Undergrad Architecture Portfolio

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01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10


Salmona Culture Center I 6 - 13 I

Developable Housing I 14 - 19 I

Tubular Solution - Microarchitecture I 20 - 27 I

Luna Park I 28 - 53 I

Up the river, up the mountain I 54 - 61 I


School of Fine Arts I 64 - 69 I

Apt 92-10 I 70 - 75 I

Pink Apartment I 76 - 81 I

House Z09 I 82 - 93 I

Alhash House I 94 - 101 I

I 104 - 117 I

Curriculum Vitae I 116 - 119 I


* CV

Sketches and Renderings




Salmona Culture Center

I Universidad de Los Andes I Proyecto 3 I 2008 I I Rodrigo Arias I Simon Hampton I Felipe Serna I

A series of urban developments initiated a movement to modernize the city in the 1950’s. The 26th became the connection between the airport and downtown Bogota. Modern buildings that housed offices, hotels, and commerce would consume the center. This would be the first impression visitors would have of the capital, a city moving forward into modern times.

In the 80’s, following a rise of new sectors and an increase in criminal activity, the center began a steady decline. However, two recently commissioned urban projects promise to boost a resurgence of the area. A massive central station of Transmilenio, Bogota’s mass transportation system, will be constructed in the heart of the sector. The Bicentenario Park will reconnect the city center with the Independencia Park as it was before.

The aspiration of this project was to generate an urban integration of four disconnected cultural buildings, the Modern Art Museum, The Planetarium, A Bullfighting Stadium, and The National Museum. A series of pedestrian corridors would connect the buildings. These corridors would become plazas and meeting points every time they intersected each other. This would give way to civilian expression and interaction. A Social Center would be devised to complement the existing uses and consolidate a functional integration of various aspects of urban life. The center would house a library, a theater, and a sports and educational facility. The reconnection of these buildings and our new project would create an overlapping urban activity center.


Site Analysis Industry






The large number of educational institutions do not have enough facilities to fulfill their athletic, educational, and cultural needs.

Transmilenio transportation system coverage

Vehicular/Pedestrian nodes

Building Typologies Vivienda pareada Edificios no paramentados Casa en hilera Torres Tipologias con patio Tipologias con jardĂ­n Zonas Verdes



Plans and sections Level - 1 Theatre

Level 7 Restaurant

Level 6

Structure plan

Detailed section

Level 0

Level 1

Level 5: Terrace


Cross section

Physical model: structure


Physical model: site


Developable Housing

I Universidad de Los Andes I Proyecto Vertical Tecnica I 2009 I I Rodrigo Arias I Miguel Escallon I

Due to lack of resources and planning, the construction of houses in Colombia has become very informal. Families often build a first floor to house their basic needs. In time, as the family grows, additional floors would be appended to accommodate their needs. Houses become living organisms that evelove in time. People build these homes with their own hands and with whichever materials they can manage to obtain. Poor planning and limited technical knowledge have created a dense urban texture of unsafe homes.

I wished to tackle this situation by designing an economical and safe system of “do it yourself” houses. Families would design and construct their houses depending on their specific needs and ambitions. In time, houses could grow or shrink depending on what their users determined.

The idea would be to design a module that would serve as the starting point for each house. It would contain the basic needs of a common home. Each module would differ depending on its location. (Between two buildings, in a corner lot, or on a slanted terrain).z This initial module would serve as the nucleus of the house onto which other modules would be added to create a house. The system would guarantee user’s limitless possibilities to create their dwellings.


