MARCH 27-29, 2015
National ID Soccer Showcase Series Tournaments give student athletes a chance to showcase their talents on one of the biggest stages set for youth soccer in North America.
Dear Tournament Participant, On behalf of the tournament committee, welcome to the 2015 Desert Cup Showcase! Whether you’re from Arizona or from out of state, we are PHOENIX DESERT CUP pleased to have you as our guest. We are excited to host this SHOWCASE memorable event for every team, family and player.
MARCH 27 – 29, 2015
As a growing second year event, we are very appreciative in the support from clubs who understand our vision in creating the ultimate showcase platform for your team(s) at the Desert Cup. We are pleased to announce a staggering 190 teams applied to the event with 140 competitive teams accepted. The support from the City of Phoenix and the Reach 11 complex has been truly amazing. The Reach 11 complex is among the elite natural grass fields in North America. I want to thank our sponsorship partners and program advertisers for their support. I hope you’ll take some time to peruse their ads and support the businesses that support our kids. I would like to give special thanks the committee, volunteers, Arizona Soccer Club, AYSA; city and facility officials who assisted in arranging logistics to ensure the tournament is enjoyed by all. Lastly, I want to offer a special thank you to all of the club coaches and parents who are doing so much to give their children the opportunity to attend the Phoenix Desert Cup Showcase. Enjoy the soccer, take time see the beautiful City of Phoenix and above all, take pleasure in watching your children play the great game of soccer. In soccer, Michael Rocca Phoenix Desert Cup Director Series
DINING The Greater Phoenix area is full of restaurants, cafés, bakeries and even coffee shops that the locals – and the national media – rave about. Our Southwestern and Mexican restaurants are supremely authentic, our chefs are known around the world, and the views from some of the tables in town are unparalleled. OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES Phoenix is located in one of the lushest and most colorful deserts in the world, and rugged mountains define the city’s horizon. Enveloped by such breathtaking scenery, outdoor enthusiasts who visit Phoenix usually come to the same conclusion as coyote pups and jackrabbits: The Sonoran Desert is a great place to play. SHOPPING Greater Phoenix can claim some of the best shopping in the Southwest. Sprawling fashion centers. Charming vintage shops. Designer stores. Hipster boutiques. Bargain outlets. Museum gift shops. Maybe you can’t buy happiness, but Greater Phoenix sure makes it fun to try. VISITOR’S GUIDE:
Tournament Apparel is available for sale and for pre-order pick up at the tournament headquarters. SHORT SLEEVE SHIRTS $20 LONG SLEEVE ID $30 HOODED SWEATSHIRTS $40
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MANDATORY TEAM REGISTRATION THURSDAY, MARCH 26TH 5PM - 9PM LOCATION Holiday Inn North Phoenix 12027, N 28th Drive, Phoenix 85029 *Only one person from team management needs to be in attendance during the registration evening. **Failure to check in and submit proper documentation will result is team disqualification unless discussed with tournament committee before hand. IMPORTANT: ALL TEAMS ATTENDING THE PHOENIX DESERT CUP MUST PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING: 1. SUBMIT TRAVEL DOCUMENTS THROUGH YOUR APPROPRIATE SANCTIONING ORGANIZATION. a) For USYSA teams from outside Region IV may need to provide appropriate travel documents approved by their State Association. Please complying with your state association travel regulations. b) U.S. Club teams must submit a printed roster off the U.S. Club website. Participation in the Tournament is conditioned upon proper receipt of the appropriate travel documentation at time of check-in. 2. ENSURE YOUR PLAYER ROSTER IN YOUR ON-LINE APPLICATION IS COMPLETE and up-to-date at all times. U14, U15, U16, U17 and U18 age groups can roster up to 22 players although only 18 will be eligible per game. Game Cards will be printed using this roster prior to team registrations and is based on utilizing the roster listed through Gotsoccer. This must be done no later than Friday, March 6th, 2015. All teams will have their profile roster used for the college handbook taken from the on-line application system’s roster by Friday March 13, 2015. 3. PREPARE FOR THE MANDATORY REGISTRATION. MANDATORY TEAM CHECK-IN Thursday March 26th, 2015 Time: 5pm - 9pm Location: Holiday Inn North Phoenix 12027, N 28th Drive, Phoenix 85029
