) Pacific (15%, 10%, and and 9%, respectively) extract extract more extract more value more value from value from the land from the land by theteachland by teachby teachthat there that there that is athere diversity is a diversity is a diversity of interest of interest ofgroups interest groups groups very small a very number small of number entries offrom entries aand very small number of entries fromfrom ing them ing them ingbetter them better farming better farming farming techniques techniques techniques or orandoraand that that are affected that are affected are by affected insecure by insecure by insecure land land rights. land rights. rights. Europe Europe (1%) (1%) comprise (1%) comprise the the balance. the balance. Europe comprise balance. capturing capturing capturing revenue revenue revenue through through through carbon carbon carbon Impacted Impacted Impacted communities communities communities rangerange from range fromsequestration. fromsequestration. sequestration. women women living women living with living with HIV/AIDS, with HIV/AIDS, HIV/AIDS, widows, widows, widows, WhileWhile entrants While show entrants global show diversity, global diversity, the the the entrants show global diversity, farmers farmers farmers and and fishermen, and fishermen, fishermen, indigenous indigenous indigenous challenges they they address they are address surprisingly are surprisingly address are surprisingly The The competition The competition competition entrants entrants entrants provide provide provide a achallenges achallenges peoples, peoples, peoples, parentless parentless parentless children, children, children, slum-slum-slumsimilar. These similar. themes These included themes included issues of issues similar. These themes included issues of of remarkable remarkable remarkable levellevel of detail level of detail in of their detail in their submisin their submissubmisdwellers, dwellers, dwellers, survivors survivors survivors of war, of war, and of war, more. and more. and more. women’s women’s land land inheritance, land inheritance, poorpoor forestry poor forestry women’s inheritance, forestry sions,sions, including sions, including including metrics metrics metrics for for success, for success, success, governance, governance, lack lack of legal lack education, of legal education, and and and governance, of legal education, project project impact, project impact, and impact, personal and personal and personal motivations. motivations. motivations. The The entrants The entrants offer entrants offer diverse offer diverse approaches diverse approaches approaches to toThetoThe the need the for need conflict for mediation. conflict mediation. ImpresImpresthe need for conflict mediation. Impresbreadth The breadth and breadth and depth and depth of depth participation of participation of participation solving solving issues solving issues of issues landlessness of landlessness of landlessness and lack and lack of and lack ofindicates ofindicates many sively, solutions many solutions in thein competition the competition many solutions thein competition indicates therethere is strong there is strong desire is strong desire across desire across theacross thesively, thesively, land land rights, land rights, butrights, there but there but arethere aarefew aarefew notable a few notable notable emphasized community community voices. Whether voices. Whether community voices. Whether worldworld to world strengthen to strengthen to strengthen property property property rightsrights andrights andemphasized andemphasized themes, themes, themes, including: including: including: community community community mobilizamobilizamobilizathrough community through community organizing, organizing, participaparticipathrough community organizing, participafosterfoster change. foster change. By change. hosting By hosting Bythis hosting competition this competition this competition tion, tion, legal tion, legal empowerment, legal empowerment, empowerment, technology technology technology tory tory mapping tory mapping techniques, techniques, locallocal skills local mapping techniques, skillsskills online, online, online, Changemakers Changemakers Changemakers and and Omidyar and Omidyar Omidyar utilization, utilization, utilization, and enterprise and enterprise and enterprise development. development. development. A ANetwork ANetwork training or community-based or community-based resource resource or community-based resource Network havehave given have given a global given a global audience a global audience audience the thetraining thetraining number number number of initiatives of initiatives of initiatives seekseek to seek mobilize to mobilize to mobilize management, management, the importance the importance and and effecand management, the importance effec-effecopportunity opportunity opportunity to learn to learn about to learn about strengthening about strengthening strengthening communities, communities, communities, empower empower empower individuals individuals individuals and andproperty andproperty of tiveness bottoms-up of bottoms-up action in action this in field this field of bottoms-up action in field this property rights, rights, and rights, and inspire and inspire them inspire them to them totiveness totiveness locallocal governance local governance governance bodies, bodies, or bodies, tooreducate tooreducate to educate is apparent. is apparent. is apparent. change change the change status the status the quo. status quo. quo. communities communities communities aboutabout their about their rights. their rights. Legal rights. LegalLegal initiatives initiatives initiatives aim to aimprovide to aimprovide tosecure provide secure land secure land title land titleParticipant titleParticipant Participant Trends Trends Trends to beneficiaries, to beneficiaries, to beneficiaries, or access or access ortoaccess affordable to affordable to affordable The The competition The competition competition cultivated cultivated cultivated an amazing an amazing an amazing legallegal support. legal support. support. Additionally, Additionally, Additionally, a number a number a of number ofarray ofarray of array of responses, of responses, responses, demonstrating demonstrating demonstrating organizations organizations organizations demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate an innovative an innovative an innovative inclusivity inclusivity inclusivity and and diversity. and diversity. diversity. Two Two hundredTwo hundredhundreduse of use technology, of use technology, of technology, fromfrom mapping from mapping mapping property property property eleven eleven eleven entrants entrants entrants fromfrom 47from 47 different 47 different different 18 18