InBetween buildings

"Houses become living orga Slanted terrain

Corner lot


anisms that evolve in time"

acuerdo a sus necesidades teniendo en cuenta el crecimiento de EN ESTEun MANUAL.... familia para que ud y sus hijos siempre tengan techo donde vedoso vivir. sistema de vivienda modular 1. Se familiarizará con las Esensamble MUY FACIL. Salvo paraespacial. el proceso depiezas cimentación ud NOdel ne de construcción Assembly System y flexibilidad sistema. ará ninguna herramienta. Sólo se necesitará el nivelud deNO obra rmite aENSAMBLE udFACIL. adquirir unpara módulo inicial Es MUY Salvo el proceso de cimentación necin DE PIEZAS 2. Aprenderá cómo funcion dotará con este catálogo. marle oninguna restarle componentes de se necesitará herramienta. Sólo el nivel de obra inc el sistema de ensamble niendo cuenta el crecimiento de su entre piezas. do conen este catálogo. PIEZAS DE UNIÓN siempre tengan un techo donde 3. Aprenderá donde van las


Remates de techo: Estas piezas unen los paneles de pared con los de techo. se debe asegurar que exista un traslapo con las piezas del mismo tipo en sus costados.

UAL.... ará con las trucción del

ómo funciona nsamble


donde van las del sistema de

piezas dentro del sistema d construcción. 4. Encontrará una explicación sensilla del sistema de cimentación para que lo instale ud mismo.

Ensamble de paneles: Los paneles se unen mediante el uso de piezas A2, las cuales encajan en sus costados. Es necesario ejercer presión hasta oir un “click” pues así se asegura que queden herméticos y se evitan posibles filtraciones de humedad.

una explidel sistema n para que lo mo.

roceso de cimentación ud NO necesio sePIEZA necesitará el nivel de obra incluiDE UNIÓN A1


Uniones de entrepisos: Su forma de “T” facilita la unión entre los paneles de pared y de entrepiso. Encajan de igual manera en las zapatas de cimentación.

PIEZA DE UNIÓN A1 CIMENTACION: Sobre la cimentación: El sistema de cimentación está diseñado para ser fácil de instalar en el sitio solo es necesario tener a la mano un nivel de obra pues es importante que quede perfectamente niveladas las zapatas. La instalación se hace mediante conectores al igual que el resto de los componentes de la casa. La distancia entre zapatas no debe ser mayor un radio de 3 metros.


PIEZA DE UNIÓN A2 Paso 1: Se debe cabar un heueco inicial de 25cm de profundidad asegurandose que el fondo quede lo más plano posible.


Paso 2: Colocar el módulo de cimentación dentro del hueco.

Paso 3: Importante! Nivelar la cimentación con un nivel de obra.

Paso 4: Se vierte el concreto por la abertura que quedó.





Ud ha adquirido una unidad de te está modulado por paneles, d go de Componentes. Los panele PEDIDO encontrará paneles con

Wall Panel





Floor Panel


funcionamientodel delsistema sistema es es simple El El funcionamiento simpleyyno norequiere requiere de ninguna herramienta para su montaje. Las piezas de ninguna herramienta para su montaje. Las piezasdede uniónA1, A1,A2, A2,B1 B1yyB2 B2encajan encajan dentro dentro de tubos de unión delos los tubosDE dePISO PANEL DE PARED PANEL acero de los páneles de manera que los los seguros (los acero de los páneles de manera que los los seguros (los

Unión de modulos: Instalaciones: Cada panel y pieza de unión viene perforada por dos canales de PVC de 3”. Estos pases coinciden exactamente entre los diferentes paneles de manera que por estos tubos pueden pasar las instalaciones elécticas y sanitarias. Nota: Todos los paneles viene perforados por defecto.

Una vez recibido el modulo a añadir se debe planificar bien que paneles existentes han de ser retirados y que piezad de conección unión se necesitarán.

Paso 1: Retirar los paneles necesarios al modulo inicial

Paso 2: Insertar piezas de unión requeridas. Para este caso usar piezas A2.

Paso 3: Unir los Modulos. Sersiorarse que hagan “click”.

Sistema de acabados: La instalación de los acabados internos es simple y tampoo requiere de herramienta alguna. Los acabados ordenados por catálogo vienen sobre un refuerzo de tablex diseñado para encajar en los sujetadores en forma de “c” instalados en cada panel de pared, piso o techo. Sólo hay que deslizar el panel por esrtos sujetadoes y encajará a la pefección. Nota: los guardaescobas son parte del acabado escogido, no requieren instalación.