REGISTRAION NIGHT CHECKLIST ** FAILURE TO SUBMIT ALL OF THE FOLLOWING AT REGISTRATION WILL RESULT IN AUTOMATICDISQUALIFICATION. ** TEAM CERTIFICATION AND REGISTRATION At registration, teams must submit the following documentation depending on the affiliation status of the team (USYSA, USSF, US Club, and Super Y League). All of the players on the team must play with the proper affiliation documentation (USYSA, USSF, US Club, and Super Y League) and with the same affiliation documentation. There cannot be a mixture of player cards from different affiliations. The only exception is USSF can mix with USYSA or US Club. All player cards must have a valid for the tournament dates. Failure to submit the required documents will result in the team or individual players being disqualified from participation. Teams may register up to twenty-two (22) players in all age groups. USYSA TEAMS 1. PLAYER CARDS. Official laminated player cards with a photograph for the 2014/2015 season for each player. 2. TRAVEL PAPERS. All USYSA teams traveling from outside Region IV may need to provide appropriate travel documents approved by their State Association. Please complying with your state association travel regulations. USYSA Travel Papers consist of an approved Permission to Travel AND an approved roster of all players who will be traveling. Only players listed on the approved Travel Roster will be eligible to participate. Additions or substitutions of players after initial submittal will require an amended Travel Roster which must be approved by your State Association. U.S. Club will need to print their roster off the U.S. Club website. 3. LOAN PLAYER FORMS. Teams are responsible for complying with the rules of their State Association regarding borrowing players from other teams. All loaned players must be listed on a Travel Roster approved by your State Association. Laminated players cards with a photograph for the 2014/2015 season are required for loaned players along with a medical release. Teams that are borrowing players who are registered with other State Associations will have to obtain Travel Papers for those players from the borrowed player’s State Association. Please comply with your state association travel regulations. 4. MEDICAL RELEASE FORMS signed by the parent or guardian for each team member. 5. TEAM ROSTER/GAME CARD. At Registration, each team will be given a Team Roster/Game Card form to complete. Once finalized at Registration, players not listed on the Team Roster/Game Card will not be allowed to play. Only players with complete appropriate documentation will be allowed to appear on the Team Roster/Game Card. Team rosters will be printed from the team’s application in the GotSoccer on-line system. Jersey numbers, player names, and ID numbers must be up to date in the on-line system by Thursday, March 19th. UNITED STATES TEAMS REGISTERED OTHER THAN USYSA 1. PLAYER CARDS. Official and valid laminated player cards with a photograph for each player. 2. TRAVEL PAPERS. The appropriate travel documentation from the association to which your team is affiliated (e.g. AYSO, Super Y League, and US Club Soccer). For Super Y League or US Club Soccer, it is the approved roster printed from the US Club Soccer player registration system. UNITED STATES TEAMS REGISTERED OTHER THAN USYSA (Cont.)
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3. MEDICAL RELEASE FORMS signed by the parent or guardian for each team members. 4. TEAM ROSTER/GAME CARD. At Registration, each team will be given a Team Roster/Game Card form to complete. Once finalized at Registration, players not listed on the Team Roster/Game Card will not be allowed to play. Only players with complete appropriate documentation will be allowed to appear on the Team Roster/Game Card. Team rosters will be printed from the team’s application in the GotSoccer on-line system. Jersey numbers, player names, and ID numbers (if applicable) must be up to date in the on-line system by Thursday March 19th. TEAMS REGISTERED OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES 1. PLAYER CARDS. Official player cards with a photograph for the current season for each player if provided in your country. If no player cards are provided, you must notify us in advance and we will work with you to insure you bring necessary documentation. 2. TRAVEL PAPERS. Teams from outside the United States must provide permission to travel from your country’s soccer governing body. Passports or other travel documentation provided by your country may also be checked. 3. MEDICAL RELEASE FORMS signed by the parent or guardian for each team member. Release form available here 4. TEAM ROSTER/GAME CARD. At Registration, each team will be given a Team Roster/Game Card form to complete. Once finalized at Registration, players not listed on the Team Roster/Game Card will not be allowed to play. Only players with complete appropriate documentation will be allowed to appear on the Team Roster/Game Card. Team rosters will be printed from the team’s application in the GotSoccer on-line system. Jersey numbers, player names, and ID numbers (if applicable) must be up to date in the on-line system 48 hours prior to the tournament. FACILITY/TOURNAMENT RULES AND INFORMATION FIELD ASSIGNMENTS & SCHEDULES. Schedules released in advance of the tournament are subject to change. Reconfirm your schedule. Pay particular attention to field assignment for each of the four days. Please refer to the tournament rules relating to specific rules relating to tournament play. INCLEMENT WEATHER. Any disruption to the tournament because of inclement weather will be communicated to all teams via the website, email and text. The tournament organizers do not own the fields and does not make the final decision as to whether or not the facilities are playable. Please review to the tournament rules relating to inclement weather procedures. Deadline to have all gotsoccer player profile/roster for your team is Thursday, March 19th, 2014. Player profile booklets will be printed from your roster on gotsoccer so please ensure it’s all updated.
