Dotpaper's Whitepaper

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8 pointers to prepare you for online publications Advantages and challenges of solutions for online publications

The Internet ­ here today and gone tomorrow! One of the most famous things ever said about the Internet. However, today we can ascertain that the prediction did not hold entirely true. And we must also accept that the Internet is here to stay. It has opened up a lot of possibilities for us. One of which is online publication and that’s what this Whitepaper is about. This report will teach you about the following: #1 Online editions of your printed matter will strength reader loyalty. #2 Online publications supplement the printed editions. #3 Online publications increase your number of readers. #4 Online publications increases your turnover #5 ”Less is more” – your publication must carry focus. #6 2‐way communication instead of 1‐way communication. #7 Fast ROI #8 Don’t choose a supplier, choose a partner instead Online publications provide your readers with dynamic and interactive content compared to a static and boring PDF. It is also easy to distribute through other digital media such as via mail and home page. Online publication actually covers many things. Some us the term online catalogues, digital magazines, e‐ brochures or scrolling PDF files – same product, different name. Online publication is for everybody regardless of whether it is a catalogue, magazine, brochure, newspaper or annual report to be available on the Internet. Since online publication had its break through about four years ago, many have passed judgement upon it. Such as: ”Our customers prefer to read the printed edition” ”Our customers can make do with PDF” ”Here today, gone tomorrow!”

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The last one is one we’ve heard before. However, we, Dotpapers alone, have approx 500,000 flipped pages in 24 hours, and that gives an indication that the customers like it and have taken it on. There may be many that would like to read it in print but what about the rest? Below we have listed 8 quick approaches you are free to use for preparing yourself with regard to placing your publications online.

Dotpapers | Tlf.: +45 38 34 88 77 | |

#1 Online editions of your printed matter will secure the loyalty of your readers. One of the most important things to do on the Internet is to secure the loyalty of your visitors. A really good web site has a rejection percentage of approx. 40 – 45 %, that means that 40 – 45 % only look at the first page and then close it down. Through Dotpaper statistics we have measured how many that look at more than 4 pages of an individual publication. Statistics show that the rejection percentage was below 20 %, this means that more than 80 % of all readers of a Dotpaper scroll through at least 4 pages. The figure would most probably be much higher if the possibilities of finding exactly what you were looking for, by means of table of contents, thumbnails, index and the search module etc., weren’t so great. Stastistic also tell us that: • Readers are able to navigate through online publications • They find what they are looking for • They are interested before they open a publication • They are not bothered by downloads, loading times and the fact that a specific programme is required The loyalty can also be measured by the publication peaks that happen every time an online publications is re‐published. People look forward to that you as a customer publish your online publication. Especially companies whose publishing frequency is high and/or who publish at regular intervals. Here the number of readers is clearly increasing, reflecting that the readers return.

Dotpapers | Tlf.: +45 38 34 88 77 | |

#2 Online publications supplement the printed edtions. When talking about printed publications and online publications we are not talking either or but about a team/couple that supplement each other really well. The printed edition will never go out of fashion. There’s talk of the paperless society but never before has so much been printed as in our day and age. The feel of the printed matter can never be substituted by the online versions and definitely in the case of heavy reading. On the other hand, the online edition is capable of things that the printed version can’t do. For the publisher the world is just one click away. The publication can in no time be distributed through e‐mail to the customer database. The transition from print to online is not a matter of either‐or. It has more to do with combining the best of both the physical and the digital world. The strength of online media is the potential cost‐free and unlimited distribution. Furthermore, the online media have the clear advantages of being able to support and give fast access to relevant information through links. In that way online, the online version can support the printed matter and the printed matter can suddenly become available 24/7 through its partner – the online version. For the publisher there is no hassle about having to change routines. When you today send something to print you do so in the form of a PDF file. You can upload the same PDF file to DotpaperCreator and 5 minutes later, you can have it in an online version. In many case, the printers can help you with converting to Dotpapers which minimises the additional work process from 5 minutes to 0 minutes.

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#3 Online publication expands your number of readers The online edition becomes an indispensible partner when talk turns to distribution. Physical distribution of printed matter is expensive and at times at times tardy! Therefore, printed matter is typically sent out on demand to at specific area or so the readers can collect it themselves. This is one of the major advantages of online publication when it reaches out and expands its number of readers. Cost free and without any sort of extra effort. Through website, e‐mail and search engines the online edition is soon distributed to customers, potential customers and new customers. And all this is for free. Putting online publications online and sending them out via e‐mail is up to the customer but with the Dotpapers team as sparring partner. Furthermore, the search engines do a lot of the work for you also for free. Dotpapers is built up in such a way that all text in the publication is searchable by Google. That means that when a potential reader searches the Internet for content which exists in your publication, the online publication will then pop up as a link in the search.