Proyecto Vivienda Modular Rodrigo Arias Miguel Escallón


e vivienda básica, ahora puede adicionarle y restarle tantos componentes como desee. Cada componende manera que es muy fácilo desmontarlos para adicionar nuevos componentes adquiridos del Cataloes aca dibujados son esquemáticos y muestran tan solo el funcionamiento general. En el CATALOGO DE n puertas, ventanas y demás especificiaciones.


Tubular Solution

I Universidad de Los Andes I Proyecto Vertical Tecnica I 2009 I I Rodrigo Arias I Miguel Escallon I

The objective of this assignment was to give students their first experience in a design competition. The brief was to design a pavilion where we would exhibit some concrete models we had built. We would work in pairs and hand in an anonymous proposal for a team of jurors to pick the winner. Our proposal was a tubular like pavilion that created a corridor exhibition. Students would cross the exhibition on their way to class. We imagined a structural system built out of laminated cardboard arches. They would be united by transverse cardboard sections to create a lattice Connecting plastic sheets would wrap the structure acting as a protective skin. We were awarded first place and became the project managers. We had to lead a team composed of our peers. I decided to split my team into different focus groups. The design group would create all the basic and detailed plans. The financial group would estimate the total cost of the construction and purchase the materials. Finally, the construction team would build the pavilion. The managerial team would oversee the operations and insure that everything was done in an organized and efficient way. We successfully completed the construction after a couple of weeks of sleepless nights. It was an eye opening experience and I learned the true complexity even a small project can acquire. Stop motion asemply process:



Site skecth

Cardboard model ESC1:10


Exploded axonometric

Each arch was constructed by joining four sheets of cardboard


Triangle shaped joints gave stability to the structure



Luna Park

I Universidad de Los Andes I Thesis Project I 2011 I I Rodrigo Arias I Prof. Carlos Campuzano I

For my graduation project I had to intervene lot on the banks of the Tunjuelo River in Bogota. Located on the south of the city, the Tunjuelo River runs from east to west as it flows down the mountain into the savannah. A mining ground attracted my attention because of its unique physical characteristics. Sandwiched between two important vehicular arteries (Via al Llano and Caracas Av) the site stands at the foot of the densely populated mountains. After decades of mining, the area was transformed into a moonlike topography brimming with craters and dunes of different sizes. Living conditions in the neighboring’s housing sectors deteriorated with the increasing amounts of audio and dust pollution. However, come rainy season, these craters would flood with water and transform into lakes. The terrain would rapidly morph from an arid desert into a blooming oasis with lakes and vegetation.

A master plan was designed to convert the area into a vast metropolitan park. Five sites would be destined for sports, cultural, commercial, and entertainment facilities. A web of different corridors would span across the whole park uniting them and creating meeting points for civic interactions.

I decided to focus on the design of a specific facility in order to kick start the master plan. I chose to fuse the entertainment and sport facility into one project that would be located at the center of the park on atop an isthmus like stretch of land surrounded by the new artificial lakes. It would represent as the heart of the park, the place where all roads meet.

The nucleus of the project would be a covered plaza where pedestrians would arrive from various places. This plaza would split the project in two halves which correspond to each of the uses.


This intervention would have to become milestone in local architecture. I decided to create an artificial terrain that would resemble the current landscape. The different uses and activities would be located beneath the terrain. To do this, I decided to imitate the landscape using a gridshell structure based out of a double curvature system which enabled me to experiment with different shapes that allowed me to cover broad areas. A strong perimetric ring would give stability to the system. The gridshell lattice would be made out of wood with plastic sheets creating a wrapping skin. Inside, the open plan and large areas would allow for an ever-changing use of the space. At night the building creates a spectacle of light reflecting on the artificial lakes.




Tunjuelito river basin




Site analysis

Average green m2 / inhabitant per city

35 Masterplan: Metropolitan Park. Metropolitan Park

37 Access

Conceptualization The project would have two components: 1. Ceiling that resembles an organic terrain. 2. Concrete blocks with different uses. Ventilation would be guaranteed by creating a chimney effect where cold air would enter from beneath and hot air would exit through the ceiling.

Form and ventilation

Building blocks


A caterpillar form was used as inspiration in this technique.