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The City of Phoenix’s Reach 11 Sports Complex is the largest soccer complex of its kind in Arizona and one of the largest in the western United States. The complex boasts 18 regulation sized soccer fields and has hosted international, national and regional tournaments in soccer.
Reach 11 Sports Complex | 2425 E. Deer Valley Road | Phoenix, AZ 85050
FACILITY/TOURNAMENT INFORMATION To ensure your team(s) safety and injury response, we will have athletic therapists onsite to monitor the duration of the showcase.
Schedules will be released by Tuesday March 17th, schedules are subject to change. We ask that you reconfirm your schedule playing times and field location leading up to the tournament.
Travel to Reach 11: As a result of the anticipated traffic congestion, we recommend you allow additional travel time to the field. Games start times will not be delayed.
Please ask your hotel concierge about availability of practice fields close to your hotel.
The Tournament Committee wishes all the best enjoyment at The Phoenix Desert Cup.
Very truly yours,
Michael Rocca National Tournament Director, Soccer Showcase Series
Tara Pielaet National Marketing Director, Soccer Showcase Series
Desert Cup Showcase Schedule
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TOURNAMENT RULES AND GUIDELINES PHOENIX DESERT CUP (UPDATED MARCH 15/2015) REGISTRATION: Teams must register at the Mandatory Registration. All Team Mandatory Registration is Thursday, March 26th 5pm - 9pm. Holiday Inn North Phoenix 12027, N 28th Drive, Phoenix 85029 MUST PREPARE FOR REGISTRATION NIGHT: Teams must provide the required credentials at the Mandatory Registration. All teams must provide laminated USYSA Player ID Cards with photographs, and signed Medical Release Forms. Teams from outside Region IV must also provide approved Travel Papers, which must include a roster listing all players authorized to travel (if applicable to your state). US Club Soccer teams do not require travel papers but must provide laminated US Club Soccer player passes and US Club Soccer Medical Release forms. AYSO Teams are also required to provide laminated passes and medical releases. All teams must submit 2 copies of the completed official tournament roster. All players on a team must play with the same type of passes. There is no combining of US Club and USYSA passes allowed, including guest players. ROSTERS: Maximum roster size: 22 players for U15 –U19, only 18 players can dress per game Proper Player Loan Forms will be required at Registration along with other required credentials, if required by the team’s State Association. All teams must bring 2 copies of their rosters to credential check in. Proper Player Loan Forms will be required at Registration along with other required credentials, if required by the team’s State Association. Players can only play for one (1) tournament team.