Special Special Special IssueIssue Issue

The Competition TheThe Competition Competition

However, However, However, manymany many organizations organizations organizations use use a usea a areare working working in Africa in Africa inand Africa South andand South America. South America. America. Overall, Overall, Overall, whilewhile the while number thethe number number of entrants of entrants of entrants is isare is working significant significant significant number number number of volunteers of volunteers of volunteers to bolster to bolster to bolster Asia, Within Asia, there Asia, there are there many areare many submissions many submissions submissions impressive, impressive, impressive, it is worth it isitworth isnoting worth noting that noting 85% thatthat 85% of 85% ofWithin of Within their their manpower, their manpower, manpower, a positive a a positive positive sign sign of signof of India, from India, the India, Philippines, thethe Philippines, Philippines, and and Banglaand BanglaBanglaentries entries were entries were submitted were submitted submitted in theinlast the in the week lastlast week ofweek offrom of from resourcefulness resourcefulness resourcefulness and and community and community community engageengageengagedesh,desh, and desh, aand smaller and a smaller a smaller number number number in Cambodia, in Cambodia, in Cambodia, the competition thethe competition competition (October (October (October 28 – 28 November 28 – November – November ment. ment. ment. Pakistan, Pakistan, Pakistan, Nepal, Nepal, Sri Nepal, Lanka, Sri Sri Lanka, Lanka, Afghanistan, Afghanistan, Afghanistan, 3). Many 3). 3). Many ofMany theofentrants the of the entrants entrants (52) who (52)(52) who submitwho submitsubmitand and Thailand. and Thailand. Thailand. Within Within Africa, Within Africa, Africa, therethere were there were were ted their tedted their idea their idea early idea early inearly the in competition in thethe competition competition numerous entries entries entries fromfrom Uganda fromUganda Uganda and andand checked checked checked the site thethe site again site again during again during during the last thethe lastnumerous last numerous Nigeria. Nigeria. Nigeria. RatesRates ofRates participation of participation of participation couldcould becould a be be a a weekweek toweek update to update to or update refine or refine ortheir refine their submission, their submission, submission, resultresult ofresult stable of stable ofpolitical stable political political environments, environments, environments, size sizesize indicating indicating indicating active active engagement active engagement engagement by these by by these these and/or and/or population and/or population population of country, of country, of country, or degree or degree or of degree of of earlyearly participants. early participants. participants. change change change needed. needed. needed. WhileWhile While Changemakers Changemakers Changemakers already already already offersoffers offers Judging Judging Judging by numbers by by numbers numbers of employees, of employees, of employees, mostmost most incentives incentives incentives to early to to early entrants, early entrants, entrants, additional additional additional of the of organizations of thethe organizations organizations are micro areare micro (53% micro (53% or(53% or or incentives incentives incentives couldcould help could help encourage helpencourage encourage steady steady steady 111/211) 111/211) 111/211) or small or small or(39% small (39% or(39% 83/211) or 83/211) or 83/211) in size. in size. in size. site traffic sitesite traffic and traffic idea andand idea generation idea generation generation throughout throughout throughout the competition. thethe competition. competition.