Program Distribution

Program croquis A central corridor would act as a connector between both buildings

Uses and activities


Building plan


43 Sports building

45 Cross section

Structure Structural consideration

Structural plan.

Element connection

Element connection

Element connection



Reference: Mannheim Multihall

Physical Models: Study of Form

Catenary Systems


Double curvature system


I decided to create an artificial terrain that would resemble the current landscape. The different uses and activities would be located beneath this terrain.

"A good building reveals different things about itself when viewed from different distances."


Matthew Frederick


Up the river, up the mountain

I Architectural Association I Visiting School I 2013 I I Black Team I

“Parametric design is changing architecture. It allows for deep experimentation and innovation in an attempt to address today’s complex architectural and urban challenges. Positioning architecture side by side with other disciplines that have enjoyed a paradigm shift in the last decades, scripting in architecture has recently proven to be one of the most powerful techniques currently being interrogated by cutting edge architects worldwide.� Course Program The idea of this exercise was to invade a couple of locations in downtown Bogota. Once inside, we would deploy small scale paradoxical actions a la Bistegui apartment by le Corbusier. By using parametric, algorithmic design and digital fabrication, we were able to shrink down the city to manageable human scale giving us the power to fabricate a speculative Bogota.

Thanks to our hands on approach and experimentation I was able to experiment the endless opportunities parametric design has to offer. Most importantly I was able to understand, first hand, the limitations and complications that this type of design implies. I think it is a definite tool for future architects but it should be used with caution and experience so as not to create form oriented pop architecture.



Parametric process using Rhino, Grasshopper, and python script

Form experimentation


Physical model assembly process

By using parametric, algorithmic design and digital fabrication, we were able to shrink down the city to manageable human scale giving us power to fabricate a speculative Bogota.


Professional In 2012 I decided to create my own architecture and design firm. SoNA was born under the idea of building a creative studio where my associate and I could develop our creative skills. Architecture, Design, and 3D Production are the main components of this enterprise.




School of Fine Arts

I La Javeriana University Competition I 2009 I I Arias Serna Saravia I 2nd place

The Universidad Javeriana sponsored a design competition for their Faculty of Fine Arts. The competition was open to alumni members with a design or architecture firm. My employer at the time, ARIAS SERNA SARAVIA , was a graduate of the school and invited to participate. I was part of the group that was put together for the task and was specifically responsible for the initial site analysis and final presentation of plans, sections, and renderings. Examples of my specific work can be seen on the next pages.


Basement plan


Level 1 & 2

Streel level plan

North facade

Site analysis


Site rendering

Cross section


Exterior patio areas


Aparment refurbishment

I SoNA I apartment refurbishment I 2013 I I Arias Serna Saravia I

I was presented with the challenge of refurbishing an apartment in a building constructed in the 1960’s.With a low internal height of just 2.2m and a compartmented spatial plan, the space was dark and cramped. We decided to start from scratch by demolishing all interior walls and thus creating a tabula rasa. We would conceive an extensive area where the social uses would be placed. (Kitchen, Dining Room, Social Room, and TV Room) They would have no divisions between them creating a sense of spatiality and roominess. Taking advantage of its location on the last floor, some skylights where opened to allow sunlight to flood the entire space. The height was increased in certain areas by demolishing the recessed ceiling and thus exposing the constructive system.

This gave the apartment a contemporary industrial style. A master bedroom and guest room would be located at the end of the apartment for privacy. Basic materials and colors where used so the owners could have a blank canvas to decorate.




“Architecture is the thoughtful making of space.” Louis Kahn


We took advantage of its location on the last floor to open some skylights so sunlight could flood the entire space

Central corridor

Firewood storage

75 Social area


Pink Apartment

I SoNA I Apartment Refurbishment I 2013 I I Rodrigo Arias I

This apartment is located on a building on the foot of the mountain. An elongated terrace with privileged views of the city spans the entire length of the apartment. The original floor plan consisted of small spaces and tight corridors that created a cold and dark ambiance. I made the terrace the focal point in terms of light and distribution. Spaces that need natural light would be oriented against the terrace and the rest would be located towards the back. The couple wished to have a large social area, a master bedroom, and a room in which they could accommodate guests or a TV room. I decided to create big area at the center of the apartment where the kitchen, social area and dining room shared a common space. The master bedroom and guestroom would be placed at both ends.




