Collaborative Book – Keep Your Footprint Low Make the Earth Grow

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To protect the climate, we desperately need a change of mindset. It is a question of education starting with our youngest. It is important to foster their interest for this theme and so make them critical thinkers as adults in the future. The goal of this manual is to give teachers ideas to start work on this topic. Here you will find sets of lessons, developed by us, teachers from the five partner countries. The age of our students participating in this project was a broad range, from the age of 5 in kindergarten, up to primary students aged 6-13 and secondary students aged 14. We hope teachers find lesson plans that suit their students´ ages. These elaborated lesson plans, provided with images and work sheets, shall guide you when covering this important issue in your class curriculum. Through this project KEEP YOUR FOOTPRINT LOW AND MAKE THE EARTH GROW we want to make pupils aware that it is better for the environment to use products from their “regional backyard” instead of using products with a long transport history and a high carbon footprint. Participating schools: AUSTRIA- Volksschule am Tabor- ROSWITHA ZEGER IRELAND- Scoil Mhuire Lourdes Boys’ National School -AIDAN CROWLEY LITAUEN-Vilniaus Vyturio pradine mokykla- RASA JANUSKEVICIENE TURKEY- Bursa Orhanbey ilkokulu- FUNDA SAGIR WALES- Ynysowen Community Primary Grove Field Aberfan- TARA NICOLLS Outcomes achieved:     

Students are able to define their carbon footprint Students see the inputs influencing the footprint calculation They know several ways how to reduce their carbon footprint Students have an increased knowledge about products available in their regional backyard They are able to use the products sparingly and by this reduce their carbon footprint and waste production We have all enjoyed our creative journey and hope it inspires you!

Keep Your Footprint Low, Make the Earth Grow!

DISCLAIMER This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication/communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Subject/s Language Science Art

Class st

1 grade BEARS were used for this topic as we learned the letter B. It can be taught by using any other animal.

Curriculum Links Use information, gained from pictures, to demonstrate understanding what impact one´s behaviours have on the environment

Learning Objective By using Bears students learn about the impact their behaviour has on the environment   

They can define 'environment' They can list the key characteristics of environment They are aware of the relationship between environment and living things-bears


Learning Outcomes Students create a poster about the habitat of the different bears(panda , american/european brown bear, black bear) In a roll play they can speak about the needs of bears They know how ecological situations( good/bad) influences their wellbeing

Key competences Thinking and reflection

Teacher Activity Objectives &Outcomes

Learner Activity Identify the techniques used for all learners

Assessment Strategy Used to ensure progress of all learners

Resources e.g.materials, equipment, expert

Listen Students can solve riddle

Make them curious

Books Role play masks Body figure drawn on paper

Students are engaged in conversation

Update their knowledge through conversation

Play figures: panda, Brown bear(2x) black bear, polar bear

Introduction: Teachers starts with a riddle Topic is told and bears are shown(PPT)

Main part:

World map Photos Names of continents

PPT is shown, students reflect their newly gained knowledge

Check the information on students’ presentations


Listen and follow instructions

Presents importance of the topic to create environmental awareness

Paper, glue, photos marker

Students ask questions which have to be answered by the group

Questions and answers

Play masks

Focus is put on the habitat and living circumstances

Students are grouped, task for practical work is presented: “Me and my habitat”

evaluation: Students present their posters

Where do bears live

Environmental conditions where bears feel well

Environmental conditions where bears don´t feel well.


Subject/s Language Science Art

Class st

1 grade

Curriculum Links Be sensible and understanding about what impact one´s behaviour has on the environment

Learning Objective Students search for ecological factors and investigate how they influence their own well being Develop their active healthy way of life and assessing the problems

Learning Outcomes At the end of the unit students  will be able to reflect their environmental behaviour  know about ecological factors  how these factors correlate with the environment  how it interferes their well being  present their ideas in little drawings

Key competences Thinking and reflection

Teacher Activity Objectives &Outcomes

Learner Activity Identify the techniques used for all learners

Assessment Strategy Used to ensure progress of all learners

Resources e.g.materials, equipment, expert Power point,

Introduction Topic is introduced . Aims of the lesson are presented as an extension of the previous lesson.

Two groups are formed: One(bear) group summarizes what makes them happy Second (bear)group what makes them feel bad

Repeat what students remember from previous lesson

Oral Role play masks

Teachers shows images, showing different ecological situations (traffic, air pollution, blooming flowers, ….) Ranking the images in order of :  makes me feel well  makes me feel sick

Give opinion and reason

Discussion on the images


Attach the images to the different parts of the body “which part of my body is interfered” (air pollution interferes my breathingnose/lungs; )

Give opinion and reason and verify them

Agree or disagree Helping assisting


All images are attached to part of the body

Control and verify the poster

Prompt discussion in groups

completed poster

Students write/illustrate what they have achieved

five finger evaluation

Evaluation sheet

Main part

Outline of a student`s body on wrapping paper

evaluation Conclusion giving summary of the lesson

Ranking the images in order of :  makes me feel well  makes me feel sick Attach the images to the different parts of the body “which part of my body is interfered” (air pollution interferes my breathing-nose/lungs; )

Display board “Me and the environment” part I-II


Subject/s Maths Science ICT

Class nd

2 grade

Curriculum Links Mathematics-graphs, lenght ICT-using keywords Art-work meticulously Language-construction of sentences, pronounciation

Learning Objective    

Can source the country of origin on the food packages Can group food items into „small“ –„big „ footprint Are able to explain what food miles are Can use a measurement tape effectively

Learning Outcomes a. Students can use the food miles calculator confidently b. With the help of the food miles calculator students can transform the food miles into decimeter measurments and have been able to adapt the result onto the measuring tape used. c. Create a poster and attach their result to „small“-„large“ footprint d. Can interpret the poster e. Can think critically

Key competences Digital skills: students use PC to calculate the food miles of a product Can use measurement Can can find and use information

Teacher Activity Objectives &Outcomes

Learner Activity Identify the techniques used for all learners

Assessment Strategy Used to ensure progress of all learners

Resources e.g.materials, equipment, expert

Control the student`s knowledge

Have a look at your package and try to localize where it comes from

Asking each student “Name your package and where does it come from?”

Packages with ingredients that are used mainly for backing Christmas cookies Use always the SAME packages through ALL lesson parts

-We want to find out HOW FAR has your package travelled until it landed in the supermarket -What happens when you walk in snow, sand or on green grass? -Has the size of the footprint any impact Consider the size of your footprint

-Individual answers

Student`s footprints

-They are engaged in conversation

poster, marker

Distribute food packages

Introducing the topic and expressing aim of subject

-mind map

Each student is assigned to talk about is footprint

food package

Share your ideas Teacher introduces the footprint calculator img/fm-logo.pngator

-Each student localizes the country of origin -determines the food miles -transforms the miles into decimetre measurements

Student attach his result to ”small”“large” foot print poster

food packages PC Measurement tape poster glue marker

Teachers sums up the results. Asks for conclusion “Guess, how many food miles your Christmas cookies contain?”

Give their conclusion

Personal questions


Groups the students into four “Try to find ways, how you can reduce your food print?”

food packages

.. and determine food miles

Students find ways how THEY can reduce their food print

-Each group creates a poster and presents it to the class -presentations are discussed

use the food miles calculator…

attach the result

Coloured paper Glue Scissors marker

present to class

our ideas







Curriculum Links

2 grade

  

should be taught to speak clearly and convey ideas confidently using standard mother tongue learn to justify ideas with reason give well-structured descriptions and explanations

Learning Objective Why does food need packaging?

Learning Outcomes o Students know the types of packaging material used for food o Students are made aware that food needs sometimes packaging o Are made sensible to check if packaging is necessary or not and choose their products carefully

Key competences Communicate in mother tongue Making choices Share ideas and opinions within a group

Teacher Activity Objectives &Outcomes

Learner Activity Identify the techniques used for all learners

Assessment Strategy Used to ensure progress of all learners

Resources e.g.materials, equipment, expert

Investigation: “What do you think is packaging?” students are put into groups

Students work in groups. They must define what is “packaging” in their eyes

Groups present their definition Ideas are put into a mind map by the teacher

paper sheet board marker

Teachers gives a short summary about the history of packaging

Students listen

Teacher presents topic

Students put their food packaging into the middle of the circle and give opinion  why they think food needs packaging.  what would happen if food wasn’t packaged?  is some food packaged unnecessarily?

Discussion and analyze

food packaging material

Pre preparation: Students are asked to bring food packaging In order to make sure that all different types of packaging material can be presented, teacher collects these items by himself

Summary and conclusion are given by the teacher

Students are asked to Each student attaches attach their packaging his packaging to the different groups: explaining his choice  protect and preserve food  make it more attractive to customers  keep food fresh and make it last longer  makes transportation easier  make sure product doesn´t get damaged or broken

mind map

discuss and analyse


various functions






2 grade

Curriculum Links   

should be taught to speak clearly and convey ideas confidently using standard mother tongue learn to justify ideas with reason give well-structured descriptions and explanations

Learning Objective Packaging types and what impact does it have on the enviroment?