RULES OF PLAY: FIFA Laws of the Game will apply as modified by USYSA and AYSA as described herein. Duration of Games and Overtimes, by Halves; all ages will play with a size 5 Ball: All Divisions U14 - U19 • 40 Minute Halves • There will be no Championship Games • Games can end in a tie at the end of regulation play. • Half Time: Half time will be exactly 5minutes. Substitutions: Free substitution will be allowed in all age groups. However, teams may substitute only with the referee’s permission and only at the following times: • Prior to a throw-in by the team in possession • Prior to a goal kick, by either team • After a goal, by either team • After an injury on either team when the referee stops play • At halftime • On a caution, only the cautioned player may be substituted at that time HOME TEAM: The home team as appears first on the game schedule will supply the game ball, unless supplied by the Tournament. The game ball will be subject to Referee approval. The Home team will be required to switch to alternate jerseys to accommodate a color conflict as declared by the referee. If the Home team cannot supply alternate jerseys, the Home team will forfeit the game. The Home and Visiting teams will sit on the designated side of the field marked for teams Spectators must side on the opposite side of the field across from their team’s bench. PLAYER’S EQUIPMENT: It will be at the Referee’s discretion to determine the safety and suitability of player equipment including the wearing of an orthopedic cast or hard brace. Shin guards aremandatory for all players. COACHING: All Coaches have total responsibility for the conduct of their players, substitutes, and spectators at all times. Coaching from the sidelines, giving direction to one’s own team on points of strategy and position, is permitted, provided: 1. No mechanical devises are used; 2. The tone of the voice is instructive and not derogatory; 3. Each coach or substitute remains within (10) yards on either side of the halfway line; 4. No coach, substitute, or spectator makes derogatory remarks or gestures to the referees, other coaches, players, substitutes, or spectators; 5. No coach, substitute, or spectator uses profanity or incites, in any manner, disruptive behavior CAUTIONS AND EJECTIONS: A Player or coach receiving two cautions (yellow cards) in a single game is considered to have been given an ejection (red card) for the purposes of awarding points for the Tournament competition. A player who has been ejected (sent off) will not be replaced. A player or coach who has been ejected will not return for that game (The Tournament will follow the AYSA Red Card Standards & Procedures). A player or coach who assaults a referee will be expelled from the Tournament. For the purpose of this Tournament a Coach can be carded. All Send Off Reports will be sent to AYSA following the tournament. When a player receives a last game red card, the player pass must be pulledand sent, along with the referee report, to the State Office (AYSA). For U.S. Teams, each State Association will be notified of any disciplinary action taken or required to be taken. For Foreign Teams, The Federation will transmit the disciplinary action taken or required to be taken to that team’s provincial or national association. The Tournament will conform to the established guidelines as set forth by the State sanctioning body (AYSA)
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SHOWCASE OFFENCES: Second Caution – 1 game suspension Foul or Abusive Language directed at anyone other than a game official – 1 game suspension Serious Foul Play – 1 game suspension A more Serious Foul Play – 2 game suspension Violent Act – 3 game suspension Foul or abusive act or language towards official – 3 game suspension Decisions by the head referee is final - THE TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR AND SITE DIRECTOR DO NOT HAVE ANY AUTHORITY OVER ANY DECISION MAKING NORMALLY DONE BY THE REFEREE DURING THE COURSE OF A GAME AND CANNOT OVERTURN ANY REFEREE DECISION
SUSPENDED AND TERMINATED GAMES: If in the opinion of game officials a game must be suspended (for any reason), the game may be resumed, but is subject to being ended not less than (5) minutes prior to the start of the next scheduled game. If in the opinion of the game officials, a game must be terminated for misconduct of players, coaches, or spectators, the offending team could be suspended from further player and forfeits that game and all remaining games. All previous points earned remain as played. Additionally, the home league and State Association will be contacted as appropriate. FIGHTING Any player who is involved in a fight for any reason will be ejected from the tournament. Any player, coach, or spectator who enters the field during a fight will be ejected from the tournament regardless of the reason for entering the field. If more people are involved in a fight than the referee can clearly identify, the match will be terminated and the entire team or teams will be ejected from the tournament. Any player who removes their shirt or does anything else to avoid identification before, during, or after an altercation will be identified by whatever means possible, will be ejected from the tournament and may cause his/her team to forfeit the match and face expulsion from the tournament. ANY PLAYER, COACH, OR SPECTATOR WHO ASSAULTS A REFEREE WILL BE EXPELLED FROM THE TOURNAMENT AND MAY BE SUBJECT TO LEGAL ACTION. CONDUCT, SPORTSMANSHIP and VERBAL ABUSE Coaches are responsible for the conduct of their players and fans. Referees have complete authority during all matches and will not allow abusive or profane language or threats. If, in the opinion of the referee, a match must be terminated due to serious or persistent misconduct, the match will be abandoned. The team or teams at fault may be suspended from further play and/or required to forfeit all points previously earned, according to the judgment of the Tournament Director. Tournament Representatives, referees, and other volunteers are not expected to accept verbal abuse from anyone. If the Tournament Director determines that there has been excessive verbal abuse, he may expel a team from the tournament. An expelled team has no right to refunds, awards, or other considerations. Additionally, upon check-in, each team will be required sign a code of conduct. There will be trash barrels at each field. It is the coach es’ responsibility to make sure that both sidelines are cleaned up after each match. No alcoholic beverages or glass containers will be allowed on or near any of the tournament fields.