Entries Entries by Organizational byby Organizational Organizational Status Status Status TheThe Ideas The Ideas and Ideas and Organizations and Organizations Organizations Entries The The competition The competition competition culledculled submissions culled submissions submissions with withwith diverse diverse diverse models, models, models, varying varying varying geographic geographic geographic focus, focus, focus, different different different growth growth growth stages, stages, stages, and andand impact impact levels--an impact levels--an levels--an illustration illustration illustration of theofmany the of the many many targettarget groups target groups groups and and tools and tools that tools that can that can becan be be applied applied applied to strengthen to strengthen to strengthen property property property rights. rights. rights. The majority TheThe majority majority of entries of entries of came entries came from came from organifrom organiorganizations zations zations already already already in operation, in operation, in operation, but nearly butbut nearly nearly one one outone of outevery out of of every five every five was five was in was the in idea the in the ideaidea phase—a phase—a phase—a potential potential potential gauge gauge of gauge continuing of of continuing continuing innovation innovation innovation in theinspace. the in the space. The space. overwhelmTheThe overwhelmoverwhelmEntries Entries Entries by Region byby Region Region ing majority inging majority majority of organizations of of organizations organizations and and ideas and ideas ideas are non-profit areare non-profit non-profit models models models (88%), (88%), with (88%), with only with only a only a a handful handful handful of for-profits of of for-profits for-profits (5%) (5%) and (5%) and governand governgovernmentment initiatives ment initiatives initiatives (1%).(1%). It(1%). is Itworth isIt worth is noting worth noting noting that many thatthat many ofmany theofnon-profit the of the non-profit non-profit organizations organizations organizations impact impact impact moremore than more than 10,000 than 10,000 10,000 people, people, people, an an an indication indication indication that that in this that in sector, this in this sector, sector, scalescale does scale does does not not necessarily notnecessarily necessarily require require require a for-profit a afor-profit for-profit structure. structure. structure.

88%88% 88% Non Non Profit Non Profit Profit

185185 185

5% 5%5% For Profit ForFor Profit Profit

11 1111

1% 1%1% Government Government Government 6% 6%6% Non Non Registered Non Registered Registered

3 3 3 12 1212

AsiaAsia Asia 39%39% 39%

83 8383

Africa Africa Africa 26%26% 26%

54 5454

South South America South America America 15%15% 15%

31 3131

North North America North America America 10%10% 10%

22 2222

AsiaAsia Pasific Asia Pasific Pasific 9% 9%9% Europe Europe Europe 1% 1%1%

18 1818 3 3 3

Nearly Nearly Nearly half half of half allofentrants all of all entrants entrants are targeting areare targeting targeting interest interest interest groups groups in groups Asia, in Asia, in and Asia, nearly andand nearly anearly fiftha fifth a fifth 19 1919

Special Special Special Issue IssueIssue

TheThe Competition Competition The Competition


80 80


70 70


60 60


more more than more thanthan 76 76 76 10,000 10,000 10,000

50 50


1,001-10,000 1,001-10,000 1,001-10,00059 59 59

40 40


1011011,000 1011,000 1,000 63 63 63

30 30


lessless than less than 100 than 100 100 20 20 20

20 20


10 10


00 00


Partnerships Partnerships Partnerships

No. of Orgs

90 90

No. of Orgs No. of Orgs

Considering Considering Considering thethemicro the microsize micro sizeofsize ofmany many of many organizations organizations organizations in in thethe incompetition, the competition, competition, it is it is it is heartening heartening heartening to see to see how to how see many how many are many are impactimpactare impactinging large large ingnumbers large numbers numbers of people. of people. of people. Nearly Nearly 36% Nearly 36% 36% of organizations of organizations of organizations (76/211) (76/211) (76/211) impact impact or impact plan or plan to or plan to to impact impact impact more more than more than 10,000 than 10,000 10,000 people; people; people; 28% 28% 28% (59/211) (59/211) (59/211) impact impact impact between between between 1,001 1,0011,001 andand and 10,000; 10,000; 10,000; andand 8.5% and 8.5% (18/211) 8.5% (18/211) (18/211) impact impact impact lessless less than than 100than 100 people. people. 100 people. Of the Of the organizations Oforganizations the organizations thatthat that impact impact more impact more than more than 10,000 than 10,000 people 10,000 people (76), people (76), 39(76), 39 39 (51%) (51%) have (51%) have less have less than than less 10 than employees. 10 employees. 10 employees. These These These numbers numbers numbers reveal reveal reveal thatthat a that small a small a group small group of group of of people people people cancan indeed can indeed indeed have have a have remarkable a remarkable a remarkable effect. effect. effect.

No.No. of No. of People People of People Impacted Impacted Impacted by by by Organization Organization Organization