Learning Outcomes o Students know the types of packaging material used for food o Students are made aware that food needs sometimes packaging o Are made sensible to check if packaging is necessary or not and choose their products carefully

Key competences Communicate in mother tongue Making choices Share ideas and opinions within a group

Teacher Activity Objectives &Outcomes

Pre preparation: Teaches has stored

Learner Activity Identify the techniques used for all learners

Assessment Strategy Used to ensure progress of all learners

Resources e.g.materials, equipment, expert

food packaging from the previous lesson In order to make sure that all different types of packaging material can be presented, teacher brings these items by himself Evaluation of lesson part I.

Students give answers by using tablets

Teachers puts the students in the same groups as they were in lesson part I . He gives the task “ Sort packaging according to material”

Students work in groups. Each group has packaging.

Teacher asks students to create a display poster by sorting the packaging according to the material

Teacher checks results on the student’s response. The overall results are commented, and the correct answers are analysed if any gaps are identified Results are compared and commented.

Students put their food packaging into the middle of the circle and sort packaging according to material  Plastic  Aluminium and steel cans  Glass  Paper and card

Asking the class questions about the main aim -What was packed? -Do you think is it overpacked or not? -What kind of material was used and what function does it have? -what impact does it have on the environment?


Students do as they were asked by the teacher using the sentence:  My packaging is made of glass…..  My product is overpacked / not

Each student attaches his packaging articulating clearly Gives opinion and backs up with reasons

Display poster Glue marker


Conclusion giving summary

Check the display poster if it´s ok

Sort according to material

various functions

material and functions

Not overpacked --can- easier to transport

Keep your footprint low and make the Earth grow

LESSON PLAN LESSON TOPIC Investigating where our food comes from



Curriculum Links


Learning Resource Base

Identify and locate places and environments using globes, atlases, and maps

Learning Objective ● To identify where the apples come from.

Learning Outcomes ● ● ● ●

To read the labels on the packaging to find out where the apples come from. To find the countries on a map of the world. To record my results on a table. Add the data to ‘Google my map’

Key competences ● Digital competences ● Literacy - reading

Teacher Activity

Learner Activity

Assessment Strategy


Objectives &Outcomes

Identify the techniques used for all learners

Used to ensure progress of all learners

e.g.materials, equipment, expert


Give the pupils the apples and explain that they were all purchased from the same supermarket. show them the labels and explain that these will tell you where the apples have come from?

think/pair/share where do you think the apples were grown?

Main activity

Record the results on a table.

Give the pupils the apples in packaging and tell them to find out the names of the apples and where they’ve come from.

Demonstrate how to upload their table into google my map

Can pupils name the apple that had the shortest distance to travel?


  

Apples Maps Table worksheet or laptop (google slides or Microsoft excel) Atlas Google my map

Do they know the different names of the apples?

Find the different countries on the map of the word. Which country is the furthest/nearest to us? How many air miles have they travelled? How does this have an effect on the environment? Pupils to upload their tables onto the google my map app

 

Evaluation Visit another class to show them the map and what they have learnt.

Self -evaluation using the learning ladybirds.

Pupils to share their findings with Can pupils name the apple that had the the class. shortest distance to travel?

Interactive white board laptop

Learning ladybirds

Keep your footprint low and make the Earth grow

Write a list of the apples we found in the supermarket. Read the packaging labels to find out where they came from.

Keep your footprint low and make the Earth grow

Sort the apples according to colour




Keep your footprint low and make the Earth grow

LESSON PLAN LESSON TOPIC Demonstrating and understanding of how we can reduce our carbon footprint.




Year 6

Curriculum Links Sustainable development and global citizenship. Learners should understand how the environment can be affected by the decisions we make individually and collectively and that local actions have global effects because of connections between places and people. Ask and answer questions. How have people affected this place/ environment? How can I and other people look after this environment?


Learning Objective ● To create a persuasive/informative poster

Learning Outcomes ● I can identify actions that could reduce our carbon footprint ● I can create a persuasive/informative poster ● I can choose the most persuasive/informative poster to be put up around the school.

Key competences

● Literacy – Writing-writing in a way to engage the reader. Using appropriate persuasive devices. Making use of appropriate subject specific vocabulary.

Teacher Activity

Learner Activity

Objectives &Outcomes

Identify the techniques used for all learners

Assessment Strategy Used to ensure progress of all learners

Resources e.g. materials, equipment, expert


Recap on work completed during the last lesson.


Main activity

Individually children to create a persuasive poster encouraging people to reduce their carbon footprint and ensuring they describe the activities that contribute most to global warming.

Introduce the task-To create a persuasive/informative poster


What do they know? In what ways can we help lower our carbon footprint?

Pupils to share their posters with the class.

Discuss posters created

Pupils are able to make suggestions about how they can reduce their carbon footprint at home and at school.

Pupils are able to use persuasive devices to create a poster persuading/informing people to try and reduce their carbon footprint.

 

Paper List of actions


Created posters

Ebi….. Class to choose their favourite poster to up

around the school and to be sent home to parents.

Keep your footprint low and make the Earth grow

LESSON PLAN LESSON TOPIC Developing an understanding of the terms carbon footprint and how we affect the world.




Year 6

Curriculum Links Sustainable development and global citizenship. Learners should understand how the environment can be affected by the decisions we make individually and collectively and that local actions have global effects because of connections between places and people. Ask and answer questions. How have people affected this place/ environment? How can I and other people look after this environment?


Learning Objective ● To understand the terms carbon footprint, greenhouse gases and climate change.

Learning Outcomes ● I can discuss the effects of Global warming ● I can identify actions that raise our carbon footprint and contribute to global warming ● I can carry out a survey based on how children come to school before learning about the effects of carbon on the environment. ● I can complete a tally chart and represent the data in a suitable graph.

● I can draw conclusions

Key competences ● Digital competences-research ● Literacy – Oracy-asking and answering questions. Making use of appropriate subject specific vocabulary. Participating in a class discussion about Global warming and our carbon footprint. ● Numeracy-representing data in an appropriate graph. Drawing conclusions.

Teacher Activity

Learner Activity

Objectives &Outcomes

Identify the techniques used for all learners

Assessment Strategy Used to ensure progress of all learners

Resources e.g.materials, equipment, expert


Using the teacher created power point introduce the children to the terms carbon footprint, greenhouse gases and climate change

Think/pair/share What do they already know? What do the terms mean? Where have they heard this vocabulary before?

Pupils are able to explain the term carbon footprint , greenhouse gases and climate change.

Teacher prepared power point

Main activity

Discuss the effects of global warming e.g ice caps melting and coastal flooding etc.

In groups pupils to identify actions that raise our carbon footprint and contribute to global warming Having baths not showers Leaving electrical devices on standby rather than switching them off. Holidays abroad Buying food and clothing from abroad rather than local produce Driving cars rather than walking or cycling Turning the heating up Using non renewable energy sources Not recycling

Pupils to carry out a survey based on how children come to school before learning about the effects of carbon on the environment. Complete a tally chart and represent the data in a

Pupils are able to create a list of the ways in which we all contribute to Global warming and increase our carbon footprint.

  

IWB Power point Excel/2graph

Teacher to show the pupils a survey to be completed before and after low carbon week based on how they travel to school.


Pupils to sum up what they have learned during this lesson.

suitable graph.

Can pupils draw appropriate conclusions linked to what we have discussed and their findings in the graph?

Pupils are able to draw simple conclusions linking them to their learning and using suitable vocabulary. Play Carbon footprint Who Wants To Be A Millionaire to assess the pupils understanding.

Created graphs

Carbon Footprint-Who Wants to be a Millionaire

Survey-Year 5/6 How do pupils travel to school? (Before low carbon Week)

Means of travelling Car







Survey-Year 5/6 How do pupils travel to school? (After low carbon Week)

Means of travelling Car







Keep your footprint low and make the Earth Grow grow

LESSON PLAN LESSON TOPIC Finding out about and explaining Fairtrade



Curriculum Links


Year 6

Carry out – investigations of ‘geography in the news’, topical events and issues in the local area and the wider world

Learning Objective ● To demonstrate an understanding of Fairtrade ● To put on a Fairtrade assembly for parents and pupils.

Learning Outcomes ● ● ● ●

I can carry out relevant research based on Fairtrade I can skim and scan a text looking for key words and phrases linked to Fairtrade. I can demonstrate an understanding of Fairtrade I can use my knowledge of Fairtrade to put on an assembly for parents and pupils in order to disseminate information.

Key competences ● Digital competences-research ● Literacy - reading –skimming and scanning texts-oracy speaking confidently in front of a large audience using subject specific language and vocabulary.

Teacher Activity

Learner Activity

Assessment Strategy


Objectives &Outcomes

Identify the techniques used for all learners

Used to ensure progress of all learners

e.g.materials, equipment, expert

Introduction Recap on prior learning of Fairtrade. Go through teacher prepared Power point to ensure all pupils understand and can explain the term Fairtrade.