79 Dining room

Living room and chimney

81 Book shelves


House Z09

I SoNA I Residential I Ongoing I I Rodrigo Arias I

I received a call from local artist. He wanted to transform his small studio into a house. The studio was located in a residential condominium 30 kms away from Bogota in a small town called La Calera.

The task of restoring a building can sometimes prove more difficult than constructing a new one from scratch. Drawing up an action plan for the conversion of a building poses a challenge to any architect, as it requires strategies very different from those developed for empty plots.

The client requested that I didn’t intervene his office area, disturb his views of the lake, and that the house appear to have been built as a hole and not a series of additions.


The original studio consisted of two modules. One module was used as an office and the other as a guest room. Both modules were rectangular concrete blocks with protruding walls that served as a barrier against the exterior. These modules where connected by and external corridor. I decided to use this strategy to give continuity to that initial idea so the end result would ensure cohesiveness. I added two modules. The private module would accommodate two master bedrooms; the service module would contain a storage room, laundry room, service bedroom, and a guestroom. The original corridor would be stretched connecting the new modules to the rest of the house. The new spaces would also have extended walls against the exterior. The house would be painted in a similar peanut like paint to unite all the elemetns.


New house



Initial sketch

Casa Arango ARQ. Rodrigo Arias

Arias Serna Saravia

Claudio Arango


A 002



Julio 2013


Arq. Rodrigo Arias



Second floor
































Nota: Los ejes marcados dentro de casillas corresponden a los ejes de la construccion original. Ejes nuevos dentro de circulos.






9 8 7 6

11 12 13 14 15

5 4 3 2 1

16 17 18


Claudio Arango

Arias Serna Saravia

Arq. Rodrigo Arias



- Cambio Acceso Vehicular y peatonal - Cambio a cocina abierta - Redise単o estudio (closet y wc) - Cambio deposito/calentador (un solo espacio) - Cambio chimenea - Cambio mueble cuarto ropas - Piso exterior cuartos en concreto salado



- Cambio pergola vehicular

ARQ. Rodrigo Arias

Casa Arango

Julio 2013


A 001


First floor EQUIPOS

9 17



8 15




6 12




3 10



4 Corte A-A Arq. Rodrigo Arias

Enero 2013




Living / dining room

18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2



Physical model Esc 1:75



93 Entry


Alhash House

I SoNA I Residential I Ongoing I I Rodrigo Arias I

I was hired to design a house on the outskirts of Bogota, near a town called Villeta in a mountainous terrain located at a height of 1.100mabove sea level. With average temperatures of 25 C and a heavy rain season, the climate can be defined as tropical. My clients, a couple with three daughters, wanted a country side home they could visit on weekend and vacations to get away from the city. The wanted it to be very open to the terrain and allow the vegetation to flow freely within the house. The steep terrain overlooks another mountain and a stunning valley to the west. The sun and views played a decisive role in the design of this house. I began the creative process with a rectangle scheme. This shape insured maximum exposure to the views and afternoon sunlight. Then, I bent the rectangle so as to create a more panoramic exposure. Next I separated the rectangle at the bend creating a private area (Bedrooms) and communal area (Kithen,dining room, social area etc..) . A long outdoor corridor would connect both volumes. A service module would complete the scheme.



Sun path fdcember 21

Ideal implantation



View from the house

Terrain physical model

3d model

Implantation Access

Program distribution

Program distribution

The private module was skewed to create a gathering place with an open vista.


Sketch and markers

101 First floor

103 Second floor

*Sketches and Renderings Through my academic and professional career, I’ve had a special interest on the subject of graphic representation. Through sketches and renderings alike, I have been able to express my ideas in a concise and clear manner. Here you will find some of my selected works.

