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Record of General Assembly 2023:
Present: 11 people including 7 members of the Board.
The President welcomed to the General Assembly. Keld Johnsen was appointed as conductor of the meeting for which he thanked and could note the General Assembly was announced in proper time. Keld passed the word to the President and his account:
The year in review and the coming year:
The past year has been very active in the association. The Danish National Championship was held in August with a following Dinner and Ketil emerged the winner. Nordic Championship took place in Copenhagen and Norway took home the victory. A well-organized competition for which Jess and Christian Thorsholt deserves a big applause. Star Wine List was guesting us on both occations. For the ASI Bootcamp in Malaysia Denmark didn’t send anyone due to the steep price. Next time it will be in Ecuador. Furthermore the World’s has just been in Paris, where she placed 2nd. Later on we are organizing the Danish Championship of 2023 in May, as well as the qualification com - petition of the international competitions after the Summer. Here, the winner will be send as the representative for the Association. Our sponsoers have been very active with several tastings throughout the year with plenty of tastings throughout the year. Also several tastings are planned for this year, among them a masterclass with Champagne as a theme conducted by CIVC. Within the next months a formula will be send out to all members, for them to fill out their data. With that it will be easier for the board to contact members in regards to contingent, information, tastings etc. Also there will be an opportunity to take the ASI Diploma facilitated by DSF in the beginning of June. More examinations will follow on which Tim will elaborate.
The account was approved by the participants.
Cashiers account, Heine Egelund presented the account of the year which was approved by the participants. Election for the Board:
Christian Aarø
Christian Thorsholdt
Julie Færch
Heine Egelund
Peter Pepke: did not recieve re-election and his position will not be filled as all positions within the board are occupied.
Everyone received- and accepted their re-election.
Election of accountant: Søren Hansen modtog genvalg og takkede for det.
Adoption of the revised bylaws: These have been send out together with the notice of the General Assembly. They were reviewed and approved. The bylaws will be constituted with the proposed changes on the Association’s website. The board suggested to raise the contingent to 750 annually beginning from 2023 which was approved by the attendees.
Loss of members was discussed. The board is currently getting in touch with all members in order to update all information about our members. The update will be in connection with a payment-link to make it easier to pay, receive information as well as the newsletter.
It was noticed that a sense of association life was missing as well as the support to it. This should improve with the new initiative in regards to Championships so the sense of open rather than a closed community is cultivated. Activities in regards to tastings etc. is missing in Jutland. We are thinking about masterclasses, training in how to make a studyplan, competitioncourse etc. Would it be possible to make a stronger cohesion between those who compete on a high level – we realize not many are in that league but believe it would be beneficial to connect them stronger including those from Jutland. As an example 4 annual sessions could be held where the Association would pay the teacher of the session – these session could be united with some of the previously mentioned concerns. We could offer the sponsers to cover some of the cost as an additional the their sponsorship.
Tim Vollerslev told about the earlier mentioned ASI Diploma which is an educated build from a theory paper made and corrected by ASI, but that the Association will conduct for them. DSF will hold the first examination in June followed by to assignments at a later date. These as well are made by ASI and will be reviewed by ASI. There will be a payment to take these which covers the ASI expenses as well as renting a location. These tests will fascilitate a test of theoretical skills.
Entrance examn: Q: “Some have dyslexia, is there an opportunity to use equipment and/or extra time to help?” A “Yes – we have had cases before and we need to improve on communicating it an option to use extra tools/more time for the test.”.
The conductor ended the meeting and thanked for a proper order throughout.
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