Think/pair/share – What is Fairtrade? How does it help people in other countries?

Pupils to carry out relevant Pupils to be given research on chrome books to Fairtrade and use carry out research their understanding to Remind pupils that create a power they need to check point the reliability of presentation. different websites. Pupils to work in Explain that we want pairs and a class collaborative complete one power point created slide each for the in order to inform assembly. parents and pupils about Fairtrade.

 Can pupils explain the term Fairtrade to a partner using appropriate vocabulary?

Pupils create relevant slides which contain information about Fairtrade.

 

Teacher prepared power point Variety of Fairtrade products.

Main activity

Chrome books Microsoft Power point or Google slides

Evaluation Prepare assembly for parents and pupils

Choose two pupils to share the assembly with WWW? the class. EBI…… Evaluate it. Is it informative enough to ensure parents understand about Fairtrade? Will parents and pupils know more about Fairtrade after assembly than before?

 

Class computer Power point/Google slides presentation

Fairtrade Coffee Morning and Assembly for Parents

Keep your footprint low and make the Earth grow

LESSON PLAN LESSON TOPIC Visit from the farmer



Curriculum Links

Design technology

Learning Resource Base

Identify where food is sourced.

Learning Objective ● To identify where the lamb/milk/ comes from.

Learning Outcomes ● ● ● ● ●

To listen carefully to the farmer. To ask the farmer quetions. To make notes about the farmers job. To taste some of the product. To identify things to make using the fresh produce we have been given.

Key competences ● Digital competences ● Literacy - oracy ‘asking questions’ writing ‘making notes’

Teacher Activity

Learner Activity

Assessment Strategy


Objectives &Outcomes

Identify the techniques used for all learners

Used to ensure progress of all learners

e.g.materials, equipment, expert

think/pair/share What do you want to find out?

Can the pupils think of appropriate questions?

Note taking

Can the pupils record the main points?


Tell the pupils that a sheep and dairy farmer will be visiting them tomorrow? what questions would they like to ask him? talk about open and closed questions.

Can they use what, when, who. why and how correctly?

● ● ●

images of farms chromebooks example of quality questions.

● ●

pen paper chromebooks

work in partners to write some questions for tomorrow. Main activity

Question and answer time with the farmer.

Make notes and record on a mind map.

Can they identify important information?

Taste some of the produce the farmer has provided. Evaluation Why is buying local produce from the farmers market better than buying from the supermarket.

Pupils to share Self -evaluation using their findings with the learning ladybirds. the class. Can pupils give reasons why they should support farmers?

Interactive white board laptop

Learning ladybirds

Keep your footprint low and make the Earth grow

LESSON PLAN LESSON TOPIC To demonstrate an understanding of sustainability and to plant and grow vegetables




Year 6


Curriculum Links Sustainable development and global citizenship. Learners should understand how the environment can be affected by the decisions we make individually and collectively and that local actions have global effects because of connections between places and people. Ask and answer questions. How have people affected this place/ environment? How can I and other people look after this environment?

Learning Objective ● To understand how plants grow ● To plant and grow vegetables in our own allotment.

Learning Outcomes ● I can explain the term sustainability ● I can demonstrate an understanding of how plants grow ● I can plant and grow my own vegetables

Key competences

● Oracy-discussion about different plants and how they grow, making use of appropriate vocabulary.

Teacher Activity

Learner Activity

Objectives &Outcomes

Identify the techniques used for all learners


Show image of different vegetables on the IWB

Why is it important we try to eat locally sourced foods? Main activity

Introduce the task-To identify key resources for a healthy plant to grow. To plant their own seeds and look after them.

Think pair share what do the pupils already know about how plants grow Pupils use prior learning to explain about local produce .

In pairs children to discuss what plants need to germinate and to grow healthily. They will then choose seeds from given choices of lettuce, peppers and plant them in their plant pots. Once completed the plants will be placed in a propagator ready for transplantation at a later date.

Assessment Strategy Used to ensure progress of all learners Pupils are able to describe different plants and how they grow, making use of learned vocabulary. Pupils talk about air miles, sustainability, packaging etc demonstrating understanding of carbon footprint.

Pupils are able to identify that plants will need sunlight, water and soil to grow healthily.

Pupils can follow the instructions on the seed packets and plant their chosen seeds.

Resources e.g. materials, equipment, expert

IWB Images of different vegetables

    

Lettuce, pepper and tomato seeds Propagator Soil/compost Plant pots Watering jug


Discuss the next step in the process

Pupils to discuss what they will do next with each of their plants.

Pupils are able to explain how they will look after their plants ie water them and transplant them to an appropriate spot once they have germinated and started to grow e.g shady spot, bright sunlight, greenhouse etc.

Keep your footprint low and make the Earth grow

LESSON PLAN LESSON TOPIC Investigating where our food comes from



Curriculum Links


Learning Resource Base

Identify and locate places and environments using globes, atlases, and maps

Learning Objective ● To identify where the apples come from.

Learning Outcomes ● ● ● ●

To read the labels on the packaging to find out where the apples come from. To find the countries on a map of the world. To record my results on a table. Add the data to ‘Google my map’

Key competences ● Digital competences ● Literacy - reading

Teacher Activity

Learner Activity

Assessment Strategy


Objectives &Outcomes

Identify the techniques used for all learners

Used to ensure progress of all learners

e.g.materials, equipment, expert

Think/pair/share where do you think the apples were grown?

Can pupils name the apple that had the shortest distance to travel?

Introduction Give the pupils the apples and explain that they were all purchased from the same supermarket. Show them the labels and explain that these will tell you where the apples have come from? Main activity

Give the pupils the apples in packaging and tell them to find out the names of the apples and where they’ve come from.

Demonstrate how to upload their table into google my map


  

Apples Maps Table worksheet or laptop (google slides or Microsoft excel) Atlas Google my map

Do they know the different names of the apples?

Record the results on a table. Find the different countries on the map of the word. Which country is the furthest/nearest to us? How many air miles have they travelled? How does this have an effect on the environment? Pupils to upload their tables onto the google my map app

 

Evaluation Visit another class to show them the map and what they have learnt.

Pupils to share Self -evaluation using their findings with the learning ladybirds. the class. Can pupils name the apple that had the shortest distance to travel?

Interactive white board laptop

Learning ladybirds

Apple Investigation Which apples have travelled the furthest? ________________________________________________________ Name of apple

Colour of apple

Where is it from?

________________________________________________________ Which apples are from the Uk?_____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ __ Which apple was your favourite? Write a list of the apples we found in the supermarket.


Read the packaging labels to find out where they came from.

Keep your footprint low and make the Earth grow

LESSON PLAN LESSON TOPIC To discuss packaging of various products bought online and in stores. To understand that plastic packaging is bad for the environement.




Year 6 Geography

Curriculum Links Sustainable development and global citizenship. Learners should understand how the environment can be affected by the decisions we make individually and collectively and that local actions have global effects because of connections between places and people. Ask and answer questions. How have people affected this place/ environment? How can I and other people look after this environment?

Science SC2 Life Processes and Living Things: 1a: that the life processes common to humans and other animals include nutrition. 1c: to make links between life processes in familiar animals and plants and the environments in which they are found. 5f: that micro-organisms are living organisms that are often too small to be seen, and that they may be beneficial [for example, in the breakdown of waste] or harmful.

Learning Objective ● To understand how plastic packaging can damage our environment ● To write a letter to parents in order to reduce plastic waste in school

Learning Outcomes ● ● ● ●

I can explain why plastic packaging is bad for the environment I can write a letter to parents I can suggest ways of reducing plastic waste. We can reduce plastic waste in school

Key competences ● Oracy-use key vocabulary to explain findings and ideas ● Writing-To use learned skills to write a letter ● Maths-Use key skills to calculate the amount of plastic waste we have in school on a daily basis.

Teacher Activity

Learner Activity

Objectives &Outcomes

Identify the techniques used for all learners


Pupils to discuss the different packaging and group it according to material and if it can be recycled or not.

Teacher to show various packages of different products that can be bought online or in store e.g pizza boxes, plastic bottles,

Teacher to ask the question-`Is all this packaging a good thing?` Why/why not?

Assessment Strategy Used to ensure progress of all learners

Pupils are able to group the packaging appropriately and explain their findings.

TTYP-In pairs pupils to discuss the question

Pupils to look at images of Thornhill farm shop where customers are encouraged to bring their own

Pupils are able to identify that the packaging especially the plastic waste has a negative effect on the environment and often ends up in our oceans and landfill

Resources e.g. materials, equipment, expert

      

Pizza box Plastic bottle Glass jar Bubble wrap Plastic bag Etc. Images from Thornhill Farm Shop

containers for the fresh and frozen produce they buy as many items are not packaged in order to help the environment and all produce comes from local farmsso no air miles.

sites as it cannot be recycled.

