The Top 5 Career Regrets: Use NLP To Avoid Them! Daniel Gulati, New York Entrepreneur and contributor to the Harvard Business Review, wrote an article a while ago talking about the results of an interview with professionals, asking them for their top career regrets. In a nutshell, the top 5 career regrets are: 1. I Wish I hadn’t taken the Job for the Money: The largest regret, by far, was from people who had opted into high-paying, dissatisfying jobs. 2. I Wish I had Quit Earlier: Amongst those who left their day jobs to pursue their passions, nearly all lamented not having done so sooner. 3. I Wish I had the Confidence to Start My Own Business: As their finances became more secure, professionals typically wished for more control over their lives, and one study suggests that although 70% wish they could start their own business, only 15% believe they are capable of doing so. 4. I Wish I had used my Time at School More Productively: Many professionals hurry through their time at college, without a thought towards what will be a REWARDING first job, and many more lament not having enjoyed those years more thoroughly. 5. I Wish I had Acted on my Career Hunches: Several individuals report having had “now-or-never” moments of opportunity, and have let them pass by, to their great detriment.
NOW, knowing these are the greatest regrets of professionals, we are now in a position to avoid them! Let’s cover Each tip in order. 1. Work Your Passion: Even more important than how much money you make, in the long run, is your level of job satisfaction. Doing something you’re passionate about, or something that you enjoy, or something with an emotionally rewarding payout, will give you much greater life satisfaction overall. You can still find ways to make good money, but you should consider what you will actually be spending your time doing BEFORE choosing a specific path. First, take some time and remember some times you felt really happy, satisfied, proud of yourself, or fulfilled. Think of what you were doing, or what was happening that made it so rewarding. Think of some things you actually love to do. You should be able to develop quite a little list. Turn the things on that list into career ideas. Reviewing those memories will help put you in the right state of mind to think of careers that will promote that for you, and so this part should flow pretty smoothly. You can also consider how to use these passions to make the steps on a career path easier and more rewarding. Next, consider some of these careers. Imagine you’re actually going to be involved in one of them, and walk through you day to day activities in your mind. What will you enjoy about actually doing this job? What will you not enjoy about it? Are you being realistic? Consider taking the time to interview professionals in some of your chosen fields. Consider the path of steps you will have to take for that career. Will you enjoy doing them? How long will they last? Take advantage of your subconscious ability to construct scenarios from patterns, and evaluate for SATISFACTION and HAPPINESS. Rate each scenario on a scale of 1-10. Finally, spend some time allowing your unconscious mind to process. Do something else for a little while. Watch a show, play a game, take a jog, hit the gym, have dinner, read a book, whatever it is you do. Avoid thinking about it for a while. Maybe overnight, or for a week. Your subconscious will process the analysis you did, and bring you the best solution. Just close your eyes and think of each choice for a brief moment, and see what your gut feeling is about it, and move on to the next. You will have the best feeling about your best choice. 2. Build Your Confidence: Perhaps this seems like it should be number 3. But it isn’t. Confidence will help you make the decision to quit earlier and take control of your own life, and as a prescription for #2, I’m going to prescribe that you increase your general level of confidence. One way to do that is to remember times you’ve felt confident in the past. Pick a specific time, a time ripe with confidence, and focus on it for a while. Catch every detail of that experience, and step into the memory completely, letting the feeling wash over you. Stand tall, much like you probably remember doing as you feel confident, and ACT confident.
Having a confident posture and acting confident will actually bolster your REAL confidence, and with repetition, help you become more confident habitually. 3. Immerse Yourself in Capability:
While you’re working on your confidence, you should also be filling your environment and your lifestyle with things that emphasize capability in the areas you want it. Subscribe to a blog about starting your own business. Order a book about a skill you’d like to improve. Put a motivational poster that really reaches you on your wall. Listen to inspiring speeches. Join a community of entrepreneurs. Study NLP! ;) The more your mind is immersed in an environment of capability, in which you can learn, and improve, and see progress, the more confident and capable you will be. At the same time, do your best to remove or eliminate things that work contrary to your aims. If you can’t actually remove the source, then change the way you think about it. Let it glide off your back, like water off a duck. Whatever else happens around you, you STILL possess the potential to achieve your goals, and the more of a problem some factor is, the more it can motivate you to do your best and eventually overcome it. 4. Be Mindfully Present: The word “Mindful” is used to mean “having an open and active attention to the present.” The human mind is a fascinating thing, capable of things like visiting visions of the past, or constructing projections of the future. Many times, in fact, we are so consumed with these internal time-travel experiences, that we do not fully experience the world as it is happening NOW. There is a reason we have this time-traveling capability, of course. Remembering the past allows us to learn from our previous experiences, so that we can avoid repeating mistakes, and repeat instead what has been proven to work. Projecting the future allows us to plan and be prepared for what may come, so that we may meet it in expectation of getting the best possible results. However, your life will be richer, and more fulfilling, if you also take time to appreciate the present. Focus on the details as you go about your life. Really take the time to notice things, even things you see every day. The world is ALIVE, and changing on every level. Even something that looks the same at first glance may hold curious wonder when looked upon with fresh eyes. And remember to hone your other senses as well! Imagine that you are a sponge, soaking up everything you can sense around you. Open your eyes, and your ears, and all the rest of your senses. You will be happiest and most fulfilled if you spend most of your time focusing on the present. Try to save planning mode for quiet down-times, or when you actually need it on demand. The more you practice this, the easier it will become.
5. Listen to Your Hunches! When you have what is commonly referred to as a hunch, what you are experiencing is a message from your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind absorbs ALL the data
that you sense, every minute of every day, searches it for patterns, and responds to those patterns. This processing represents about 90% of your total brain activity, and you are never even consciously aware of it. The subconscious is aware of you, though, and sometimes it enlists the aid and support of the conscious mind. The subconscious, however, doesn’t communicate in words. The language of the subconscious is SENSORY. That’s why you have a GOOD FEELING about someone or something, even when you don’t know why you like them. It’s why you may suddenly get a visual flash in your mind’s eye sometimes when you intuitively solve a problem or suddenly recall something important. And it is responsible for that “gut feeling” called a hunch. What happens is, your subconscious has been paying close attention to EVERYTHING, even things you may not have noticed. And, beneath the level of your conscious awareness, your mind has recognized a pattern, and it could be important! So, it sends you a little prod, something that you DO notice. That’s a hunch. It may even come with pictures or sounds, but the FEELING is how hunches are classically described. Regardless of what you may think about your level of intelligence or aptitude in certain areas, your subconscious mind is a pattern-processing system of EPIC proportions! It is generally very well informed, and trustworthy in the sense of doing its best to give you what you need in life. Listen to it. Elaborate on these hunches using your planning mode. And then pay attention. Because the odds are strongly in your favor when you trust your subconscious! In conclusion, it’s never too late to do things better. Live your life to its fullest, primed for satisfaction and happiness. And we recommend NLP! ;) Get your free NLP Insider Secrets ebook, and start seeing what NLP can do today. For more informatin regarding : Free NLP Training Course and NLP Persuasion Techniques please visit here :