Dotpapers | Tlf.: +45 38 34 88 77 | |

#4 Online publication increases your turnover Putting your catalogue online is one thing but using it as a sales tool is another. When you bind your online publication together with your web shop, that’s when your online publication becomes an additional sales tool. A link module is connected in DotpaperCreator which enables elements in the online publication to link directly down into the web shop. It’s like when you’re sitting at home looking at the special offer brochure and you suddenly get the possibility to purchase. It causes customers to buy on impulse and it makes it easy for them to purchase. An example is one of Dotpaper’s customer who sells trips to England. This customer experienced click rates which indicated a seven percent rise in the number of visitors to the web shop who read or purchased via links from their Dotpapers – additional turnover for the company! DotpaperCreator’s statistics module shows you exactly how many that have clicked on each product in your online publication. It is also possible to enter video ads in your Dotpapers. Instead of the typical static ads it is now possible to have ‘living’ ads. Something that catches the reader’s eye and which gives incredible high click rates. It is again possible to link the living advertisement together with the web shop which finally increases your turnover. Another example is a company that sells B2B products to the craftsmanship sector. They use their Dotpapers to both for creating additional sales but also to measure which of their products is selling the best. In that way they can measure which products to emphasis in their stores and in the web shop. The final example is a free poker magazine which lives off its ads. Since they launched their first online version, their reader count has increased by 25 %. This means that they today have 25 % more readers than previously which again means that they can increase their advertiser prices. The advertisers of course receive complete statistics over the number of readers the magazine has had and the number of readers that have zoomed and clicked their advertisement.

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#5 ”Less is more” – your publication must be in focus Remember that it is the publication that has to be out front and not the platform on which it is being shown. The Dotpapers solution has removed as many elements as possible and saved them on a menu bar which simple slides away when you click on the selected function. In that way there is no reason to ”style” the individual platform because ”less is more” puts focus on your publication. It is of course possible to enter a logo and background colour to match your identity.

Dotpapers | Tlf.: +45 38 34 88 77 | |

#6 2­way communication instead of 1­way communication A teacher in marketing once took the consequence of the fact that printed matter is 1‐way communication and took a trip to the disposal site. Here he wanted to solve the eternal problem of measuring the effect of house‐to‐house advertisements. He therefore took samples by collecting 1,000 of the same advertisement and then investigated each individual for finger prints. He could then sell his knowledge to the companies that sent out the advertisements. The case is a typical example of printed matter solely being 1‐way communication. You don’t get to know anything about your readers and whether they grasp your message. Statistics concerning circulation figures and spin off effect are and continue to be mere guesses. When you choose to supplement with online editions you get the possibility to follow the behaviour of your readers. You can either choose to follow it real time or to make your own reports. In that way you can measure which of your elements that are the most popular and work on making the publication better and better for each edition.

Dotpapers | Tlf.: +45 38 34 88 77 | |

#7 Fast ROI Printing and physically distributing is expensive and slow! Let’s have a look at 3 good cases that describe why online publication can provide a quick return on your investment. Case 1 ‐ Publishers One of Denmark’s largest educational publishers use Dotpapers when sending books to schools and bookshops for review. They used to send out 3,000 printed books for review. It was a costly affair ‐ printing and postage amounted to considerable sums. In addition there was the administration of sending out the books and then the books had to be returned in return packaging following which they were destroyed. Today, they’re distributed quickly, easily and free of charge via mail. Think of all the savings this involves. Case 2 – Travel agency A travel agency uses Dotpapers as an alternative to printing. When customers phone in and order a catalogue they are told ”you can either receive a printed copy tomorrow or you can receive in 30 seconds via e‐mail”. They achieve a return on their investment after only a few mail submissions. The customer has the catalogue here and now when they are eager to buy. The travel agency also saves large amounts on reprint. Sometimes it cannot pay to reprint small quantities and this is expensive. Case 3 – Security company A security company with a 900 page catalogue and with customers and suppliers in the whole of Scandinavia. They started to use Dotpapers as printing and distribution costs for a catalogue of that size is very costly. If a mere 7 customers choose to visit the home page and read the catalogue instead of ordering it provides a return on their investment.

Dotpapers | Tlf.: +45 38 34 88 77 | |

#8 Don’t choose a supplier, choose a partner instead When take steps to make online publication a part of your company strategy, you must do so the whole way. EVERYTHING relevant for the reader must be put out there. It is therefore also important that you choose a supplier who also can act as your partner and not just one that provides you with a product. Online publication must be thought into all facets of your company’s business, marketing, sales, etc. Regardless of whether you want to be in charge of the production yourself or want others to take care of it, we are here and willing to help you. That is why we at Dotpapers ApS sell our solutions through agents. Typically your advertising agency, web bureau, printers or some other IT partner. They are familiar with your company, your way of working and are trained in implementing Dotpapers, so it becomes a success for all parties. If you are interested in further details as to how you can make online publication a part of your strategy, then please don’t hesitate to phone us at #45 38 34 88 77 or contact us at or visit our website We will also gladly prepare a free of charge demo for you so you can get an idea of what your printed matter will look like online.

Dotpapers | Tlf.: +45 38 34 88 77 | |

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