Main activity

Teacher to ask the following questions`Can you suggest ways in which we can reduce plastic waste in packaging at home and in school?

Think pair share – pupils can share their ideas with the class.

How could we help to reduce the amount of non-recyclable plastic that ends up in our landfill sites and oceans?

Introduce the task-To write a letter to parents encouraging the use of

Pupils to write a letter to parents explaining what we are doing in school and how we would like parents to help us with the fight against plastic. They will ask for all pupils to bring in reusable bottles of drink rather than plastic bottles and for packed lunches to

Pupils are able to suggest making use of different materials for packaging that can be recycled e.g paper and cardboard but the size of the packing should suit the size of the product i.e no small products e.g lipstick sent in a large cardboard box full of bubble wrap. Children should bring in waste free packed lunches and drink water from reusable bottles and not using single use plastic bottles.

Pupils are able to choose the best part from each other’s letters in order to finalise a letter to parents that can be sent home.

   

Chrome books IWB Plastic waste bins Weighing scales

re-usable bottles.

be placed in reusable containers rather than plastic bags or wrapped in cling film.

Pupils to weigh the plastic waste in the plastic bins

Pupils are able to calculate the approximate amount of plastic waste our school uses in a month/year Evaluation WWW? What have we learned? Explain that next lesson we will be making our own reusable bags

Pupils to sum up what they have learned and will discuss ideas for next session.


Pupils are able to generate ideas for our bas making lesson next week e.g upcycling an old school uniform/old pair of jeans

Ynysowen Community Primary School Aberfan, The Grove Merthyr Tydfil CF48 4QQ Dear Parents/Guardians,

We are writing to you to inform you about our new goal for Eco schools that we discussed during `low carbon week`. Low carbon week involved us looking at our carbon footprint and suggesting ways of reducing it by doing simple, everyday things. In this way we can help the Global movement to save our planet! Our carbon footprint is an invisible trail that we leave behind without giving it a second thought that pollutes our planet .For example, leaving the lights on in an unused room increases our carbon footprint. Some ways we can help the planet are: to take showers instead of baths to reduce water usage, walking to school or any short distance instead of taking your car and letting toxic gas into the atmosphere. Our goal is for everyone to bring reusable water bottles instead of plastic bottles to school. We would like this because: did you know that not all plastic can be recycled and often end up in the landfill site or in our oceans. Also, for those of you saying you reuse your plastic bottles that is quite dangerous as poisonous toxins are released into any liquid that is in the bottles after you have drank from them once. They are single use plastics. In conclusion, the government has set a goal for everyone's carbon footprint to be lowered to 10.5 tonnes by this year. Please support our fight against plastic by sending your child/children into school with reusable bottles our schools carbon footprint will also be reduced. Thanking you for your support The Eco Warriors/Year 6

Keep your footprint low and make the Earth grow

LESSON PLAN LESSON TOPIC Developing an understanding of renewable energy sources




Year 6


Curriculum Links Sustainable development and global citizenship. Learners should understand how the environment can be affected by the decisions we make individually and collectively and that local actions have global effects because of connections between places and people. Ask and answer questions. How have people affected this place/ environment? How can I and other people look after this environment?

Learning Objective ● To understand the difference between renewable and non- renewable energy sources ● To identify how non-renewable energy sources e.g. coal and nuclear power affect the environment

Learning Outcomes ● ● ● ●

I can discuss the effects of Global warming I can identify actions that raise our carbon footprint and contribute to global warming I can identify renewable and non-renewable energy sources I explain the importance of using various renewable energy sources e.g water/solar power ● I can draw conclusions

Key competences

 Digital competences-research. Adjust keywords and search techniques to find relevant information; begin to reference sources used in their work; consider if the content is reliable. Extend strategies for finding information ● Literacy – Oracy-asking and answering questions. Making use of appropriate subject specific vocabulary. Participating in a class discussion about Global warming and different energy sources Reading: Gather and organise information and ideas from different sources. Writing: ● Numeracy- Drawing conclusions.

Teacher Activity

Learner Activity

Objectives &Outcomes

Identify the techniques used for all learners

Assessment Strategy Used to ensure progress of all learners

Resources e.g.materials, equipment, expert

Introduction Think/pair/share Using the teacher created power point introduce the pupils to the term renewable energy source

What do they already know? What does the term mean? Where have they heard this vocabulary before?

Can pupils group given sources of energy into renewable and non-renewable?

Pupils are able to explain the term renewable energy source and can group renewable and nonrenewable energy sources.

 

Teacher prepared power point Images of different energy sources.

Main activity

Discuss the effects of non-renewable energy sources on the environment

Teacher to set the task-Find out about different renewable energy sources and present findings to the class in the format of their choice.

In groups pupils to identify ways in which nonrenewable energy sources affect the environment. Share with the class

In mixed ability groups pupils to carry out research based on different renewable energy sources: Group 1/3 solar power Group 2-wind energy

Pupils are able to identify that non renewable energy sources contribute to our carbon footprint

    

Card Paper Chrome books Reference books IWB

Golden nuggets sheet

Pupils present their findings to the class in the format of their choice and answer questions from their peers related to their work.

Group 4- hydro electric energy They will then choose how to present their findings e.g as a poster/powerpoint presentation etc. .


Teacher to give out golden nugget sheets

Can pupils draw appropriate conclusions linked to what we have discussed and their research?

After listening to each group’s presentations the rest of the class will then complete a golden nuggets sheet based on what they heard and learned from the other groups.WWW? EBI….

Keep your footprint low and make the Earth grow

LESSON PLAN LESSON TOPIC Fair Trade Supermarket visit



Curriculum Links

Geography Science

Learning Resource Base

Pupils should be given opportunities to: 1. express their own opinions and be aware that people have different points of view about places, environments and geographical issues, e.g. fair trade

Learning Objective 

To identify Fair Trade products sold in the supermarket.

Learning Outcomes  To visit a local supermarket.  To locate Fairtrade products in the supermarket.  To take photographs of what was found and create a picture Collage.  To discuss their findings.

Key competencies 


Teacher Activity Objectives &Outcomes

Learner Activity Identify the techniques used for all learners

Assessment Strategy Used to ensure progress of all learners

Resources e.g.materials, equipment, expert

Introduction Use a PowerPoint presentation to introduce Fairtrade to the pupils. What is fair trade and why is it important?

Pupils to produce a poster to promote the use of fair trade. ntation/d/1mQSbO4B9f4WcQtL vZ2uM7WYKya4PFtZh4IG7jiY04 Xo/edit?usp=sharing /resource/make-bananas-fair-afilm-for-schools/

Main activity To visit the local supermarket

Pupils to work in groups to search for fair trade products and evidence that the store promotes fair trade e.g. a poster, wall display, leaflets etc. Collect evidence by taking photos using the iPads. Pupils to use the pictures they have gathered to create a picture Collage of what they found.

 

School minibus ipads

Pupils to share Self- evaluation using their findings with the learning ladybirds. the class. Give evidence of their work to Mrs Nicholls.

 

Pupil’s work Learning ladybirds

Evaluation Discuss the findings with the pupils. Ask questions such as: What type of products did you find? Do you think we sell enough Fairtrade products? Are they more expensive than the other products?

Keep your footprint low and make the Earth grow

LESSON PLAN LESSON TOPIC My carbon footprint. How can I reduce it?



Curriculum Links



Exlore and discover unknown things. Nature protection.

Learning Objective To carry out a survey „How big is my carbon footprint?” and to make a class poster „How can I reduce my carbon footprint “.

Learning Outcomes Students: To measure the size of their carbon footprint and visualize it by colouring certain area of the foot. (Annex 2) - Watch video about carbon emissions around the world and discuss about personal choices influencing the climate change. (Video – Based on the carbon footprint calculator results to think of a way to reduce personal carbon footprint, write it down and draw it; create a class poster „How can I reduce my carbon footprint? “ -

Key competences Communication (group work); cognition .

Teacher Activity Objectives &Outcomes

Learner Activity Identify the techniques used for all learners

Assessment Strategy Used to ensure progress of all learners

Resources e.g.materials, equipment, expert

Introduction of lesson Find out the objective objectives - to fill out of the lesson. the questionnaire and to measure the size of each student’s carbon footprint; to think of an individual way to reduce it; to create a class poster „How can I reduce my carbon footprint “.  

Presents questionnaire questions. Explains how to use its data to calculate their carbon footprint results.

 

Students answer the questions. Calculate the size of their carbon footprint. (Divide the resulting number by 400)

Questionnaire “What size is my carbon footprint?”. Phone calculators. Annex 2 (Foot colouring worksheet) Video Drawing supplies Paper sheets

Explains how to present the results by colouring certain area of the foot on the worksheet. Summarises the results. Demonstrates video about carbon emissions around the world. Leads the postvideo discussion.

Present results by colouring certain area of the foot.

Watch video. Participate in its discussion.

. 

Presents the task for each student to write and draw the way how they can reduce their own carbon footprint.

