Rasem Kamal is a Jordanian architect, designer and Fulbright fellow. He holds a Masters of Architecture degree From Rice University in Houston, and a Bachelors of Architectural Engineering from the University of Jordan.
At the Rice School of Architecture, Rasem was awarded the AIA Henry Adams Certificate in 2015, honoring his scholastic achievement and promise of professional ability. His successful architectural thesis project – Wadi Rum Excavated Sanctuaries earned a local and international recognition.
Prior to joining Oppenheim Architecture, Rasem worked with Sarah Whiting and Ron Witte in Houston, SOM in San Francisco, Symbiosis Designs in Amman and AS.Architecture-Studio in Paris. His international professional experience offered him the opportunity to work on a diverse range of projects and typologies in New York, Miami, Houston, Paris and the Middle East. Currently, Rasem lives and works in Basel after working previously at the Oppenheim Architecture Miami office.