No.No. of No. of Beneficiaries Beneficiaries of Beneficiaries

Many Many entrants Many entrants entrants realize realize that realize that strengthening that strengthening strengthening property property property rights rights requires rights requires requires programs programs programs thatthat that selves selves to selves to onlyonly toone only one funding one funding funding source.Sixty source.Sixty source.Sixty peoples, peoples, peoples, andandvictims and victims victims of ofgeopolitical geopolitical of geopolitical cancan bridge bridge can the bridge the private private the private andand public public andsectors public sectors sectors percent percent percent receive receive receive funding funding funding from from foundations; from foundations; foundations; upheavals. upheavals. upheavals. Judging Judging Judging from from the from the number number the number of of of andand effectively effectively and effectively bubble bubble up bubble up from from up grassroots from grassroots grassroots nearly nearly nearly 46% 46% receive 46% receive receive funding funding funding from from from entrants, entrants, entrants, and and their their and geographical their geographical geographical diversity, diversity, diversity, efforts efforts efforts to to thethe policy to policy the level. policy level.level. Of Of thethe Of 185185 the 185 individual individual individual donors. donors. donors. Impressively, Impressively, Impressively, 22% 22% 22% thethe challenge challenge the challenge of securing of securing of securing property property property rights rightsrights NGOS NGOS that NGOS that responded, responded, that responded, 155155 have have 155partnerhave partnerpartnergenerated generated generated earned earned earned revenue, revenue, revenue, a sign a sign a of sign of of for for the for the disadvantaged the disadvantaged disadvantaged is is widespread. widespread. is widespread. ships ships with ships with other with other NGOs. other NGOs. NGOs. More More than More than 70% than 70% 70% potential potential potential long-term long-term long-term stability. stability. stability. Twenty-two Twenty-two Twenty-two have have partnerships have partnerships partnerships withwith government. with government. government. And, And,And, percent percent percent receive receive receive funding funding funding from from businesses. from businesses. businesses. Many Many ofMany the of the solutions of solutions the solutions proffered proffered proffered focus focus onfocus on on more more than more than half than half have half have partnerships have partnerships partnerships withwith with While While some While some organizations some organizations organizations hadhad earned had earned earned policy policy reform policy reform reform andand implementation. and implementation. implementation. ForFor For business, business, business, notably notably notably microfinance microfinance microfinance institutions institutions institutions revenue revenue revenue and and received received and received funds funds from funds from foundafrom foundafoundathat that reason, that reason, reason, it is it not is it not surprising is surprising not surprising to to see see to see thatthat canthat can effectively effectively can effectively reach reach people reach people in people rural in rural in rural tions tions and tions and other other andentities, other entities, entities, a good a good proportion a good proportion proportion many many non-profit many non-profit non-profit entrants. entrants. entrants. But,But, thisBut, this may this may may or hard-to-reach or hard-to-reach or hard-to-reach communities. communities. communities. were were also were also supported also supported supported by by governments, governments, by governments, indicate indicate indicate thatthat there there thatis there scope is scope istoscope innovate to innovate to innovate in in in with 20%of20% oforganizations organizations of organizations receiving receiving receiving thethe creation creation the creation of new of new models of new models models for for change--is change--is for change--is TheThe for-profit The for-profit for-profit entrants entrants entrants areare alsoalso are willing also willing to willing to with towith20% federal federal federal and and state and state funding state funding funding and and more and more than more than than this this an an area this area an that area that for-profit for-profit that for-profit social social entrepresocial entrepreentreprepartner, partner, partner, withwith 82% with 82% citing 82% citing partnerships citing partnerships partnerships withwith with 10% 10% receiving 10% receiving receiving local local government local government government funds. funds. funds. neurs neurs can neurs can take can take on? take on?While on? While not While not every not everyevery NGOs NGOs and NGOs and other and other businesses other businesses businesses andand 64% and 64% 64% problem problem problem can can be be can solved solved be through solved through through marketmarketmarketciting citing partnerships citing partnerships partnerships withwith government. with government. government. A A A It would It would It be would be useful useful be touseful further to further to further explore explore explore thethe based thebased solutions, based solutions, solutions, wewe may may we seemay see sustainable, sustainable, see sustainable, willingness willingness willingness to tocollaborate collaborate to collaborate could couldhave could havehave funding funding funding needs needs needs of of entrants entrants of entrants so so that so that that profitable profitable profitable social social enterprises social enterprises enterprises emerge emerge emerge in the in thein the far-reaching far-reaching far-reaching effects effects effects on on innovation innovation on innovation within within within interested interested funders funders funders cancan useuse can thethe use platform platform the platform to to near tonear future near future with future with thewith the increasing increasing the increasing useuse of use of of thethe space space theand space and leadlead and to greater lead to greater to greater impact. impact. impact. interested findfind potential potential find potential investees investees investees or grantees. or grantees. or grantees. technology technology technology in this in this sector. in sector. this sector.