Each student writes down and draws a way of reducing their personal carbon footprint.

Evaluation Listen to individual students’ presentations.

Students presentations of their ways to reduce carbon footprint.

Presentations of each students.

Making class poster „How can I reduce my carbon footprint “.

Big poster paper sheet for a class poster „How can I reduce my footprint? “


LESSON TOPIC Fruit and vegetables in our shopping centres



Curriculum Links



Explore and discover unknown things.

Learning Objective To summarise and present the outcomes of the recearch „ What fruit and vegetables (local and imported) can be bought in our shopping centres“.

Learning Outcomes After summarizing gathered info students will know: The variety of local and imported fruit and vegetables sold in our shopping centres: Which supply of fruit and vegetables – local or imported – is bigger in our shopping centres. The variety of countries that fruit and vegetables come from to our shops; Present outcomes by making posters and a diagram.

Key competences Communication (group work); cognition .

Teacher Activity Objectives &Outcomes

Learner Activity Identify the techniques used for all learners

Introduction of lesson objectives / making teams.

Execution Introduction of resources, required for making posters. The observation / coordination of students‘ team work.

Students listen to the teacher instructions. Two teams create posters – variety of imported and local grown and sold fruit and vegetables ; (In leaflets students look for photos for poster decorations; stick them on shopping bags.). One team creates a diagram five countries exporting the most fruit and vegetables to our country (Toy cars are used for decorations of diagram). One team compares the gathered data from shopping centres; finds out which: local or imported fruit and vegetables are more in our shops.

Assessment Strategy Used to ensure progress of all learners

Resources e.g.materials, equipment, expert

Open ended questions about subject.

Resources for grouping into teams –Interactive Notebook worksheet – open squares with hidden fruit or vegetables behind them.

Open ended questions about subject. Students’ reflections. Pair instructions. Think – pair – share.

Resources required for making posters – shopping bags, leaflets , toy cars.

Evaluation Listen to students presentations.

Students present their Self -assessment teamworks. Each team member assess the level of their effectiveness in the group – takes a certain colour apple (Yellow – „Great“, green – „There were some problems“, red - „Not good“.)

Tasks. Apples for evaluation.





Curriculum Links



To develop the habits of healthy eating. Healthy lifestyle.

Learning Objectives -To follow the healthy eating guidelines (Five fingers rule) and make a paper plate model of favourite fruit and vegetables. Be able to explain the benefits of fruit and vegetables to human body. Be able to name which fruits and vegetables are imported, which are locally grown in Lithuania.

Learning Outcomes  While following the guidelines of healthy eating (5 fingers rule – 3 vegetables, 2 fruit per day) students will create favourite fruit and vegetables paper plate model. (Appendix 1)  Carry out a class survey and find out class students’ favourite fruit and vegetable. (Appendix 2)  Gain knowledge about the variety of vitamins that different colour fruit and vegetables have got. (Appendix 3)  Find out the variety of vitamins on their plate model.  Explain the benefits of the vitamins to human body.  While working in teams will create posters “What vitamins are hiding in my plate? What are their benefits to me?”

Key competences

Survey, discussion, team work.

Teacher Activity Objectives &Outcomes

Introduction of lesson objectives – by following the guidelines of healthy eating ( “The rule of five fingers”) to create a paper plate model of their favourite fruit and vegetable. Based on the content of the plate be able to explain how fruit and vegetables benefit human body.




Starts the online survey, gives questions and collects answers from the students Sums up and draws final conclusions for the survey results. groups up students in teams and gives the task to create a poster “What vitamins are hiding in my plate? What are their benefits to me?”

Learner Activity Identify the techniques used for all learners

Assessment Strategy Resources Used to ensure progress e.g. materials, of all learners equipment, expert

-learn the objective of the lesson. -with the help of the tablets scan the QR code of the task, learn the task and join the online survey tool

- Students answer the questions and instantly see their replays on the teacher’s whiteboard screen. - Together with class teacher they discuss the answers and make conclusions. - Find out the class final results of the survey. - Students create posters about the benefits of the vitamins to human body.

Made fruit and vegetables paper plate model tablets online survey tool


Evaluation Listen to students’ presentations.

The creation of visual posters.

The posters created by the teams. A1 size paper sheet for the poster “What vitamins are hiding in my plate? What are their benefits to me?”

LESSON PLAN LESSON TOPIC My carbon footprint. How can I reduce it?



Curriculum Links



Exlore and discover unknown things. Nuture protection.

Learning Objective To carry out a survey „How big is my carbon footprint?” and to make a class poster „How can I reduce my carbon footprint “.

Learning Outcomes Students: - To measure the size of their carbon footprint and visualize it by colouring certain area of the foot. (Annex 1) - Watch video about carbon emissions around the world and discuss about personal choices influencing the climate change. (Video – - Based on the carbon footprint calculator results to think of a way to reduce personal carbon footprint, write it down and draw it; create a class poster „How can I reduce my carbon footprint? “ -

Key competences Communication (group work); cognition .

Teacher Activity Objectives &Outcomes

Learner Activity Assessment Identify the techniques Strategy Used to used for all learners ensure progress of all learners

Resources e.g.materials, equipment, expert

• Introduction of lesson Find out the objective of objectives - to fill out the lesson. the questionnaire and to measure the size of each student’s carbon footprint; to think of an individual way to reduce it; to create a class poster „How can I reduce my carbon footprint “.

Presents questionnaire questions. Explains how to use its data to calculate their carbon footprint results.

Students answer the questions. Calculate the size of their carbon footprint. (Divide the resulting number by 400)

Questionnaire “What size is my carbon footprint?”. Phone calculators. Annex 1 (Foot colouring worksheet) Video Drawing supplies Paper sheets

Explains how to present the results by colouring certain area of the foot on the worksheet. Summarises the results.

Present results by colouring certain area of the foot.

Watch video. Participate in its discussion.

. •

Demonstrates video about carbon emissions around the world. Leads the post-video discussion.

Presents the task for each student to write and draw the way how they can reduce their own carbon footprint.

Each student writes down and draws a way of reducing their personal carbon footprint.

Evaluation Students presentations of their ways to reduce Listen to individual students’ presentations. carbon footprint. Making class poster „How can I reduce my carbon footprint “.

Presentations of each students.

Big poster paper sheet for a class poster „How can I reduce my footprint? “

Annex 1

Annex 2




Curriculum Links



Explore and discover unknown things. Nature protection.

Learning Objective To carry out a survey „ What distance do vegetables and fruit have to travel to reach us?“ and to make a chart.

Learning Outcomes Students: - Using the research “What distance do vegetable and fruit to travel to reach us” and the calculator of distance between the countries, they will find out, how many kilometeres vegetables and fruit travel until they reach our supermarkets. Remdamiesi tyrimo “What distance do vegetable and fruit to travel to reach us” ir atstumų tarp šalių skaičiuokle, sužinos, kiek kilometrų daržovės ir vaisiai nukeliauja iki prekybos centrų ( - Using digital chart creating tool, they will create chart “What distance do vegetable and fruit to travel to rich us” - Watch the video about trip of banana and discuss about trip of exported fruit and vegetables and effect as well as benefit to the health. Key competences Communication (group work); cognition, ICT, discussion.

Teacher Activity Objectives &Outcomes

Learner Activity Identify the techniques used for all learners

Find out the objective of the lesson.

• •

Introduction of lesson objectives – use research sheet to write from which countries does the fruit and vegetable come; Find the distance between countries; Create chart, Create interactive map. • Presents questionnaire questions. • Explains how to use digital distance calculator.

Students fill the data to the tables distance between countries in kilometers.

Assessment Strategy Used to ensure progress of all learners

Resources e.g.materials, equipment, expert

Research sheet “What distance do vegetables and fruit have to travel to rich us?“. Digital tool of distance calculator World map

Finds the country in the map and puts a sticker on it. •

Explain, how to use digital chart creator. Summarises the results.

Creates a chart according to data that they find; Discuss the results, which country is furthest away;

Discusses, Demonstrates which vehicles video about can be used to export of transport fruit and vegetables;

Digital tool for chart creating Drawing supplies Computer

banana. Leads the video discussion. Watch video. Participate in its Differentiation and discussion. individualisation;

Video film

Explain, how to use digital Advaned tool Thinglink. exercises for students: Create interactive map with digital tool Thinglink.

Digital tool Thinglink

Evaluation Listen to individual students’ diagramas.

Students present their charts, answer the question from which country the fruit and vegetables has to travel the longest distance, which country theuy have heardfor the first time, with what kind of vehicles the fruit and vegetables are transported.

Presentations of each students.

Questions and discussions Conclusion

Research sheet „What fruit and vegetables (grown in Lithuania and transported from foreign countries) can you buy in supermarket“

Grown in Lithuania

Transported from foreign countries


Distance (km)

Interactive map ( tool)

Film „The journey of bananas from land to your hand”

Keep your footprint low and make the Earth grow

LESSON PLAN LESSON TOPIC Food products in our local supermarkets



Curriculum Links



Oral language through talk and discussion and open ended questioning.

