The rattlesnakes diaries #4

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therattlesnakesdiaries 30 July 2021 | Issue 4

Boardinggroups,abrilliantideathat broughtefficientstandupstoalargeteam

About The Rattlesnakes Diaries is a biweekly publication, with diverse and creative content created in rotation by all team members. After being published on Friday, on Issuu, the team gathers and shares posts, gifs, article, and visual storiesonallsocialmedia,includingthe mobileapp.


Let's walk the path of our users who regularly share bits of their Issuu published content on social media, to meet their struggles and frustrations in order to deliver them a better user experienceandtoolstoworkwith.



Rattlesnakes team


Kelsey Montzka

Jesse Van Mouwerik

Volodymyr Halkin

Cristina’s release announcement


Image resources UNSPLASH

Issuu magazine template

Sportandoutdoors 8 Laceup yourshoesandpreparefor theDHLrunningevent InsideIssuu 9 [Berlin]AtriptoTeufelsbergandpizza Announcementsboard 11 Findoutaboutthelatesteventsinside Issuu,bothsocialandproductrelated Tableofcontent Ascoutsstory 3 Abrilliantideaforefficientstandups Yummyfeed 5 Mario’s delicious insta feed is a true exampleweeatwithoureyesfirst Creativecanvas 6 BringingcolorandclasstotheZoom scene,inspiredbyJesse Podcasthighlight 7 TheaftereightpodcastbringsLatin AmericanandEuropeanculture togetherthroughtresamigos,andone ofthehostsisDaniel THE RATTLESNAKES DIARIES 2

Boarding groups

Camping stories from the Scouts Team


Scouts team

“One thing I believe to the fullest is that if you think and achieve as a team, the individual accolades will take care of themselves. Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.”

After setting up the tents into the mountains, we split up into three main groups for engineering and a general one for support. WeappreciateVogaforcomingupwiththisawesomeideawhich makes you not want to miss standup. Clear and concise updates whichpresenttheprogressonthebigpicturearegiven. Canyou believe that we are done with our daily standups in under 15 minutes? And we account to more than 10 people on a daily basis. We mastered efficiency! No wonder the main takeaway fromourretrospectivewaspraiseforoursupportive,responsive, andwell-communicatedteamwork.




As the username implies, this is a very sunny profile by the Lyon family. The feed is a burst of colors, delicacy, and all kinds of herbs and flowers. And however picky of an eater you may be, I can assure you they have a recipe for you to enjoy. Most of the recipes are plant-based, medditerian, inspired by the Turkish, Lebanese, and Asian cuisine. Occasional posts from great places to eat out in the Berlin area and their travels across the globe. Lots of hearty desserts, fresh fruits and herbs, pickled veggies. Follow them to get you inspired for your next meal.


An artistic touch on Zoom meetings

For Jesse, the artistic backgrounds give him a sense of being somewhere more unique and purposeful than in his own kitchen. And for the rest of us, it brings a suave touch to the dull Zoom layout and a sense of wonder, in what imagination would the art piece take us next.

Next time you join a meeting, set your favorite art as a background to show up with style!


Our colleague Daniel, along with his friends, Thiago and Chris created a podcast to share their journeys as expats, currently based in Berlin, DresdenandStockholm.

Daniel comes from Bolivia, Chris from Peru, and Thiago is from Brazil. They share how they coped during the pandemic, how to build the perfect sandwich and all steps for getting a visa.

It was a joy to listen to their stories while commuting on my bike. Find the episodes on your favorite podcast platformandbepartoftheirjourney.

Sincetheymentionedalfajores,I’mona quest to satisfy my cravings and preparethesedulcedelechecookies!.

Hello! Olá! Hola!

Listen on Spotify

Every three weeks, three friends talk about their experiences living abroad, tech, culture, and life itself.

On running

“Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. Say you’re running and you think, ‘Man, this hurts, I can’t take it anymore. The ‘hurt’ part is an unavoidable reality, but whether or not you can stand anymore is up to the runner himself.”

Issuu will be part of the DHL run event on September 3rd in Copenhagen, both with runners and supporters. After the race we’ll gather with our families to enjoy a delicious BBQ with plenty of cold refreshments. Meanwhile join the running club and our weekly 5K run on Wednesdays at 2PM CET. ReachouttoNicolaiformoredetails.

If you are not into running yet, then let us persuade you with a great book recommendation from Voga, who recently read Murakami’s What I talk when I talk about running.


“It’saverygoodbook,veryMurakamistyle. Shortsentences, a laconic even, with just necessary details momentary building the whole picture and the feelings. Covering his experiencesasalong-distancerunnerfor32yearsandhow themaffectedhislife;hisparticipationinvariousmarathons andtheobservationsoverone’smentalandphysicalstate. AsapersonrunningIfoundalotofsharedexperiencesthere, like the state of being an external observer to your body whichisrunningseparatelyfromyourconscious.”



Snakes,Bears,FennecFoxes,Quokkas, andUnicorns!Thezooonthemove overBerlin.

With the limited time offer of itinerate Snake Tom and the new arrival of Gunvor to the Berlin office, we were well overdue for some kind of group activity. And what better way to spend time together than with an only moderately gruelling sojourn to Teufelsberg-- the now defunct (or maybe not?) US intelligence post on topofamanmadehillinBerlin.“Where are you taking us??” was the plaintiff cryofonememberoftheparty.

Author KelseyMontzka

There were both literal and figurative highs and lows of the trip as we found, lost, and found the way again. However in the end, we reached our goal and were pleasantly surprised to find that the middle observation deck was open, providing a stunning view over Berlin and its surrounding forest. Several photo shoots and impromptu karaoke sessions (perhaps the ominous globes of Teufelsberg tower were actually just karaoke lounges the whole time?). Even the most initially reticent members were won over, and it wasdecidedthatwewere,indeed,inoneofthe“coolestplacesinBerlin.”

At the end of the 2 hour stroll/force march (depending on who you ask), we restored our strengthwiththebestopenfacedsandwichonearth--Pizza.

Events and release board
We released a
THE RATTLESNAKES DIARIES 11 BomdiaBraga! Wearehappytoannouncethe openingofourbrandnewofficein Braga,Portugal. PaloAltore-opening OurPaloAltoofficefollowingthe safetyguidelinesisreadyand welcomesyouback.
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