INJURY: Delays of the game due to injury will result in appropriate t ime being added to the full game time, based on the judgment of the referee. However, all preliminary games will be terminated not less than (5) minutes prior to the scheduled start of the next game. Arizona State Youth Soccer Association rules state: “No player shall be allowed to play in any match with an injury which can be aggravated by playing or which constitutes a danger to others. No player wearing an orthopedic cast shall be permitted to play in any match. No player shall be permitted to wear anything in a match that could cause or aggravate injury to either the player himself/herself or to any other player.” The referees have responsibility for the safety of players on the field. If a referee determines that a cast, splint, bandage, or dressing is unsafe, the wrapping must be changed and approved by the referee or else the player will not be allowed to play. FAILURE TO SHOW AND FORFEITS A team shall be allowed a fifteen (15) minute grace period after the scheduled kick-off time before the match is awarded to their opponent. A minimum of seven (7) players constitutes a team and if (7) players are present; the game will not be delayed. In no case shall a team, which forfeits a game, be declared a group winner. If an apparent group winner forfeits a game, the team in that group with the next best record shall be named the group winner. In addition, in divisions where the second place team of one group plays the first place team of another group in the semi-final game, in no case shall a team, which has forfeited a game, be declared the second place team in a group. The team with the next best record in the division shall be declared the second place team and play in the semi-final game. If a team is the cause for termination of a game, that team will be considered to have forfeited that game. The determination as to which team is the cause for the termination shall be at the sole discretion of the referee on the field and the decision may not be protested. A forfeit shall be awarded to the opposing team as three (3) points for a win. The score for all forfeited games will be recorded as a 2-0 result. INCLEMENT WEATHER CONTINGENCY PLAN In the event of inclement weather, the Tournament Director reserves the right to modify all tournament rules to fairly and safely complete the tournament. The health and safety of players is our first priority. The Tournament has an obligation to protect the fields and facilities that are being used for tournament play. All decisions will be based on field conditions with input from the Parks and Recreation departments of the City of Phoenix. Field locations may be changed. It is the responsibility of the coaches to be available for any contingencies. Field Marshall’s at all locations will be informed of any changes and will provide instructions to all teams. Coaches are asked to be patient and remain flexible if this unfortunate situation arises. As a result of inclement weather, and at the direction of the Tournament Director, one of the schedules will be implemented. 1. 2. 3. 4.
All games are to continue as scheduled. Eliminate pre-game warm-up on the field, game times to continue as scheduled Eliminate pre-game warm-up on the field and shorten all games. The Tournament Committee will determine the game length. Shots from the Penalty Mark will replace games (as long as we are permitted on the fields).
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Desert Cup Teams
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Capture each game on High Definition Video for your team.
PACKAGE: Team Package $175
includes the filming service of the entire game plus 17 DVD copies delivered by mail or a High Definition file transfer the week after the Tournament.
Pre-Schedule your game before March 24th and the team package will cost $150/game for 1st game, $135 for 2nd game and $120 for 3rd game. Don’t miss the opportunity to have your games filmed at The 2015 Phoenix Desert Cup. High Soccer Video is a company dedicated to film soccer games in different parts of the country. We use HD cameras mounted on 30-foot tall tripods to film the games from the best angle and view of the field (as seen on TV). Our commitment to high quality, reliability and excellence in customer service has been the basis of our success.
Field Vendors on site
Kettle Corn plus Gourmet Coffee and Tea
Subway provides Our Staff Referee and College Coach Meals. A great healthy lunch that our athletes love!