Learning Objective The children will be enabled to engage with the process of creating art

Learning Outcomes Some children will be enabled to draw the food items with limited detail Some children will be enabled to draw with an increased level of detail

Key competences

Teacher Activity Learner Activity Objectives&Outcomes Identify the techniques used for all learners

Assessment Strategy Used to ensure progress of all learners

Introduction: Food products found in our local supermarkets,

Discussion: Why are local supermarkets important to us?

Discussion Encouragement

Resources e.g.materials, equipment, expert

Development: Partial Drawings, Outlining of shape, Cutting colours Conclusion: Display and Discussion

Demonstration Discussion Experimentation

Discussion: How can we make the make the process of this art lesson easier?

B-board, photographs cut in half, Prit-stick, Crayons, Pencils, Scissors

Is there anything you would change in your drawing and why? Self-assessment Teacher observation

Pupils’ work

Keep your footprint low and make the Earth grow

Keep your footprint low and make the Earth grow

LESSON PLAN LESSON TOPIC Life cycle of the chicken



Curriculum Links



How to care for a chicken Where do eggs come from? (sourcing local food) Hygene requirements Behavioural requirments


Learning Objective 1. That the students would recognise the stages of the life cycle of the chicken 2. That the students would recognise the conditions necessary for the successful hatching of a chicken. 3. That the students would be aware of the hygene requirements needed by the students in caring for the chickens. 4. That eggs come from Irish chickens on Irish farms

Learning Outcomes 1. Learn the stages of the hatching process. 2. Learn the appropriate vocabulary. 3. Be aware of the conditions suitable to successful hatching. 4. Be aware of the hygene / behavioural requirments needed by the students in caring for the chickens. 5. Be aware that chickens live on Irish farms.

Key competences Team work: Leadership Decision making: Responsibility: Communication:

keeping the chicks healthy, communicating news of the chicks to the school community, deciding when to transfer the chicks into their cage, how to safely handle the chicks maintaining the chick's cage providing sufficient food and water, sharing news of the chicks progress with the wider world i.e Erasmus Platform, school App

Teacher Activity Objectives &Outcomes

Learner Activity Identify the techniques used for all learners

Assessment Strategy Used to ensure progress of all learners

Resources e.g.materials, equipment, expert

That the students would recognise the stages of the life cycle of the chicken.

Learn the stages of the hatching process.

Q / A sessions

Hatch 4 Schools provided the following kit to the school

Discussion Observation

That the students Learn the appropriate would recognise the vocabulary. Diagrams conditions necessary for the successful Daily Diary hatching of a chicken. Return visit by the That the students Be aware of the farmer for Q/A would be aware of conditions suitable session the hygene / for successful behavioural hatching. requirements needed by the students in caring for the chickens. Be aware of the hygene / behavioural requirments needed by the students in caring for the chickens.

7 Fertilized eggs Incubator Brooder box Heat platform Feed Bedding Water Poster of the life cycle Instruction / Information booklet

Keep your footprint low and make the Earth grow

LESSON PLAN LESSON TOPIC Keep your footprint low and let the earth grow Beach Clean on Robert’s Cove Beach



Curriculum Links

Carbon footprint

5th class

Science / English Literacy / Maths / Geography

Learning Objective The children will understand the importance of looking after the planet they live on.

Learning Outcomes The children will recognise and see first hand the damage we do to our seas and coastlines.

Key competences Awareness of the neccessity for conservation. Awareness of their own impact on the environment.

Teacher Activity

Learner Activity

Assessment Strategy



Identify the techniques used for all learners

Used to ensure progress of all learners

e.g.materials, equipment, expert

Introduction Teacher corresponded with the local Tidy Towns Committee.

Research into the impact of throwaway plastic on the oceans.

Discussion. Question and Answer.

Tidy Towns Committee member visited the classroom to speak about heir work in the surrounding area

Made arrangements for the Committee to donate the appropriate equipment for the clean-up … pickers / strong rubbish bags / rubber gloves for every child.

Children learned how to use the pickers. Children instructed NOT to touch anything they were not sure about.

We travelled by coach to Robert’s Cove Beach. We chose the closest beach as we were aware of the carbon footprint left behind by diesel vehicles. The children were dressed appropriately for a beach clean up, including wellies, rubber gloves and warm clothing. In two hours we collected twenty-five bags full of rubbish from the beach. The rubbish included plastics of many types, tyres, bottles, cans, nappies, paper and cardboard of many kinds and fishing paraphernalia. We were met back at the school by members of the Tidy Towns Committee who took away the bags of rubbish we had collected to dispose of it correctly as in our school we only use recycle bins.

Keep your footprint low and make the Earth grow




Curriculum Links



Oral Language

Learning Objective Pupils will gain a greater understanding of their environment Pupils will examine cause and effect, how our actions effect the environment Pupils will be able to define Carbon Footprint

Learning Outcomes Pupils will be able to understand and identify ways in which their actions affect the environment

Key competences Thought, Reflection, Communication

Teacher Activity Objectives&Outcomes

Learner Activity Identify the techniques used for all learners

Assessment Strategy Resources Used to ensure e.g.materials, progress of all equipment, expert learners

Introduction: Discussion on decomposition, How long does it take newspaper to decompose? Development: A) How long does it take to decompose? B) Discussion on Carbon Footprint C) What other

Arouse interest and curiosity

Pupil answers


Pupils answers

Worksheet 1

Pair/group work answering worksheet Discussion

Self assessment Teacher observation and questioning

everyday activities contribute to our Carbon Footprint? D) How can we deduce our carbon footprint Conclusion

Concept of ‘Reduce, reuse, recycle introduced Pupils list ways we can Reduce Reuse Recycle

Worksheet 2 Self assessment Teacher observation and questioning

Keep your footprint low and make the Earth grow

How long does it take to decompose? Match the item to the time!

Plastic bottles:

around 50 years

Plastic bag:

5 years

Tin can:

1,000,000 years


1-2 million years


0-40 years

Milk packet (tetra) covers and drink packets:

500-1000 years

Nylon clothes: 3

200-500 years

Baby nappies:

500-800 years

Glass bottles:

70-450 years

Hairspray bottle:

3-14 months

Glass bottle;

500-800 years

Aluminum can:

200 years 1-5 months

Keep your footprint low and make the Earth grow

How long does it take to decompose? (answers) 

Plastic bottles:

70-450 years

Plastic bag:

500-1000 years

Tin can:

around 50 years


1-5 months


3-14 months

Milk packet (tetra) covers and drink packets:

5 years

Nylon clothes: 3

0-40 years

Baby nappies:

500-800 years

Glass bottles:

1,000,000 years

Hairspray bottle:

200-500 years

Glass bottle;

1-2 million years

Aluminum can:

200 years

Keep your footprint low and make the Earth grow

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle REDUCE



Keep your footprint low and make the Earth grow Mahon Farmers’ Market 1. List some of the stall names you see: (at least 5)

2. What types of products are for sale?

3. Can you tell if any of the products are local? How?

4. What products are imported? Can you tell from where?

5. Is there any item you are surprised to see at a Farmers’ market?

6. (Politely and when it’s not busy) ask a stall owner where they have travelled from and a little about their products?

7. Why do you think so many people visit markets like this one?

8. Would you visit a market like this again? Why/ why not?


Are Farmers’ markets better than shops for sourcing local product or certain items? Explain your answer.

10. Explain why Farmers’ Markets are good for our Carbon Footprint (in your opinion)?

Keep your footprint low and make the Earth grow

Walking to School Class Unit

- Room 4

First - Room 5 First - Room 6 Second - Room 7 Third - Room 2 Third - Room Fourth - Room Fourth - Room Fifth

- Room


- Room

Sixth - Room 13 Sixth - Room 12


Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Keep your footprint low and make the Earth grow

LESSON PLAN LESSON TOPIC Milk: From Farm to Table Subject/s


Curriculum Links



SPHE, History, Geography

Learning Objective The children will learn where the produce in their homes comes from, specifiaclly focussing on milk and dairy products. Learning Outcomes The children have a new understanding of how milk is produced and the importance of agric ulture. Key competences New vocabulary associated with agriculture and the dairy industry. An understanding of local businesses and the world around them. Teacher Activity Objectives&Outcomes

Learner Activity Identify the techniques used for all learners


Talk and discussion: The Teacher guided Power point children will discuss the discussion. Interactive meaning of ‘dairy’ and Teacher observation. Whiteboard where the products on the shop shelves come from. Video of a virtual tour and a The children were Youtube video glimpse into the life of a shown what a dairy farmer. working dairy farm looks like. Video call with a production The children prepared Guest Speaker manager from a local questions for the Video Call cheese/dairy manufacturer. guest speaker

Virtual Tour of a Dairy Farm

Researching a cheese production plant

Assessment Strategy Used to ensure progress of all learners

Resources e.g.materials, equipment, expert

Keep your footprint low and make the Earth grow

LESSON PLAN LESSON TOPIC Food/ Produce Labels – Remote Learning Lesson



Curriculum Links


4th/5th/6th 2 students from each class

Oral Language

Learning Objective Pupils will gain a greater understanding of their environment Pupils will examine cause and effect, how our actions effect the environment Pupils will be able to examine labels with a view to understanding

Learning Outcomes Pupils will be able to understand labelling and identify information given on food labels

Key competences Thought, Reflection, Communication

Teacher Activity Objectives&Outcomes

Learner Activity Identify the techniques used for all learners

Assessment Strategy Resources Used to ensure e.g.materials, progress of all equipment, expert learners

Introduction: Using the visualisers and a school agreed platform (teams or zoom) introduce the products chosen by each student.