Funding Funding Funding Sources Sources Sources TheThe property The property property rights rights entries rights entries entries areare predomipredomiare predomiTakeaways Takeaways Takeaways nantly nantly funded nantly funded funded by by foundations, foundations, by foundations, butbut most most but most Changemakers Changemakers Changemakers around around around thethe world the world have world havehave organizations organizations organizations have havehave diversified diversified diversified their their their dedicated dedicated dedicated themselves themselves themselves to to improving improving to improving thethe the funding funding funding sources sources sources andand do and do notnot do limitlimit notthemlimit themthemlives lives oflives of thethe of poor, the poor, women, poor, women, women, indigenous indigenous indigenous 2020 20

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The Competition The Competition The Competition

ridden, history. ridden, history. This history. isThis just This isthe just isbeginning just the the beginning beginning Because Because Because strengthening strengthening strengthening property property property rightsrights rights Property Property Property Rights: Rights: Identity, Rights: Identity, Identity, Dignity Dignity and Dignity and andridden, of thisofjourney, this of this journey, but journey, a but great but a great place a great place to start. place to start. to start. often often requires often requires requires policypolicy change policy change or change policy or policy or policy Opportunity Opportunity Opportunity for All forwas for All the All waswas first the foray the firstfirst foray foray implementation, implementation, implementation, an effective, an an effective, effective, well-run well-run well-run for the forproperty-rights the for property-rights the property-rights sectorsector into sector ainto transinto a transa transBy Lindsay By Lindsay ByClinton, Lindsay Clinton, Clinton, organization organization organization has the hasability has the the ability to ability impact to impact totens impact tens tensparent parent competition parent competition competition process; process; pioneered process; pioneered pioneered by by by Associate Associate Associate Vice President, ViceVice President, President, Intellecap Intellecap Intellecap of thousands of thousands of thousands of people. of people. of However, people. However, However, the the theOmidyar Omidyar Omidyar Network Network Network to leverage to toleverage leverage the the the smallsmall sizesmall ofsize many size of many organizations of many organizations organizations couldcould be could be platform, platform, platform, we we we an indicator an indicator an indicator of fragmentation. of fragmentation. of fragmentation. Fortunately, Fortunately, Fortunately, now have nownow have a collection have a collection a collection of innovations of innovations of innovations and and and manymany organizations many organizations organizations have have forged have forged partnerforged partnerpartnerbest best practices best practices practices that can thatthat be canshared can be shared be with shared withwith ships ships with ships with like-minded with like-minded like-minded entities entities and entities are and and are areanyone anyone anyone anywhere. anywhere. anywhere. Through Through Through creative creative creative working working working with government. withwith government. government. If theories If theories If theories of of ofmethods methods methods and and recognition and recognition recognition of changeof of changechangechange change and change target and and target groups target groups converge, groups converge, converge, we we wemakers, makers, makers, the property the the property property rightsrights sector rights sector will sector will will couldcould seecould more see see more formal more formal partnerships formal partnerships partnerships or or orcome come to be come to recognized betorecognized be recognized as theascore the as issue core the core issue it issue it it mergers. mergers. mergers. truly truly is within truly is within isinternational within international international development development development despite despite its despite complex, its complex, its complex, and often and and often conflictoften conflictconflictFinally, Finally, many Finally, many organizations many organizations organizations are cobbling are are cobbling cobbling together together together funding funding from funding from multiple from multiple sources. multiple sources. sources. WhileWhile diversification While diversification diversification is a good is aisgood strategy, a good strategy, strategy, Several Several Several waysways toways improve to improve to improve the competition thethe competition competition and andand there there is also there is aalso high is also a likelihood high a high likelihood likelihood that there thatthat there is there is the is web thethe web platform: web platform: platform: pent-up pent-up demand pent-up demand for demand new for funding new for new funding options. funding options. options. With more WithWith more thanmore half thanthan ofhalf allhalf of organizations alloforganizations all organizations in in in Enhance Enhance onlineonline platform online platform to platform enable to enable togreater enable greater interactivity greater interactivity interactivity and encourage and and encourage encourage the “micro” the the “micro” “micro” bracket, bracket, bracket, and and withand with many with many many Enhance comments. comments. dependent dependent dependent on volunteers, on volunteers, on volunteers, thesethese organizathese organizaorganiza- comments. tions tions could tions could usecould the usesupport use the the support of support dedicated, of dedicated, of dedicated, Display entries Display entries inentries a single in a in single page a single page so that page soviewers that so that viewers do viewers notdohave not do have not to read have to on read to read on on innovative innovative innovative funders funders that funders are thatnot that areafraid are not not afraid to afraid to to Display multiple multiple pages. multiple pages. pages. take on take policy take on policy on change. policy change. change.