105 ┃ Terra Encharcada ┃ Brasil ┃ 2012 ┃

107 ┃ Puerto Tambora ┃ Cartagena, Colombia ┃ 2013┃

109 ┃ Puerto Tamboraa ┃ Cartagena, Colombia ┃ 2013┃

┃ New Museum ┃ SANNA ┃ New York ┃

111 ┃ Prada Store ┃ HERZOG & MEURON ┃ Tokyo ┃

113 ┃ Casa Fumigadores ┃ Subachoque, Colombia ┃ 2012 ┃

I was asked to design an image for a new hotel in Bogota. The concept was to give a sence of depth to the space so visitors could imagine what was inside. It is the largest architectural rendering ever printed in Colombia 6,5 x 36 meters

115 ┃ Urban Perspective ┃ Bogota, Colombia ┃ 2013 ┃

"I prefer drawing to talking. Drawing is faster and leaves less room for lies."


Le Corbusier


Rodrigo Arias

Address: Cra 1 este #74-14 Bogotรก, Colombia Email: rarias@sona3d.com - rarias28@gmail.com Phone: (+57) 310 5144644 - (+571) 3100408 Web: www.sona3d.com Date of Birth: August 4, 1986 Bogotรก, Colombia Nationality: Colombian

Education 1992 - 2005 Colegio Nueva Granada (Bogotรก, Colombia) American High School Degree Diploma de bachillerato colombiano. 2005 (May - August) Eurocentres (La Rochelle, France) Basic french 2005 (August - December) Eurocentres (Paris, France) Intermediate french 2006-2011 Universidad de los Andes (Bogotรก, Colombia) Bachelor of architecture Short Courses 2010 May-June Academia de Cocina Verde Oliva (Bogotรก, Colombia) Basic cooking 2010 Summer Course IED Barcelona Escola Superior de Disseny (Barcelona, Spain) Interior design

2012 Naska Digital (Bogotรก, Colombia) Arquitectura Digital (Begginer & Intermediate Levels) 2013 Summer Architectural Association Visiting School (Bogotรก, Colombia) Generative Design and digital prototyping

Professional 2009 Summer Internship Arias, Serna, Saravia www.ariasernasaravia.com.co Part of the team that worked on the School of Arts Competition for the Javeriana University in Bogotรก, Colombia. Coordinated 3d Modeling and Representation. Second place. 2010 - 2011 Arias, Serna, Saravia www.ariassernasaravia.com.co Summum - Residential Building Bogota, Colombia Part of the team that designed and coordinated the interior design.

2012 - Ongoing Co-Founder of SoNA: Architecture & Design Studio SoNA was born under the idea of building a creative studio where my associate and I could develop our creative skills. Architecture, Design, and 3D Production are the main components of this enterprise.


La Reserva de Potosi - Residential Country Club - Sopo, Colombia Responsible for 3D modelling and representation

SELECTED WORKS 01-05/2012 BCBG Max Azria Boutique Store (Bogotรก, Colombia) Local Architect and Project manager for the first BCBG Max Azria Store in Colombia. 06-11/2012 Apartment GG, 130m2 (Bogota, Colombia) Designer and project manager 05-12/2012 Apartment 92-10 186m2 (Bogota, Colombia) Designer and project manager 06/2013 - 07/2014 House Z09 (Sopo, Combia) Designer and project manager 11/2013 Alhash House (Villeta, Colombia) Designer and project manager

Prizes First Place Universidad de los Andes El Objeto del Deseo First place on an individual competition between 53 students. Aimed at designing a publicity poster for the object of choice. Publication Award Naska Digital. Final Project. First place for design and represantation of an architecture shelter. Project was publicated within the school and website.

First Place Universidad de los Andes. Taller Tecnico. First place in a competition between 25 pairs of students. Design, Management, and Construction of an architectural space for the display of art. Honorable Thesis Universidad de los Andes Honorable thesis project.

Skills Languages Spanish (Native) English (Fluent/Advanced) French (Intermediate)


Software Autocad 2D/3D, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, After Effects, Premiere, Office Suite, Lightroom, Magic Bullet, Rhinocheros, Grasshopper, 3DS Max, Vray+MentalRay, Sketchup, Knoll Light Factory, PhotoZoom .


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