ARIZONA GRAND RESORT Contact Information 8000 S. Arizona Grand Parkway Phoenix, AZ 85044 Phone: (602) 438-9000 COMFORT INN PHOENIX NORTH Contact Information 2641 West Union Hills Drive Phoenix, AZ 85027 Phone: 602-978-2222 COUNTRY INN & SUITES BY CARLSON SCOTTSDALE Contact Information 10801 North 89th Place Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-314-1200 /
FAIRFIELD INN BY MARRIOTT NORTH SCOTTSDALE Contact Information 13440 N. Scottsdale Rd. Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-483-0042
HOMEWOOD SUITES BY HILTON PHOENIX NORTH/HAPPY VALLEY Contact Information 2470 W Charlotte Drive Phoenix, AZ 85027 Phone: 623-580-1800
HAMPTON INN & SUITES PHOENIX/ NORTH HAPPY VALLEY Contact Information 2550 W Charlotte Drive Phoenix, AZ 85027 Phone: 623-516-9300
HOTEL 502 ON CAMELBACK Contact Information 502 West Camelback Rd Phoenix, AZ 85013 Phone: 602-264-9290
HILTON GARDEN INN PHOENIX NORTH HAPPY VALLEY Contact Information 1940 W Pinnacle Peak Road Phoenix, AZ 85027 Phone: 623-434-5556
HYATT PLACE PHOENIX-NORTH Contact Information 10838 N. 25th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85029 Phone: 602-997-8800
HILTON PHOENIX SUITES Contact Information 10 E. Thomas Rd. Phoenix, AZ 85012 Phone: 602-222-1111
RADISSON HOTEL PHOENIX AIRPORT (NORTH) Contact Information 427 North 44th Street Phoenix, AZ 85008 Phone: 602-220-4400 1-800-333-3333
HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS & SUITES PHOENIX NORTH/SCOTTSDALE Contact Information 4575 East Irma Lane Phoenix, AZ 85050 Phone: 480-473-3400
RADISSON NORTH PHOENIX (FORMERLY METRO PLAZA HOTEL) Contact Information 10220 N Metro Parkway East Phoenix, AZ 85051 Phone: 602-997-5900 / 602-331-9873
CROWNE PLAZA PHOENIX AIRPORT Contact Information 4300 East Washington Phoenix, AZ 85034 Phone: 602-273-7778 855-586-8475
HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS SCOTTSDALE NORTH Contact Information 7350 E Gold Dust Ave Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Phone: 480-596-6559
RESIDENCE INN BY MARRIOTT PHX DESERT VIEW @ MAYO Contact Information 5665 E Mayo Blvd. Phoenix, AZ 85054 Phone: 480-563-1500
DAYS HOTEL SCOTTSDALE Contact Information 5101 North Scottsdale Road Scottsdale, AZ 85250 Phone: (480)945-1037
HOLIDAY INN NORTH PHOENIX Contact Information 12027 North 28th Drive Phoenix, AZ 85345 Phone: 602-548-6000
EMBASSY SUITES PHOENIX/SCOTTSDALE AT STONECREEK GOLF CLUB Contact Information 4415 E Paradise Village Parkway S. Phoenix, AZ 85032 Phone: 602-765-5800 1-800-EMBASSY
HOLIDAY INN PHOENIX DOWNTOWN NORTH 2 Contact Information 212 W. Osborn Road Phoenix, AZ 85013 Phone: 602-595-4444
SHERATON CRESCENT HOTEL Contact Information 2620 West Dunlap Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85021 Phone: 602-943-8200 Fax: 602-371-2856
COURTYARD BY MARRIOTT PHOENIX NORTH HAPPY VALLEY Contact Information 2029 W Whispering Wind Drive Phoenix, AZ 85085 Phone: 623-308-3973 / 623-580-8844 CROWNE PLAZA PHOENIX Contact Information 2532 W. Peoria Ave Phoenix, AZ 85029 Phone: 602-943-2341 / 602-331-9331 888-797-9878
FAIRFIELD INN & SUITES PHOENIX MIDTOWN Contact Information 2520 North Central Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85004 Phone: 602-716-9900
HOMEWOOD SUITES BY HILTON PHOENIX METRO CENTER Contact Information 2536 W. Beryl Ave Phoenix, AZ 85021 Phone: 602-674-8900
national ID series site:
SLEEP INN PHOENIX NORTH Contact Information 18235 North 27th Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85053 Phone: 602-504-1200 / THUNDERBIRD EXECUTIVE INN AND CONFERENCE CENTER Contact Information 15249 N 59th Ave Glendale, AZ 85306 Phone: 602-978-7987 / 602-978-7432
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