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Raquel Alicia Teran Hunter
Raquel Alicia Teran Hunter, based in Miami, FL, is an avid tennis fan and player who finds that tennis not only provides an outlet for exercise but is an easy way to improve her health. Growing up, Raquel Alicia was always active and enjoyed participating in sports. She enjoys being involved in sports outdoors rather than in an enclosed gym and, after trying her hand at several different sports, Raquel Alicia found that she was searching for a sport for all ages that could improve her health and challenge her every time she participated. That’s where tennis came in. When Raquel Alicia Teran Hunter isn't playing tennis, she enjoys traveling. She enjoys immersing herself in a different world and culture. Raquel Alicia finds that she can learn a lot from her traveling experiences. Every change she gets, she tries to travel, whether it be on a simple cruise with her family or a weekend getaway with her husband.