Arouse interest and curiosity.

Pupil presentations

Laptop/ tablet Visualisers 3 different food packages (per student)

Development: E) What can you tell straight away looking at the labels? F) Where does the product originate? G) Is the product packaged where it originated or elsewhere? H) Discussion on route to table/ carbon food print Conclusion

Pupils answers Individual presentation Group Discussion

Self assessment Teacher observation and questioning

Look and find Concept of ‘Reduce, reuse, recycle revised

Pupils list ways we can: -

Become more label/origin aware -Reduce our carbon footprint. - Begin thinking about what we can grow at home.

Self assessment Teacher observation and questioning

Laptop/ tablet Visualisers 3 different food packages

Keep your footprint low and make the Earth grow




Curriculum Links

Science & Geography


Geography – caring for the environment Science – Forces - Science and the environment

Learning Objective To set up a working circuit on a breadboad and use a solar panel to light an LED on it

Learning Outcomes Students will learn how to set up a working circuit The concept of polarity will be shown and how the direction of the current matters when using an LED Testing the voltage of the current being produced by the solar panels

Key competences Being an active citizen Being mathematical Being a digital learner Learning to be a learner

Teacher Activity Learner Activity Objectives&Outcomes Identify the techniques used for all learners

Assessment Strategy Used to ensure progress of all learners

Resources e.g.materials, equipment, expert

Students will be shown the components used in a circuit and how to

Self-assessment Questioning Teacher observations

Breadboard Cables LEDs

Analyse Discuss Examine

make a closed circuit

Using a multimeter, students will measure the voltage of the different panels and swap them with the batteries in the circuit


Discuss Examine

Self-assessment Questioning Teacher observations

Circuit Multimeter Solar panels

Keep your footprint low and make the Earth grow

Drama Learning Where Food Comes From Through The Medium of Drama



Curriculum Links


4th/5th/6th 2 students from each class


Learning Objective Pupils will gain a greater understanding of the world around them Pupils will explore the origins of foods they eat everyday Pupils will be learn to become more aware of food labels and the sustainability of buying local

Learning Outcomes Pupils will be able to understand that labels tell us where food comes from.

Key competences Speech, Presentation, Reflection, Communication

Teacher Activity Objectives&Outcomes

Learner Activity Acting, demonstration, observing, synthesising, examining, communicating

Introduction: Spilt the children into groups of three

Arouse interest and Deduce what they curiosity by asking know already from them where they think their answers various foods come from

Development: 1. Hand out the food packages, one to each group. The

Assessment Strategy Resources Observation, Various packaged conferencing Fruit and Veg

Pupils answers Individual presentation

Self assessment

The Voice

Various different food packages, all but two from other countries Props box including

groups cannot see what the others have. 2. Inform the children that their task is to figure out what food they have and its origin. 3. Inform them they must then, in turns in their groups, try to get the others to guess what food they and its origin, using mime, speech and props box. 4. Once the origins of all food packages has been discovered, we then discuss the differences between buying Irish and buying from other countries. 5. Discussion on route to table/ carbon food print Conclusion

Group Discussion Look and find

Teacher observation and questioning Conferencing

Concept of ‘Reduce, reuse, recycle revised

Pupils list the advantages of: label/origin awareness Reducing our carbon footprint. Growing at home.

Self assessment Teacher observation and questioning

various articles pertaining to the countries in question eg. Clogs from Holland, Spanish Flag, Picture of Messi (Argentina)

Keep your footprint low and make the Earth grow

Scoil Mhuire Lourdes NS Polytunnel and Sensory Garden, under the umbrella of this Erasmus project we had volunteers from the community and parent groups as well as our school staff and students getting involved to transform these spaces!

Keep your footprint low and make the Earth grow



Curriculum Links

Science Language

3rd and 4th grade


Learning Objective To understand the terms of carbon footprint To list several ways to reduce their carbon footprints

Learning Outcomes Students create a poster Students present their work After this lesson ,students will be able to define carbon footprint,describe the carbon cycle explain the effects of carbon footprints to identify individual carbon footprints and identify ways to lessen them. Key competences Communication ,group work, brainstorming,drawing conclusions Teacher Activity Objectives&Outcomes

Learner Activity Identify the techniques used for all learners

Assessment Strategy Used to ensure progress of all learners

Resources e.g.materials, equipment,

Introduction The teacher introduces some terms related to topic and divides the class into groups Main activity Using the teacher created power point the teacher introduces the pupils the terms of carbon footprint,


Open ended questions

Power point,paper,crayons,whiteboard

Students listen to the teacher instruction Students search for carbon footprint ,in

Open ended questions Students’reflections

greenhouse gases and climate change The teacher asks students the ways of to lessen the carbon footprint The teacher makes a list on to the board according to pupils’answers

Evaluation Students are listened by their teachers and peers. Students are evaluated after the subject by the evaluation sheet

groups they make a list that affects the carbon footprint level They also discuss with their group partners which of them they pay attention during their daily lives and by the results of the discussions and brainstorming activities they start to prepare a poster with their groups. At the end of the lesson the they present their tasks to their friends Students Self assessment, present their Evaluation sheet work Each group evaluate the other groups and mark them from 5 to 1 ,they sum up the results

Keep your footprint low and make the Earth grow

LESSON PLAN LESSON TOPIC Fruits vegetables puzzle Subject/s


Curriculum Links

Language Science Art

2nd,3rd,4th grades

Using the information of the pictures, searching

LearningObjective Students learn about the fruits and vegetables in English they can also group the vegetables and fruits in accordance with seasons. Students learn how to reduce the carbon footprint by eating seasonal vegetables and fruits. Students name which fruits and vegetables are imported, which are locally grown in Turkey by checking their seasons when they grow in

Learning Outcomes Students do the puzzles and search for it

Key competences Thinking reflection searching

Teacher Activity Objectives&Outcomes

Introduction: The teacher introduces topic by showing them flashcards in their mother tongue The teacher asks the students if they have ever thought about the growing seasons of their favourite fruits and vegetables Main part: Teacher starts teaching

Learner Activity Identify the techniques used for all learners

Assessment Strategy Resources Used to ensure e.g.materials, progress of all equipment learners

Listening learning (Students can do the puzzle after getting information) Finding out the objective of the lesson.

Making them curious

Students search the worksheets and follow

Books flashcards ppt dictionary

Photos flashcards

fruits and vegetables in English. Topic is told by ppt

Students are informed about the connection of seasonal fruits and vegetables with environment and the level of carbon footprint The teacher asks to group the flashcards into the seasons. Evaluation: The teacher checks their work

the teacher’s instructions.

students reflect their newly gained knowledge Listening and following instructions Presents importance of carbon footprint

Checking the information

Students ask questions to each other discussing

Questions and answers discussions Conclusion

PPT Internet

Keep your footprint low and make the Earth grow



Science Maths Science Social sciences language


Curriculum Links Speaking clearly and sharing ideas expressing reasons describing,giving explanations

Learning Objective Students learn how the products in the grocery store increase the amount of carbon footprint

Learning Outcomes Students will be able to explain which fruits and vegetables are coming from our regional backyard or different regions Students will be able to know the types of packaging of the products Students will be able to evaluate how locally grown food may have a smaller carbon footprint than food found in the grocery store

Key competences Communication (groupwork); cognition,

Teacher Activity Objectives &Outcomes

Introduction Students are asked to get ready for the excursion that they perform. The teacher gives information about the aim of this visit and asks them to take their notebooks with them

Learner Activity Identify the techniques used for all learners

Assessment Strategy Used to ensure progress of all learners

Resources e.g.materials, equipment, expert

Open ended questions about subject.

Notebook equipments

Main Activity In the grocery store the teacher asks students‘ attention to the packagaging and the effects of the packaging process to the level of carbon footprint The teacher asks students to compare their lists with their friends at class Evaluation Listening students presentations.

