Science Needs You!, Largest Global Database of Citizen Science Projects WRIT TEN BY CRISTINA DEPTUL A P H O T O G R A P H E D B Y S C I S TA R T E R . O R G
arlene Cavalier, founder of the citizen science website platform SciStarter. org, is a well-rounded person who doesn’t fit the stereotype of a science nerd, although she’s had a lifelong interest in science.
A former cheerleader for the Philadelphia 76ers, she launched an organization called the Science Cheerleaders, composed of over 300 former college, NBA , and NFL cheerleaders pursuing careers in STEM. They promote math and science careers to people, including young women, and have been featured on national and international media outlets.
Darlene has also written for various magazines, including Discover, where she was a senior contributor, Science Progress, and the New York Academy of Sciences magazine. She’s currently a professor at Arizona State Universit y ’s School for the Future of Innovation in Societ y.