Dec 2012 Rangers Valley Hanger Steak with Kimchi Butter

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28  december 2012



RangeR's Valley hangeR steak with kimchi butteR, spRing onion puRee and black Radish JakE nICOlSOn, CIRCa, mElbOuRnE SERVES 6 •  6 hanger steaks (250g) •  ½ bunch spring onions •  1 white onion (diced) •  100g spinach (blanched) •  200ml chicken stock •  100ml cream •  Salt to taste •  100g kimchi (blended into puree) •  250g butter (softened) •  40g Sriracha sauce •  Salt to taste •  250ml light soy sauce •  250g sugar •  60g ginger (finely chopped) •  ½ bunch watercress (picked   and washed) •  24 slices black radish   (sliced thinly) •  12 slices pickled ginger •  6 spring onions (grilled) mEthOD For the spring onion puree Grill the spring onions over a wood  grill or a barbecue to achieve a nice  charred flavour. meanwhile gently  sauté white onion in a little olive oil,  add the cream then stock and  reduce slightly. Add the charred  spring onions and spinach, cook  for about 5 minutes before  pureeing in a blender and passing  over ice. Season with salt.


FOR thE kImChI buttER Whip the butter until very white and  fluffy using the paddle attachment  in the kitchen. Fold the kimchi  puree and Sriracha through the  butter, season to taste before  rolling into 20cm diameter logs  using cling film. Place the logs in  the freezer until required.   FOR thE SwEEt gIngER   SOy CaRamEl dissolve the sugar in the soy sauce  over a low heat, add chopped  ginger and reduce until it coats the  back of a spoon. tO SERVE roast or char-grill the hanger steak  until medium rare. Allow to rest for  five minutes. Place four circles of  hot spring onion puree on the base  of your serving dishes. carve each  of the hanger steaks into 4 slices  and top with a slice of the kimchi  butter. dress the meat with a fine  drizzle of ginger soy caramel and  finish the dish with watercress,  black radish on ginger then finally  the grilled spring onion.  •

Chef's note – kimchi can be purchased from any Asian grocer if you don’t have time to make your own.

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