WhatWhat Happens What Happens Happens NextNext Next Each Each of the Each ofentrants the of the entrants had entrants eagerly had had eagerly awaited eagerly awaited awaited the announcement the announcement the announcement of theofsemi-finalists the of semi-finalists the semi-finalists for for for their opportunity theirtheir opportunity opportunity to participate to participate to participate in theinopen the in open the open publicpublic voting public voting process. voting process. process. This This wasThis was the was the the chance chance tochance become to become to abecome finalist a finalist aand finalist vie andfor and viea for vie afor a portion portion ofportion theof US$ the of the US$ 150,000 US$ 150,000 150,000 investment investment investment pool pool provided pool provided provided by Omidyar by Omidyar by Omidyar Network. Network. Network. A A A prestigious prestigious prestigious panelpanel of panel judges of judges of have judges have been have beenbeen assembled assembled assembled that will thatconvene that will will convene convene to select to select to theselect the the final three finalfinal three winners three winners who winners will whowho each will will each receive each receive receive a prize a prize ofaUS$ prize of 50,000. US$ of US$ 50,000. As 50,000. weAsgowe As to go we press, togopress, to press, the judges the the judges are judges reviewing are are reviewing reviewing the finalists’ the the finalists’ finalists’ entries entries and entries will andconvene and will will convene in convene early in early February in early February February to make to make that to make determination. thatthat determination. determination.

InvestInvest in aInvest comprehensive in a in comprehensive a comprehensive search search tool search sotool that tool sovisitors that so that visitors can visitors browse can can browse entries browse entries and entries and and search search bysearch country, by country, by target country, target population, target population, population, model, model, etc. model, etc. etc. Design Design targeted Design targeted targeted questions questions questions on theonentry the on the entry form entry form to encourage form to encourage to encourage concise, concise, clear concise, clearclear responses. responses. responses. For example, For For example, example, instead instead ofinstead “Tell of us “Tell ofabout “Tell us about us theabout social the the social impact social impact ofimpact your of your of your innovation,” innovation,” innovation,” entrants entrants could entrants could be asked, could be asked, be “What asked, “What is the “What ispotential the is potential the potential size ofsize thesize oftarget the of target the target market? market? What market? What portion What portion ofportion thisof target this of this target market target market can market your can can your organization your organization organization reach? reach? reach? WhatWhat portion What portion ofportion theoftarget the of target the market target market have market have youhave reached?” you you reached?” reached?” InviteInvite entrants Invite entrants to entrants explain to explain towhat explain what theywhat need theythey need in order need in order toinimprove, order to improve, to improve, grow,grow, or scale. grow, or scale. or scale. For competition For For competition competition observers—from observers—from observers—from nonprofit nonprofit nonprofit organizations organizations organizations to government to government to government officials officials and officials from and and from businesses from businesses businesses to foundations—knowing to foundations—knowing to foundations—knowing what what entrants what entrants need entrants needneed couldcould encourage could encourage encourage assistance assistance assistance from from mentors, from mentors, mentors, partners, partners, partners, and funders. and and funders. funders. www.beyondprofit.com21 21 21

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Property Property Property Rights: Rights: Rights: It’sIt’s about It’s about about more more more than than than land land land base about basebase about howabout land howis how land being land is being used, is being used, which used, which which –assets it is–about it is– about itthe is about economic the economic the economic empowerment empowerment empowerment LandLisandone Lisandofonetheis ofonemost theofmost important the most important important assetsassets