Students listen to the teacher instructions. Students take notes and group the products according to the regional product and discuss the transportation process of them

Open ended questions about subject. Students’ reflections. Pair instructions. Think – pair – sharing

Notebook posters equipments chart

Self -assessment


Students also discover ways to decrease their carbon emissions

Keep your footprint low and make the Earth grow




Curriculum Links


4th Grade

Experimental observation skill Establishing cause and effect relationship Creativty Attention to health Contribition of our own products to nature solid and liquid forms of matter Reducing the carbon footprint

Learning Objective By making liquid soup by ourselves learns how to descrease the amount of carbon footprint They can do experiment and observe the results. They learn that matter changes state with heat change. They learn solid and liquid states of matter and the words related to it etc.warming,cooling,melting,freezing

Learning Outcomes Pupils observe that substances can change state with the effect of heat. They produce their own liquid soup. They contribute to the national economy and reduce the amount of carbon footprint. They can group the items as ‘ solid and liquid‘

Key competences Observing and doing experiment

Teacher Activity Objectives&Outcomes

Learner Activity Identify the techniques used for all learners

Assessment Strategy Used to ensure progress of all learners

Resources e.g.materials, equipment, expert

Introduction Teacher brings a bar of soap the classroom

They talk about why washing hand is important

Power point, Solid soap

Main Idea Grated soap is added to boiling water and the lid is closed. Evaluation They learn that they contribute to the nature by making their liquid soap and reduce the carbon footprint

Pupils learn that matter changes state by heating and cooling

Soap is effective for our hygiene and by our liquid soap they contribute to the nature Pupils give example to the solid and liquid substances Pupils chat about the importance hygiene and waste-free life

Liquid soap

They wash their hands

Plastic bottle,pot, boiling water, some olive oil

Keep your footprint low and make the Earth grow




Curriculum Links

Social Science Language

3rd Grade

Seasons Healthy nutrition Eating local food Avarenesss of consuming vegetables an fruits according to the seasons

Learning Objective Pupils can learn eating fruits and vegetable in season They learn that they can reduce the carbon footprint by eating local food They learn that eating food in season is beneficial for our health

Learning Outcomes Pupils form a fruit and vegetable wheel according to seasons Pupils can group vegetables and fruits according to their season Pupils learn that consumed food in time is cheaper and so people save their budget. Pupis learn that people reduce the carbon foodprint by consuming local food as there is no transportation free Pupils learn that we can store the food by drying, freezing, pickling and also food can be stored as tomato paste and canned food.

Key competences Thinking

Teacher Activity Objectives&Outcomes

Learner Activity Identify the techniques used for all learners

Assessment Strategy Resources Used to ensure e.g.materials, progress of all equipment, expert learners

Introduction The teacher brings to the class a fruit basket of fruits Main Idea PPT is shown,students reflect their newly gained knowledge

Teacher ask pupils what seasons we are in and what fruits and vegetables we have Pupils chat about fruits and vegetables they like


Pupils share their posters with the classmates.

Pupils can name the fruits and vegetables according to the seasons Pupils create a poster to group the local food according to season to inform the people to reduce their carbon footprint Pupils can make a list of local food to contribute to Global warming and reduce carbon foot print

Discuss posters created

Pupils choose their Favourite posters

Power point,wheel Fruit basket

Power point, Paper,list of food

Created posters

Keep your footprint low and make the Earth grow



Curriculum Links

Art Science Language

2 3 4

Discovering, searching

Learning Objective After this lesson , students will be able to define carbonfootprint, describe the carboncycle, explain the effects of carbonfootprints and ways to improve them ,identify individual carbonfootprints and identify ways to lessen them Learning Outcomes Students do the poster colour and stick Students will be able to learn the ways to reduce the carbon footrint

Key competences Thinking reflecting communication brainstorming TeacherActivity Objectives&Outcomes

Introduction Introduction of the lesson topic Giving information about the activity Introduction of resources, required for making posters.

Main activity By asking some questions teacher tries to attract students attention Teacher presents a video about carbon footprint Teacher introduces some terms related to the topic

Learner Activity Identify the techniques used for all learners Students listen to the teacher instructions Students prepare leaves

Assessment Strategy Used to ensure progress of all learners

Resources e.g.materials, equipment, expert

Open ended questions Students’ reflection, pair instructions

Scissors coloured pencils paper stick, powerpoint, internet

Students write these solutions on the leaves they have prepared at the beginning of the lesson and decides where to stick these solutions to the

Open ended questions about subjects Pair work

Carbon Footprint,Greenhouse gases,climate change CFC(carbon footprint calculator)

poster they have prepared together and stick them to the board

After watching a powerpoint about carbon footprint the teacher asks to students to find solutions to reduce the carbon footprint and writes them on the board Evaluation Listening students presentations Asking questions

Students ask questions to their classmates

Self assessment




Curriculum Links

Science social sciences Language

4 th grade


Learning Objective Students learn the importance of consuming fruits and vegetables when it is in season, and its effect to nature Students sort out them as fruits and vegetables

Learning Outcomes Students prepare a wheel with the fruits and vegetables that they want Key competences Communication groupwork brainstorming TeacherActivity Objectives&Outcomes

Learner Activity Identify the techniques used for all learners

Assessment Strategy Used to ensure progress of all learners

Resources e.g.materials, equipment,

Introduction of lesson objectives Introducing the topic and expressing aim of subject

Considers the size of the footprint Shares ideas

Open ended questions Mind map Individual answers They are engaged in conversations


The teacher attracts students attention by asking some questions What counts as a fruit? What counts as a vegetable? Why is eating local

food important? Which fruits or vegetables do you like eating most? Main activity Teachers presents the subject teaches the terms of green house effect Teacher presents the food print calculator The teacher divides the class into group asks them to prepare a list about ‘Why is eating local food important?’

Students listen to the teacher instruction Students search for new fruits and vegetables Students make a list why eating ‘local food? Because; It doesn’t travel as far to arrive on your plate It benefits the local Teacher sums up the community lesson It supports local The teacher asks students farmers to prepare a fruit plate that It reduces green helps to reduce the carbon house....etc footprint Evaluation Students present Students are listened by their work their teachers and peers. Students do the worksheet ’put them into the basket’

Open ended questions Students ‘reflections

Self assessment

Paper ,worksheet Marker, glue,crayon,scissors

Keep your footprint low and make the Earth grow




Curriculum Links


4th grades

Exploring new things and discovering them

Learning Objective Presenting and summarising outcomes of the research,sourcing the country of origin on the food packages,grouping products into small or big carbon footprınt

Learning Outcomes Students will be able to think critically Students will be able to create posters according to their search Students will be able to interpret the posters Students will be able to summarise and present the outcomes of the research „ Which fruit and vegetables are local or imported? Students will be able to analyze the transportatıon process of the imported products vegetables and fruits.

Key competences Group work,thinking and reflection

Teacher Activity Objectives&Outcomes

Learner Activity Identify the techniques used for all learners

Assessment Resources Strategy e.g.materials, equipment, Used to expert ensure progress of all learners

Introduction Introducing the topic to the class Making teams

Main activity

Thinking Open ended Books,images,ppt,whiteboard ,brainstorming questions Making them curious

Demonstrating the topic of carbon footprint via ppt

The teacher explains the process of transportation and its effect to the level of carbon footprint they produce The teacher shows an example of a life-cycle analysis

Paper,Glue,mind maps,ppt

Students listen the teacher’s instructions

The teacher observes the class and coordinate them Food System Map Two teams create posters The teacher encourages students to think in a creative way While they are creating the posters students focus on where do those food items come from ? The grocery store?The farm ?Their backyard?

Evaluation visiting other classes to show them the posters they have prepared

Students complete the posters by thinking about the food life cycle Students present their posters Students ask questions Students share their findings with the other students

Questions answers Self evaluation


Keep your footprint low and make the Earth grow




Curriculum Links

Science Turkish

Kindergarten Healthy nutrition Be aware of protecting his/her health Problem solving

Learning Objective By producing yoghurt by ourselves students learn how to discrease the amount of carbon footprint .They can learn the characterictics of their country’s culture. . They can eat healthy. .They can learn the words hot-warm-cold / yesterday-today-tomorrow

Key competences Students learn that yoghurt made from milk. Students can produce their yoghurt. Stuents can group the items ‘hot-warm-cold‘ Students can learn how to descrease the amount of carbon footprint

Teacher Activity Objectives&Outcomes

Learner Activity Identify the techniques used for all learners

Assessment Strategy Used to ensure progress of all learners

Resources e.g.materials, equipment, expert

Introduction Teacher brings a bowl of yoghurt to the classroom.

She asks how to make yoghurt and give time the students to solve the problem

Pupils learns that they need warm milk and yoghurt yeast to produce yoghurt.

Milk, yoghurt.spoon,pot

Main idea Yoghurt yeast is added to boiling and warming milk

Evaluation Producing yoghurt by ourselves is better than buying it from the market. Supermarket process affects the amount of carbon footprint.

In this process. The temperature and warm of the container of milk are ensured to be felt by touching the children Pupils taste the yoghurt

Yoghurt yeast Pupils are curious about how milk turns into yoghurt.

Pupils chat about the benefits of yoghurt for our health and how it is consumed with meals They color the picture about the transformation of milk into the yoghurt

Yoghurt ,spoon ,bowl Coloring page

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