is valuable to land-use planners is the valuable is valuable to land-use to land-use planners planners and and and individuals of individuals of individuals and communities. and communities. and communities. FromFrom the From the for people for people for and people and communities and communities communities in every in every in of every resource managers. Furthermore, as land resource managers. resource managers. Furthermore, Furthermore, as land as land perspective perspective of Ashoka’s of Ashoka’s of Ashoka’s Changemakers, Changemakers, Changemakers, cornercorner of corner theofworld, the of world, the andworld, for andmany for andmany for of the many of the of theperspective becomes becomes becomes scarcer scarcer and scarcer the anddegradation and the degradation the degradation of of of the most interesting the most interesting interesting innovations innovations innovations occurring occurring occurring world's world's poor world's poor it is poor the it isprimary ittheis primary the means primary means of means of ofthe most natural natural resources natural resources resources continues, continues, continues, the need the need for the need for for in property in rights property rights arerights leveraging are leveraging are leveraging holistic holistic holistic generating generating generating their their livelihood. their livelihood. livelihood. For For this For this thisin property transparent records of land use will will transparent transparent records of records land of use land will use solutions, solutions, and tackling and tackling andmultiple tackling multiple objectives multiple objectives objectives reason, reason, wereason, believe we believe we that believe property that property thatrights property rights are rights are aresolutions, intensify. intensify. intensify. and points and points and of need. points of need. of need. just as justcritical as justcritical asto critical stability to stability toand stability economic and and economic economic growth growth asgrowth good as good governance, as good governance, governance, rule of rule law, rule of law, of law, Community engagement is critical. Community Community engagement engagement is critical. is critical. isThere nois universally no is no universally universally applicable applicable applicable and access and access and to financial access to financial tomarkets. financial markets. markets. ThereThere One ofconsistent the failures in property One to of theOne of consistent the consistent failures infailures property in property model. model. The model. “model” The “model” Theis“model” more is more about is more about howabout to how how to efforts the lack of community rights efforts rights is efforts theis lack is of thecommunity lack of community decidedecide what decide what to do,what torather do,torather do, thanrather what than than what to do.what to do. to do.rights Governments Governments Governments and international and and international international organizaorganizaorganizainvolvement involvement in thein land the in the land administration land administration administration The toThe vast The vast differences vast differences differences between between between social,social, social,involvement tions tions havetions have committed, have committed, committed, and continue and and continue to continue to process. process. LocalLocal beneficiaries Local beneficiaries beneficiaries must must feelmust feel feel economic, economic, economic, and cultural and cultural andnorms cultural norms around norms around thearound the theprocess. commit, commit, substantial commit, substantial substantial resources resources resources to solving to solving to solving ownership ownership of shifts of shifts in of the shifts in system, the in system, the and system, and and world make world make it difficult, make it difficult, itif difficult, not ifimpossible, notifimpossible, not impossible, to to toownership this issue, this issue, this often issue, often withoften uneven with with uneven results uneven results – and results – and – andworld must must feel must compelled feel feel compelled compelled to own to own and to own adapt and and adaptadapt apply justapply just one just one model one model for model “solving” for for “solving” “solving” not for notlack for notof lack fortrying. lack of trying. of Thetrying. obstacles The The obstacles obstacles are are areapply their records their records and records information and and information information to their to their to their property rights property rights issues rights issues globally. issues globally. There globally. There is anThere is an is antheir often often systemic often systemic systemic and and deeply and deeply rooted deeply rooted inrooted in inproperty evolving realities. evolving realities. realities. iterative process iterative process ofprocess understanding of understanding of understanding what what whatevolving politics, politics, culture, politics, culture, and culture, traditions and and traditions traditions that have that that have haveiterative you need you need you to do, need totaking do, to taking do, intotaking consideration into consideration into consideration been been around been around fararound longer far longer far than longer existing than than existing legal existing legal legal Collaboration Collaboration and andtrust-building andtrust-building trust-building local context, locallocal context, culture context, culture andculture customs. and customs. and customs. Collaboration frameworks. frameworks. frameworks. between stakeholders is essential. between between stakeholders stakeholders is essential. is essential. ofmost theofmost effective innovations SomeSome of the Some effective the most innovations effective innovations in in in Policy makers Policy makers and makers the andfinancial and the financial the sector financial sector sector Despite Despite the Despite challenges the challenges the challenges surrounding surrounding surrounding this this thisPolicy rights may be around methods of of property rights property mayrights be around may be methods around ofmethods mustmust be must engaged. be engaged. be engaged. With With a problem With a problem a so problem so soproperty complex complex issue, complex issue, there issue, there is a there new is a generation new is a new generation generation facilitating consensus between land-users facilitating facilitating consensus consensus between land-users between land-users deeply deeply tieddeeply totied policy to tied policy and to policy access and access and to capital, access to capital, to capital, of changemakers of changemakers of changemakers working working to working improve to improve to improve and and land-owners, or between governand land-owners, or between or between governgovernthe financial the financial the system financial system must system must be part must be of part bethepart of the of theland-owners, property property property rightsrights andrights and access and access toaccess capital to capital to capital and communities. local communities. ments andments local and local communities. solution. solution. Owning solution. Owning land Owning requires land land requires access requires access to access to toments through through innovative through innovative innovative and and market-based and market-based market-based capitalcapital and/or capital and/or credit, and/or credit, making credit, making coordination making coordination coordination approaches. approaches. approaches. Despite the Despite obstacles, the obstacles, the obstacles, there there are there changeare changeare changewith the withfinancial with the financial thesector financial sector andsector support and support andfrom support from fromDespite makers makers around makers around thearound world the world the whoworld are whopursuwho are pursuare pursupolicymakers policymakers policymakers a critical a critical part a critical of part successful part of successful of successful ThereThere is There stillis much still is still much debate much debate surrounding debate surrounding surrounding ing innovative, sustainable, and locally ing innovative, ing innovative, sustainable, sustainable, and locally and locally initiatives. initiatives. initiatives. specific specific approaches specific approaches approaches and implications, and implications, and implications, and and and relevant relevant solutions relevant solutions to solutions thistodeeply this to deeply this systemic deeply systemic systemic this isthis understandable. isthis understandable. is understandable. Property Property rights Property rights are rights are are Whether the approach is pursued issue. Whether issue. the Whether approach the approach is pursued is pursued Functional Functional institutions institutions institutions are critical. are critical. are No critical. No Noissue. a highly a highly emotive, a highly emotive, politically emotive, politically politically charged, charged, and charged, and andFunctional through innovations or changes in legal through innovations through innovations or changes or in changes legal in legal ofamount reform of reform ofwill reform make will will make a lasting make a lasting a lasting multi-faceted multi-faceted multi-faceted issue issue – there issue – there is– no there is“silver nois “silver no amount “silveramount frameworks, technology, policy, microfito frameworks, to frameworks, technology, technology, policy, microfipolicy, microfiimpact impact without impact without institutional without institutional institutional capacity capacity capacity to bullet”, bullet”, andbullet”, the andchallenges the andchallenges the challenges are not areuniform not areuniform not uniform women’s rights, or formalization implement implement changes, changes, process and process store and and store nance, storenance, women’s nance, rights, women’s or formalization rights, or formalization of of of changes, process globally. globally. Yet globally. there Yet there are Yet athere are fewaare lessons fewa lessons fewthat lessons that thatimplement land land tenure, one thing is certain – secure information, information, information, and keep and and keep the keep pulse the pulse the of local pulse of local ofland local tenure, one tenure, thing one is certain thing is – secure certain – secure crosscross ideological cross ideological ideological and geographical and geographical and geographical boundboundboundare are critical to poverty and market and and market needs. market needs. The needs. market The The market must market must be must be property beproperty property rightsrights arerights critical tocritical poverty to poverty aries:aries:aries: Diana Diana Wells, Diana Wells,Wells, and economic development. supported supported supported by institutional by institutional by institutional structures structures structures that that alleviation thatalleviation alleviation and economic and economic development. development. President, President, Ashoka President, Ashoka Ashoka can capture can can capture “land-person” capture “land-person” “land-person” relations, relations, relations, in in in It’s about It’s about It’s more about more than more than property than property property rights. rights. rights. Byuse Diana By Diana By Wells, Diana Wells, Wells, addition addition toaddition tracking to tracking toformal tracking formal titling. formal titling. Land titling. Land use Land use Securing Securing Securing property property property rightsrights forrights citizens for for citizens citizens President, President, President, Ashoka Ashoka Ashoka information also ensures also also ensures there ensures there is a record there is a record is a record around around thearound world the world the is about world is about more is about more thanmore land than than landinformation landinformation 22 22 22 Ashoka’s Changemakers is a global online community of action that connects people to share ideas, inspire and mentor each other, and find and support the best ideas in social innovation. Changemakers is among the world’s most robust laboratories for launching, refining, and scaling ideas for solving the world’s most pressing social problems. At every level of engagement – from enthusiastic newcomers to experienced social entrepreneurs to corporate executives looking for promising ventures, the site engages individuals who want to make change happen and helps connect them to solutions that address the issues they care about. Changemakers builds on Ashoka’s™ three decades of identifying and selecting leading social entrepreneurs and its goal of an “Everyone a Changemaker” global society. Through inspiring stories and discussions, the community advances ideas for change in areas as diverse as sanitation and government transparency, young men at risk and food security, rural development and health care innovation. Omidyar Network is a philanthropic investment firm dedicated to harnessing the power of markets to create opportunity for people to improve their lives. Established in 2004 by eBay founder Pierre Omidyar and his wife Pam, the organization invests in and helps scale innovative organizations to catalyze economic and social change. To date, Omidyar Network has committed more than $383 million to for-profit companies and nonprofit organizations that foster economic advancement and encourage individual participation across multiple investment areas, including microfinance, entrepreneurship, property rights, consumer Internet, mobile technology and government transparency. Omidyar Network was founded on the fundamental belief that every person has the power to make a difference. The organization works to create opportunity for people to realize that power and improve the quality of their lives. When people take the initiative to make life better for themselves, they can share the benefits with their families, become more active in their communities, and be a more positive force in society.

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